It's odd. I can't think of any other video game company that wouldn't tell their customers who the protagonist of their game is. Especially a series running this long. I'm not complaining mind you, in fact it keeps people guessing and people love a mystery. All we get is vague wording if Clem or not, nothing concrete.
7 second clip of Clem changing nappies? Wouldn't that be annoying if that was an actual thing we had to do? Swipe right to tie the nappy to the other half.
7 second clip of Clem changing nappies? Wouldn't that be annoying if that was an actual thing we had to do? Swipe right to tie the nappy to the other half.
Maybe it's gonna be a clip of Clem's hat laying on the ground with zombies walking around it, then cut to black: "The Walking Dead: Season 3, COMING SOON" XD
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new game engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico.
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico.
Day one purchase.
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
Since 2014 fans of Telltale’s The Walking Dead have been following Season 3 news like it was the stock market. Finally, after years of anticipation we’re THRILLED to announce that you’ll get your first look at Season 3 THIS SUNDAY on IGN as a part of their E3 pre-show. In the meantime we’ve broken down the exciting timeline of ALL the hints/clues/promises that led us to Sunday’s reveal. Enjoy:
[Rest of article compiles a timeline using info from our waiting thread, including @OzzyUK's video recorded from last E3]
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
Maybe it's gonna be a clip of Clem's hat laying on the ground with zombies walking around it, then cut to black: "The Walking Dead: Season 3, COMING SOON" XD
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
I see somebody from the Walking Dead website has read our thread. Hi Internet! [Waves back to the internet]… morem/massive-telltale-season-3-update/
Since 2014 fans of Telltale’s The Walking Dead have been following Season 3 news like it was the stock market. Finally, after years of anticipation we’re THRILLED to announce that you’ll get your first look at Season 3 THIS SUNDAY on IGN as a part of their E3 pre-show. In the meantime we’ve broken down the exciting timeline of ALL the hints/clues/promises that led us to Sunday’s reveal. Enjoy:
[Rest of article compiles a timeline using info from our waiting thread, including @OzzyUK's video recorded from last E3]
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
It's good to see our "stock market" is helpful to people when it comes down to information timelines, it would have been difficult for Skybound to find some of those tweets without our super awesome news/waiting thread :P
I see somebody from the Walking Dead website has read our thread. Hi Internet! [Waves back to the internet]… morem/massive-telltale-season-3-update/
Since 2014 fans of Telltale’s The Walking Dead have been following Season 3 news like it was the stock market. Finally, after years of anticipation we’re THRILLED to announce that you’ll get your first look at Season 3 THIS SUNDAY on IGN as a part of their E3 pre-show. In the meantime we’ve broken down the exciting timeline of ALL the hints/clues/promises that led us to Sunday’s reveal. Enjoy:
[Rest of article compiles a timeline using info from our waiting thread, including @OzzyUK's video recorded from last E3]
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new gam… moree engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
I always will be love Season 2 more than Season One, but I have feel Season 3 will be my new one
Sweet, some more solid news. I'm sooo happy. It's finally happening.
Honestly can't wait, as long as PSN UK gets the episodes along with every other country
i need clem to come back to me
So is season 3 going to be called "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series" ?
I think they still abstaining to show us a complete season 3 logo, because It's will be ALL-new Season.
Is it really happening? My God!
It's odd. I can't think of any other video game company that wouldn't tell their customers who the protagonist of their game is. Especially a series running this long. I'm not complaining mind you, in fact it keeps people guessing and people love a mystery. All we get is vague wording if Clem or not, nothing concrete.
Looking news for Season 3
Season Three news!! So Excited for what they'll tell us.. They keep bringing up this "unexpected" start to S3, so, new protagonist?
I swear if it's just another 7 second clip of Clementine walking in the snow, I'm gonna be pissed.
7 second clip of Clem changing nappies? Wouldn't that be annoying if that was an actual thing we had to do? Swipe right to tie the nappy to the other half.
MASH X TO ROCK BABY TO SLEEP!! Gameplay! jk. I'm ok with the quick time events
Swipe down to clean butthole.
Maybe it's gonna be a clip of Clem's hat laying on the ground with zombies walking around it, then cut to black: "The Walking Dead: Season 3, COMING SOON" XD
I hope they show something at least somewhat substantial, no more beating around the bush.
Eddie and Wyatt are confirmed as the new protagonists for Season 3, appearing in the clip below showcasing off the graphics in their new game engine. The premise revolves around Eddie and Wyatt meeting up with Clementine and toddler A.J, and the four going on an excellent adventure on a road trip to Mexico. The game will also for the very first time in the series, feature a full first person perspective.
[They really weren't kidding about going in a new direction]
There were some recent tweets about the updated graphics in the teaser footage:
The game will also feature killer zombie bees, and Mr. Crab to have featured in the Michonne Mini Series, will appear again with his extended family as the antagonists.
Oh yeah Mr. Crab.
Make it rain Mr. Crab!
Day one purchase.
It is a fantastic premise.
Oh my God, I keep falling for this shit.
"Maybe they are just being sarcastic," BetterToSleep thought. "Maybe…"
I see somebody from the Walking Dead website has read our thread. Hi Internet!
[Waves back to the internet]
Oh my god, I thought this was real. I had several heart attacks (though I love the idea of Eddie/Wyatt meeting up), please don't do this to me.
Oh man, I remember that day that S2 teaser image came out and everyone was flipping their shit
I hope the journey to S3 will be exciting like that, too
People expecting a lot to be shown need to realize they're saving a lot of news for Comic con, so I would have your expectations lowered for Sunday
Fake tweets are getting a little old. I mean, its nicely edited, but these ones don't really make sense for Laura since she's just PR.
What r u sayin? Its a lie, right? U gave me multiple
Anyways. We decided to riot if clem isnt the protagonist.
No point of playing wd if we dont play as clem, coz it simply wont FEEL like m playing the same wd which took me on the feels train so many times
Damn we're popular

Eff em

I would not expect that much. We will probably get some story info and maybe an early set of screens if we are lucky.
It's good to see our "stock market" is helpful to people when it comes down to information timelines, it would have been difficult for Skybound to find some of those tweets without our super awesome news/waiting thread :P
I almost got my heart...!
Ah you Lisa...!