Who did you choose for Sentinel and why?



  • Duncan DOES give a good excuse if you confront him about making the decision behind your back to send off Gared, but then I remembered that it was Royland who stood up for Gared.

    N00BxTrain posted: »

    I chose Duncan not only because he seemed to be more carefull, but because when you talk to him he immediately wants to give you advice, whe

  • Actually if u watched the tv show he was killed at dinner.

    almonte05 posted: »

    Robb Stark went to war with 20,000 men to fight Tywin Lannister who had 60,000. He was smart and destroyed as much of Jaime's 30,000 and cap

  • As i said in another thread:
    I took Royland because my Ethan was a good gentle person, and i dont need someone around me to constantly agree with me. I need to see the other flip of the coin. If someone just agrees with me all the time, thats not much of an advisor. I will ultimately make the decision ofcourse.
    And wartime influenced my decision also.

    Ofcourse after the end of the episode stuff happened, but i took him from that standpoint.

  • I chose Royland, because Ethan, being the gentle guy I made him be, needed someone of strong will at his side. Someone who is willing to use the sword instead of resorting only to diplomacy and to humor every bully that passes by.
    The Sentinel should always be someone who thinks different from the lord, in order to see all options available.

    After Ethan death, i think that the best thing to do was to keep royland as Sentinel and promote duncan as "lord". That's because I don't trust Royland to actually listen to any suggestion. Duncan seems more incline to listening to different opinions.

    But if Rodrik actually comes back. Hm. That'll be a tough decision

  • I chose something similar- basically my reasoning for choosing Royland was: What would the Imp do?
    You want to show a strong face to the world, plus Royland is a 'Ser' and will be more respected than a jumped up pigfarmer. Meanwhile, in the background, I'd be making the real decisions which would not be expected since everyone outside would be looking for "Royland' style decisions. In the end, though, because Ethan was killed immediately, (by the way, it doesn't seem to quite fit, even for Ramsay, to kill a lord in his own hall) I feel like I have made a poor choice because he will have the real power now.

    Endrik posted: »

    I chose Royland, because Ethan, being the gentle guy I made him be, needed someone of strong will at his side. Someone who is willing to use

  • Duncan. While I wasn't expecting it to happen in the first episode, I'm sure none of us were. Telltale seems to kill of main characters a lot, so I wanted someone who would know when to think, and when to act. Should Ethan get killed off, like he did. Royland is a good choice, I just feel like he would be long term, after this war dies down.

  • Using a 4chan term:

    Implying any of them is going to be still alive by the end of the series

    MzShadow posted: »

    Duncan. While I wasn't expecting it to happen in the first episode, I'm sure none of us were. Telltale seems to kill of main characters a lo

  • I went with Duncan over Royland as Sentinel for the late Ethan Forrester, due to the close relationship the Forresters have with the Tuttles (closest being Duncan and Gared) and I sought to use wisdom and knowledge over bravado and strength (a trait the Blood Ravens from the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War games had). In the first playthrough I had Ethan take Duncan's advice and use diplomacy over the other two choices and proved decisive in my actions, to the chagrin of Royland who wanted to show the Bolton's their strength. In the second run through I tried to bargain some of the Ironwood we had, under the advice of Maester Ortengryn and Lady Forrester who suggested the idea in the small council meeting.

    When "The Lost Lords" comes out, I can't wait to see how my choice of Duncan fares out now with Ethan's death and the house it seems, according to Royland (or Duncan if you picked Royland), to be falling apart without someone to lead them. Things do look up if Asher decides (if the player is given an option) to return to Ironrath and take his place as Lord of the Forresters (though the title belongs to Ryon but he's now the Ward of Whitehill). Can't wait to see where it goes from there.

  • I chose Royland simply because I thought he had the kind of aggression I lacked, particularly in dealing with Ramsay Snow.
    I mean, getting advice on how to deal with a flayer... I'd rather go with someone who tells me I need to just kick his ass.

  • yeah... it's kind of annoying that you can change so little in telltale games(this "throne of the games" has much lower degree of consequence according to choice than "the walking dead", probably even lower than "wolf among us" by far. I'm kind of bummed out by that, but I think telltale games REALLY wanted to KILL OFF ETHAN, and want us to start chapter 2 in this situation that you HAVE to go to war. Hopefully we'll see why in chapter two....

    K0t0 posted: »

    Its important to point out that even though the Meister's plan was definately dumb, if you suggest it AFTER Ramsey gives all of the forests

  • lol. it's ttg. they'll kill someone they want to kill no matter what you do and vice versa.

    K0t0 posted: »

    Lol, I killed the second Whitehill, made a deal with Tyrion, stole the key and stamp. I too dare TTG to punish me. Whats that? I made a hard decision? Uh-huh suuuuure thing TTG, Im reaaaal scared. Go on, kill my Mira off, do it TTG.

  • I picked Royland. Now my knowledge of GOT is basic at best, but what I do know is that Ramsay Snow is a maniac, which we see perfectly well in the game's first episode. Dealing with him, we can't have peace, we need muscle, and Royland is the man for the job. Duncan's appeasement plan doesn't work with the likes of Ramsay, appeasement never works (I point to WWII for proof).

  • This is so true with every tt game. lol

    gina-0816 posted: »

    lol. it's ttg. they'll kill someone they want to kill no matter what you do and vice versa.

  • Duncan.

    I was set on going to war, I needed the man I felt was most willing to tell me when to stop.

  • edited January 2015

    I picked Ser Royland for a few reasons.

    1) We seemed destined for war. Having a martial sentinel seemed like a good idea. In peacetime I probably would've gone with Duncan.

    2) Royland seemed like a mad dog to me, I thought it best to ensure the hot headed warriors loyalty, I figured it would be easier to reason with Duncan and he'd be easier to win over if I didn't pick him.

    3) Duncan seemed way too eager to appease the Boltons, I wasn't about to give away one scrap of ironwood I didn't have to. Duncan seemed like he'd sell all of it for protection, and I know Ramsay would be trying to take all of it. Also I'm betting heavily on Mira being able to exercise some political powers to protect the House.

    4) Duncan already undermined Ethan's authority as Lord by sending Gared away. Could Ethan trust him to follow his instructions if he didn't agree with them? Whatever else Ser Royland did, he didn't deliberately disobey Ethan or act without telling Ethan. In fact he brought the law breaker to Ethan for judgement. He could have easily chopped his fingers off himself, but he went through proper channels.

  • I chose Duncan because Royland is a little bitch.

  • Haha I play the same way. Acting noble in GOT universe gets you killed.

  • edited January 2015

    Royland. Neither choice is 100% free of doubt, but there's something more "off" about Duncan I can't put my finger on.

    I just hope Telltale makes this decision MATTER, so that Ethan's actions can continue to have consequences even after he's gone.

  • Duncan.

    Just felt that Royland was a little too much of a loose cannon for me. And seeing that we're ridiculously out numbered and really have no allies, I figured playing it smart would be a better idea.

  • I picked Duncan because he was the only one that I had told Lord Forrester's message to and I feel that making him Sentinel would give him the best chance of following through.

  • I don't know why my sentinel did not do any thing about my death!!!
    that guy just kill me in front of his eyes and he just stopped with one punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • edited January 2015

    Duncan. He's smart, uses his wits and is also directly connected to Gared (the first person we get to play as in the game) + Gared was told by Lord Forrester to tell ONLY Duncan his important last words and NO ONE else. Seeing that the previous Lord seemed to trust Duncan the most made this decision quite easy for me. I dislike people like Royland almost instantly.
    But to be fair... we don't know very much about them yet and they both act very unfair and childish if we don't choose them for Sentinel. :/

  • Definitely Duncan, I respect Royland for being a goddamn tank of a man, but if he had his say, he was going to get everyone killed. I know Ramsay was a psycho, but you can't fight a huge army with what little men we had lying around, we would have died anyway.

  • They made it pretty clear that your Sentinel wanted to jump to your side, but when he reached for his sword, Ramsay's men made threatening gestures towards the Sentinel. Your Sentinel could not do anything, even though they wanted to.

    I don't know why my sentinel did not do any thing about my death!!! that guy just kill me in front of his eyes and he just stopped with one punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn

  • I just couldn't pick Royland. He showed himself to be a coward after I chose Duncan by running off to God knows where. Not sure if Duncan does the same when you choose Royland though

  • Duncan disappears as well. I can see Royland being butthurt about not being chosen, but I thought Duncan was more honorable than that.

    I just couldn't pick Royland. He showed himself to be a coward after I chose Duncan by running off to God knows where. Not sure if Duncan does the same when you choose Royland though

  • The maester seems the least trustworthy of all tbh

    Choombi posted: »

    heh, i actually searched for an option to make maester Ortengryn the Sentinel, he seems smarter than both them, and also seems to bear more

  • I wanted to pick Duncan because even the game was pushing for him to be the obvious choice. But I chose Royland because it was a very GoT move to make. I haven't read the books but if there's one thing the show has taught me, it's that the guy you are really rooting for is going to get his throat slit in the most horrible tea-bagging kind of way. So, I thought by choosing Duncan I would get more sound advice and better insight into what was going on around me in the game world. But, by choosing Royland, I thought I was in store for some seriously underhanded badassedness. Totally thought Royland would protect me somehow during the meeting in the main hall (even though the odds were stacked waaay against Ethan. So when Ethan finally got bagged, the only thing I could think was, "Well played, GoT, well played." It was all a very spur of the moment type of decision and I'm gonna ride it out and see where it goes.

  • But dosent the Boltons have a crap load of bannermen so there army is larger then if it were by themself?

    Brody100 posted: »

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but it would still only be about 100 times bigger, House Bolton fields 5,000 men. House Forrester has about 50 men at Ironrath.

  • edited February 2015

    I still think that Ser Royland is a good choice. If you compare the ending scene, you will notices that the reactions of Duncan and Royland are different. Duncan got restrained but seems rather resigned to the fact that he can't do anything. Royland on the other hand is downright furious and he wanted to do something only to get punched by the Whitehill soldiers. Also if you listen closely, you can hear Royland's voice much more clearer than Duncan.

    I think it shows that Royland has a stronger loyalty toward the Forresters. Also, despite his hotheaded and rash attitude, he is ultimately honest, so you can count on him speaking honestly and that you can trust him.

  • I think they're both pretty much equally loyal. I just think Royland's less likely to go behind your back to do something for the good of House Forrester. On a personal note, I also think Royland does emotional lines better because he always seems to sound more desperate and sad than Duncan is when it comes to heartwrenching scenes.

    I still think that Ser Royland is a good choice. If you compare the ending scene, you will notices that the reactions of Duncan and Royland

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited February 2015

    Seems that sentinel is lifelong function. I choosed Duncan, Ethan died and Duncan stays sentinel. Rodrik can not change his brother's decision. Or can he?

  • Omg that made me laugh so hard...

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    I chose Duncan. That's what Sir Royland gets for calling me a milksop

  • I chose Duncan because he knows about the North Grove and Lord Forrester only asked to tell Duncan so I feel like that's the reason, If the former leader of the house believes in Duncan than I should to I guess.

  • Plus Royland nearly has a breakdown during Talia's song. Duncan just kind of stares at Rodrik sympathetically as if he understands how the Lord feels but doesn't exactly feel itself.

    Then again, maybe Duncan is just more withdrawn and Royland isn't afraid to show emotion, even if it's sadness.

    I still think that Ser Royland is a good choice. If you compare the ending scene, you will notices that the reactions of Duncan and Royland

  • If a new Sentinel is elected every time someone becomes Lord, I guess Rodrik really should've elected a new one, but the game designers kept it as the same person we chose as Ethan just so it didn't feel like they were covering the same ground twice.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Seems that sentinel is lifelong function. I choosed Duncan, Ethan died and Duncan stays sentinel. Rodrik can not change his brother's decision. Or can he?

  • I chose Ser Royland, I chose him because I think House Forrester needs to rebuild their military or get somebody who has experience leading instead of a person who can only advise.

  • I can see both Royland and Duncan going behind your back to get something done, I just would expect it less from Ser Royland considering how open he is to Ethan during Episode 1, whereas Duncan sends Gared to the Wall without Ethan's approval (even if it was for Gared's own good).

    HiroVoid posted: »

    I think they're both pretty much equally loyal. I just think Royland's less likely to go behind your back to do something for the good of H

  • Interestingly, Royland says he was watching the Bolton soldiers if he isn't the Sentinel. If Duncan isn't the Sentinel, he has no excuse. He just says that Ethan made it clear he wasn't wanted, which definitely wasn't the case for me.

    I just couldn't pick Royland. He showed himself to be a coward after I chose Duncan by running off to God knows where. Not sure if Duncan does the same when you choose Royland though

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