The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • edited April 2015

    OMG I love that gif! XD

    I'm gonna make Jack next! I'm going to draw him with his BL2 color palette on one side and his TFTBL colors on the other.

    If people like them, I'll do Vaughn and Sasha in the future, too! :3

    Especially if you make a Jack one! :wiggles eyebrows:

  • Very clever. And even though you put 20% effort into the comic it still looks pretty cool! :D

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    A quick comic I drew up that I put like only 20% effort into but if you've seen Toy Story you get the idea

  • Rhys is just perfect in your drawing. How are you so talented?!

    rastamama posted: »

    I tried to draw Fiona and Rhys together! :-) ♥

  • Holy nutballs, that is BEAUTIFUL.

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    Welcome to the forums!

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    Hey I'm new here but a long time Borderlands fan.

  • I'ma stalk you on Tumblr now. Love, love, LOVE your artwork!

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    Hey I'm new here but a long time Borderlands fan.

  • Seriously! How are you so good! Rhys is just amazing in your drawings! :D

    rastamama posted: »

    Hi guys! Here comes another one pic of Rhys! ♥

  • yoooo thank you!

    I love your lil keychains! especially Rhys :D

    nursethalia posted: »

    I'ma stalk you on Tumblr now. Love, love, LOVE your artwork!

  • These are really great. I would love to see a Jack one!

    nursethalia posted: »

    OMG I love that gif! XD I'm gonna make Jack next! I'm going to draw him with his BL2 color palette on one side and his TFTBL colors on the other. If people like them, I'll do Vaughn and Sasha in the future, too!

  • I'm going to draw him with his BL2 color palette on one side and his TFTBL colors on the other.

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    nursethalia posted: »

    OMG I love that gif! XD I'm gonna make Jack next! I'm going to draw him with his BL2 color palette on one side and his TFTBL colors on the other. If people like them, I'll do Vaughn and Sasha in the future, too!

  • Wow, what an amazing introduction - this is awesome!

    Welcome! ^_^

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    Hey I'm new here but a long time Borderlands fan.

  • thank you :D

    Wow, what an amazing introduction - this is awesome! Welcome! ^_^

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    only a hand full will know this reference, It's based on my fanart for don't starve.
    I made a shadow character named Percy for Wilson who was set in his arm.
    I could not help but think of this seeing Jack and Rhys :)

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    also pouty Jack

  • something I'm working on

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  • Looks awesome so far!

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    something I'm working on

  • thank you very much :D

    Looks awesome so far!

  • edited April 2015

    Loader Bot! <3

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    something I'm working on

  • Thanks x3

    nursethalia posted: »

    OMG I'm flailing. That is SO CUTE.

  • Someone asked Rhys if he has feelings about Jack xD

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  • I love it! So cute! :3

    Someone asked Rhys if he has feelings about Jack xD

  • Thank you ^-^

    I love it! So cute!

  • edited April 2015

    ...There is never enough of Timothy...
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    Full size

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    Don't act like you're not flattered, Jack!

    Someone asked Rhys if he has feelings about Jack xD

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    Terkoun posted: »

    ...There is never enough of Timothy... Full size

  • Absolute Agreement!


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    Someone asked Rhys if he has feelings about Jack xD

  • Actually after visiting Holodome and listening (lol that happens so rarely) to what they say there I've been thinking... If Lilith got her hands on Aurelia, maybe there's a chance they'll get him too?


  • Yes! And the Watcher said they needed all the Vault Hunters they could get...

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    DeityD posted: »

    Actually after visiting Holodome and listening (lol that happens so rarely) to what they say there I've been thinking... If Lilith got her hands on Aurelia, maybe there's a chance they'll get him too?

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    Yes! And the Watcher said they needed all the Vault Hunters they could get...

  • Yeah, and I'm totally gonna disregard the "they could get" part. Totally.

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    Yes! And the Watcher said they needed all the Vault Hunters they could get...

  • What if Rhys and the crew go to Sanctuary and meet Timothy? Just imagine what HoloJack will say.

    Yes! And the Watcher said they needed all the Vault Hunters they could get...

  • I don't want Jack anywhere near him - we all know he'll just highjack his body!

    I want Jack back in corporeal form, but NOT at the expense of Timothy's last remaining shreds of identity... :'(

    What if Rhys and the crew go to Sanctuary and meet Timothy? Just imagine what HoloJack will say.

  • Yep, totally ignoring that.


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    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah, and I'm totally gonna disregard the "they could get" part. Totally.

  • edited April 2015

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    Thought I'd bump all these guys down here since this is back about two pages and I've added Claptrap. I only have five more characters to sprite (along with alternate outfits), the stranger, the gortys robot (I like calling it Gorty), Loaderbot (unsure how large it'll be), Felix, and Yvette. So far I don't have a "full" story set, but it'll sure be an adventure for me and maybe you too. I'm still really glad about how most of these came out.

    Practicing gif making again, take a BLUH! from Fiona

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    Someone brought up Brick punching Vaughn.

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  • Did a younger Handsome Jack sketch B) Shout out to tftbl for making me want to practice again --

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    I really need to be focused on studying...

  • Eeek, Vasquez and August are the cutest little scumbags ever! ^_^

    Dapnee posted: »

    Thought I'd bump all these guys down here since this is back about two pages and I've added Claptrap. I only have five more characters to sp

  • The best thing to do with people who get offended about anything and everything, whatever the setting, is to purposefully goad them on. It's funny to watch/read and with any luck some them will burst a blood vessel in their head from righteous rage, thus making the world a little bit better.

    Disclaimer: I get a tad bit mean when i get annoyed. Just a bit.
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    I agree. There's really good people on there (like me -- oh god i'm talking like Jack) but to be honest sometimes it feels like everyone get

  • I love it! ♥

    Did a younger Handsome Jack sketch Shout out to tftbl for making me want to practice again --

  • So, this is my new favourite thing in the world...

    Actual reaction:

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    rastamama posted: »

    young Handsome Jack! ♥ wink

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