Did luke even really die??
sorry this is going to piss some people off but im like so confused... a major protagonist who was crucial to the story who had definitely been established as a main character was just killed off no biggie?? and then like a background character (jane) becomes the main character? im so lost. i totally thought this whole thing with season 2 was about luke or kenny. and now its abouut Jane???? wtf ...... failure story goodbye
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No, He is alive, don't even worry about it man, luke will come back, just like kenny.
(Sits in a dark corner hoping luke is alive)
His death served no purpose other than shock value. Much like almost every single other death in Season 2. I guess the writers thought that by being unpredictable, it would somehow make everything all better. But nope! We get to choose from two less than desirable companions for Clem rather than the one guy that would make the most sense at that time. Way to go Telltale! No one saw that coming!
But wait...What about the rest of the season? What was the point of everything we did up to that point? I really can't tell you as nothing I did seemed to matter in this Season. I might as well have skipped everything and waited for the 5th episode to come out. This is why "A House Divided" is the best episode. Our choices matter and have the potential to impact the rest of the Season...Well I know how that turned out...
That's what they wanted us to think, that it was going to be between Luke and Kenny. People have been picking sides since A House Divided, most people choosing Kenny. If they were to do that, it would have been expected, and the stats very predictable. Breckon and Shorette threw a curveball at the audience and caught us off guard, making the choice much harder to make than if it was between Luke and Kenny. Plus, I kind of find it hard to think of a way to set up a fight to the death match between Luke and Kenny, especially since it would be completely out of Luke's character to try and hide AJ. But for Jane, hiding and faking AJ's death, which is what sent Kenny over the edge, is in her character.
Apparently it's not unheard of that people can survive hours underwater. So it is possible but unlikely he lived. If TTG and everyone else does their research he could potentially be found and revived by someone.
Five Stages of Grief:
Bargaining <- I am here.
This is getting old, but he's still alive. Obviously. Somebody make a Luke confirmed for Season 3 gif. It will be the new Kenny confirmed for season2. XD
He's dead.
Do those eyes look alive to you?
Why the fuck do people still think Luke is alive when we see his dead body?
Also the pacing was really good. Kenny's return is placed at exactly the right time for you to forget about Carver and Matthew provided that you don't know it'll be brought back up. I thought that was a really good way of laying out the episode.
Denial is the right word.
There was something in the rum, he was just high >.>
Dead fish eyes.
Sure, Lilac. Sure.
No he's alive. His lungs are just filled with freezing cold water, and he's probably nice and warm at the bottom of that freezing lake.
If you listen very, very closely...you might juuuust hear Job J Stauffer weeping in his office at finding yet another 'wtf Luke, why you dead man' thread while on his coffee break XD
But I can relate to the things said here. I've kinda talk the subject into the ground so I won't go into it too much. But yeah, there's a reason why the finale disappointed me because everything before just seemed kinda meaningless. I do like the effort they made on Jane in the attempt to make us like her in such a short frame of time, but sadly I just saw it as too much too late. After establishing all the stuff with Luke and Kenny for so long and building that up, an outcome with them would've made the game for me. Jane just didn't quite live up to that, even despite all the back story they crammed into the last two episodes with her, she still felt like a lesser character compared to Clem, Kenny and Luke, and that's why having her in that role unfortunately didn't do it for me. She needed to be established a lot sooner for it to have convinced me.
But Luke's death was just terrible. I honestly would rather believe he gets fished out and revived because it just makes me feel better T_T I mean there was even this documentary on the other day where this man had to have a operation to remove this stuff from his lungs, but to do it so he didn't bleed out they removed every drop of blood from his system and kept his body freezing cold so he didn't have organ failure and his brain didn't suffer any permanent damage [Every 20 minutes they'd have to pour the blood back into him so he didn't die die, it was really cool actually.]
If that dude can survive 20 minutes on ice without any blood in his system and his brain not going pop, then Luke can survive another 20 something minutes in that lake without breathing okay! T____T I need some coco.
Luke is dead I seen him die.
No...He's still alive.... awkward fistbump
LMFAO! Oh man that was awesome
Cheats might've been enabled, you never know... just like that Kenny situation from season 1. He got back. he was lucky. real lucky.
Luke is a walker at the bottom of the lake for all eternity. He is dead.
He was either dragged down into the abyss of below 0 temperature water or has a look of nothingness on his face. Nah I'm sure he's fine.
Sarah saved him.
I'm still not over Lees death. How dare telltale do this to us.
Luke isn't dead... he magically got out somehow like Bonnie... Don't look at me like that, I'm not im denial. He's alive you'll won't see because he is clearly dead, although he's possibly alive...
You know, if kenny can magically escape an alleyway with walkers coming from both sides, then luke should be able to survive the frozen lake and get real lucky too dammit, yea I'm still in denial and will probably always be in denial about luke's 'death'
no of course not
He's probably lukewarm at the bottom of the sea and just waiting for season 3.
Its TellTale they'll do anything to piss us off. They make us get emotionally attached to the character and then later on they kill them off.
Were those people underwater? Sounds to me like they were carried by the water, but still well above the surface. I really can't imagine someone can survive hours underwater unless they're part-fish or something.
Not sure, I'll have to look further into it.
You gotta hand it to Tara... not many characters can say they've had a friendly fistbump with the biggest villain and the biggest hero of the zombie world. If she had been at the peace summit instead of Andrea, she totally could have smoothed things over between them.
Luke will rise from the Lake with a Hockey mask and his machete
Luke was the uprising of Jason Voorhees
he got lucky. real lucky
me with nick but i got over him in august. I still love him and hope he returns one day
We never played as Luke...?
After Episode 3, Jane was never a background character. She's one of the most developed in the season.