Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • edited September 2014

    lee: and also...

    Clem: what?

    Lee: Just shoot me and take all of my stuff.

    Kenny: Clem... you made the right choice.

    Clem: Shall I shoot you again and just take all of your stuff?

  • Clementine: Master Troll.

  • Haha that was bad scripting by the programmers. A lot of players interpreted the character as not tolerating disagreement. Somehow it's almost impossible to make the game register that you've been there for Duck.

    I know it was bad scripting, because Lee actually agreed with Kenny that I wasn't there for his kid (saying "that was a long time ago").

    Kenny: "But I keep thinking, if this was me? With Duck out there, asking you to put your life on the line, would you be there for me? Because there have been times, where you ain't been." Lee: "Name one."

  • Not quite a "dialogue" option, but...

    [Shoot Jane]

  • The third one killed me!

    24601 posted: »

    Here's some bad jokes: S1E2 Lee: Be strong! I need you to be strong! Think about something good! Clem: Like what? Lee: ...Rain

  • yep thats what i would do

    HugoCorv posted: »

    Not quite a "dialogue" option, but... [Shoot Jane]

  • Kenny and Jane are arguing on the car

    Clem: It won't help us to crash on a COW.

    (Kenny: Yeah, a COW! How could I not think of that? Watch out for COW!)

  • In S3 playing as Clementine with a three year timeskip.

    Clem: When I was little I used to be volunteered all the time to do the hardests tasks... It was really stupid. I'm not the smallest anymore and guess what? It's your time to shine.

    Clementine proceeds to make A.J crawl on broken ice, turn off the windmill and crawl through a ticket booth with a walker on the other end.

  • edited September 2014

    "Fuck you, Luke."

    "Fuck you, Nick"

    "Fuck you, Pete"

    "Fuck you, Alvin"

    "Fuck you, Rebecca"

    "Fuck you, Carlos"

    "Fuck you, AJ"

  • What did AJ do?

    "Fuck you, Luke." "Fuck you, Nick" "Fuck you, Pete" "Fuck you, Alvin" "Fuck you, Rebecca" "Fuck you, Carlos" "Fuck you, AJ"

  • Mike: Bubble Bubble?

    Clem: No you idiot in sign language!

    Fucking priceless XD

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clem: No! I can't break the ice! Luke is gonna die! T_T Luke: (frantically starts making hand gestures) Clem: Wait, wait guys, I think

  • I forget.

    The kid seems like a bit of an asshole, doh.

    bloop posted: »

    What did AJ do?

  • lol he's just a baby. the only bad thing he does is cry, but I guess it could annoy people sometimes.

    and "Fuck you Luke" Luke was a cool dude, the nicest out of the cabin group, but I think everyone in the cabin group was cool. In particular, Luke, Pete, and Nick.

    I forget. The kid seems like a bit of an asshole, doh.

  • I'm not even talking about his crying. I cry all the time and have a grand old time. It's just that I can call a punk out when I see one, and AJ is by far the worst offender.

    And yes, I know your opinion of my precious Lucas. Trust me, I wish I could feel the same way, I really do. I'll go into further elaboration when the other response you sent me actually shows up. The site seems to be lagging a bit. Out of curiosity, has it uploaded on your end?

    bloop posted: »

    lol he's just a baby. the only bad thing he does is cry, but I guess it could annoy people sometimes. and "Fuck you Luke" Luke was a cool

  • Yeah it uploaded, and I know your opinion on the cabin group, but no one's a saint in ZA, the nicest person in the world will at least do one bad thing.

    I'm not even talking about his crying. I cry all the time and have a grand old time. It's just that I can call a punk out when I see one, an

  • edited September 2014

    I ain't asking for the perfect specimen of a character, just a good person. I don't quite understand why everyone's so against having 'saints' in these games.

    In my honest opinion, Lee was a saint. He saved Clementine after all (no strings attached), and took great care in keeping her safe. He had flaws, but they never once got in the way of my love for the guy. The mistakes he made were either instantly forgiven or were kind of irrelevant to begin with. They never got in the way of his character development.

    To be honest, I don't think he is the only 'kind' person in the series, either. Characters like Carly, Doug, Omid, and (1st Season) Christa are similarly kind-hearted and people who I would without-a-doubt consider to be good in nature.

    Characters like Luke, Rebecca and the rest could have been developed in a similar manner, but were instead driven to unlikeable-ness via bad writing.

    I'm gonna go check in on your other comment. If it's up on my end, I'll respond to that one as well.

    bloop posted: »

    Yeah it uploaded, and I know your opinion on the cabin group, but no one's a saint in ZA, the nicest person in the world will at least do one bad thing.

  • I'll admit it wasn't the best idea locking Clem up in the shed, we knew she wasn't bit, the cabin group didn't and thought she was a scout for Carver, so it's understandable. They were gonna help her out no problems before Luke saw the dog bite on her arm. And try to look at the good things they did instead of just going back to what they did with the shed.

    And most people really liked the cabin group after EP2 came out.

    I ain't asking for the perfect specimen of a character, just a good person. I don't quite understand why everyone's so against having 'saint

  • edited September 2014

    "we knew she wasn't bit, the cabin group didn't and thought she was a scout for Carver,"

    1. Dog bites look nothing like human bites. Luke and Pete could've figured that out and they aren't even medical professionals.

    2. They have no proof or reason to think Clementine is with Carver, so any form of prejudice towards her because of that paranoia is inexcusable.

    Neither of these are justified reasons to imprison a little girl in a way that could worsen her condition, let alone treat her as rudely as they did. From Luke dropping Clem and refusing to help her the rest of the way, to Carlos choosing not treat Clem's wounds. These actions are far worse then any kind of forgivable behavior. It's literally a form of abuse at that point.

    "They were gonna help her out no problems before Luke saw the dog bite on her arm."

    Well what's stopping them from continuing to do just that? A good person wouldn't let that sort of thing effect the rescue. Upon discovery of the bite it would be perfectly reasonable to stop, analyze the situation and then change gears and come up with a slightly different plan, but in no way is it justifiable to abuse a victim and pester them over their injury (which is exactly what Luke did).

    If I were Luke, I'd be devastated that the small girl I thought I had saved was already a goner; but I'd still try my hardest to get her back home safely. Make her last few hours comfortable and loving.

    Not once does any sort of remorse show on Luke's face; the moment he finds her bite, all interest in keeping this innocent girl safe is gone. His morals fly straight out the window over Clementine's condition, and he instantly goes into paranoid-prick mode, acting like a whiny child for the rest of episode. Not once does he even make the attempt to apologize for his irrational, unforgivable behavior. Seriously, he literally throws a bitch-fit at a barely-conscious girl (who's losing blood at a dangerously steady pace). Does he think his anger will make the bite go away?

    sigh Glad I got that off of my chest.

    Don't let the above fool you though. Like I said, I'm sure I'd love Luke if he had actually been written well. He has everything going for him really. Telltale just sort of blew it on his character development. I guess that's what fan fiction's for, amiright?

    bloop posted: »

    I'll admit it wasn't the best idea locking Clem up in the shed, we knew she wasn't bit, the cabin group didn't and thought she was a scout f

  • WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! you dont say that to a precious baby like AJ. ;_;

    "Fuck you, Luke." "Fuck you, Nick" "Fuck you, Pete" "Fuck you, Alvin" "Fuck you, Rebecca" "Fuck you, Carlos" "Fuck you, AJ"

  • edited September 2014

    [on train]

    Lee: Hey, Ben.

    Ben: Hey.


    Lee: Wuzzzzaaaapp?? B-D

  • Nah, it's fine.

    He likes it.

    WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! you dont say that to a precious baby like AJ. ;_;

  • so your saying AJ is a little hooker who likes to hear dirty things?

    Nah, it's fine. He likes it.

  • FUCK.... YES.

    sialark posted: »

    [on train] Lee: Hey, Ben. Ben: Hey. ... Lee: Wuzzzzaaaapp?? B-D

  • This saying fits the time line of TWD and it's still cool.

    sialark posted: »

    [on train] Lee: Hey, Ben. Ben: Hey. ... Lee: Wuzzzzaaaapp?? B-D

  • Ha

    24601 posted: »

    Kenny and Jane are arguing on the car Clem: It won't help us to crash on a COW. (Kenny: Yeah, a COW! How could I not think of that? Watch out for COW!)

  • Nate: What do ya say Rus' Should we kill these guys and take all their stuff?

    Russel: [Shoots Nate] You Guys Need Anything? I'll Run and go get you some stuff if you want.

    Old Man: Thank You, Thank you...

    400 days russel episode ends

  • [Stay at the Howe's and wait out the upcoming horde]


    [Spare Carver]

  • Without a doubt.

    so your saying AJ is a little hooker who likes to hear dirty things?

  • I honestly think you focus too much on the bad. I'll admit that the idea of a dog bite looking like a zombie bite was plain bad writing, Carver was crazy, he was unpredictable and carver's group had lots of loyalty to him. Luke dropping Clem was a split second action because he thought she was bit and didn't want to bit too, he takes her side while the whole group is arguing about what to with Clem. And we Clem passed out Luke ran to her, showing that her cared. And honestly, no one is going to be 100% nice to stranger who they thought was bit. So yeah, I think you focus too much on the bad, and Luke apologies by asking Clem is okay, offering food, and asking how she's feeling.

    "we knew she wasn't bit, the cabin group didn't and thought she was a scout for Carver," * Dog bites look nothing like human bites

  • omfg, your weird.

    Without a doubt.

  • edited September 2014

    You're the one that suggested it. ;P

    omfg, your weird.

  • goddamnit.

    You're the one that suggested it. ;P

  • edited September 2014

    "I honestly think you focus too much on the bad."


    "Luke dropping Clem was a split second action because he thought she was bit and didn't want to bit too"

    Don't try to make it sound like some kind of accident, because it's not. Luke made the conscious decision "Yah, I'm going to drop this girl." Anyone, that has held a small child (and I'm sure you have to) can tell you people don't just* drop* them. You have to go out of your way to be asshole-ish like that.

    "and Luke apologies by asking Clem is okay, offering food, and asking how she's feeling."

    He never specifically says "I'm really really sorry for acting like a dick. I was out of line and I'm sorry", so he didn't apologize. Even if he truly felt bad about it, I couldn't forgive him, but at least he would've tried.

    Just because Luke serves Clem dinner (which she should have had in the first place) doesn't undo the wrongs he's done. I'd actually go as far as to say his methods of 'making up' to Clem were demeaning. He made jokes about the situation when he was responsible, treating this possible crisis as if it were a trivial argument among friends. He clearly doesn't understand the severity of his actions and that's what pisses me off.

    bloop posted: »

    I honestly think you focus too much on the bad. I'll admit that the idea of a dog bite looking like a zombie bite was plain bad writing, Car

  • Luke dropping Clem was a split second decision, he didn't look at it for min. at and say "I'm going to drop her" he looked for a second thinking it's a zombie bite and dropped out of panic because he was scared he was going to get bit too. And you don't always have to say "Hey I'm sorry." Actions speak louder than words.

    Good things Luke has done:

    While the rest of the group is arguing over what to do with Clem, he takes her side and says it's not a zombie bite

    He and the rest of the group, lets her come along to escape Carver, they could've just let her stay at the cabin

    He trust her more than Nick after he shot Matthew

    He trusts to find the radios to escape Carver's camp

    He doesn't want Clem to be the one who turns on the PA

    Anytime Clem says something's her fault, he always says that nothing is her fault shouldn't blame herself

    he tells Clem not to go to him while he's stuck in the ice because it's too dangerous for the both of them(He was right in that case)

    And can you mention anything bad he did after EP1? And the majority really liked Luke

    "I honestly think you focus too much on the bad." IT'S HARD TO FOCUS ON THE GOOD WHEN NO GOOD DEEDS WERE DONE. "Luke dropping

    • Forcing Clementine and Nick to stay quiet and lie about Matthew's death
    • Taking off when Kenny tried to take back the lodge
    • Recklessly getting caught trying to steal food
    • Not doing his job which resulted in Sarah dying in my game
    • Going off on Kenny for no apparent reason at the end of EP4 ("DIS LEWKK LIEK SOMPLAC WAARM 2 U?!")

    I guess I'm in the minority.

    bloop posted: »

    Luke dropping Clem was a split second decision, he didn't look at it for min. at and say "I'm going to drop her" he looked for a second thin

  • Luke was afraid what Walter would do to Nick if her found out

    He ran off because he thought he could save them when they got to the camp, and carver had more people and better guns

    I'll admit you're right on the rest of the three

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    * Forcing Clementine and Nick to stay quiet and lie about Matthew's death * Taking off when Kenny tried to take back the lodge * Recklessl


    Luke didn't even seem phased that Nick killed an innocent dude.

    Doesn't even have the balls to turn him in.

    What a coward.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    * Forcing Clementine and Nick to stay quiet and lie about Matthew's death * Taking off when Kenny tried to take back the lodge * Recklessl

  • Luke was pretty pissed after Nick shot Matthew, and Nick was his best fried for years.

    DUDE YOU'RE SOOOO RIGHT Luke didn't even seem phased that Nick killed an innocent dude. Doesn't even have the balls to turn him in. What a coward.

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