Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • If you stay quiet after Gortys gets her first upgrade Loader Bot says this:

    enter image description here

  • Someone showed the Jack-A-Pedia version of the Handsome Jack scan a while ago, so here's the regular scan of Handsome Jack:

    enter image description here

  • I didn't notice this the first time, but in the hub of heroism Fiona can look at the Founders of Hyperion:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Maybe it's the very first compassionate look we've seen from him.

    Does this look less odd though? Something about it is still bugging me, but maybe I've just been looking at it for too long or sth...

  • He does say he "has a new body" when he's released.

  • The version....

    enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Someone showed the Jack-A-Pedia version of the Handsome Jack scan a while ago, so here's the regular scan of Handsome Jack:

  • Well now I know the reason Handsome Jack was able to take over Hyperion.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I didn't notice this the first time, but in the hub of heroism Fiona can look at the Founders of Hyperion:

  • edited October 2015

    Let's hope they keep this up in Ep. 5.

    (Scanning Giant Gortys)



    dojo32161 posted: »

    The best conversation between two angry people:

  • He scared the remaining two (the one on the right is dead, and the only man who was going to FIX THE CLAPTRAPS) into giving all their shares to him.

    FlareBattle posted: »

    Well now I know the reason Handsome Jack was able to take over Hyperion.

  • This is a minor point, but to anyone who has seen Pulp Fiction and know Marvin. Cassius is voiced by Phil LaMarr, aka Marvin.

    Good thing that Fiona didn't shoot Marvin in the face. :P

  • Okay, so while (not desperately) staring at the episode 5 thumbnail, I noticed the background of Rhys and Fiona. Isn't this the hideout they are currently in, present time?

    enter image description here

  • Yeah it looks like it, it was also in the next time of EP1

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Okay, so while (not desperately) staring at the episode 5 thumbnail, I noticed the background of Rhys and Fiona. Isn't this the hideout they are currently in, present time?

  • (Not sure if this has been mentioned)

    In EP3 when Cassius is revealed to be an Atlas employee there are two different (minor) ways Athena reacts based on who you trusted at the end of EP2.

    Trust Fiona: "You lying Atlas shit!"

    Trust Jack: "You lying Atlas scum!"

  • mentioned but still inturresting

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    (Not sure if this has been mentioned) In EP3 when Cassius is revealed to be an Atlas employee there are two different (minor) ways Athena

  • Reviving this just to say


    dojo32161 posted: »

    When going over your choices, if you look at Rhys' third choice (choosing between Vaughn or Vasquez) in the little picture, for some reason you can see Yvette standing behind Vasquez her name even shows up as a participant in the call.

  • So, I figured this has been mentioned before, but does anyone have an idea or theory on why the gortys core and Handsome Jack's pocketwatch look almost identical? I would show a picture of it, but I cannot find a good image of the core anywhere.

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    If you're talking about this thing then I wouldn't say they're that identical...

    So, I figured this has been mentioned before, but does anyone have an idea or theory on why the gortys core and Handsome Jack's pocketwatch look almost identical? I would show a picture of it, but I cannot find a good image of the core anywhere.

  • That's actually quite interesting.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    (Not sure if this has been mentioned) In EP3 when Cassius is revealed to be an Atlas employee there are two different (minor) ways Athena

  • Lol, I thought he was talking about the Atlas facility they were driving towards.

    It took me a while to actually understand his fourth wall breaking joke.

  • edited October 2015

    Not aged well my ass.

    enter image description here

    Wow...The original Borderlands has not aged well at all.

  • I thought so too. I didn't realized the joke until people on this forum pointed it out.

    bocajbee posted: »

    Lol, I thought he was talking about the Atlas facility they were driving towards.

  • Ah, thanks for that! Someone said they were identical on some other forums and I couldn't find it anywhere on Google. You look up gortys core and it shows the adorable gortys lol. Figured you guys would have an answer!

    buntingsir posted: »

    If you're talking about this thing then I wouldn't say they're that identical...

  • I wonder if they will change the slide like they did with episode 4.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Okay, so while (not desperately) staring at the episode 5 thumbnail, I noticed the background of Rhys and Fiona. Isn't this the hideout they are currently in, present time?

  • Nope! Laura tweeted a pic of her testplaying and it had the same slide as now

    Enigma12 posted: »

    I wonder if they will change the slide like they did with episode 4.

  • Totally saying, I bet that is a reference to Dameon Clarke's voice acting in DBZ.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Someone showed the Jack-A-Pedia version of the Handsome Jack scan a while ago, so here's the regular scan of Handsome Jack:

  • Not sure if this has been posted, but wth.

    In ep. 3, heading inside the dome. The door will be blocked by rubble and you also have to pull a lever to open it. Move the rubble first. This gives you the opprutinity to talk to Gorty's and Loader bot by themselves. Keep clicking on them for unique conversations about life and killing all humans.

  • enter link description here

    This one with Loader bot has been posted here a while ago, but I haven't seen conversation with Gortys yet.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Not sure if this has been posted, but wth. In ep. 3, heading inside the dome. The door will be blocked by rubble and you also have to pul

  • The tour guide lady seems to have been changed at the last second, for whatever reason. In the trailer, she's a totally different woman, with totally different clothing. Strange.

    enter image description here enter image description here

  • Hmm but the face on the ID looks the same in both, both look like the woman on the right..

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    The tour guide lady seems to have been changed at the last second, for whatever reason. In the trailer, she's a totally different woman, with totally different clothing. Strange.

  • I noticed that, and that's quite interesting...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hmm but the face on the ID looks the same in both, both look like the woman on the right..

  • For a small second, when you take Gortys back from Vallory, 'Verb' and 'Noun' show up... I won't pretend to know why.

    enter image description here

  • Eh, it's probably that the art asset for the tag (which isnt part of the woman's model) was finalised before the model of the woman, and the woman on the left is a placeholder while they created a woman looking like the one in the picture. Or something.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I noticed that, and that's quite interesting...

  • It's amusing that her model was created so late in development that they had to use a placeholder in the trailer. xD

    Flog61 posted: »

    Eh, it's probably that the art asset for the tag (which isnt part of the woman's model) was finalised before the model of the woman, and the

  • Isn't the outfit on the left one of the outfits you can have Fiona purchase? If it is, maybe the outfit and hair way a placeholder. The face seems the same, so maybe they finalized the hair and clothing once they agreed to a design.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hmm but the face on the ID looks the same in both, both look like the woman on the right..

  • edited October 2015

    The on-screen one is a little stretched and it looks more clean.. The eyes, the mouth, teeth and the shadowing looks waaay cleaner on the left one. It's like it was taken out of Borderlands 2..

    enter image description here

    I think that might be the case.

  • So it took me a while but if you look at August's eye in episode 4 you'll see that it's somewhat swollen. This is because of when Sasha kicked him in the jungle car chase.

  • Hmm, it is but the colouration is slightly different, FIona's outfit has blue accents whereas that woman's has yellow..

    eRock92 posted: »

    Isn't the outfit on the left one of the outfits you can have Fiona purchase? If it is, maybe the outfit and hair way a placeholder. The face seems the same, so maybe they finalized the hair and clothing once they agreed to a design.

  • I think they are just place holders for the text. Example;

    Verb: Pick Up

    Noun: Gortys Ball

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    For a small second, when you take Gortys back from Vallory, 'Verb' and 'Noun' show up... I won't pretend to know why.

  • How do you know that? Maybe he's allergic to Liu Kang bicycle kicks to DE FACE.

    enter image description here

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    So it took me a while but if you look at August's eye in episode 4 you'll see that it's somewhat swollen. This is because of when Sasha kicked him in the jungle car chase.

  • Probably. Still a nice little insight into how they develop things.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think they are just place holders for the text. Example; Verb: Pick Up Noun: Gortys Ball

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