Do you think we'll ever see the 400 Days characters again?
Aside from Bonnie who is determinant, do you think we'll ever see any of the 400 Days characters again? Becca, Shel, Vince, Wyatt, Russell and Vince might be a bit hard to include (which is unfortunate, as they were interesting characters) but I still think we could see Eddie, Nate or Tavia y'know.
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We never saw the fate of most of them and it's entirely possible most survived. Given what happened in season 2, their status at the end of 400 Days wouldn't hugely matter either. Many of them were great characters so I'm really hoping we see them again. Personally, I think it's a shame we didn't get much of them in season 2.
We'll probably see most of them as walkers, sadly.
I think we'll see Nate. Too many people really love his character and keep clamoring for it, I think he'll show up somehow. I think Eddie would be a nice addition too but I'm 50/50 on that. I'd actually be surprised if there were no Nate. No cameo in S2, the most popular character from 400 days, and still talked about... It would be too big a disappointment if he were just completely abandoned.
I hope. But if I'm being honest, I don't think so.
I hope so.
I hope, but I doubt they will make a return.
I'm sure we'll see Eddie and also Nate
In the words of Kenny
"Maybe, maybe not."
I certainly hope so. One of the biggest disappointments I had with Season 2 was that we only learned what happened to those who followed Tavia. As it happens my favourite characters Vince and Shel stayed in the camp and therefore weren't members of Carver's community. I waited the entire season to learn what happened to them and then they weren't included.
I hope so. I'd rather see them return than Christa, thats for sure.
The Season 2 DLC will be called "900 Days".
Vince - He became a heavy smoker. He also tattooed "Fuck Wall Street" inscription on his arm. The local thugs used to call him Bad Luck Vince.
Shel - Becca was bitten and died. Shel overcame depression by working at the gas station and selling cute puppies to hungry walkers. (If you buy two, you get the third one for free)
Wyatt - He found Eddie. They got high as fuck. End credits.
Russel - He met Nate eating big homemade meal at his Gramps. They drove off into the sunset.
Bonnie - She spent a whole episode enjoying the delights of a frozen lake's bottom. Luke popped up and crashed fan's hearts into a million pieces.
Also, lol. This thread is almost 1 year old xD
Maybe with the Michonne Mini Serie we will have the chance to see them again:-P
There is a possibility, although I kinda doubt that we will see them in the Michonne Mini Series :P
I doubt we will see them again
I hope so.
Hope so but I doubt it. Would like to see Shel, Becca and Nate back especially.
cant wait to see michone in action
I hope so. Wyatt is one of my favorite character in all the serie.
I hope that I will find Eddie in season 3.
I don't think so but I'd wish to see Becca dying, she is so annoying. I'd prefer Vince, Wyatt and Eddie.
We can dream
After EP 3 of s2? Hell no.
Nate too

Running away
Personally, I think us seeing Eddy and Nate is likely. After all, they're the most beloved people of 400 days,
Maybe (And its a big maybe) Nate and Eddy as we did not see either of them dead nor did we see them in season 2. it would be a big long shot but im hoping that Nate comes back maybe as a side-villan or just a quick cameo as he was probably the most interesting one with his personality. it would be great to see them but i cant see it tbh
Yeah I sure hope so. Nate was interesting and Eddy was purely epic. #smokeweedeveryday :P
eddie was going to appear in amid the ruins because he was in the thumbnail for episode 4
I agree that dick, Larry, Doug and Carly models are placeholders. But that Eddie shadow is unique and does not look like a placeholder.
Duck I meant
Maybe they just didn't hide his face well enough?
Well, if they ever apperar I hope the choice between going with Tavia or staying at camp will actually matter, not that crappy cameo of 5 seconds. I would really love to see Eddie back of all 400 days characters. And just as long as I don't have to deal with Russell and Becca.
I saw all of them or most of them or some of them in the store in season two. in fact one or two died i think
Really hope so...I really liked them.
We all like them