Clementine - Greatest Of All Video Game Characters?
Such a great read.
Cant wait to see what Telltale will do to make Clementine stand out this season 2.
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Got bored about three sentences in by the dry-as-fuck, pedantic and uninspired writing that you'd expect from IGN but I dunno, I guess she's pretty good.
Hate to be that guy but:
Looking forward to your editorial.
Harsh much? Sure it might've been a bit flat, but at least this shows that others appreciate her for what she is. Or was. Damn cruddy circumstances ... It'd be nice if she didn't have to see as much as she has.
We shall shield her eyes, we shall guard her and hide her from this world. We shall create another Sarah!
Too late.
The plans are set.
Pro-tip: If you begin an article with a dictionary definition you've pretty much screwed the pooch right out of the gate.
There. There's my editorial.
When does she does that?
Pick "..."
During Kenny's argument with Luke and Nick.
Silence option at the dinner table.
They used a definition to support their claim? Bastards!
Personal attacks, nice touch.
A thesis statement can contain a dictionary definition and be completely fine and has little consequence on the following article aside from presenting basis information for what the rest is about.
Ok, maybe not THAT sheltered. I do care for her safety, but, like anything else, there is a balance that has to be maintained. And who on God's green Earth wants another Sarah?
lol, "thesis".
This isn't a scientific paper measuring Character Points for an audience of tone-deaf autists with their innate failure to recognize anything not reproducible by a calculator, despite it being written by IGN.
It's bad, lazy, uninspired writing when the first thing you draw from is Seriously, he even went on to include synonyms.
I'm trying to read beyond the first paragraph but it's truly awful. Clementine symbolizes innocence! She is a beacon of hope! She "invokes" emotions inside the player. Jesus Christ, I take it back, he should've spent more time at Maybe then he would've known to use "evoke" instead.
I can't. I can't do it. This is terrible.
For me Clem is up there with Solid Snake as one of the most badass video game characters of all time.
It's reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly bad GOUSTTTT. I mean I actually have to take a second or two after every other sentence to just collect myself at how bad this is.
I tried to go past the "invoke" line but then next sentence was literally "Redemption, innocence and hope."
Was this made by some sort of generator?
I care about Clementine more than I've ever cared about any other videogame character. I'm propably not the only one who hates IGN but - they are good damn right! IMHO She's the best videogame character ever. Ever. And i don't even want to hear that she might not be in season 3.
Thesis statement is a completely applicable term.
Everything said is completely true. While not necessarily original to a great extent it's hard to argue the contrary of his statements. I'm not hear to say it was great writing, or that it was inspirational, or ground breaking, or even much better than 'good', but I can say it was fine and more so that judging before the conclusion of the thesis is.... juvenile.
Walk into a movie. Opening credits end. This is boring let's go.
Perhaps she does invoke emotions in some. . I guess.... no that one is hard to defend, but mistakes are made and lessons are learned
@Lemoncakes have you considered writing directly to Jack Fuller to share your feedback?
Oh look, false equivalences, bad analogies and weaselly, middling statements. Viva-La-Lee must be posting.
Haha more personal attacks. Nice job
Says the troll with a dead dog as their avatar.
I doubt he cares. He probably wrote this half awake and on autopilot on orders from management to put out something "those retro-gamers who like having 'feels' or whatever the fuck they are" would eat up for a little bit of traffic.
I bet that's actually close to what it says in an internal memo, too.
To IGN about Clem as the most popular character in video gaming.
Excuse me, the dog in my avatar is alive and in unspeakable pain, frozen in its state of torment for all eternity, sightless eyes rolled into the back of head as it whimpers endlessly in a Hell it can never, ever escape.
You have some good points there but you can't automatically assume that he doesn't care or would just dismiss your reply (depending on how constructive the approach is). Even Steve Jobs read and answered feedback emails regularly in his prime. The point is that this was not the greatest article and we know it bothered you quite a bit so directly contacting the source may give Jack tips to improve for future articles. You have an eloquent and intellectually constructive style of writing which i'm sure he would appreciate if you desired to share your expertise.
Well, they certainly aren't wrong.
Did someone say something? No well I guess I'll go back to doing my research again.
I appreciate it but trust me, he doesn't care at all. He wrote this so he could pick up a check at the end of the week, which is fine, but that's why the article reads like a first draft.
You may have big words and a sarcastic demeanor to hide behind, but that doesn't change the fact that you are one sick bastard. Go stir the flames elsewhere, and quit being a prick to everyone.
Re: First draft. I agree. It seems rushed and he shouldn't have compromised quality for the sake of getting paid and getting it over with if that is really the case.
Lee should be proud of Clem about this.
You have as much a conception of sarcasm as you do "big words".
It's probably something you lump in together with "mean" or "things I call people when I get angry", because nothing I've said in this thread has a drop of sarcasm in it. Sorry you got mad, but the next time you do you should try to calm down before you post.
Strange I seem to be one of the few, since I find most other characters better than Clem, both in Season 1 and Season 2. Although I do find Season 2 Clem quite badass especially for an eleven year old girl.
For f*ck's sake would you people stop using the word "badass" when referring to Clementine.
Examples of characters that are badass : Duke Nukem, Gordon Freeman, John Marston, Max Payne, Ben from Full Throttle, the Dovahkiin, all of Street Fighter characters, etc...
Examples of characters that are not badass : 10 year old girls that any of aforementioned characters could knock out with a simple slap from the back of the hand.
There are definately more badass characters, but the thing is she is quite badass for an eleven year old child (either boy or girl).