Viva La Forum Revolution (Interactive Story)



  • [Large, Let's find them and fast]

    I feel like Gustav will be one of the firdt imperials to die

    The War Begins 1-8 Golden's POV Lee walks Golden to the Captain's Barracks. Inside are new soldiers and old ones. Lee- These are yo

  • Part coming out later.

  • Ayyyy not bad B]

    Part coming out later.

  • B]? What does that mean?

    Green613 posted: »

    Ayyyy not bad B]

  • Sunglasses smiley face.

    B]? What does that mean?

  • Voting Closed

    Imperial Choice: [Large, Let's find them and fast]

    The War Begins 1-8 Golden's POV Lee walks Golden to the Captain's Barracks. Inside are new soldiers and old ones. Lee- These are yo

  • I'm too tired to write a part tonight. :P

    You'll get a few tomorrow.

  • K skrub B]

    I'm too tired to write a part tonight. :P You'll get a few tomorrow.

  • I am half way done writing the basics for Season 1.

    That means less Personal Development days, that have no parts.

  • I want to reveal these titles for the episodes.

    Episode 1- The War Begins

    A Nation torn in two

    Episode 2- Forces Divided

    Missions reveal threats

    Episode 3- Blast from the Past

    Old friends return...But what are their intentions?

    Episode 4- Friends Lost

    To the Fallen, our friends in peace, our comrades in war...

    Episode 5- Eye of the Storm

    As the storm rages on...The future is uncertain...Be wary...The Eye of the Storm can be deceiving.

  • Holy shit, this sounds way epic.

  • You don't even know the twist i'm throwing in.

    Here is a little hint

    Looks can be deceiving...Never trust those who have nothing left to lose...Pandora's box isn't suppose to be opened...

    Green613 posted: »

    Holy shit, this sounds way epic.

  • You're the biggest tease ever ;[

    You don't even know the twist i'm throwing in. Here is a little hint Looks can be deceiving...Never trust those who have nothing left to lose...Pandora's box isn't suppose to be opened...

  • Yup, the real threat won't be revealed till the end of Episode 2.

    Green613 posted: »

    You're the biggest tease ever ;[

  • The real threat is a mutant cookawaii, called it.

    Yup, the real threat won't be revealed till the end of Episode 2.

  • edited November 2014

    Wow, I need to catch up with this, Espically when Wild Skrubs running all over the place (Like Green613)

  • ...Close in a way.

    The real threat is a mutant cookawaii, called it.

  • You have some time.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Wow, I need to catch up with this, Espically when Wild Skrubs running all over the place (Like Green613)

  • The War Begins 1-9

    When you pay mercs to do your job...You're paying good service...

    Green's POV

    Green- Pay them a lot, the money is going to be well spent.

    Gustav- Yes, of course your Kawaii-ness.

    Gustav walks to Pipas and tells him the bounty price. Pipas looks pleased then heads out.

    Green- Gustav, gather your forces, once we get word of the Rebel's position, you must strike.

    Gustav- Yes, your Kawaii-ness.

    Golden's POV

    Back at the Mine hideout, the groups are getting ready to leave. 1 Hour after the Bounty has been set.

    Golden- Alright, you all be careful.

    Lee- We all understand that. You should be careful, you're stuck here with a bunch of Rookies.

    Golden- We will be fine, this place is well hidden.

    Lee- Still...Be careful.

    Golden- I will.

    The groups leave and Golden walks back into the Mines.

    Pipas's POV

    Near the Mine, Pipas watches the groups leave

    Pipas- Easier than I thought it would be...

    Pipas gets on a horse and starts to ride back to the Imperial City.

    Green's POV

    Back at Green's Palace two hours after the Rebel's left their hideout.

    Pipas is escorted in by guards.

    Pipas- Hello, I have found them.

    Green- In three hours?

    Pipas- They aren't smart.

    Green- Where?

    Pipas hands Green a map with the Rebel's base marked on it.

    Green- Thank you Pipas, you can receive your payment on the way out.

    Pipas leaves and gets his payment. Green orders the Imperial Army to attack the Rebels

    End of Chapter

  • Pipas is so lucky. XD

    The War Begins 1-9 When you pay mercs to do your job...You're paying good service... Green's POV Green- Pay them a lot, the money i

  • Maybe he is just very good.

    Pipas is so lucky. XD

  • edited November 2014

    True. Or he could be working with the rebels?? :o Possibly going undercover, or traitor? I'm probably going to deep with this.

    Maybe he is just very good.

  • Or maybw they paid him too much xd

    Maybe he is just very good.

  • He is only in it for the money, if the Rebels paid him then he would work for them...

    True. Or he could be working with the rebels?? Possibly going undercover, or traitor? I'm probably going to deep with this.

  • He got the job done.

    supersagig posted: »

    Or maybw they paid him too much xd

  • Alt text

    True. Or he could be working with the rebels?? Possibly going undercover, or traitor? I'm probably going to deep with this.

  • Alt text

    Pipas is so lucky. XD

  • edited November 2014

    Or maybe he's lying to thy Kawaiiness, which is a crime punishable by death ;] @Pipas watch yourself.

    He is only in it for the money, if the Rebels paid him then he would work for them...

  • I bet that will get me killed.

    He is only in it for the money, if the Rebels paid him then he would work for them...

  • The War Begins 1-10

    And that is how mercs started to get in the war, one side bought them and others started to too. The war's beginning is close to the end, the middle is where it got interesting...

    Golden's POV

    Golden walks throughout the camp and just gets comfortable to the situation he is in. Suddenly a large explosion rocks the cavern and the Rebels start to get in the defensive posts. Golden rushes up and stops a soldier.

    Golden- What's happening?

    Rebel Soldier- The Imperials are attacking!

    Golden- How...Quickly run to your post!

    Golden and the soldier separate. Golden runs up to some soldiers.

    Golden- Quickly who are you!?

    The soldiers answer with Sagig, Hello World, Saltlick, and Clemmy.

    Golden- Okay, grab your weapons and follow me!

    They grab their weapons and follow Golden.

    Gustav's POV

    Gustav watches as his Imperials bombard the mines. Rebels start to come out in defensive positions and Imperials attack.

    Gustav- All according to plan...

    An Imperial soldier runs up to Gustav.

    Imperial Soldier- General, the Rebel leader and some soldiers are attacking our back flank!

    Gustav-...Focus on the front...I'll handle this.

    Gustav goes and gets some soldiers then walks to his armies back flank. He spots Golden and his 4 soldiers attacking Imperial soldiers. Gustav and his soldiers runs up and attacks Golden and his soldiers. Gustav clashes swords with Golden.

    Gustav- Give up now and i'll give you a quick death!

    Golden- Same can be said to you!

    Gustav- You're a pain!

    Golden- I guess that's what you love about me!

    Golden throws Gustav back and then they continue to sword fight.

    ???'s POV

    A woman in old merc armor from the Mod's time stands and watches the battle. She smiles and pulls out her sword.

    ???-Back into the fray...Just like old times.

    End of Episode 1

  • I knew I wasn't going to last to Episode 3...

    The War Begins 1-10 And that is how mercs started to get in the war, one side bought them and others started to too. The war's beginning

  • Are you complimenting my sword fighting skills?

    I knew I wasn't going to last to Episode 3...

  • Yes. Also the fact that one of us will most likely die.

    Are you complimenting my sword fighting skills?

  • Who do you think the stranger is?

    Yes. Also the fact that one of us will most likely die.

  • An old mod or raging blades

    Who do you think the stranger is?

  • Awesomeo

    Who do you think the stranger is?

  • Would a Mod wear merc armor?

    supersagig posted: »

    An old mod or raging blades

  • But...Awesomeo's a guy....




  • Raging blades

    Would a Mod wear merc armor?

  • :P

    supersagig posted: »

    Raging blades

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