Who did you choose for Sentinel and why?



  • Robb Stark went to war with 20,000 men to fight Tywin Lannister who had 60,000. He was smart and destroyed as much of Jaime's 30,000 and captured him. that left Tywin with at least 40,000 plus if Jaime's contingent left to go to Tywin after his defeat. And Robb was going to take Casterly Rock, pulling Tywin and his men away from King's Landing and also, Tywin lost men at King's Landing against Stannis, doesnt show how many but they must have lost quite a few. Difficult but it can be done and Robb was proving it. Given enough time, Robb could have definitely defeated Tywin Lannister and thus see if he did shit gold.

    Choombi posted: »

    heh, i actually searched for an option to make maester Ortengryn the Sentinel, he seems smarter than both them, and also seems to bear more

  • I chose Royland and I chose him because I wanted to make Ethan responsible and mature as his responsibility of being lord and with me being level headed and diplomatic with the state of things, Royland would have been a great 2nd in command and i was right. It'd be like President and Sec of Defense or in Battlestar Galactica, the President and Admiral leading. And if something were to happen, the defense and safety of the house is important and army instead of politics, the politics for when the dust settles.

  • Just that, everybody knows what will say Royland: Threats? Attack! Hunger? Attack! Cold? Attack!

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Duncan. I feel like I know what Royland would suggest every time.

  • I thought it would make sense to choose Royland because he would be destructive if I did not. Duncan I imagine would be more understanding. I have to say though that even though I only allowed Ramsay Snow past the gates, the scene at the end - How on earth do all his men all of a sudden show up? The game isn't as interactive as you would think, the outcomes appear to be already set out before you make decisions!

  • I tend to be on Duncan's side of things so I chose Royland to balance me out. Little did I know, Ethan would be killed so quickly. I'll probably play through again and pick Duncan this time.

  • i chose Royland because i need someone with good military skills...nuff said

  • I chose Duncan as my sentinel and I really pissed off Royland... Hopefully he'll come back to defend his House.

    It is indeed suicide BUT demotion or locking him up is a little much. In a time of war or when on the verge of war we need as many good and

  • That was actually what I kept thinking. I thought Duncan wouldn't have the back bone Royland had and against the Boltons and Ramsay I would need a strong warrior as my sentinel, but then I realized he would do something stupid like start an all out war. Definitely one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make in a TT game.

    I really wanted to choose Royland. But everyone kept saying how he would do something stupid, and I liked Duncan but I didn't think he was the right Sentinel right now. So I chose Duncan . Pretty hard choice.

  • I chose Royland because I wanted a sentinel who's advice would counter my own intuition. (My) Ethan was a thinker and somewhat peaceful I wanted opposition to that.

  • I had the same line of thinking as you did when choosing my sentinel

  • Royaland I chose. .we are at war here people besides I'm lord here my words is law lol besides keep my friends close and my enemies closer if it means to put a blade to Ramsey's throat then fine I chose the crazy royal

  • I decided to do as you did, Royland. I wanted the house to regain it's strength and courage by picking a warrior as my sentinel.

    Guess that didn't work out so well when Ethan got stabbed in the damn neck! SCREW YOU RAMSAY, I WILL GET YOU!

  • edited December 2014

    Royland. Him sending his nephew to the Wall without consulting Ethan as the rightful Lord left a bad taste in my mouth with him. Plus, Royland is a better counter to how I played Ethan.

  • edited December 2014

    Nah, by the time of the Red Wedding the Starks had lost. They weren't merely fighting Lannister forces, but the armies of the Tyrells as well. The attack on Casterly Rock was a show only thing, but even within the show it would almost certainly have just resulted in the depleted armies of the Starks and Tullies encircling a nigh impregnable fortress the Lannisters would fully expect to be a target before a massively superior army of men from the Reach and the Westerlands came to wipe them out.

    One of the things the books emphasize better than the show was that the war was lost for Robb Stark long before he was actually killed. That left him with an impossible choice: swallow his honor, bend the knee and leave his father unavenged, or continue to fight against an overwhelmingly superior army he couldn't hope to defeat.

    This being Westeros, the first would have probably been the smarter move.

    almonte05 posted: »

    Robb Stark went to war with 20,000 men to fight Tywin Lannister who had 60,000. He was smart and destroyed as much of Jaime's 30,000 and cap

  • I went with Royland because I agreed with what Malcolm said. We're at war. I was confident I could keep him to stay his hand if he got too crazy, until I took a dagger to the throat anyway.

  • edited December 2014

    This is my reasoning for choosing Royland :

    -we're at war, best to have a person with fighting experience
    -you can't trust Ramsay because he's crazy, so I thought it'd be best to ensure we had a good defense
    -I thought Duncan was too quick to send Gared to the Wall. He seems kinda shady for some reason
    -Duncan suggested taking food from the smallfolk to furnish our supplies and I didn't like that >:(

  • Its about match with whom you feel comfortable

  • Duncan.
    1. He knows about "Northern Grove".
    2. Position of House Forrester is bad. Using force was bad idea.
    3. Royland called Ethan "milksop". I'd promote him to vice janitor for that.

  • Royland, had to show strength and let them know that we wouldnt back down. Felt bad for Duncan since I really like him and he knows of the north grove, but you cant reason with the Boltons. Ramsey made that clear. Hate him with a passion.

  • I chose Ser Royland because I agreed with him in chopping of Erik's fingers (the thief who stole House Forrester's weapons), and I thought we needed a strong-minded, and an intimidating individual like Royland to combat the Whitehills and Lord Snow. I wouldn't change my decision either because Duncan to me was too frail and seemed to me to be inept when it comes to making big decisions.

  • Eddard Stark: Stannis is a commander. He's led men into war twice, he destroyed the Greyjoy fleet-
    Renly Baratheon: Yes, he's a good soldier, everyone knows that; so was Robert! Tell me something, do you still believe good soldiers make good kings?

    When I chose Duncan, it was very much with this sort of reasoning. While it can be good to have someone with military experience giving advice on military matters, I don't trust them with important political decisions that go beyond their expertise. I wanted my sentinel to be able to provide good advice on multiple topics, taking in the broader picture. I felt Rolyand was being aggressive "just to make a point", even though it appeared we clearly didn't have the might to back that attitude up - or at least not without causing a war that would neither be favorable to the people we're supposed to protect nor to the family. In other words, Royland seemed to put his pride before reason, and that is not a good sign.

  • edited December 2014

    My first reaction was to choose Duncan because he seemed more honorable, less psychotic and was trusted by the previous lord with a valuable secret. But then I remembered this is Game of thrones where the honorable choice gets you killed and your house destroyed like the goody goody Starks. So I chose Royland. If Duncan truly is honorable then he can be trusted to support the house regardless of his rank. While Royland is likely to seek retribution for the slight. And it's like the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Royland bears more watching to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. So making him your advisor is the best way to do that. Pretty much when I need to make a tough choice, I think, what would Ned Stark do, then I pick the exact opposite.

  • I chose Duncan because i'm naive like that. Come on, punish me i dare ya

  • So I take it that you have somehow concluded that he was not the right choice? Why and how so?

    KingZero posted: »

    I chose Duncan because i'm naive like that. Come on, punish me i dare ya

  • Well it was a choice between the strength and the smart(th?) it was a hard choice but i chose Duncan. In a war, the strongest isn't gonna survive, it's gonna be the smartest

  • I chose Duncan because in the long run I figured House Forrester would have to deal with Roose Bolton at some point. And while Roose Bolton is a monster, he's pragmatic and can be reasoned with if you can give him something he wants. He will also murder your entire family if you piss him off, which I thought Royland was liable to do.

    I knew Ramsay was a lost cause because you can't negotiate with him and you can't defeat him in battle (if for no other reason than he has some serious plot armor), so I just hoped we could deal with him as best we could (I tried to bribe him with the trees, it went poorly) and weather the storm. Hopefully the master craftsmen of House Forrester can convince the Boltons to keep us around until I can scheme them out of the jam they are in.

  • That looks like ramsay to me

    Alan_ posted: »

    You mean that wasn't Grenn?

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited December 2014

    I was playing as a reasonable Ethan and so I chose Royland to be the yin to my yang.

    Also after reading the Codex, Royland just seemed like a more interesting character than Duncan

  • edited December 2014

    so the majority picked duncan, eh? funny many folks tried maester. I liked him at first but after he commented about the woods and giving them to boltons... well, I was simply glad he was not an option. Still haven't decided who and started googling, but I think I should go with duncan. I still have to play Mira and she might end up worse than dead if I let royland lead, even though I sympathize with Gared. I WILL make them pay, but just not now. I KNOW for a fact that f-ing joffrey dies soon anyways, so I'll wait for my chance.

  • Good question. For me, the North has always been ruled with force. Ned demonstrates this to Rob in the opening moments of the first book. Duncan seemed far too willing to negotiate with anyone and everyone who walked through the gate, and as far as I have seen in both the show and the books, diplomacy is not a strength in the north. If we are considering geography here, then the Forresters have the Iron islands to their South West, Wildlings just to their North, and Bolton's to their West. And depending on when this is taking place, men from the Pyke are just south of them in Torhen's Square and Winterfell.

    This is a harsh part of the world. Diplomacy isn't going to work with the Iron Isles or the Wildling's, and it never seems to work with Ramsay either.

    Royland seemed liked the only fellow who understood this. The Maester was a complete clown "lets give away the only thing that we have", and Duncan seemed to care so much about politics and maneuvering that he was undermining Ethan before Ethan could even step forward. It doesn't help that when who choose Royland, Duncan storms off in a hissy fit and yells all sorts of things at Ethan. Maybe Royalnd does this too if he is not chosen, but either way, it solidified my choice.

    Now that Ethan is dead, I'm really glad I went with military. Why would I want to be diplomatic at this point with these people?

  • I've learned a few things from watching GoT.
    "Good men with virtue, respect and honor end up dying while the strong and cunning ones live."

    I went with Ser Royland for that reason. I also sent for Asher to return from Essos. Ramsay Bolton can't be reasoned with since he's a mad man (based on the series) and my first encounter with Lord Whitehill confirmed my decision to act with strength.

    The Forresters won't ever bend the knee to the Warden of the North.

  • I chose Roylan because he was a valuable asset to the House because I thought it would be the best way to placate him since Duncan seemed like he would understand something like that and not hold it against me.

  • The reason I choose Duncan was because he seemed wise and trustworthy. Lord Forrester trust him so why not? Royland also seemed as everyone says a bit too reckless and I feek like he would do something bad without thinking it trough.

  • As much as I liked Duncan, I reluctantly chose Royland, hoping that I could have gone with Duncan once the stuff with Ramsay Snow was delt with... I never thought he would have killed Ethan. Hopefully neither would be playable characters, because I would HATE to be forced to execute Duncan!

  • edited December 2014

    I went with Royland. I felt he needed to feel appreciated and more important whereas Duncan would be wiser and see the bigger picture. So I could keep them both onside, continue to get the sound advice from Duncan and not turn my only real fighter against me.

    It was a shame that either choice produced exactly the same end game, the loser declines to show up for the final showdown with Ramsay and Lord Whitehill. That seemed to me appropriate if you rejected Royland as he comes across very black or white, but Duncan, I thought would want to be there to try to calm things down if it all got out of hand.

    I thought the Boltons don't negotiate or take reasonable action and therefore violence is likely. So if it all kicked off in the negotiations having Royland would be better as he wouldn't be intimidated.

  • I chose Duncan instead of Ser Royland, I don't know there is something about that guy that I don't trust and if I chose him, it would be giving him more powerful to possibly abuse. I saw how he treated that villager and others and in my mind I just didn't feel like I could trust him.

    I noticed he was missing when Ramsey came to negotiate and that even made me more suspicious of him. Especially when before the arrival I noticed he was missing.

  • I chose Duncan not only because he seemed to be more carefull, but because when you talk to him he immediately wants to give you advice, when you confront Royland he immediately assumes your choosing him as sentinel, just came off rather bulk headed than anything.

    Of course that could just be because I talked to Duncan first.

  • Lol, I killed the second Whitehill, made a deal with Tyrion, stole the key and stamp. I too dare TTG to punish me. Whats that? I made a hard decision? Uh-huh suuuuure thing TTG, Im reaaaal scared. Go on, kill my Mira off, do it TTG.

    KingZero posted: »

    I chose Duncan because i'm naive like that. Come on, punish me i dare ya

  • Its important to point out that even though the Meister's plan was definately dumb, if you suggest it AFTER Ramsey gives all of the forests to the Whitehills AND you convince him that you are either the better craftsman or that the Whitehills have a bad trackrecord with the forests, then Ramsay leaves you with half. Its strange though because there is no indicator or decision marker for this even though it seems like quite a huge deal.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited January 2015

    You've echoed my thoughts exactly. Had I not known about GoT I would probably have gone for Duncan but knowing GoT and the state of the North especially with the Boltons in power and the impending arrival of Stannis on his way to the wall, Royland seemed like the better guy. It also helps that the game actually demonstrated Royland as a trainer and dedicated member of the house, it is him who sticks up for Gared, it is him who tracks down Ethan in the forest, it is him who we see training the troops. Duncan keeps talking about diplomacy but the game does a poor job at showing it (unless that was the point). I get that defending Gared as a house regardless of justice wouldnt magter because the Whitehills would use that as an excuse to attack anyway, but I never got the vibe that Royland rejected this thought, just that he was taking a stand against it.

    By the way, Duncan didnt storm out in my scene, he still wasnt present when Ramsay arrived though. I chose the "Sit down" option....Ethan so badass "Sit. Down. Now." (he says teeth clenched without even looking at Duncan) and Duncan sits down defeated.

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