Who did you choose for Sentinel and why?



  • IF you made Ethan wait at the gates for Ramsay, then they lets Ramsay in on his own. However, all of Ramsay's guards somehow manage to get in at the last moment. How the hell do they get in ?! That's my question..

    The security at House Forrester is abysmal!

    They made it pretty clear that your Sentinel wanted to jump to your side, but when he reached for his sword, Ramsay's men made threatening gestures towards the Sentinel. Your Sentinel could not do anything, even though they wanted to.

  • But wouldn't Lord Whitehill take notice of the army and send word to the 20-man garrison to take care of them?

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I chose Ser Royland, I chose him because I think House Forrester needs to rebuild their military or get somebody who has experience leading instead of a person who can only advise.

  • I believe his point was in a time of war you need a military man someone who knows war and how they are fought. I may be wrong it's my interpretation of what nightmare is saying.

    But wouldn't Lord Whitehill take notice of the army and send word to the 20-man garrison to take care of them?

  • how can you fight the Whitehills with five Forrester men?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I believe his point was in a time of war you need a military man someone who knows war and how they are fought. I may be wrong it's my interpretation of what nightmare is saying.

  • Strength of arms isn't the only means of defeating an enemy.

    how can you fight the Whitehills with five Forrester men?

  • Royland if you do not pick him goes to check on defences and helps the soldiers. Duncan has no excuse. He just sulks. Royland seemed like the more obvious choice. When he broke down at the funeral too...aww.
    I just picked Royland because he has a gruff sexy voice tbh...is that wrong? ;)

  • What I find strange is they never mention the loss of the Riverlands soldiers, as far as we know only 10,000 out of 45,000 capable men that could have been raised have been killed.

    almonte05 posted: »

    Robb Stark went to war with 20,000 men to fight Tywin Lannister who had 60,000. He was smart and destroyed as much of Jaime's 30,000 and cap

  • I never even considered Royland. Golden described him best: reckless. He seems like the person to resort to violence regardless of the risk. He also seems to get pretty shitty when things don't go his way. Duncan seemed like the person who would think things through and look for the best solution possible. Easy choice for me.

  • I picked Royland because Duncan seeme perfect in his Castellan position. I would want him for advice anyway, but I think Royland is more like the "real leader"-Type that the (yet) weak house would need

  • From mere hours after the first episode was released i praised Royland but after 3 episodes i've come to the conclusion he sucks. All i keep doing is yelling at the screen "DO SOMETHING ALREADY". He talks so big about being ready for war and not letting the Whitehills get away with their crap and yet he never does anything. Then finally Rodrik gives him permission to attack and he can't even take out one guy before being subdued.

    So much for my warrior general sentinel. Duncan has at least actively done something by sending Gared towards the North Grove.

  • edited March 2015

    I actually chose Royland. Not only for the power projection, his personality, but also for his sense of duty and expendability as a decoy. As a soldier and sentinel, he'll be able to be both your sword and shield when you need them most. Since you are a kid/failing house, a shield and sword at your side in a world filled with violence, is worth 100x more then a cunning and wise man with no real teeth to protect you. Negotiation is rather pointless at this moment, the only one in a place of diplomatic power is Mira and she is also stuck between a rock and a hard place. So I guess Survival comes first. Even if you loose a hand or leg in the process. The only thing you need to do is to keep Royland respecting you and you need to remind him you are the lord and he is not free to act as he pleases.

    Still...Duncan's wisdom is a much needed thing in any case. But because I feel attributes like cunning and wit are best used in the shadows... away from the spotlight... and the throne of the Forresters, I think it's best to let Duncan do his thing when all eyes are fixed on the lord and his bully Sentinel. It's a shame you can't appoint him as your spymaster, while you are at it.

    Especially with the knowledge Duncan now possesses he's actually more important then the expendable and in that respect very useful, Royland. The knowledge of the Grove in the North ( be it either a massive Ironwood grove or a .. 'codeword'.. for some [royal] offspring or something..maybe Tuttle himself? ) is very useful and a card you play at the very end of the game when the others do not expect it. Let others think they have broken or humbled you, while actually you have some secret stash worth a lot of money or power stashed away somewhere.. Still.. one needs at least one player to survive to be able to play that hand and secure the future of your family... External allies are also a necessity to keep you alive and to draw away the attention to your hidden moves behind the scenes.

    To me the 'Game of Thrones' is a political waiting game, best played by either politicians and spies. Knights and soldiers, no matter how strong, are expendable and pieces on the board.. Robb's failure showed that cunning and betrayal are a far more powerful weapon in a world with rules such as that... I feel like you, the gamer, need to feel like a real player of the Game of Thrones, not someone who just follows a story and be led around like a sheep doing the obvious things. You must do what is expected, but actually have another plan in motion behind it. Most characters are wolves... so you need to be one too or avoid them all together, but that is not really an option... So, you need to think long term. avoid stepping on toes, make no dangerous commitments in the open ( like with Cersei, it's best to only state your loyalty to Joffrey, and be non-commital so she has no 'ammo' to use against you and to force your hand at her bidding since she has the most cards ), and use information, especially info only you seem to have as a weapon against others when they think they outsmarted you.

    Anyway, that's my take on this. Of course I could be completely wrong. Duncan was a bit of a douchebag when I ignored him as Sentinel. That was a bit lame, so i gave him a good verbal spanking. But I can't keep but wonder if i somehow changed his true allegiance. Some folks are just... too unpredictable, like the Bolton Bastard. Madmen are hard to deal with, especially if they hold a place of power. And the possibility of at least one of the people on your council being a traitor... is...alarming. The game forces you to take sides..and even if you made a pretty good choice, you are still somewhat at the mercy of the writers with their evil little plot twists and freakish acts of randomness.

  • I chose Royland myself. Mainly because I agreed that against someone like Ramsay, peace wasn't going to cut it. Ethan had less mooks, yes, but even if I'd chose Duncan, it would've ended badly either way. If I'm going down, I'd rather have someone strong at my side.

  • Ser Royland. I felt like I could trust him, He seemed like a cool dude.

  • Duncan. I felt that Royland wouldn't be able to keep his tempter in check if it came down to needing to talk out a situation, whereas Duncan is a little more balanced between the two. True, Duncan is not a physical fighter, but there's more to war than the number of soldiers you have. The tactics behind the numbers matter, too.

  • That's why I picked Duncan, because of what Lord Forrester said right before Gared had to run off.

    If you wish, I just suspect Duncan as the smarter of the two. Plus to top it off, The last lord trusted him more with the secret and he is the only one that knows.

  • edited April 2015

    I see choosing Royland as your sentinel is also a form of keeping him under check. If he is your right-hand, he might be more responsible with his actions and also, you have a warrior constantly by your side to protect you and your family.

    ((Didn't work out for Ethan, but he still tried to do something in the scene, unlike Duncan.))

    choircorgis posted: »

    Duncan. I felt that Royland wouldn't be able to keep his tempter in check if it came down to needing to talk out a situation, whereas Duncan

  • I know I already commented on this thread, but I wanted to add on it. I initially choose Royland because I felt like I needed a military man, but at this point I wish I had picked Duncan. He knows how to both play it safe and act like a fighter when the time is right.

  • Everyone here has like really good reasons. I'm like...I chose him because he had a sexy voice. Herp

  • Royland. The immediate issue at hand was dealing with Ramsay, and Duncan didn't seem to know how cruel and evil he is.

  • I pick Royland i like him better and i didn't like how Duncan sent Gared to the wall

  • You know, that's a really good point. I didn't even think of that. Maybe if I had known Royland for longer (as in having to choose in episode two), it would have changed my decision. (I thought Royland didn't do much about it either. Huh. I need to go watch it now...)

    I see choosing Royland as your sentinel is also a form of keeping him under check. If he is your right-hand, he might be more responsible wi

  • I picked Royland solely because it was a minority choice. 8U Like I watched 3 YouTubers pick Duncan, so I wanted to see how it goes in my own playthrough if I picked the opposite. So far, I don't regret it.

  • I wanted to pick Duncan...he has great sage advice, but I chose Royland because he was the stronger of the two and strength is what House Forrester needed.

    Grenvill posted: »

    I chose Duncan as my sentinel and I really pissed off Royland... Hopefully he'll come back to defend his House.

  • I picked Ser Royland purely because we needed the strength and I felt he would become a loose cannon if not recognized for his devotion to the house. I will still be making choices mainly on Duncan's favor, but hopefully Ser Royland can whip our men into shape and I'll make decisions that are logical for the house overall.

  • edited May 2015

    I chose Duncan cause of what Lord Gregor said when he was giving Gared the sword.. That and.. Duncan seemed better suited for what was ahead..

    edit lol.. sry gared

  • Garrit? :P

    MyTwoCents posted: »

    I chose Duncan cause of what Lord Gregor said when he was giving Gared the sword.. That and.. Duncan seemed better suited for what was ahead.. edit lol.. sry gared

  • I chose Duncan for I felt as if I needed someone who knew how to handle negotiations well. Royland I would have taken to my side but he is a good war general and I would rather him be out there to help fight battles than to be stuck at my side not doing what he knows best.

  • I choose Royland to keep him under control, because I think he would take bad if Duncan would take the title, and put my side with Duncan in almost possibilities.

  • Yay for your first comment ^_^

    MC2411 posted: »

    I choose Royland to keep him under control, because I think he would take bad if Duncan would take the title, and put my side with Duncan in almost possibilities.

  • Royland, he just seemed to be that type of guy you would want as your right hand man.

  • Tfw there's another necrobump... oh dear.

  • Oh deer...

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw there's another necrobump... oh dear.

  • i chose royland because to quote malcom: ´´duncan can offer sage advice but now is not the time for peace´´

    I chose Duncan for I felt as if I needed someone who knew how to handle negotiations well. Royland I would have taken to my side but he is a

  • Ser royland

  • edited March 2016

    I chose Duncan cause he seemed more caring, he can handle negotiations, Gregor trusted only him about the North Grove and Talia liked him more than Royland and really wanted him to be my sentinel. Royland seemed too violent and doubted Ethan as lord.

  • edited March 2016

    I chose Duncan because

    1. He thinks before he acts, yet does know how to fight when needed

    2. He knows about the North Grove so having that knowledge close to the lord could end up helping in the long run

    3. He was already Lord Forrester's right hand man, which means he could certainly be trusted

    4. Ethan didn't seem like the type to have a war hungry right hand man

  • He was already Lord Forrester's right hand man, which means he could certainly be trusted

    Funny, when I played the episode for the first time I had the same thought but then I told myself, "just because Duncan was my father's best friend, that doesn't mean that he is mine. I am not playing favorites and I am judging these two people by their actions and merits."

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    I chose Duncan because * He thinks before he acts, yet does know how to fight when needed * He knows about the North Grove so having

  • edited March 2016

    in other words, "who is your daddy and what does he do?"

    My answer: Ser Royland because this was no time for negotiations. This was time for action and he was the best man to do the job.

  • Ser Royland.

    1. Malcolm's advice.
    2. He said I could trust him no matter what.
    3. I need a badass warrior at my side no matter what.
    4. Duncan sent Gared to his could-be death by sending him to Castle Black without my knowledge, so I couldn't trust him.
    5. Royland seemed to care more.
  • Royland. He's the most loyal guy ever and is so passionate I couldn't not choose him. Plus Duncan undermined Ethan.

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