Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead




    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just went and had a look on a HD vid of a playthrough for the episode to make sure, you're right! o_o just before the screen cuts to black

  • edited August 2014

    So that pretty much confirms them going with Tavia was the bad ending to the DLC.

    We got them all killed, lol.

    Guess it makes sense they got overrun, our group left the main gate wide open after they left.

    Poor Wyatt , he went there in my playthrough :[ ... I liked him

    Becca did too but I don't care about her...

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just went and had a look on a HD vid of a playthrough for the episode to make sure, you're right! o_o just before the screen cuts to black

  • Well all them in my game are dead, that sucks.

    Pride posted: »

    So that pretty much confirms them going with Tavia was the bad ending to the DLC. We got them all killed, lol. Guess it makes sense th

  • i was so mad at myself for net getting badass vince with me, but now i have never been happier :)

    Pride posted: »

    So that pretty much confirms them going with Tavia was the bad ending to the DLC. We got them all killed, lol. Guess it makes sense th

  • But none of the 400 Days characters appeared on the roof, so they could still be alive.

    Pride posted: »

    So that pretty much confirms them going with Tavia was the bad ending to the DLC. We got them all killed, lol. Guess it makes sense th

  • When does Kenny imply that he doesn't trust Bonnie or Mike?

    quinnics posted: »

    * When you go with Jane to look for the others, Jane will find the fresh walkers and will want to search them. Before you do, selecting 'we

  • If you go with Jane first he says, "We ain't seen Mike or Bonnie in a while. And I'm not saying I don't trust 'em. But I'd appreciate it if you went and checked up on them." It's more of an insinuation than anything.

    When does Kenny imply that he doesn't trust Bonnie or Mike?

  • Well, Jane did admit to punishing her sister for wanting to be her friend. Sounds like a bully to me.

    sialark posted: »

    Did you mean to say Jane's a bully too? Technically I guess she is to Arvo, but she felt bad about it afterwards: "I can't believe I've gott

  • She's about to prophesy some heavy shit.

    G-Panda posted: »

    ...This happened.

  • I hope she dies a horrible death, I just want the rest of the 400 days people to come back.

  • It was a pretty bad bite, though. I'm not sure it would have healed without stitches. My nephew was bitten on his face by a dog and they gave him stitches, otherwise a huge flap of skin would have been hanging off. I think it depends on the severity of the bite and whether tearing was involved - if it's bad enough, stitches are inevitable, but extra care during healing is definitely taken.

    Cat bites are surprisingly awful, too!

    sialark posted: »

    Dog bites are a type of "dirty wound," and if you stitch them closed, the chance of infection is higher than if you let them heal with no st

  • Knowing our luck Tavia will show up in Episode 5 being a real bitch and running what's left of the survivors from the camp, because I doubt everybody died there. People would've panicked and fled.

    bloop posted: »

    I hope she dies a horrible death, I just want the rest of the 400 days people to come back.

  • First shot I get I'm gonna give Kenny a saltlick and a crowbar when she shows up.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Knowing our luck Tavia will show up in Episode 5 being a real bitch and running what's left of the survivors from the camp, because I doubt everybody died there. People would've panicked and fled.

  • If you stay silent when Carver enters the cabin, you'll discover Worried Uncle Bill.

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  • edited August 2014

    Jane's an odd one all right. Yeah, she says exactly what you said. "What could I do? She thought I was her best friend. That couldn't go...unpunished." But then right after she says, "Every summer we'd go to this amusement park in Virginia. But the best part wasn't the rides. It was that nobody knew us there and I'd...I'd pretend we weren't sisters. Just...friends."

    So...she didn't want to be friends with her sister, and then she wanted to be just friends? Way to contradict, Jane. She could mean 1) she was ashamed of having Jaime for a sister and wanted others to think they were unrelated (in which case she's not contradicting herself), or 2) she means that she'd prefer to be actual friends rather than just the obligatory title of "sisters". From Jane's tone and expression and how it seems she felt sorry, I think she meant the latter.

    Here's the link of that convo, at 8:40.

    And I think a lot of people have that attitude towards their siblings when they're younger. My sister and I were certainly cold towards each other in high school, because supposedly it's not "cool" to hang out with family then. Then we realized how stupid we were being and how awesome the other was, and now we're the best of friends. :)

    nursethalia posted: »

    Well, Jane did admit to punishing her sister for wanting to be her friend. Sounds like a bully to me.

  • Eeesh. How'd he get bitten?

    nursethalia posted: »

    It was a pretty bad bite, though. I'm not sure it would have healed without stitches. My nephew was bitten on his face by a dog and they gav

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah if it was on the face, usually they do give stitches no matter the size for cosmetic reasons. But the risk of infection is still higher with stitches because the pathogens can get trapped in there. Just like you said, it depends on how many underlying structures are destroyed, and more steps to stop the infection can be taken too.

    I just thought it was highly ironic, given that Clem and co. were worried about infection so much in this situation. But it could very well have been a big enough injury to require stitches.

    That sucks about your nephew! Hope he's feeling better. :/ And I've never been bitten by either cats or dogs, thankfully. But cat bites can get infected as well.

    nursethalia posted: »

    It was a pretty bad bite, though. I'm not sure it would have healed without stitches. My nephew was bitten on his face by a dog and they gav

  • Are you okay? Zeke is obviously talking about where Clementine is listening to the group talking and when Nick becomes shocked at seeing her.

    When everybody runs to the shed because Clem just went badass. Stitched her arm and smashed a walkers brain in. He's like behind Luke I believe.

  • Omid can determinately challenge lee to a cripple fight

  • In episode 5 in season 1 when you encounter the stranger; if you do not click on one of the items that are around the room for Clementine to hit the stranger with in time, Clementine will just go up and punch the stranger in the head.

  • As all of the palythroughs of Episode 4 that I watched always chose the [Keep Quiet] option,

    If you choose "Luke?" / "Kenny?" / "Anybody?" it will go straight to Rebecca pulling you.

  • Listen to this song while thinking of Sarah

  • You can determinantly make Kenny leave Sarita in the herd. (Only if you chopped her limb off)

  • a teacher

    Who was a teacher?

    Bokor posted: »

    Hm, I don't have Season 2 installed right now. But I was under the impression that Carlos was intending for Clem to die either way - whethe

  • edited August 2014

    Clementine eats Mark

  • Holy fuck. The part where the camera zooms in onto Larry's jaw, while he is satisfyingly chews on mark.

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    Kennyftw posted: »

    Clementine eats Mark

  • Mind=Blown

    If you look very closely, in every episode, someone dies

  • Woah

    I never noticed that there already were walkers up there.

    Guess that's all we'll ever see of the 400 Days people, right? If the walkers already are on the roof, then that should be that.

  • edited August 2014

    If they are NOT on the roof, that means they were downstairs when the herd broke in.

    And the fact that the walkers already reached the roof...looks bad for them

    dojo32161 posted: »

    But none of the 400 Days characters appeared on the roof, so they could still be alive.

  • Including this list Clementine has witnesses over 30 people die in front of her... poor kid.

  • At the beginning of season 1 when you are in the cop car you can look at the police computer to get some extra dialogue including a speech about not worrying about things you can't control

  • "People always die because of me..."

  • It didn't help that the gang left the door wide open when they left.

    If they are NOT on the roof, that means they were downstairs when the herd broke in. And the fact that the walkers already reached the roof...looks bad for them

  • And the worst part some people blame her for some of those deaths....

  • edited August 2014

    She caused her bestest friend Carver to die in front of her.

  • Most of them are Determinant or Walkers that have names though

  • My favorite part will always be S1E1 when lee points the remote at the lock and says, "Open Sesame."

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  • In the beginning of Season 1 Episode 1 the guy that the cop is talking about that was caught murdering his wife is actually Thomas Richards. If you don't read the comics and know who this psychopath is he is a prisoner that was trapped in the West Central Prison when Rick's group got there he murdered two of Hershel's daughters .

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    Then he later tried to kill Andrea

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    This also means that if the cop never hit that walker that Lee would have ended up in the same prison as Rick's group (The West Central Prison) and probably still be alive today but Clementine probably would have died.

  • Lee agreed that Larry had to be killed. He made the following comments when you did not support Kenny:

    "I know it was necessary, but...I wish Clem didn't have to witness s*** like this. I worry it's gonna do to her."

    After you console Clementine, I think you have to approach her once or twice again to trigger the inner monologue.

  • Seeing what happened to Dexter (who was also a murderer) and later what happened to the entire Prison. I don't think Lee would have survived there.

    xWally posted: »

    In the beginning of Season 1 Episode 1 the guy that the cop is talking about that was caught murdering his wife is actually Thomas Richards.

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