Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • I posted one of Fiona's unused outfits here, I think it's that one.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hmm, it is but the colouration is slightly different, FIona's outfit has blue accents whereas that woman's has yellow..

  • Swoozie? nice.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    How do you know that? Maybe he's allergic to Liu Kang bicycle kicks to DE FACE.

  • I'm not sure what you're talking about-however comma I know who Swoozie is

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Swoozie? nice.

  • Well, Rhys is hooked into the ECHOnet, right? What if someone had footage of him getting shot, and uploaded it, and Jack watched his own death that way? He probably wouldn't need to experience it first-hand to know that being shot in the sternum doesn't exactly tickle.

    Well, no. Jack knows exactly how he died. Shot in the sternum. He describes to Rhys how it's painful and sucks.

  • I highly doubt someone had footage of Jack getting shot.

    Izzybutt posted: »

    Well, Rhys is hooked into the ECHOnet, right? What if someone had footage of him getting shot, and uploaded it, and Jack watched his own dea

  • A while back didnt you also say there was a model with Fiona's hair down from ep 3? Because I really want to see what that looked like

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    I posted one of Fiona's unused outfits here, I think it's that one.

  • Same here. I'd like to see that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    A while back didnt you also say there was a model with Fiona's hair down from ep 3? Because I really want to see what that looked like

  • handsome jack's pocket watch was created by hyperion r&d (bltps), it allows him to be invisible.

    Ah, thanks for that! Someone said they were identical on some other forums and I couldn't find it anywhere on Google. You look up gortys core and it shows the adorable gortys lol. Figured you guys would have an answer!

  • A couple things I liked:

    When you insult the guard's mom after landing on Helios, the message in the corner isn't your usual "______ will remember that."

    Dr. Cassius' employee page on the computers has his resume and CV on it, but everything except the titles is randomly typed text, like "ukhkpbnkpb ipgbyibp yvgutofv uygvuy rutpuyq"

    I also love how Scooter is the only character to pose for his splash screen:

  • That poor scientist... at least he doesn't have to worry about his skull shivers and loosing his ID card lol.

    Umikaloo posted: »

    handsome jack's pocket watch was created by hyperion r&d (bltps), it allows him to be invisible.

  • And it shows him still posing after it's off screen! That was so funny lol.

    DirtSPP posted: »

    A couple things I liked: When you insult the guard's mom after landing on Helios, the message in the corner isn't your usual "______ will

  • I feel liek his eyes were gkazed for contrast, it makes it easier to see his reaction if there's a definite line between his eyes and his forehead

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, and it's pretty minor, but I noticed in Episode 3 Cassius' eyes are glazed, and the pupils


    LawmanZero posted: »

    I conclude that Atlas made some...interesting make up products.

  • wait what? seriously??? o.o

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Not sure if this has been posted, but wth. In ep. 3, heading inside the dome. The door will be blocked by rubble and you also have to pul

  • "....Uh..."

    And it shows him still posing after it's off screen! That was so funny lol.

  • someone besides jack who actually broke the fourth wall by doing something like that , posing for the players and in jack´s case noticing the " Jack will remember this" text over his head , I love those stupid jokes xD

    And it shows him still posing after it's off screen! That was so funny lol.

  • I actually didnt notice this until now bwahahaha thanks for posting it

    Ok, sorry if someone posted this before, which is likely, but I'm too shocked over not having noticed this before myself to check all the previous pages of this thread...

  • knowthatfeelbro

    I couldn't tell you, I... never actually trusted Fiona. You need to ask someone who's less obsessed with admiring of Handsome Jack's work.

  • I thought it was a cloaking device

    buntingsir posted: »

    If you're talking about this thing then I wouldn't say they're that identical...

  • edited October 2015

    thats how I use to dance any danceable kind of music in this world, it never fails

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Good 'ol Commander Shepard school

  • is that like a hug or... wait a moment, wasnt Rhys taller than jack?

  • goddamn didnt pick those options and he is killing me too now, rhys always makes me lmao with his stupidity xDDD thanks for posting it
    Leluch123 posted: »

    Rhys you idiot...

  • In episode 4 you can see the motorbike Janey is riding in the episode 5 screenshots in Scooter's garage.

  • edited October 2015

    The picture in question:

    Interestingly, Vasquez's stolen car re-appears (with Zer0 ghostriding the whip) and August is riding turret in the Technical to the right, along with what looks like Fiona and Sasha manning the Technical in the back.

    In episode 4 you can see the motorbike Janey is riding in the episode 5 screenshots in Scooter's garage.

  • I wonder if Rhys is in the car? If he isn't, who is?

    DirtSPP posted: »

    The picture in question: Interestingly, Vasquez's stolen car re-appears (with Zer0 ghostriding the whip) and August is riding turret in the Technical to the right, along with what looks like Fiona and Sasha manning the Technical in the back.

  • I'm pretty sure it's Rhys (and maybe Vaughn too, but the passenger seat looks empty) in the car. Otherwise, I dunno who else would be driving it. Finch and Kroger? They probably either get whacked on Helios or are hitching a ride with August on his Technical.

    I wonder if Rhys is in the car? If he isn't, who is?

  • I think I see one of them driving August's technical in the pic, actually. Rhys might be driving the car and Vaughn's shotgun, like the first episode, but you can't see lol. I worry, since we know something happens between Rhys and Fiona.

    DirtSPP posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's Rhys (and maybe Vaughn too, but the passenger seat looks empty) in the car. Otherwise, I dunno who else would be drivin

  • TFTB = Tales From The Borderlands

    BTTF = Back To The Future

    mind blown


    dojo32161 posted: »

    Here's a few gifs of the scene if you don't try to dodge August's bullet in episode 3:

  • Looking forward to reading this thread now that Episode 5 is out. I wonder what all the variations on that scene towards the end are.

  • One thing I noticed when I started the game. In the screen where Rhys and Fiona are standing together. The music has changed for the final episode.

  • You got a video? 'Cause I really wanna see Claptrap in action.

  • He says fuck a lot.

    You got a video? 'Cause I really wanna see Claptrap in action.

  • Is it bleeped because its claptrap or does he go full potty mouth go sit on the stairs Clap trap?

    Reliqum posted: »

    He says fuck a lot.

  • Bleeped.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Is it bleeped because its claptrap or does he go full potty mouth go sit on the stairs Clap trap?

  • If you peeked Sasha's gift from Felix in episode 2, you can tell her about it when she thinks it may be a scope or something like that.

    If you side with Jack in ep2, after you crash in Pandora, you wont be able to access the Jack-Apedia, as it says it's currently offline.

    The Stranger's action when he picked up that Gortys' piece (grabing it zealously and pointing his gun at Rhys and Fiona) make much more sense now that we know who he is and his motives. He clearly doesn't trust our protagonist with the piece at this point after Fiona destroyed Gortys.

    Here is what you must do to have all the options for your Vault Team.

    Athena: Tell Janey in Episode 4 that she loves her.

    Janey: Launch Scooter's Dahl propaganda in ep4.

    August: Blame Felix or Vasquez in episode 3, so you don't blame him obviously.

    Felix: Warn him about the bomb in episode 1.

    Cassius: Don't let Athena kill him in episode 3.

    Zero: Mention to Brick and Mordecai that you are a Vault Hunter.

    Misterius Vault Sign: It seems you need to collect all the money (i don't know for sure, as i didn't have enough and LB told me it was better i didn't know :p). Also, it seems that if you choose Felix, he will give you a lot of money to hire a Vault Hunter instead of him (can someone confirm this? i killed him, just read it somewhere here).

  • How did you get him?

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • So in Ep 5 when Rhys puts the Gortys part inside Gortys, if you say I think I put it in upside down, and starts to explain how it can be like batteries, I refuse to say this isnt a reference to Carley from walking dead

  • You get exactly 9 million dollars for sparing Felix. :)

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