Favourite lines/quotes?

What are your favourite lines from the game?



  • To start off

    Tyrion: "Lady Margery you are looking lovely this evening"

    Margery: {Warm smile} "Lord Tyrion....." {Glare} "Your grace...."

    XD, they got the Cersei/Margery dynamic down

  • "On a night like this, men find false courage at the bottom of their cups."-Gregor
    Such a powerful line

  • "Fuck. You." - Gared Tuttle

  • Ryon: "What does milksop mean?"

    Ethan: "I don't know...but I know it's not good!"

  • One that Ramsay said had me laughing so hard I had to pause the game.

    "Well, hopefully not just like the Queen and her brother."

  • edited December 2014

    Britt: "I'll have that sword, boy."

    Gared: (prepares to attack) "Aye. You'll have it."

  • Lord Whitehill: What kinda fuckin house is this?

    Lady Elissa: It is a house of honorable men

  • If you don't bend the knee to Ramsay, after he stabs you he'll say this.

    "I knew you'd bend the knee eventually."

    It's a really good line.

  • When Gared draws the Forrester Sword he says "I'm going to kill you." and is so matter-of-fact about it.

  • Gared: Who doesn't love bacon?

  • "Ugh..." Gurgle on Blood


  • edited December 2014


    Every time someone says that, I start laughing and I have no idea why. This is just so random. Aye!

  • Mira: I wont judge her your grace I wasnt there, I didnt face her decisons

    Cersei: Aren't you a delightful girl, If only one could flit through life without ever holding an opinion of their own

  • Cersei: Is you family willing to swear loyalty to your new liege lord, Roose Bolton?

    Mira: He is Warden Of The North, Your Grace.

    Cersei: {Angry Glare} Yes he is, and I am Queen Regent and Tyrion the Master of Coin.

    Tyrion: The girl has a remarkable talent for answering questions while in fact saying nothing at all.

  • Weirdly if you stay silent Talia says that instead of Ethan

    Ryon: "What does milksop mean?" Ethan: "I don't know...but I know it's not good!"

  • edited December 2014

    Ramsey " Now let me in"

    Ethan: "Just you, your men aren't welcome inside"

    Ramsey: "Heh you hear that men... the little lord says "FUCK OFF"

    I cant helping laughing at everything Ramsey says

  • Whitehill: "You hear that? Attacked for noooo reason". The way Whitehill delivers it is so funny.

    Ramsay: "I don't have a sister. I've always wanted one..." The way he says it is just so creepy.

  • Ethan: "We also like to offer you a gift of a grove of trees on the border of our lands"

    Ramsey: "TO ME? thatsverykindthankyou"

  • Anything that comes out of Lord Whitehill's Gob. He's too comical I love it!

  • "I always wanted a sister"
    Crazy how in the second he spoke it I though about stabbing him down... too slow, too slow...

    Grimbriar posted: »

    One that Ramsay said had me laughing so hard I had to pause the game. "Well, hopefully not just like the Queen and her brother."

  • Duncan: That is our livelihood!

    Ramsay: Then you had better well find another fucking job.

  • "The north grove must never be lost"

  • Ramsay to Talia: "Do you like hunting?"

    Oh, Ramsay, you are SO dead. Even the Whitewalkers want to kill you... slowly, raise as zombie and kill you again.

  • Mira: They (the Starks) were the Wardens of the North. We all served the Crown.

    Tyrion: Clever girl...

    (Cersei glares at Tyrion, who promptly takes a drink)


    Lord Forrester: Norren's family has faithfully served House Forrester for centuries. His honor is beyond reproach. House Tully is forever in his debt. They've never seen a field plowed so well, as the day the Kingslayer dragged poor Norren across the battlefield.

  • Ethan: "I WIN"

    Talia: "....Congratulations your lordship"

  • I cri evr time.

    "Ugh..." Gurgle on Blood -Ethan.

  • edited January 2015

    Ramsey Snow: "Aren't you a bold lord. But I don't WANT a bold lord. Far to much trouble. Even through you did bend the knee. I think we've come to a understanding. I certainly feel better about all this."

  • "A token. For the new Warden of the North."

    Ramsey Snow: "Let me guess...Forrester Ironwood?.....Ironwood. Doesn't look like much... don't know what's so special about it."

    Ethan: "Your father will appreciate it, I hope. Out Ironwood is highly sought after."

    Ramsey Snow: "My father is not so easily impressed." quickly puts his dagger into the shield to test it "Not...Bad. Lord Whitehill. Can your lot do this?"

    Lord Whitehill: "Given enough time, we could learn--"

    Ramsey Snow: "Given enough time you could do a great number of things. But not this, apparently."

    Ramsey Snow: (mocks) "well, aren't you the little Lord! No wonder you can't open the gate. Shall we help you? Now let me in....this is lovely pile of timber, isn't it?"

    Ethan: (mocks) "Why the hurry? Are you cold?"

    Ramsey Snow: (chuckles) "You know, I am a bit. Fortunately there's no shortage of wood to burn around here." looks at the gate saying so

  • Ramesy Snow: "isn't this a lovey pile of timber? Not the place I'd want to be if there was a fire."

    Duncan: "Ironwood is near impervious to flame, my lord."

    Ramesy: "Is it?"

    Lord Whitehill: "May I introduce Lord Ramsey of House Bolton, son of Roose Bolton. Although a bastard (Ramsey looks annoyed), Lord Ramsey has the full authority of the Warden of the--"

    Ramesy: "Thank you, Ludd. That's enough. Who is this boy, is he lost?"

    Ethan: "May I offer you bread and salt, lord Ramesy?

    Ramesy: "I loathe bread and salt. Aren't you the little lord. Lord Whitehill told me you were young, but this...look at you!"

    Ramesy: "Look at that, more Foresters. Come out where I can see you."

    Ethan: "What is it you WANT, Lord Ramsey?"

    Ramesy: "What do I want....? Everything. Nothing. We'll see."

  • ''Until Ryon is home again. Our house will not fall. We will be ready.'' - Lady Forrester

  • edited January 2015

    "Aren't you the bold lord. But I don't WANT a bold lord. Far too much trouble. I knew you'd bend the knee eventually. I think we've come to an understanding. I certainly feel better about all this." - Ramsey Snow (I you didn't bow to him)

  • Garred: I'll do as you command, m'lord.
    Gregor: You have served me well. I know I can count on you.

  • edited January 2015

    It's not really a quote, but when Ramsay says something like "the Whitehill's will be taking over your iron wood from this day forward" then he clasps his hands and gives a cheesy smile. XD makes me laugh everytime

    And also "Don't be an arse Bowen"-Gared.

  • Ah...I do remember that sequence where he tells us that. The best quote that I can think of from Ramsay Snow was right near the end of the episode was this:

    "Lovely meeting all of you. Perhaps we should do it again sometime."

    It was right after he kills Ethan and just has the audacity to display a courtesy before he leaves Ironrath...damn I was more on edge for that moment more than the Cersei sequence.

    It's not really a quote, but when Ramsay says something like "the Whitehill's will be taking over your iron wood from this day forward" then

  • 'You Forresters have shat (past tense of shit?) on us for generations. But the Starks are gone and we are the power in the North now.' From the delightful Lord Ludd Whitehill.

  • edited January 2015

    Ethan: "You are a craven, Lord Whitehill."

    Lady Forrester: "Know that you never stands alone. You are a Forrester."

  • edited January 2015

    Royland: "Lord Bolton is the Warden of the North..."

    Ludd: "Aye! And we've been their bannermen for five fuckin' centuries!"

    Ludd sure is a funny guy. :D

    'You Forresters have shat (past tense of shit?) on us for generations. But the Starks are gone and we are the power in the North now.' From the delightful Lord Ludd Whitehill.

  • "Calm yourself, old man" "You little fuck! That's how you talk to a lord!?"

  • "Calm yourself, old man" "You little fuck! That's how you talk to a lord!?"

  • who says that?

    peachflower posted: »

    "Calm yourself, old man" "You little fuck! That's how you talk to a lord!?"

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