The Walking Dead Season 2 - Login Error

edited December 2013 in Game Support

Login Error Can't communicate with Telltale Servers

I've even tried allowing the software too be able to go out of the firewall. Even tried restart the computer. I am upset how I am unable to login and play this game on time. I feel sorry for myself and others to per-ordered on the website.

Just have to wait for a bit longer I suppose. While like 70% of players on steam have already got their access too their game.

I am very upset :( very heart breaking.

Alt text



  • Did you buy it on steam because most people who had this issue bought it through telltales website ?

  • Yeah I pre-ordered it on the website instead as it was cheaper deal. But just makes me upset seeing my friends getting to play the game first on steam while I patiently wait here.

  • I purchased it from Telltale and cannot connect. It seems Steam users can.

    This is terrible.

    WARP10CK posted: »

    Did you buy it on steam because most people who had this issue bought it through telltales website ?

  • Same here guys not good should have bought it from steam from the start ......

    welshdrag posted: »

    Yeah I pre-ordered it on the website instead as it was cheaper deal. But just makes me upset seeing my friends getting to play the game first on steam while I patiently wait here.

  • Yeah I completely regret it now. I'd rather the steam achievements now compared too the exclusive Collector’s Edition DVD....

    WARP10CK posted: »

    Same here guys not good should have bought it from steam from the start ......

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    We are currently looking into the server connection issue that customers are experiencing. I apologize for any inconvenienced this has caused you.

  • <3

    We are currently looking into the server connection issue that customers are experiencing. I apologize for any inconvenienced this has caused you.

  • same problem.

  • Wow just sucks that this always happens AFTER the launch -.-
    You could think about the number of users-.-

  • same for me...

  • edited December 2013

    I purchased it from Telltale and cannot connect too. :(((
    I thought i will gate a Steam key buying the game from Telltale but NOT !

    The next time, i will buy my game on for the same price and i will get a steam key and a working game !

    That's simply unacceptable Telltale ! :-(

  • Next Time let the people preload the game please. And the connection issue on Telltale Servers while Steamusers play already, thats a real bummer, I thought I buy it directly here and now this. It is half past ten pm here, your european customers get hit twice as hard if it won't be resolved in the next few minutes.

  • I'm really P.O.'ed about this. Why bother with the authentication servers? The only people it is stopping from playing is me: a paying customer.

  • edited December 2013

    I login in and it says i don't own the game, while i have preordered . DRM sucks

  • Same here....

  • I thought I was the only one until I found this forum. How long Telltale will this take? Many of us are patiently waiting but this is unacceptable.

  • I just feel really cheated. I mean I pre-ordered from TTG because I thought this would be the most reliable source to get the game on time. And now I didn't get an email this game was out today (although when I ordered they told me it would come) and I can't even play the game.
    Why do they have to make the start of such a beautiful game so miserable?

  • Hey TeltaleMike, why am I getting this?

    Alt text

    We are currently looking into the server connection issue that customers are experiencing. I apologize for any inconvenienced this has caused you.

  • I'd really like to have my money back so I can buy it on Steam. Fail.

  • that's why DRM fails. The pirate gets it and we who preordered get nothing. Epic Fail!

  • same for me !

    Avrunath posted: »

    I'd really like to have my money back so I can buy it on Steam. Fail.

  • This is kind of ridiculous. Also getting this error and it's pretty annoying! Been so excited to play this game for months now and I figured it'd give TTG more cash if I bought from them directly.

    Really wishing I had bought it from steam now, this really blows. Any eta for when this will get fixed?

  • I have the same problem.

  • To be honest I thought I was purchasing a Steam edition, and I'd rather have that than have to deal with a whole other DRM interface that doesn't work.

    Avrunath posted: »

    I'd really like to have my money back so I can buy it on Steam. Fail.

  • I got a code from Green Man Gaming, and it's enabled here on Telltale. I can't log in because it says I don't have the game. This is unacceptable.

  • I was getting the Login error, but NOW I am getting the error that I don't own the game? WTH?

  • serveur are now "answering" but now we have a database issue (it's seem's in good way)

    Judahpeter posted: »

    I was getting the Login error, but NOW I am getting the error that I don't own the game? WTH?

  • Hey Telltale, I liked season one, I'm glad I've got season two, and I'm sure you guys will fix this as fast as you can.

    Just to give you some information to help you:
    I'm getting the same issue where I purchased the game via GreenManGaming. They gave me a redeemable code, I redeemed the code after creating an account with Telltale. After verifying my account the issue communicating with the server went away and instead got the issue of being told I haven't bought the game yet.

    The game is listed in my account, but since I purchased it via GreenManGaming, there is no purchase or receipt on my Telltale account.

    Thanks Telltale, I look forward to playing season two soon. :)

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”

    Please then try launching The Walking Dead again.

    welshdrag posted: »

    Hey TeltaleMike, why am I getting this?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited December 2013

    Judahpeter: This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type €€€€and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher€€/p>

    Please then try launching The Walking Dead again.

    Judahpeter posted: »

    I was getting the Login error, but NOW I am getting the error that I don't own the game? WTH?

  • I have tried deleting my registry info, but I am having the same issue as everyone else.

    I bought my key from Gamefly, and even though I've redeemed and it shows up in my account, it thinks I do not own the game.

    Judahpeter: This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

  • This also did not work for me.

    I did receive an error in the cmd prompt saying that this registry key could not be found but I went ahead and deleted the key and subkeys in Registry Editor, no change, still says I didn't buy the game.

    Judahpeter: This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

  • My launcher also says I don't own the game every time I try to launch the game, and deleting the registry key doesn't fix it.

    Judahpeter: This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

  • edited December 2013

    REG DELETE "HKEY_.../p> seems wear command, don't you copy this from a webpage sourcecode (badly coded intranet) !?

    maybe replace /p> by " no ? This will remove the Launcher key if it's the goal

    I of course already tried this and it's not working, but if it can prevent other user to try something useless...

    Judahpeter: This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

  • Same problem and fix doesn't work. I purchased my game on GMG and never buying from them again thanks to you guys.

    welshdrag posted: »

    Hey TeltaleMike, why am I getting this?

  • This doesn't work, I also have the same issue, it tells me I do not own the game, even though I downloaded it from the "My Games" section of this very website...

    This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window) Windows XP:

  • Technically not true, if there was no authentication then the game would be sent all around the world and many hundreds of thousands of people would play it without paying - you know this to be true, but you're annoyed. I also am annoyed as I'm experiencing the same issue as you, but it's pretty obvious why companies use DRM - broken as it may be - in today's world.

    vandigeth posted: »

    I'm really P.O.'ed about this. Why bother with the authentication servers? The only people it is stopping from playing is me: a paying customer.

  • This is the same thing that happened with Season one on every single release day, so don't bother writing TT - they know exactly and accept it.
    I was sure to get the Steam release this time but then Greenman had a significantly better offer...
    Now that the first reviews are in I'm not so sure it's worth waiting anyway, doesn't seem like the first episode can keep the quality of season one.
    And TT, where is The Wolf among us E2? It is delayed for 3months? I can wait for the episode till tomorrow but with TWAU I feel really cheated, you guys promised a release every 4-6weeks while I can still remember the last episode. On the other hand I'm sure that is calculated as well - too many projects in the pipe, are there? My next purchase will be reloaded. Thanks.

  • GMG is great; an authentication issue with Telltale's servers shouldn't influence you on them. They got the key to you well before launch time, didn't they? I got my key about 20 hours ago, well before it was "released" to be downloaded, so I was ready to go as soon as it went up. They usually use steam keys and those always work if steam is working. I've bought a ton of games from them, and this is the first time there has been any issue like this for me. The Telltale authentication servers are obviously just overloaded or have a small error that needs patched, but GMG did their job.

    I was actually glad it was a key for Telltale directly though, but I didn't think it would have this sort of drm.

    Same problem and fix doesn't work. I purchased my game on GMG and never buying from them again thanks to you guys.

  • What The_Typer said is the exact same as my details.

    The_Typer posted: »

    Hey Telltale, I liked season one, I'm glad I've got season two, and I'm sure you guys will fix this as fast as you can. Just to give you so

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