which choice did you make?*Episode 5 spoilers*

Hello everyone! I was bored so i figured I would ask this poll question to see what you my fellow Telltale forums users picked.

Did you Shoot Kenny or Look Away?


Which Ending is your favorite? (I think I got all the endings)



  • For the first one, I actually let the timer run out. When it said "Shoot Kenny" or "Look away", I thought both options were to shoot Kenny except one wasn't to make Clem watch. I was like "Wait no, I don't want to shoot Kenny. Fuck this, I'm letting the timer run out". I ended up seeing Kenny stab Jane in the chest.

    For the second, my favorite is the one where you and Kenny go to Wellington. It doesn't matter which decision you pick after that. just the fact that you and Kenny make it to that point is good enough. It's great! Sadly, all the LP's I have been seeing on YT so far, most of them aren't getting this ending ;-;

    I would like to see their reactions to it.

  • I shot Kenny, he was losing his mind. I also like the Jane ending and letting the family in

  • Same here. Most youtubers seem to be picking the Jane ending and letting the family in.

    Rigtail posted: »

    For the first one, I actually let the timer run out. When it said "Shoot Kenny" or "Look away", I thought both options were to shoot Kenny e

  • edited August 2014

    Gonna have to vote with my original choices on my first play through. No point in playing this game if you go back on your first choices, regardless if you regret them or not. I just happened to really like the ending I got.

    *I stayed at Wellington

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Shot Kenny (Favorite character though) and let the family in. Still, after getting the other endings, I'd say the one where Clementine goes to Wellington's probably the best. Thematically, its good closure to Clem's, Kenny's, and Lee's story arc of wanting to get Clem somewhere where she'd be safe. Especially a good ending if this really is the last one with Clem as a protagonist.

    Btw, wonder how many people are just gonna vote for the ending they got instead of watching the other endings? XP

  • At first I shot Kenny told him he'd be with his family again, I didn't like Jane's character anymore after she confessed to lying about the baby's death to make Kenny go off and attack her to show Clem he's dangerous so I told her I wasn't going anywhere with her and left with the baby, however I wasn't happy with that ending and I guess I needed more closure with Kenny (yes I'm a Kenny fan) so I rewinded it and this time looked away and Kenny killed Jane. Then the three of us made it to Wellington and after the woman said there wasn't enough room and Kenny convinced her to ask if they would take just Clem and Alvin, the two of them stayed at Wellington and Kenny went off on his own. It's a bittersweet ending but I do like it a lot better than having to shoot Kenny.

  • I chose to save Jane and forgive her and let the family in.

    I personally never liked Kenny that much in season 1 always that he was a d#$k head who only ever made things worse. And I didn't understand or like in season 2 that apparently Kenny and Clem all of a sudden had this tight relationship. If they did someone correct me because I don't remember that in season 1.

    I chose to save Jane because she was my favorite character of this season and I forgave her for the same reason.

  • No clue :P I would hope people atleast checked out all the endings before voting.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Shot Kenny (Favorite character though) and let the family in. Still, after getting the other endings, I'd say the one where Clementine goes

  • This is the first time I ever changed my ending choice in TWD, and while I like both of them Im not a superfan of either but honestly was leaning towards jane....but after what went down with jane and the baby I HAD to side with Kenny, and I went back and got the Wellington ending where Clem stays and says goodbye to Kenny. While my gut said to stay we both knew he was a ticking time bomb and the best thing for Clem and AJ would be to go before it was too late and one of us did something we would regret (in my case again)

  • edited August 2014

    I couldn't just watch Kenny stab Jane so I ended up shooting him and he took it pretty well so I feel that was the right choice to make.
    When that baby was found in the car but! No forgiveness was shown to Jane, left her all alone. Clementine was out of there with that baby.

  • I looked away. Kenny might have problems, but to provoke those then? Fuck Jane, what she did was totally wrong, and after I found out the baby lived, I was even happier with my choice.

    My favourite ending is the 'Stay at Wellington' ending. There is no other word than beautiful for it. And I cried.

    cryhwks posted: »

    I chose to save Jane and forgive her and let the family in. I personally never liked Kenny that much in season 1 always that he was a d#$

  • Shit, sorry, fucking phone -_-

    Didn't mean to reply

    cryhwks posted: »

    I chose to save Jane and forgive her and let the family in. I personally never liked Kenny that much in season 1 always that he was a d#$

  • edited August 2014

    I let Kenny kill Jane and then I went with him to Wellington.

    The hardest decision of the series was to either stay at or leave Wellington. As much as I ranted about Kenny before this episode came out, he does make me nostalgic for season one. He was crazy and unstable, but I considered him family in a way. I also did not want Clementine to be alone - especially after there was no hope of Luke coming back.

    However, I did decide to stay in Wellington. It was so hard but I had to. It would mean Luke and everyone else's deaths would be vain if I just walked away from possibly the only safe place left for the baby after everything they went through. I'm sorry Kenny. I wish you could have gone in with us. To be honest, I'm still questioning my choice. It made me emotional and it was hard to watch Kenny walk off alone.

  • edited August 2014

    The Kenny/Jane choice just messed me up. Part of me was telling, that Kenny was my favourite character and I'm loyal to the end. My other part told me, that it isn't Kenny anymore, and he could be with his family again. After 5 minutes of thinking, I chose to kill Kenny. Then it turns out that the baby is alive. I wanted to shot Jane right in the head, for making Kenny die. Then she made a point: Kenny really was insane. Then I couldn't forgive her, but it was better for Clem to go with her. And I'm thinking about rewinding, but going with Kenny is not easy either. Congratulations Telltale, for the good writing and for making me depressed. And for making the choices matter.

  • I killed Kenny. But when I found out that baby is alive.... Oh god, I need to replay the ending.

    P.S. Sorry for stupid question, but how do you uploed pictures from Steam? I can't find a needed folder with the pics for some reason.

  • Click the open screenshot folder (or something like that, my steam is not english) button, then double click the picture. The windows picture viewer should open. Click File -> make a copy (or something like that, my windows is not english either). You can either make copies like this, or you can just check the folder when you are making one.

    I killed Kenny. But when I found out that baby is alive.... Oh god, I need to replay the ending. P.S. Sorry for stupid question, but how do you uploed pictures from Steam? I can't find a needed folder with the pics for some reason.

  • edited August 2014

    I didn't blink..I let her die.

    I stayed with Kenny.

    Kenny was just doing what Lee told Clem in the flashback scene. Sometimes you have to hurt others to protect the ones you love. That exactly what Kenny was doing.

    And what is best for group is not to bring the worst of people. Especially if they suffered more than Jane ever imagined. She doesn't know what Kenny been through.

    She is "Nothing" just like Kenny described her. Kenny would never let her Wife or Son goes. Unlike her leaving her sister to walkers.

  • Thanks!

    Click the open screenshot folder (or something like that, my steam is not english) button, then double click the picture. The windows pictur

  • I choose to let Kenny kill Jane and then I shot him in the head. That's the badass ending right?

  • edited August 2014

    I let Kenny kill Jane the Liar, and I denied Wellington's offer and left with Kenny. After all I've been through with Kenny, and how much he has done for me, it only felt right. it is by far my favorite ending, and the one I chose.

  • I let Kenny stab Jane, went to Wellington with him and stayed at Wellington with AJ.

  • edited August 2014

    Damn things really are pretty split. Seems like alot of people Shot Kenny then regretted it and rewinded.

  • I saw a lot of this trainwreck about to happen. I felt it. After the flashback, I made a choice. No more killing for Clem. No more hurting anyone, unless it was necessary.

    I couldn't even touch the gun. I was too busy sobbing. No, no blood will be on Clem's hands. No way.

  • edited August 2014

    Kenny cared about AJ and Clem more than his life, that doesn't make him an insane psychopath in my book. Jane pushed a man who lost so much to his breaking point, so I let the fight end on Jane's head. After all, she wanted Clem to stay out of it.

  • To be honest Jane had it coming. She told clementine to stay out of it :P

  • I shot Kenny, then left Jane because fuck her. I really regret shooting him, but I still haven't rewinded. Never rewinded before, so I'm gonna stick to it. And my favourite ending is staying at Wellington.

  • I voted for an ending I didn't get (stay in Wellington), because I quite like it thematically. My second playthrough might get that one, though I think that Clem has more likely to end up alone. My one finished playthrough ended with Jane and the family, which currently does seem to be the most popular choice.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Shot Kenny (Favorite character though) and let the family in. Still, after getting the other endings, I'd say the one where Clementine goes

  • Killed Jane, went to Wellington and stayed. THAT'S what Kenny truly wanted. His loved one's to be safe. Not his family but his families safety.

  • edited May 2016

    I chose to side with Kenny. He's a good man that's been dealt a shit hand. I also chose not to go to Wellington. I can't seem to understand why anyone would abandon the people they love. Kenny will always be family. I really think they have a chance if they check back in a month or two. They had plenty of supplies for the time being. He deserves to be loved too!

  • I chose to shoot Kenny and forgave Jane. I never liked Kenny though, and this season just piled on the distaste for me. If I had the option of getting rid of him sooner, I would have taken it. There were a lot of times I thought "Man, I wish I could just shoot him and be done with it." so I didn't hesitate, even though I wish it hadn't been Clem that had to do it. I also agree with Jane's way of life, even though I hated how quick she was to condemn Sarah and the fact that she hid the baby just to prove something to Clem after I already implied I didn't think Kenny was savable. I think that Clem staying in Wellington is a great ending, but I really like the idea of Clem being able to control her own future, starting with letting the family in to help them rebuild.

  • edited May 2016

    Killed Jane (sweet, sweet revenge), went with Kenny and left Wellington with him and AJ.


  • Looked away and Gone to Wellington with Kenny but stayed with the survivors with AJ. I'm sorry,Kenny.

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