The Legendary Monkey Island FanArt



  • edited April 2010
    I think we're going into disturbing fanart directory, more like. Meet you there!
  • edited April 2010
    Hi there, people.

    Would anyone be interested in doing some CD cover art for the Monkey Island radio plays I've made? I can't legally sell them, but it would be good having something for Beneath Monkey Island and The Power of Monkey Island (which starts soon) for people to download and print off themselves.

    Check out the website in my signature.
  • edited April 2010
    Jennifer wrote: »
    I've been meaning to do this for a while. :)

    Here's my contribution to the Monkey Island animated dancing gifs. Guybrush does the Thriller dance. :D


    lol i wrote in a thread awhile back that tales should of ended with zombie guybrush doing thriller with a bunch of monkeys around him lol

    i love what youve done,its really sweet
  • edited April 2010
    Love all you fanarts and creations!
    I like minimalist designs, and Monkey Island too, so.. I made some minimalist/retro miniposters from the Monkey Island Universe!

    Bigger versions on my blog (Click)

    1. The Secret of Monkey Island (TV '90s thriller/adventure movies, Lost, travel poster)

    2. LeChuck's Revenge (tribute to Saul Bass) + Voodoo Version

    3. The Curse of Monkey Island (Western, Heist movies)

    4. Escape from Monkey Island (Classic book cover)

    4bis. This is the best Monkey Island line ever (imho). I love it. (travel poster)

    5. Tales of Monkey Island (noir/deco)

    There is no Winslow, I know, I know. But I'm planning to do one all for him and some other character. Hope you like them!
  • edited April 2010
    Nemiant, those are great! That's a really cool style.
  • edited April 2010
    My goodness, these posters are brilliant!
  • edited April 2010
    I love those posters. Really great job.
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Nemiant wrote: »
    Love all you fanarts and creations!
    I like minimalist designs, and Monkey Island too, so.. I made some minimalist/retro miniposters from the Monkey Island Universe!

    I have a soft spot for retro art, these are fantastic.
  • edited April 2010
    Nemiant wrote: »
    Love all you fanarts and creations!
    I like minimalist designs, and Monkey Island too, so.. I made some minimalist/retro miniposters from the Monkey Island Universe!

    Wow... I'm speechless. Thank you sir! It's amazing!
  • edited April 2010
    Great posters! :)
  • edited April 2010
  • edited April 2010
    Dang, those posters are awesome! Lovely style you have there!
  • edited April 2010
  • edited April 2010
  • edited April 2010











  • edited April 2010
    I can't keep up with all the redonkulous lingo, so I'll just say I'm in awe of those posters. Most of them would end up framed and hung on my wall if possible. Beautiful, beautiful work.

    Hmm ...
    does the thought of "Criterion box art" occur to anyone else, or is it just me?
  • edited April 2010
    I hereby decide that all the people complimenting "the posters" were referring to anyone who has posted in this thread before, and as such one person, to take the compliment.

    Thank you, everyone, thank you.

    (Oh, the... er... wall illustrations are great.)
  • edited April 2010
    Thank you very much! I didn't expect this! You are too kind.
    does the thought of "Criterion box art" occur to anyone else, or is it just me?
    I learned a new word, thank you! (seriously)
  • edited April 2010
    Nemiant those are incredible! Now I really want giant posters of them... especially the LeChuck's Revenge one.
  • edited April 2010
    My favourite is definitely the Curse one.
  • edited April 2010
    I love that Tales one. It's the kind of thing i'd frame and hang on my walls for people to not know what the hell it is
  • edited April 2010
    I would also hang the Tales poster on my wall, as well as the LeChuck's Revenge poster. :)
    Now for my artz:

    Sadly, there is a 98% chance that this pickup line would work on me.

    And a ridiculous comic I just drew which is under a link because it's kinda big: Adult Humor.
    Haww. . you can kinda tell it was late when I finished it.

    Also, here is some bizarre Monkey Island crossover fanart, which you won't understand unless you're familiar with the Flight of the Conchords show.
  • edited April 2010
    Hahaha that first one is awesome and I love it.

    ...It was supposed to be one of the failed pickup lines? It reminds me of a line from Lion King in French. Let's see:
    What heavy secret is he hiding,
    Behind such bitterness?
    All I know is he's this exiled king
    Who reigns over my heart!

    It's cheesy I guess, but it's sweet!
  • edited April 2010
    Yep! That's one of the things you can say to Elaine when you meet up with her again in MI2. . and the best one, in my opinion.
  • edited April 2010
    I really need to play the first three games in English someday.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh wow, that's awesome, Ignis!
  • edited April 2010

    I never drawn people before XD more of a cat person myself , but hey im improving :D I needed to practice my people so I decided to do Guybrush<3
  • edited April 2010
    How's about some crossover art where Murray and Max (of Sam & Max) meet for the first time? Something along the lines of...

    Max: Aww, Sam, can we keep him? He's trying to bite me...isn't that cute?

    Murray: Hey! Watch the hands, mortal!
  • edited April 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    How's about some crossover art where Murray and Max (of Sam & Max) meet for the first time? Something along the lines of...

    Max: Aww, Sam, can we keep him? He's trying to bite me...isn't that cute?

    Murray: Hey! Watch the hands, mortal!

    I could try drawing that o-o
  • edited April 2010
    Ignis wrote: »
    I would also hang the Tales poster on my wall, as well as the LeChuck's Revenge poster. :)
    Now for my artz:

    Sadly, there is a 98% chance that this pickup line would work on me.

    And a ridiculous comic I just drew which is under a link because it's kinda big: Adult Humor.
    Haww. . you can kinda tell it was late when I finished it.

    Also, here is some bizarre Monkey Island crossover fanart, which you won't understand unless you're familiar with the Flight of the Conchords show.

    Wow, these are great. You've got a great style, and it actually fits Monkey Island quite well.
    I don't think the humor is that "adult" though. Let's just say I expected worse. ;)
    Ignis wrote: »
    Sadly, there is a 98% chance that this pickup line would work on me.

    You're the governor of my heart, baby!
  • edited April 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    Wow, these are great. You've got a great style, and it actually fits Monkey Island quite well.
    I don't think the humor is that "adult" though. Let's just say I expected worse. ;)

    So did I. I should have had Elaine grab his ass or something. :cool:

    Joop wrote: »
    You're the governor of my heart, baby!

  • edited April 2010
    Kitmit13 wrote: »

    I never drawn people before XD more of a cat person myself , but hey im improving :D I needed to practice my people so I decided to do Guybrush<3

    that looks pretty real.

    It scares the crap out of me
  • edited April 2010
    I just posted this at the Mojo forums and am shamelessly pasting it here (hence the confusing reference to these forums). Enjoy :D

    Most of you will probably remember that when the LeChuck's Revenge Special Edition was announced, a picture of the promotional box art/poster was released. A lot of people were unhappy about the finished product (although, full disclaimer, I quite liked it), and some people over at the Telltale forums [did you spot the confusing reference?] took matters into their own hands and made some fixes/adjustments to it. I changed LeChuck's head and beard to look less block-like and, after realising how much I enjoyed it, I decided to create my own take on the original art.

    It's not meant to replace either the Special Edition art or Purcell's original, both of which are great in their own ways (although Purcell's is obviously better >.>), it's just my own little art project that I wanted to do as a tribute to the original.

    Since this isn't 1992 and I'm not being commissioned by LucasArts to do this, I didn't have to worry about spoilers and so I was able to put them in the underground tunnels where they were in the game. The more eagle-eyed among you will also notice that I've given LeChuck's eyes and needles some voodooey treatments, and I've given LeChuck a nice green spray tan. These are things that I think reflect the in-game scene that I'm depicting quite well, although that's no slight on the original art, which I think is arse-bogglingly brilliant.

    So, without further inane babbling, here it is:
    Higher Resolution:

    If you want to use this in any way at all then you're more than welcome to as long as you accredit me :p

    Credits go to:

    The lovely Steve Purcell

    The lovely folk at Wacom

    The lovely folk at Adobe

    Laserschwert for his lovely high-res poster (a poorly printed copy of which I currently have Sellotaped to my wall)

    And you, people of San Diego. You stay classy.
  • edited April 2010
    Second fanart!
    it started out as elaine,
    but for some reason i feel like it looks more like kate capsize, even though we never really get a good look at her, weird
  • edited April 2010
    Nemiant, those posters are out of this world - great tribute to Saul Bass there! Also Ignis, I got the Murray reference - it's very cool. ;)

    I should just say I've been spending a few weeks (on and off in stolen minutes) catching up on this thread and most of the quality here has left me speechless and goggling at the inventiveness and collaborative enthusiasm going on here. I love how you're all feeding off each others ideas and having reached the end (so far) I think I can safely say there's enough talent here to scare most established developers! ;)
  • edited April 2010
    URRRGGG, this picture took way longer than it should have.


    Dammit, I had to do something sappy. X3
    (I hope it isn't too big)
  • edited April 2010
    Ignis wrote: »
    URRRGGG, this picture took way longer than it should have.

    [awesome picture]

    Dammit, I had to do something sappy. X3
    (I hope it isn't too big)


    Small niggling annoyance though: Guybrush's cuffs are wrong. :o

  • edited April 2010

    Small niggling annoyance though: Guybrush's cuffs are wrong. :o

    Aw, dammit you're right! *Jacques the monkey facepalm*
    Oh well. . .actually I think the cuffs kind of look better my way, if I do say so myself. :P
    Anyway, thank you very much!
  • edited April 2010
    Please tell me you have dA account.... This is beautiful!!
  • edited April 2010
    Please tell me you have dA account.... This is beautiful!!
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