Rank, from least-to-most, your mosted wanted to survive characters.



    1. Clem
    2. Baby
    3. Mike
    4. Bonnie
    5. Kenny (I like Kenny, but he needs to die already.)
    6. Luke (never cared about him at all)
    1. Kenny - Never liked Kenny, though I appreciate what his character brought in the first season. Felt he just stole the spotlight in Season 2.

    2. The Baby - I don't care lol, and I doubt they will kill him off. If they do then whatever

    3. Bonnie - Forgive but don't Forget.

    4. Luke - Despite his awful characterization in Ep 4, I hope the original writer from Ep 1 and 2 can redeem his character.


    6. Clementine - Really? Really? Does this even need an explanation?

  • I think your list reversed bro, might want to fix that.

    Viner16 posted: »

    * Kenny - Never liked Kenny, though I appreciate what his character brought in the first season. Felt he just stole the spotlight in Season

  • Nah Katjaa would be understanding too why he dated Sarita, if it wasnt for her he'd be dead.

    Really, Kenny being in "boat heaven" with Sarita and Katjaa? That drama I'd love to see. Thought this was Walking Dead not the Maury/Jerry S

  • We all understand what he meant anyway, his comments don't leave room for confusion, so it doesn't really matter.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I think your list reversed bro, might want to fix that.

  • edited August 2014

    6). Mike (he seems cool, but I just don't know enough to care about him too much)

    5). Luke

    4). The baby

    3). Kenny (The Boat Master)

    2). Clementine

    1). Bonnie (I love Bonnie, I would be so sad if she died)

  • edited August 2014

    1 - Clem

    2 - Kenny

    3 - Luke

    4 - Mike

    5 - Bonnie

    6 - Baby

    I just can't care about a baby too much that isn't related to Clem, is a threat to their wellbeing, with its crying and all, and can't save me in a tough situation. I will pick a grownup any day over a baby. Its another call ofcourse in the normal world. Not in the zombie apocalypse.

  • To be honest i don't really care. I am not attached to any of the characters that are currently alive. I like them, but if they die it won't disappoint me any worse than this season has been. The only character i wanted to survive was Nick, and we all know how that ended.

    1. The Baby (Omid Jr if I can name it.)
    2. Clementine
    3. Mike
    4. Bonnie
    5. Luke
    6. Kenny
    8. all the russians other than arvo
  • 1 - Clem

    2 - Luke

    3 - Bonnie

    4 - Mike

    5 - Kenny

    6 - Baby

  • TeamLukeUntilTheSunStopsComingUp

    Love the #TeamLuke there

  • It's because he had Kenny and Luke as his first and second. I know, it's stupid. :/

    What's with all those downvotes? Different Opinion = Downvote? #FanboysBeLike And I don't think we'll be seeing that raccoon again, but it was a cute moment whilst it lasted.

    1. Clem
    2. Kenny
    3. Bonnie
    4. Mike
    5. Bonnie
    6. Baby
  • edited August 2014

    6 - Baby

    5 - Mike

    4 - Bonnie

    3 - Luke

    2 - Kenny

    1 - Clementine

  • why not?

    people are allowed opinions

    Really, Clem's your #5?

  • edited August 2014

    6- The baby

    5- Bonnie

    4- Luke ( 3&3 )

    3- Kenny

    2- Mike

    1- Clementine

  • 6 - Kenny

    5 - The baby

    4 - Mike

    3 - Bonnie

    2 - Luke

    1 - Clementine

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2014

    6 -Kenny

    5 - Bonnie

    4 - Mike

    3 - baby

    2 - Luke

    1 - Clementine

  • 6- Luke

    5- Mike





  • 6 - Baby

    5 - Bonnie

    4 - Kenny

    3 - Luke

    2 - Mike

    1 - Clementine

    Kenny and Luke are super close. Luke prevails by a fingernail!

  • 6 - Kenny

    5 - Bonnie

    4 - Mike

    3 - Luke

    2 - Clem

    1 - Rebecca's Baby

  • 1- Clementine
    2- Luke
    3- Bonnie
    4- Baby
    5- Kenny
    6- Mike (And it's nothing to do with the fact he's black) XD

  • 1.Clem
    6. Baby

  • 6/5 - Tie between Luke/Bonnie

    4 - Mike

    3 - Kenny

    2 - Omid Jr (can we just agree that any baby from now on in TWD universe will be called Omid Jr.?

    1 - Clem

    1. Clementine

    Screw the rest

  • edited August 2014
    1. Clem
    2. Kenny
    3. Mike
    4. Bonnie (and christa if she is still alive)
    5. The baby
    6. Luke because he is losing his mind.

    AkramHamdi posted: »

    * Clem * Kenny * Mike * Bonnie (and christa if she is still alive) * The baby * Luke because he is losing his mind.

  • 6 - Mike

    5 - Kenny

    4 - Bonnie

    3 - Luke

    2 - The baby

    1 - Clementine

  • I wish carlos was still alive :( i liked him i never expected his death! i really thought he was gonna make it to episode 5.

    transfo47 posted: »


    1. Kenny
    2. Clem
    3. Mike
    4. Bonnie
    5. Baby
    6. Luke
    1. Clementine
    2. Kenny
    3. Luke
    4. Bonnie
    5. Mike
    6. Racoon
    7. Nick Jr.
  • Anyone who gives Mike a 4 or higher is truly underestimating his value.

  • The game seems to be more about him now. But i don't want him to die, just I'd be the least upset, still upset though.

    i love kenny but i'm sure he's story will end in this season i love kenny don't get me wrong

  • Looks like you're someone who doesn't like kenny and luke.

    Miklaus posted: »

    * Clem * The baby * Mike * Bonnie * Kenny * Luke

  • I do like 'em, I just prefer Bonnie & Mike (in terms of adults).

    Rylee posted: »

    Looks like you're someone who doesn't like kenny and luke.

    1. Baby

    2. Bonnie

    3. Mike

    4. Kenny

    5. Luke

    6. Clem

    1. Clem (of course)
    2. Luke
    3. Bonnie
    4. Mike
    5. Kenny (not that I hate him. I just feel like he's outlived his time)
    6. The Baby (Not that I hate the baby, I just feel like it would be a liability and fuck up the group. Plus, how the hell would it survive? Well, we gotta repopulate the earth and all that shit right?)
    1. Clem
    2. Mike
    3. Baby
    4. Bonnie/Luke
    5. Kenny
  • edited August 2014

    so clem you want to die!!!!

    Viner16 posted: »

    * Kenny - Never liked Kenny, though I appreciate what his character brought in the first season. Felt he just stole the spotlight in Season

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