Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited September 2017

    I mean, it's basically just an offhand comment he made years ago

    It wasn't an offhand comment years ago though, he stated this in a tweet to someone in March this year after the reddit AMA where Telltale brought the subject up. Someone tweeted him to confirm and that was his response.

    EDIT: Infact, I just took a look at the reddit ama just now and a TTG member claimed that we knew that Clem's mother is African American but that we didn't know what her father looked like... except for the fact that we actually do, there's a family photo of all of them.

    edit2: nevermind, that's where they hinted that Ed wasn't her biological dad. Which is how this whole mess started sigh.

    Deltino posted: »

    Sean claimed that it was actually the other way around than what Telltale stated. He said that Ed was her biological dad and Diana was her s

  • It wasn't an offhand comment years ago though, he stated this in a tweet to someone in March this year after the reddit AMA where Telltale brought the subject up. Someone tweeted him to confirm and that was his response.

    Hold up, I think I might have completely read your post the wrong way. Let's just walk through this again-- so Sean made a comment on this in 2013, then Telltale had that AMA earlier this year, where they said the opposite of what Sean said... then Sean commented on it again to correct Telltale on what he said, right?

    I assumed your post meant that Sean contradicted what he said before. And uh...

    man, this shit's just starting to confuse me now

    Graysonn posted: »

    I mean, it's basically just an offhand comment he made years ago It wasn't an offhand comment years ago though, he stated this in a

  • You got it right. I wish I had saved the screenshot but yeah, Sean was just restating what he said previously.

    Deltino posted: »

    It wasn't an offhand comment years ago though, he stated this in a tweet to someone in March this year after the reddit AMA where Telltale b

  • They also added him signalling Lee to do from the window.

    Deltino posted: »

    Quite simple, actually-- if you dropped Ben, there'd be an extra scene of Kenny asking where Ben is, and you'd be able to tell him what happ

  • edited September 2017

    True. Plus, they specifically had him see Pete's room door close at the last second so he'd know exactly where to look.

    Also, the joke was that I posted it not only because I didn't know about it, but also to have it followup "Cuddle Time". :lol:

    Deltino posted: »

    The Carver one isn't really a big surprise, is it? It's implying the scene of him snooping around the cabin went on for longer (checking beh

  • Carver is bae.

    Too bad they cut this off, this whole scene with Carver in the cabin was one of the best in the game.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Should've known you'd be the one to find a something including the words "Carver and Shower."

  • Eh, it has some of the better lines from him at least.

    fallandir posted: »

    Carver is bae. Too bad they cut this off, this whole scene with Carver in the cabin was one of the best in the game.

  • "Can I come in"
    comes in anyway

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, it has some of the better lines from him at least.

  • Was this the tweet you read, by any chance? It's a question sent to Sean on March 31, the same day that Telltale's Reddit AMA took place. from:AnEvilHag&src=typd

    I couldn't find Sean's answer to his/her question, though.

    Graysonn posted: »

    You got it right. I wish I had saved the screenshot but yeah, Sean was just restating what he said previously.

  • I'm still pissed about the way Nick died.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ♪Cause, I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you♩ Credit to @skoothz

  • RIP Nick, he was one of the best characters in the whole series.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ♪Cause, I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you♩ Credit to @skoothz

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2017

    At last, I can finally disprove a certain nitpick people had with S2.

    You remember episode 3, when zombies break into that store with Kenny and Mike? A common complaint I've seen about that part is "How did they get in? There's a fence!" which is followed by "And now the fence is fine again? What gives?" when Clementine goes back outside.

    Well, as it would turn out...

    enter image description here

    There actually isn't anything wrong with this scene. The window they break in through-- the cracked one on the bottom right of the picture-- is outside of the fence. They were supposed to be fortifying the windows, and Kenny... sorta did the exact opposite.

    And if anyone's curious, the random blue tiles are objects I haven't textured yet. This is the map, straight from the game files, compiled in 3ds Max. Textures have to be applied by hand, and as you can probably imagine... it's not a quick process.

  • Great Fish Mate!

    Deltino posted: »

    At last, I can finally disprove a certain nitpick people had with S2. You remember episode 3, when zombies break into that store with Ken

  • Oh yeah, it's quite the alaskan cod, ain't it

    Great Fish Mate!

  • edited September 2017

    Uh, didn't you prove this back when @marcost3 did his review of the episode?

    Not to say that you couldn't/can't reproduce it here and there since it's your point, but still.

    Deltino posted: »

    At last, I can finally disprove a certain nitpick people had with S2. You remember episode 3, when zombies break into that store with Ken

  • edited September 2017

    Clementine is not mixed race fuckofffuckofffuckofffuckoff

    TheMyth26 posted: »

    Even after all these years, many people are still unaware that Clementine has long been confirmed to be mixed-race. This was confirmed at le

  • edited September 2017

    Why the hostility? I honestly can't tell if you're serious or trolling, but yes, Clementine is mixed race. Again, this was confirmed by Sean Vanaman himself during a presentation in 2013. I provided the link to the source above.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Clementine is not mixed race fuckofffuckofffuckofffuckoff

  • edited September 2017

    Please help with important question: It is about The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (final episode) I purchased from STEAM.

    thank you for helping me.

    In the final episode the group encounters a helicopter. They are able to swing the helicopter blade in order to get across to the other side . Is there any scenario or strategy here that allows Tripp to survive and get across to the other side?

  • No, Tripp will not make it.

    Please help with important question: It is about The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (final episode) I purchased from STEAM. thank you for

  • There's no response, and even if he was he's lying

    TheMyth26 posted: »

    Why the hostility? I honestly can't tell if you're serious or trolling, but yes, Clementine is mixed race. Again, this was confirmed by Sean Vanaman himself during a presentation in 2013. I provided the link to the source above.

  • Now I know you're just trolling.

    Melton23 posted: »

    There's no response, and even if he was he's lying

  • Thinking about it, Kenny's "fuk u i ain't doing this" attitude could've doomed all of them.

    Deltino posted: »

    At last, I can finally disprove a certain nitpick people had with S2. You remember episode 3, when zombies break into that store with Ken

  • In all honesty, I think Carlos was right on the money with what he said in the truck-- "There are consequences to rash actions. Something that he seems to be misreading as capitulation!"

    What's he's saying here is that Kenny is mistaking them giving themselves up to Carver as total surrender, when it was done in order to avoid more conflict/bloodshed. They weren't giving in out of weakness, they were giving in to avoid any more death or violence. Kenny's someone who simply doesn't see things that way. He's the "you give your enemy an inch, and they'll make a mile" type of person, someone who just doesn't see surrender or submission as a solution to your problem, no matter the situation.

    And to be fair, he's not entirely wrong-- complacency can sometimes be as dangerous as defiance. Each run the risk of getting you or someone else hurt in their own separate ways. Now I have a feeling you're going to disagree with this next point, but I'm more or less convinced that if our group stayed at Howe's, someone would have ended up dead, one way or another. But at the same time, Kenny's gung-ho attitude got himself beaten half to death, and risked the lives of everyone around him in the process. I mean hell, when you think about it, the only reason Carver stopped was because Bonnie showed up and got his attention. If she didn't show up, Kenny almost certainly would have been killed right then and there.

    fallandir posted: »

    Thinking about it, Kenny's "fuk u i ain't doing this" attitude could've doomed all of them.

  • Pretty much.

    Deltino posted: »

    In all honesty, I think Carlos was right on the money with what he said in the truck-- "There are consequences to rash actions. Something th

  • Jesus, I got a little heart attack seeing this amount of letters, I haven't seen such long post for quite a while, and it's not even that long.

    Ever since the 2x03 came out I was torn between Kenny and Carver, I wanted the whole group to fricking stay at Howes or AT LEAST wait a couple of more days instead of dragging fully pregananat lady across the walker's party centre... Noticing how this plan worked and how everyone basically died miserably out there, only adds to the point there were in no position to even try escaping, they were exhausted, wounded, crippled, with no supplies or plan (what if the place they wanted to go was occupied by other people or already invested with walkers?), they just got up and run in classic Kenny's style improvised adventure.

    Carver's way of handling things wasn't really that bad, it had strong, clear hierarchy, everyone had tasks based on what they could do (Clem cuts berries, Mike & Ken carry heavy planks and fix the fence) on which depended their well-being and positions in the community; it was mainly Kenny who kept revolting others and fucking things up.

    It's obvious they were afraid of him for good reasons, but good Christ it was so badly handled (go in -> we're not free, we must escape -> victims, loss of important body parts -> wE sTiLL mUSt EscApe -> Carver explaining his point of view -> who cares, we MUST ESCAPE) it just straight on butchered Carver's character for the majority of people. Many forget he mostly wanted to raise a new generation and three prospering members of this generation just left his utopian community without him even getting a chance to do something about it.

    I'm more or less convinced that if our group stayed at Howe's, someone would have ended up dead, one way or another.

    My bet is on Kenny, like you said, if Bonnie didn't intervene he would've been as handsome as a red puddle of brain goop and blood. Also Alvin, Carver kinda killed him in both scenarios.

    Deltino posted: »

    In all honesty, I think Carlos was right on the money with what he said in the truck-- "There are consequences to rash actions. Something th

  • Many forget he mostly wanted to raise a new generation and three prospering members of this generation just left his utopian community without him even getting a chance to do something about it.

    Guilty. Which is weird considering the only time he actually seemed to have anything remotely resembling a clue and/or interesting motivation (during my first playthrough, no less) is his interactions with Sarah.

    fallandir posted: »

    Jesus, I got a little heart attack seeing this amount of letters, I haven't seen such long post for quite a while, and it's not even that lo

  • And we didn't even get to hear that conversation. i cri evritajm.

    From forums ancient 2014 assumptions I remember we speculated how Carver was trying to turn Sarah against Carlos, hence her reaction during the beatdown, when she decided to hide in Rebecca's arms instead of Carlos'. But we probably don't have enough evidence to be suspecting something big as this, especially that Carver was using Sarah as a bargaining card to motivate Carlos to be obedient. But who the fuck knows.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Many forget he mostly wanted to raise a new generation and three prospering members of this generation just left his utopian community witho

  • Huh. I suppose I can see that.

    Personally, I always thought they were setting up that he was either trying to turn her against Clementine to sow discord amongst the group, use her as a backup in case Clementine doesn't agree with him, or simply intimidate her into keeping tabs on the group.

    fallandir posted: »

    And we didn't even get to hear that conversation. i cri evritajm. From forums ancient 2014 assumptions I remember we speculated how Carve

  • Gonna reproduce these here for easy access sake.

    Credit to @InColdBlood

  • Characters look oily because Telltale didn't remove the rain texture off the characters.

  • . @Graysonn is InColdBlood

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gonna reproduce these here for easy access sake. Credit to @InColdBlood

  • I know. Nice profile pic. :wink:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    . @Graysonn is InColdBlood

  • That definitely explains that.

    Wait, when was it raining in the game?

    Characters look oily because Telltale didn't remove the rain texture off the characters.

  • Thank you. :kissing_heart:

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know. Nice profile pic.

  • And if anyone's curious, the random blue tiles are objects I haven't textured yet. This is the map, straight from the game files, compiled in 3ds Max. Textures have to be applied by hand, and as you can probably imagine... it's not a quick process.

    Pretty much why I don't bother touching the map models that much, they're a chore to work with.

    Deltino posted: »

    At last, I can finally disprove a certain nitpick people had with S2. You remember episode 3, when zombies break into that store with Ken

  • Wait, when was it raining in the game?

    During the best scene in the game

    Gabe's death

    DabigRG posted: »

    That definitely explains that. Wait, when was it raining in the game?

  • From The Gallows, when you go after Gabe/go to help Kate.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That definitely explains that. Wait, when was it raining in the game?

  • During the best scene in the game
    Gabe's death

    *Gabe's kiss

    Wait, when was it raining in the game? During the best scene in the game Gabe's death

  • Characters look oily because Telltale didn't remove the rain texture off the characters.

    Characters look oily because Telltale didn't remove the rain texture off the characters.

  • its a mixture of fear and confidence because he hasn't hit puberty yet but wants no one to know.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    WTF IS WITH BENS VOICE? "There coming this way, how are you getting out of there?" It sounds so weird.

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