Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • [Glass Him]

    Bokor posted: »

    [Shoot Carver]

  • edited October 2014


    If you leave Lilly:

    Lilly: [SOBBING] I don't have anything left!

    Lee: Are you serious? Do you really think a sob story is gonna get you back into our group after what you just did? [If you tried to save Larry] I tried to save your dad and this is how you repay me?


    Lilly: What the hell?! You can't just be bringing new people here!

    Lee: What makes you think that they're staying?


    Lilly: I'm sitting here tied up like an animal while you decide what to do with me.

    Lee: Consider yourself under arrest for murder(Carley)/manslaughter (Doug).


    Lilly: I should fucking kill you right now.

    Lee: Don't do it in front of Clem, though.


    Rebecca: I wouldn't get comfortable if I were you.

    Clementine: Don't worry. I'm not staying.


    Lee: Vernon, I appreciate your concern for Clementine and I'm sure your heart's in the right place, but I'm not leaving her with you to grow up in some hole in the ground. Sure, you're underground and well-supplied and well-hidden, but what happens if the walkers find you and the place falls? What happens when your food and supplies run out? Then what'll you do?

  • Vernon: "I'll make you an offer"
    Lee: "Go fuck yourself , if I see you again I will kill you!"

  • At the motel with Carley and Lee.

    Carley : You're small

    Lee smiles intensely

    Lee : So...want to do kissing and stuff?

  • There's a dialogue option where he says something like that, I don't remember exactly what he says but he grabbed Vernon and pushed him against the wall and told him something like "Me and that girl have gone through a lot together and everyone who tries get between us is going to wind up dead!" or something like that, it was a lot longer but Lee clearly stated that he was going to kill Vernon if he saw him again.

    lee4life posted: »

    Vernon: "I'll make you an offer" Lee: "Go fuck yourself , if I see you again I will kill you!"

  • BRB gonna replay s1 ep4

    kaleion posted: »

    There's a dialogue option where he says something like that, I don't remember exactly what he says but he grabbed Vernon and pushed him agai

  • In the Civil War Museum; Bonnie is grabbed by a walker while trying to open the door. Bonnie: Clem! Help!

    Mike: Clem, Help Bonnie!

    [Walk Away and Continue to Search Museum]

    [Point and Laugh]

    [Pretend to be shocked and watch in amusement]

    [Pull out Weapon and Hit Bonnie]

  • Doug, in his afterlife, will say the following:

    Lee, you are a big-headed thief! How dare you!

    Then when Carley gets shot:

    At least nothing more than a kiss in the cheek happened.

    ImUrban posted: »

    At the motel with Carley and Lee. Carley : You're small Lee smiles intensely Lee : So...want to do kissing and stuff?

  • We already have. Get with the program.

    Rylee posted: »

    Guys.....who cares. Just agree to disagree.

  • Not a dialog, but I wish Pete had Walt's death in episode 2. Any thoughts about this?

  • Well, I'll agree with anything to make Pete live longer...

    Plus this would increase people's hate for Carver.

    Not a dialog, but I wish Pete had Walt's death in episode 2. Any thoughts about this?

  • And give some development for Nick's character.

    Well, I'll agree with anything to make Pete live longer... Plus this would increase people's hate for Carver.

  • True, unless Nick was killed in Ep2, so you wouldn't see his reaction.

    And give some development for Nick's character.

  • I wish Lee would have been able to say "I love you" to Clementine when he was dying instead of " I'll miss you"

  • Right. But if he lived, he wouldn't just disappear in episode 3. Hopefully. Besides, if Nick died in episode 2, then we could see Pete's reaction, giving him some development, until he is executed by Carver. That would look good, I think.

    True, unless Nick was killed in Ep2, so you wouldn't see his reaction.

  • Yes, I could see Nick staying behind to kill Carver while the group escape. He of course would meet with the group at Parker's Run, to then die in the gunfight. That's how I see Nick's life going in TWD, should you save him.

    Right. But if he lived, he wouldn't just disappear in episode 3. Hopefully. Besides, if Nick died in episode 2, then we could see Pete's reaction, giving him some development, until he is executed by Carver. That would look good, I think.

  • I could see Pete being determinant. In episode 1, if you go with Nick he dies. If you go with him, again, he distracts the walkers so that Clem can escape. Then the group finds him inside the ambulance car, smoking. We could have some good lines between Pete and Nick.

    Yes, I could see Nick staying behind to kill Carver while the group escape. He of course would meet with the group at Parker's Run, to then die in the gunfight. That's how I see Nick's life going in TWD, should you save him.

  • edited October 2014

    Alt text

    Clem: So applying pressure to the bullet wound is great and all, but shouldn't I be doing it to both the entry point and exit point on your leg? Because you're still kinda bleeding heavy.

    Luke: I ain't got time to bleed.

    Clem: But, the leg of your jeans is going red!

    Luke: It was a film quote.


    Luke: Predator?


    Luke: Y'know, get to the chopper?


    Luke: You uncultured swine.

    Clem: Oh! Oh oh! TOY STORY!

    Luke: Ugh that wasn't a-oh forget it!!

    Alt text

    Jane: Clem, no I can't hold a baby. I'm not baby material!

    Clem: Don't be silly it's easy. Just hold him, like this.

    Jane:...like this?

    Clem: Yes that's-NO NOT UPSIDE DOWN!

    Jane: Oh sweet Jesus he just puked on my lap!


    Alt text

    Bonnie: What'd I miss?

    Luke: Hmm? Oh, nothin' much. You know...complainin' mostly. Tryin' to guess how far this place is-

    Clem: Luke said you have a big ass.

    Luke: CLEM!

    Bonnie: H-He what?

    Luke: I didn't, she's-

    Clem: He did. He says it looks huge, bigger than his mamma's, like a giant peach that wilted in the sun and sagged to one side.

    Luke: No I didn't! I swear it Bonnie she's just makin' this shit up! That's not what we were talkin' about!

    Bonnie: I'm just...I'm gonna go look for some more bandages.

    Luke: Wait no, Bonnie! BONNIE!

    Clem: >_>

    Luke The hell Clem!?

    Clem: I did it for your honor...and chocolate.

    Luke: The fuck!?

    Clem: Well, mostly the chocolate. It's amazing what you can bribe me with. Speaking of which, Jane! HEY JAAANE! OPERATION PORKBLOCK WAS A SUCCESS!

    Jane: CANDY4U!

    Luke: ಠ_ಠ

    Alt text

    Bonnie: It must be nice bein' a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing.

    Clem:...Hey Clem, would you mind changin' the bandages on Kenny?

    Bonnie: Excuse me?

    Clem: Hey Clem, why don't you try bringin' Jane and Kenny over by the fire by gettin' em' drunk on some ruuuuum?

    Bonnie: I, that was-

    Clem: Hey Clementine, can you just go squeeze through that little old gap there and get chomped by a walker so I don't bruise my sweet pretty face?

    Bonnie: That's not-

    Clem: Hey Clemmy, go talk to the mentally unhinged Kenny alone in that tent after he yelled at ya before, while I wait outside.

    Bonnie: That doesn't change the fact-

    Clem: Hey Clemmy, do ya mind takin' this heavy bucket of nails to the guys? My skinny bean arms can't carry it-"

    Bonnie: ALRIGHT SHUT UP!

    Alt text

    Randy: Please won't you let us in? I promise me and my wife won't attempt to kill you in your sleep and take this place for ourselves. We're good people!

    Jane:..that's a rather descriptive excuse you got there =_=

    Clem: I don't trust this family Jane, they look sim generated.

    Jane: What do you want to do?

    Clem: Throw giant green gem stones at them until they go away.

    Jane: Too easy, maybe we could place a lot of dirty plates around them and have the flies eat them?

    Clem: We don't have enough plates for that, but we have a telescope! Maybe if we set it up at night the aliens can abduct them all!

    Jane: Gotta be more creative. Why don't you invite them to the pool and then I'll remove the ladder and-

    Randy: God dammit we're not sims! Now will you just let us in!?

    Clem:...Flarta burp dootue?

    Patricia: Ah, shu swoosh dee!

    Jane: Sims, CLOSE THE GATES!!!

    Randy: Kupu chu patricia waffy! >:(

    Patricia: Ketetipoo! T_T

    Alt text

    Lee: Find Omid and Christa, they'll take good care of you.

    Clem: And if they die?

    Lee: Then find a group filled with good people, they'll take good care of you.

    Clem: And if they die, and then I get shot, and then I have to choose to between two people I care about and being put through multiple endings, some only half satisfying compared to the others and that mean nothing because inevitably I'll be all alone left with a baby that'll keep puking and pooping? ;_;

    Lee: The hell you talking about? Jesus, Clem I'm not Morgan Freeman. Do I look like a godly man that can see the future to you!?

    Clem: Yes? ;_;

    Lee:...Get out of here x_x

  • Send a resume to Telltale games please. That is brilliant!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clem: So applying pressure to the bullet wound is great and all, but shouldn't I be doing it to both the entry point and exit point on your

  • Morgan Freedom?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clem: So applying pressure to the bullet wound is great and all, but shouldn't I be doing it to both the entry point and exit point on your

  • [Hug Pete]
    Pete: Alright. Let's not do this again.

    Scarlette posted: »

    Yes<3 And [Hug Pete]. Because it would've been adorable. Probably uncomfortable for him tho.

  • Well, mostly the chocolate. It's amazing what you can bribe me with.

    I like how you put a reference in from your fan fiction :P

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clem: So applying pressure to the bullet wound is great and all, but shouldn't I be doing it to both the entry point and exit point on your

  • Alt text

    Kateis posted: »

    Well, mostly the chocolate. It's amazing what you can bribe me with. I like how you put a reference in from your fan fiction :P

  • edited October 2014

    When I make headcanons, I tend to stick by them XD Clemmy loving chocolate being one of them.

    Kateis posted: »

    Well, mostly the chocolate. It's amazing what you can bribe me with. I like how you put a reference in from your fan fiction :P

  • Morgan Freeman's little known superhero persona. He hash't used it much lately.

    Kennythegod posted: »

    Morgan Freedom?

  • Alt text

    Morgan Freeman's little known superhero persona. He hash't used it much lately.

  • edited October 2014

    Nope, that's just a widdle typo there XD oh well, better than the one I wrote when I was 15 "sweet rolled down his face"

    Morgan Freeman's little known superhero persona. He hash't used it much lately.

  • Ahhh I loved Operation Porkblock the best!! hahahahaha XD

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clem: So applying pressure to the bullet wound is great and all, but shouldn't I be doing it to both the entry point and exit point on your

  • Hilarious, but sounds of me gagging because I don't like Carley or CarLee.

    ImUrban posted: »

    At the motel with Carley and Lee. Carley : You're small Lee smiles intensely Lee : So...want to do kissing and stuff?

  • Alt text

    Hilarious, but sounds of me gagging because I don't like Carley or CarLee.

  • edited October 2014

    Arvo: "Y'd u kill my sister m8?"

    Clementine: "She wus already ded."

    Arvo: "Okei."

    Avoids the group falling apart.

  • "You must enjoy being a little girl, huh? No one expects you to do anything"
    "Clem go crawl in a ticket booth so I don't get a bruise" "Wha-"
    "Clem go tell Kenny and Jane to get back to the fire so I don't get yelled at" "Stop it no-"
    "Clem go get Luke so I don't get wet" "Now that's what she sai-"
    "Clem go give nails to Kenny and Mike so Troy doesn't yell at me" "OK I get it Cle-
    "Clem why don't you go-" "OK THATS ENOUGH"

    Season 3 reunite with Mike Bonny and Arvo, I'll be waiting TellTale

  • Secret option #5: [All of the above]

    In the Civil War Museum; Bonnie is grabbed by a walker while trying to open the door. Bonnie: Clem! Help! Mike: Clem, Help Bonnie! [Wa

  • edited October 2014

    Haha I'd love that option too :)

    I think what happened was that Clementine never told Arvo that his sister had already turned because she thought it was obvious.

    And Arvo never asked Clem why she killed his sister because he thought it was obvious too.

    (Yes, I realize that my comment is also obvious :P)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Arvo: "Y'd u kill my sister m8?" Clementine: "She wus already ded." Arvo: "Okei." Avoids the group falling apart.

  • edited October 2014

    To be fair, Bonnie doesn't tell you to crawl through the ticket booth, although her and Mike both look at Clem, and Clem can say no. (Not arguing, just saying.)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    "You must enjoy being a little girl, huh? No one expects you to do anything" "Clem go crawl in a ticket booth so I don't get a bruise" "Wha

  • edited October 2014

    Telling Bonnie off if you didn't go to help Luke.

    Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one expects you to do a damn thing.

    Clem: Are you kidding me right now? I've done everything for this group, and I've been doing everything long before you showed up. I helped Luke clear a bridge full of walkers and saved his life after part of the bridge broke. I climbed a chairlift to see if anyone was following us. I turned off a wind turbine without any prior knowledge to how those things work. I'm the one that got the radios out of the storage room. I'm the one who turned the PA system on in Carver's office. While you and everyone else were being held at gunpoint by Carver, I'm the one who jumped him/shot him. I convinced Sarah to finally get off her lazy ass and leave the trailer park because Luke couldn't do it. I'm the one that got Kenny out of the tent, which you sent me into to talk to him after he had just yelled at me. I'm the one who crawled through a ticket booth, which again you told me to do. I'm the one that was able to destroy the rest of the deck to prevent the walkers from crawling up it. I changed the bandages on Kenny's eye, which, again, you told me to do. I convinced Jane and Kenny to rejoin the group, and who was the one who told me to do that, oh yeah, you again. And after you stupidly tried to save your "boyfriend" Luke, I tried to get him out of the ice, almost costing me my own life in the process. So don't even start with me, this whole f***ing group looks to me to do their dirty work, most of which they can do on their own, so don't even try to put his death on me when it's clearly your fault.

    Bonnie: Bitch.

    Clem: Get out of here you junkie.

  • Bonnie: "You and I both know what happened back there. I got nothin' more to say to you."

    Clementine: "You're right, it's my fault. It happened so fast, I, I panicked and did the first thing that popped into my head."

    Bonnie: "You're forgiven."

    Afterwards, Bonnie stops Arvo from shooting Clementine, and she and Mike stay with the group and help with the Kenny and Jane fight, everyone lives!

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