"Walls are dangerous places... People fall..." Gared Tuttle to Britt Warrick . This was truly grim, menacing and hilarous at the same time!
"Fuck your soldiers! And fuck you too!" Rodrik Forrester to Ludd Whitehill
"Mind if I tell you to go fuck yourself?" Asher Forrester to Ludd Whitehill
"Then why don't you test me?!" Rodrik Forrester to Amaya
"The North Grove must never be lost." - Gregor Forrester to Gared Tuttle.
"Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like iron. You let nothing stand in your way. Do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill down to the babies in their beds... No matter what, you must do it." - Elissa Forrester to Rodrik Forrester.
"The wood may be black, but I see gold." - Maester Ortengryn to Ethan Forrester.
"Look... I can't blame you if your feelings about me are conflicted. Or your feelings about going home. Your family exiled you to this place! But I swore an oath to your mother... Sailed halfway around the world, to bring you back safe. And I'll be damned if some dragonfire, or your foul decisions, are going to stop me!" - Malcolm Branfield to Asher Forrester.
"I'll have us use our heads, while they're still attached to our shoulders!" - Duncan Tuttle to Royland Degore.
"Only cowards and dead men roll over." Royland Degore to Duncan Tuttle.
"I asked Ethan not to change who he was. I tried to make him promise me. I now know that was childish of me. I'm ready to change now. I'm willing to do anything to help our family. I mean it, Rodrik. I don't care what. I'll do it." - Talia Forrester to Rodrik Forrester.
"Iron From Ice!" - Ryon Forrester to Rodrik Forrester.
"I'll be strong." - Gared Tuttle to Duncan Tuttle.
"I will not yield." Rodrik Forrester to Gryff Whitehill.
"I faced a Dragon. I can handle Mereen." Asher Forrester to Daenerys Targaryen.
"..." - Ethan Forrester to Ramsay Snow (at the time) as he grabbed Talia Forrester.
"To the one true king." Mira Forrester to Cersei Lannister.
Prepare the horses, were going to war!-Rodick Episode 5
"This far north and I still have to fetch the fuckin' wine,"
and also
Gared: I never miss
Gared: misses
Sylvi: mocking Gared I never miss
Iron from Ice, sister ;(
Thanks for everything...
"Walls are dangerous places... People fall..." Gared Tuttle to Britt Warrick . This was truly grim, menacing and hilarous at the same time!
"Fuck your soldiers! And fuck you too!" Rodrik Forrester to Ludd Whitehill
"Mind if I tell you to go fuck yourself?" Asher Forrester to Ludd Whitehill
"Then why don't you test me?!" Rodrik Forrester to Amaya
Prepare the horses. We're going to defend my brother.
Say that only if you save Asher.
"The North Grove must never be lost." - Gregor Forrester to Gared Tuttle.
"Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like iron. You let nothing stand in your way. Do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill down to the babies in their beds... No matter what, you must do it." - Elissa Forrester to Rodrik Forrester.
"The wood may be black, but I see gold." - Maester Ortengryn to Ethan Forrester.
"Look... I can't blame you if your feelings about me are conflicted. Or your feelings about going home. Your family exiled you to this place! But I swore an oath to your mother... Sailed halfway around the world, to bring you back safe. And I'll be damned if some dragonfire, or your foul decisions, are going to stop me!" - Malcolm Branfield to Asher Forrester.
"I'll have us use our heads, while they're still attached to our shoulders!" - Duncan Tuttle to Royland Degore.
"Only cowards and dead men roll over." Royland Degore to Duncan Tuttle.
"I asked Ethan not to change who he was. I tried to make him promise me. I now know that was childish of me. I'm ready to change now. I'm willing to do anything to help our family. I mean it, Rodrik. I don't care what. I'll do it." - Talia Forrester to Rodrik Forrester.
"Iron From Ice!" - Ryon Forrester to Rodrik Forrester.
"I'll be strong." - Gared Tuttle to Duncan Tuttle.
"I will not yield." Rodrik Forrester to Gryff Whitehill.
"I faced a Dragon. I can handle Mereen." Asher Forrester to Daenerys Targaryen.
"..." - Ethan Forrester to Ramsay Snow (at the time) as he grabbed Talia Forrester.
"To the one true king." Mira Forrester to Cersei Lannister.
When asher said that, Gryff died like a pig