Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • While Kenny was holding Arvo, he said in russian "i need to take care my sister" (or something similar). When Clementine shot Arvos sister, Arvo didnt know she was a walker.

    xClementine posted: »

    Arvo's sister was about to become a walker and that was the most sensible and logical thing to do.. Arvo intends to get Clementine's group hurt or killed which is evil intent.

  • And when they were robbing them, Arvo was trying to calm his friends down and try his best to not get people hurt.

    xClementine posted: »

    Arvo's sister was about to become a walker and that was the most sensible and logical thing to do.. Arvo intends to get Clementine's group hurt or killed which is evil intent.

  • Wouldn't define that as racism and I merely meant that he is in a confused mental state during Episode 5 and being a foreigner he would lack empathy and compassion for native folk and would treat them rather with distaste and his inner evil would surface to harm others. So he needed to be dealt with or harm would ensue. It was a vague remark and you were right to take against.. but you misunderstood me.

    zykelator posted: »

    So you are a racist?

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    Clem: You failed to see him out there yet the deafening cries of a newborn infant went straight over your head!?

    Luke: What!?

    Clem: I said the deafening cries of a-oh forget it!

    Bonnie: How are we not dead yet y’all!?

    Mike: I know! This entire scenario is completely implausible!

    Kenny: Because I'm too badass to die! NOW FEAR THE WRATH OF MY BOOM STICK!!!

    Alt text

    Clem: Well, wouldn't that make sense to wait? If we wait until they're out of ammo, then we'll have an advantage and can get out of this unscathed without ANYBODY suffering any unnecessary gunshot wounds to the legs that will cripple their chances of-

    Luke: Yadda yadda yadda, whatever just cover me already alright! I'm gonna get the upper hand on this guy!

    Clem: But I'm a little kid holding a baby! T_T I don't want to get shot! Especially not in my lucky left shoulder-

    Luke: COVER ME!

    Clem: [sobbing & shooting] CURSE YOUR FUTURE INFERIOR SPAAAAWN!!!

  • But Clementine knew she was a walker and would turn and kill Arvo or someone else. And despite Clementine trying to be friendly towards Arvo for the duration of Episode, he merely treats her with disgust and still ends up shooting her. Which validates my point.

    zykelator posted: »

    While Kenny was holding Arvo, he said in russian "i need to take care my sister" (or something similar). When Clementine shot Arvos sister, Arvo didnt know she was a walker.

  • Clementine never said anything about her sister being walker.

    xClementine posted: »

    But Clementine knew she was a walker and would turn and kill Arvo or someone else. And despite Clementine trying to be friendly towards Arvo

  • Yes but thats merely for his own groups safety and he shows scant regard for anyone else, And look at the type of thugs his group consist of who shoot at them regardless if Clementine didn't take the medicine from him earlier. They are fully aware there are children invovled but still fire freely.. Not nice people.

    zykelator posted: »

    And when they were robbing them, Arvo was trying to calm his friends down and try his best to not get people hurt.

  • You seem to forget that the reason they started shooting was because Clem/Kenny shot Rebecca.

    xClementine posted: »

    Yes but thats merely for his own groups safety and he shows scant regard for anyone else, And look at the type of thugs his group consist of

  • Are you refering to Clementine or Arvo sister? Clementine doesn't have a sister. If you mean't Arvo's sister then i think Clementine and most others realised she would need to be killed or.. Bite.. your a zombie now.

    zykelator posted: »

    Clementine never said anything about her sister being walker.

  • edited September 2014

    my wish is that Lee can see what clementine has become, she's a leader, a caring and warm person just like him! too bad he will not be there to watch her growth but it would be more satisfying to have the ( KILL/SHOOT ) button when they pull a bonnie/mike/arvo situation.. damn i would kill those three with a laugh. that my clementine, its tough but its about survival now... after season 2 betrayls i will be a cold b&%ch :D no more soft and i wish i have those not ''Evil'' options but that shows that clementine dont buy others bullsh&t anymore! she is tougher than the whole people in S2! i want more tough decisions that basically say '' i dont care about your feelings anymore, second chances are not for me anymore '' i think in MY playthrough and MY Clementine gave everyone a second chance and they hurt me, while i know this is a game lol obviously; i just realized that MY Clementine knows that the ONLY person would travel the world to save her is LEE. ONLY him would die for me. while he's gone- everyone just didnt understand me and gave me all this adult things to do when they should do it- explaining that they may think i can do all those things, but LEE would not make to do all those things and would asure me to trust him! LOL THIS WAS LONG!!! but yeah i didnt want the hate on my opinion so i explained it :D fun to hear you guys choices and i cant wait for season 3 !!!!

    So my short answer will be;
    to have MORE (kill and shoot) people when i know they are lying or wants to hurt me than just standing there and have a conversation about how much i trusted you and you betrayed me or shot me while i was talking and giving you an option to not be stupid lol
    i'd rather SHOOT people who are hurting me emotionally through the gameplay (trust then betrayl) than just let them go or explaining themselves :pp

  • Yes but if they just realised who the gun was pointing at.. Rebecca.. and who is now a zombie, then they're was no necessity to shoot at them at all. They were a bunch of itchy triggerfinger thugs who were certainly happy to harm Clementine's group regrardless.

    zykelator posted: »

    You seem to forget that the reason they started shooting was because Clem/Kenny shot Rebecca.

  • I would've liked to give Clem the photo of her parents and her in season one episode one

  • Well how could they have known that? Have you read all the russian dialogues?

    xClementine posted: »

    Yes but if they just realised who the gun was pointing at.. Rebecca.. and who is now a zombie, then they're was no necessity to shoot at the

  • Known what?... that Rebecca is a zombie?.. they would of seen her appearance and realised that. But they decided to instantly and just rashly assume that it was hostility aimed towards them and fire at them ignorantly and blatantly.. their mindsets were flawed, doesn't matter about language.

    zykelator posted: »

    Well how could they have known that? Have you read all the russian dialogues?

  • The situation was intense already and then someone shoots... You cant honestly blame the russians for that.
    You should check the russian dialogues. It would give better picture of what happened.

    xClementine posted: »

    Known what?... that Rebecca is a zombie?.. they would of seen her appearance and realised that. But they decided to instantly and just rashl

  • According to the Russian dialogue they were threatening and violent towards the group and they wanted to steal their supplies.. So i think their ulterior intentions were fairly clear even if the shooting was initially unintentional, they were merely robbing thugs and no better than bandits.

    zykelator posted: »

    The situation was intense already and then someone shoots... You cant honestly blame the russians for that. You should check the russian dialogues. It would give better picture of what happened.

  • They wanted to rob them, not kill.

    Are you unable to feel empathy?

    xClementine posted: »

    According to the Russian dialogue they were threatening and violent towards the group and they wanted to steal their supplies.. So i think t

  • Arvo didnt know she was a walker.

    I see this reasoning used a lot... And the more I see it and the more I think about it the less sense it makes. Is Arvo just assuming Clem shot his sister for the lols? Is he just assuming Clem is heartless and wanted Arvo to suffer more? Arvo puts himself in this situation yet we're supposed to feel bad for him?

    zykelator posted: »

    While Kenny was holding Arvo, he said in russian "i need to take care my sister" (or something similar). When Clementine shot Arvos sister, Arvo didnt know she was a walker.

  • Oh.... Ok they wanted to rob us so we'd starve to death.

    I'm sorry for misunderstanding them!

    zykelator posted: »

    They wanted to rob them, not kill. Are you unable to feel empathy?

  • Well to be honest, it was Clem/Kennys fault that the robbery (which was supposed to be smooth, without deaths) went wrong, because one of them shot Rebecca and this got everyone to shoot all around. Arvo was actually trying to handle the robbery peacefully and trying to calm down his friends.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Arvo didnt know she was a walker. I see this reasoning used a lot... And the more I see it and the more I think about it the less se

  • Starve to death? They didnt have any food.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Oh.... Ok they wanted to rob us so we'd starve to death. I'm sorry for misunderstanding them!

  • WTF? So the Russians are completely without any blame? They show up with guns intending to take everything from us and its our fault for Rebecca?

    Arvo was just trying to use us a fucking scapegoat for himself stealing from his own people. I don't care what he was "trying to do" he brings his thugs to ambush us whether we steal from him or not and its OUR fault for not letting them?

    The only reason they didn't shoot first was because of Rebecca turning!

    zykelator posted: »

    Well to be honest, it was Clem/Kennys fault that the robbery (which was supposed to be smooth, without deaths) went wrong, because one of th

  • Flawless logic there. You can't hate Arvo unless you're a Kenny fan....

    zykelator posted: »

    Whats with Kenny fans and the desire to beat crippled kids?

  • Hey Ben,

    [ pushes Ben off train then puts on sunglasses]

    See ya.

    ViTALiTY posted: »

    When you realize that Ben traded with the bandits, after you threaten him [Push Ben off the train]

  • So its their fault that they need supplies?

    Rockworm posted: »

    WTF? So the Russians are completely without any blame? They show up with guns intending to take everything from us and its our fault for R

  • Theres a difference between hating Arvo and wanting to be see him suffer.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Flawless logic there. You can't hate Arvo unless you're a Kenny fan....

  • This is hilarious coming from someone who got on my case about the stealing from the car in season 1.... What was that you were saying about double standards again?

    zykelator posted: »

    So its their fault that they need supplies?

  • I wish Clem had the option to tell Bonnie that Luke's death was HER fault and to go to hell.

  • Luke: I just... Need some time.

    Clem: Luke! Hand me your ak-47 so I can use it to pull you out!

    Luke: Sorry? I couldn't hear over Bonnie's footsteps coming closer.

    Clem: ...

  • I believe i never said that stealing the supplies from car was wrong, only that is caused a lot of shit to happen to Stranger and later to Lee. Im just curious why people get so mad at Arvo taking care of his group and call him evil manipulator.

    Rockworm posted: »

    This is hilarious coming from someone who got on my case about the stealing from the car in season 1.... What was that you were saying about double standards again?

  • Stealing from his own people is taking care of them? He manipulated them into this situation whether you steal from him or not. I thought that was pretty obvious. And then we're supposed to feel bad for him because of his sister and what Kenny does when he put himself in this situation.

    zykelator posted: »

    I believe i never said that stealing the supplies from car was wrong, only that is caused a lot of shit to happen to Stranger and later to Lee. Im just curious why people get so mad at Arvo taking care of his group and call him evil manipulator.

  • Forgot that completely :D its 7 am here and ive been up for 2 days. Maybe i shouldnt debate while im sleepy.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Stealing from his own people is taking care of them? He manipulated them into this situation whether you steal from him or not. I thought


    prink34320 posted: »

    Clementine: "We Are The Walking Dead!"

  • I don't believe that. Arvo obviously thought that the group could help them, and then baldie and what's-his-face just say that they want to take their stuff. I'm sure he was just trying to be genuine and didn't expect his people to just want to steal from the group at gunpoint, which could have been the case if Clem decided not to take the medicine, which means that there was a lack of collaboration on their part. I believe Arvo and his sister joined the other two out of convenience or safety in numbers, and wouldn't have been affected much if they were the only ones who had died.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Stealing from his own people is taking care of them? He manipulated them into this situation whether you steal from him or not. I thought

  • Have you read the translated russian dialogues?

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I don't believe that. Arvo obviously thought that the group could help them, and then baldie and what's-his-face just say that they want to

  • lol I can barely handle missing 1 day without sleep.

    zykelator posted: »

    Forgot that completely its 7 am here and ive been up for 2 days. Maybe i shouldnt debate while im sleepy.

  • Arvo obviously thought that the group could help them

    How is that obvious? Why was he hobbling to the area alone with a bag of medical supplies? He clearly had his own agenda outside his own group and saw us as a way of pinning it on us.

    I don't buy for a second Arvo was some innocent bystander here.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I don't believe that. Arvo obviously thought that the group could help them, and then baldie and what's-his-face just say that they want to

  • edited September 2014

    (Clem shoots Natasha)

    Arvo: "NOOOOO Natasha Natasha (Glares)"

    Clem: "oops my finger slipped"

    Arvo: "(Speaking russian)"

    (Clem shoots arvo)

    Clem: " .... and again man my trigger finger is just acting CRAZY today"

  • edited September 2014

    Then what should they do? Next second Rebecca is going to eat her own baby.

    You're a Janefan, so please at least get a rational head as Jane does.

    PS.I'm not anyone's fan. Perhaps Christa's?

    zykelator posted: »

    Well to be honest, it was Clem/Kennys fault that the robbery (which was supposed to be smooth, without deaths) went wrong, because one of th

  • Fearing retaliation and revenge from Clementine's group i highly doubt they would just rob them and not kill them.. Think about it. Those Russians are not stupid and they would not take the risk, and empathy is only deserved for good people.

    zykelator posted: »

    They wanted to rob them, not kill. Are you unable to feel empathy?

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