Game of Thrones Episode 1: Iron from Ice Choices



  • I know.

    how the hell would it be Gregor? he died at the red wedding.

  • How do you view the Telltale account choices?

    ClemRanger posted: »

    End-of-game choices * Saved Bowen * Loyalty to the King * Sent Erik to The Wall * Picked Duncan as Sentinel * Met Ramsay in Great H

  • Go to GoT section;l, hit Episodes; Episode 1; then a option for choices will appear.

    You can do it at the Tales From The Borderlands page as well.

    How do you view the Telltale account choices?

    1. Login to Tellatle community
    2. Go to this site
    3. Click the tab on the left to open the menu (if it isn't already)
    4. Click on episodes>one>choices

    How do you view the Telltale account choices?

  • Well episode 2 is now out and its still not fixed.

    Is it fixed yet? or not because if so thats a pretty bad bug

    • I stayed with Bowen
    • Swore loyalty to Margery (Cuz it felt like we are friends)
    • sent Erik to the wall (maybe he could do some use there)
    • Picked Duncan as Sentinel (ser royland is perfect leader for the battle, but Duncan is smart and good enough to lead the house)
    • Met Ramsay at the gate (not letting psycho walk on my floor)
  • edited May 2015
    1. I stayed with Bowen
    2. Swore loyalty to Joffery (even if it made my skin crawl to do so) since Margery wanted me to please Cersei
    3. sent Erik to the wall
    4. Picked Duncan as Sentinel
    5. Met Ramsay in the great hall
    1. Stayed with Bowen (It didn't feel right to leave him, even if he was a jerk)
    2. Swore loyalty to Joffrey (Appeasing Cersei was more important than appeasing Margarey)
    3. Showed Erik Mercy (I agreed with Duncan. Everyone was still feeling the effects of their losses, so it seemed like the right thing)
    4. Chose Duncan as Sentinel (Seemed a lot more level-headed and cunning. I was sitting there for hours, though.)
    5. Met Ramsay at the gates (It was more or less so it would be out in the open, where he wouldn't be able to try anything)
  • In the Telltale Account choices it says I didn't volunteer to go to the Wall, but in my playthrough I said "I'm not a criminal" and then "I won't put others at risk". Did that happen for anyone else?

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