Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I've seriously contemplated going back and altering my choices, but at this point, all the truths and possibilities are valid. Therefore, as long as this discussion has been going on, Mira only had a split second to decide. So, I'll stick with what I chose.
Even still, it's all damning. It's all messed up. You can assume the coal boy will dispose of the guard successfully, and hope that if he does, it will be a long while before the body is discovered. Keeping the knife makes sense in this regard.
But what if he doesn't? What if he fails, gets caught, can't deliver the dead body to somewhere unseen, can't go as far out of reach as he intended to? Then you have a dead guard's knife in your possession.
If you don't kill him, then throwing away the knife or keeping the knife makes sense in the moment, but will still be a blight on your future. Having a knife be found in the bushes, him claiming you tried to seduce him and/or kill him + that? You're fucked. If you keep it, same goes.
If you kill him and throw away the knife, it's sooner realized by most that the missing guard is dead rather than missing. Which leads to further discussion about what's going on/questioning you on your involvement.
My first instinct was: "Hey, they don't have CSI to prove anything." But then I realized, they don't have CSI to disprove of anything, either. It's all gossip at this point, and whomever's word carries more weight will be believed. As in, anyone with Lannister as their surname. It doesn't ultimately matter if you were there that night or someone witnessed you there or anything. All that matters is if the regency decides you are an enemy. If they do, you are. That's it.
So, I guess, it ultimately doesn't matter what you do. There will be repercussions and it will ultimately be up to a Lannister to decide your fate, regardless. Like I said, this revelation brought me to feel like I should've kept the knife, if only to protect myself after when someone comes after me. But, alas, this is one of those decisions that was made very rashly and emotionally (by Mira) and I will keep to it. We must suffer the consequences of our decisions.
I'm worried about the consequences, but I chose to keep the knife. I'm hoping I can dispose of it somewhere better later. I know that I could toss it and it's not like they can do a DNA test like they could today, but I figured that leaving the knife will make them suspect foul play sooner. If I keep the knife and the Coal Boy disposes of the body well, it could be a long time before someone suspects murder. It probably won't be, but that was my logic. Best to keep suspicion down as long as possible and the cast off, bloody knife is already incriminating if someone else remembers Mira was there that night.
What will probably happen is that somehow, miraculously, someone will find the knife because Mira was dumb about hiding it. For the purposes of continuing the game, she must hide it in a place it's possible to find. It wouldn't be dramatic any other way. We'll see what happens from there.
I killed that guy, because maybe he will complain about Mira attacking him. And, i tossed the sword, because i think if i keep the sword, maybe they will search Mira's room and find the sword.
Yeah, I had the same reasoning as you. The only problem is that if someone finds the dagger, they could essentially blame the thing on you through hiding it in your chambers or some other stupid reason. However, I feel either way Mira will probably be put on trial and it won't be very good considering how Mira has been linked to Tyrion and Joffery had recently choked. So, the odds are not in Mira's favour at the moment.
I killed that guy, because maybe he will complain about Mira attacking him. And, i tossed the sword, because i think if i keep the sword, maybe they will search Mira's room and find the sword.
Personally, I think he is the third bastard son of Lord Forrester, but instead he got sent south. He has no true motivation to help Mira, so what else could it possibly be? To sacrifice your life for a stranger? No, for family.
Mmmm this decision mates quite an old thing to remember.
On my plathrough I run from Damienthe Lannister guard) cause I didn't and(I don't) care about the coalboy.Then threw the knife in the Red Keep's gardens.
Moreover there was a huge chance of Mira dying there and that was not an option for me.That decision was pretty cool itself the danger and the intrigue of King's landing were there and the reveal of Lucan as a bad guy was not bad writing at all
You and me brother. You and me.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I've seriously contemplated going back and altering my choices, but at this point, all the truths and possibilities are valid. Therefore, as long as this discussion has been going on, Mira only had a split second to decide. So, I'll stick with what I chose.
Even still, it's all damning. It's all messed up. You can assume the coal boy will dispose of the guard successfully, and hope that if he does, it will be a long while before the body is discovered. Keeping the knife makes sense in this regard.
But what if he doesn't? What if he fails, gets caught, can't deliver the dead body to somewhere unseen, can't go as far out of reach as he intended to? Then you have a dead guard's knife in your possession.
If you don't kill him, then throwing away the knife or keeping the knife makes sense in the moment, but will still be a blight on your future. Having a knife be found in the bushes, him claiming you tried to seduce him and/or kill him + that? You're fucked. If you keep it, same goes.
If you kill him and throw away the knife, it's sooner realized by most that the missing guard is dead rather than missing. Which leads to further discussion about what's going on/questioning you on your involvement.
My first instinct was: "Hey, they don't have CSI to prove anything." But then I realized, they don't have CSI to disprove of anything, either. It's all gossip at this point, and whomever's word carries more weight will be believed. As in, anyone with Lannister as their surname. It doesn't ultimately matter if you were there that night or someone witnessed you there or anything. All that matters is if the regency decides you are an enemy. If they do, you are. That's it.
So, I guess, it ultimately doesn't matter what you do. There will be repercussions and it will ultimately be up to a Lannister to decide your fate, regardless. Like I said, this revelation brought me to feel like I should've kept the knife, if only to protect myself after when someone comes after me. But, alas, this is one of those decisions that was made very rashly and emotionally (by Mira) and I will keep to it. We must suffer the consequences of our decisions.
I'm worried about the consequences, but I chose to keep the knife. I'm hoping I can dispose of it somewhere better later. I know that I could toss it and it's not like they can do a DNA test like they could today, but I figured that leaving the knife will make them suspect foul play sooner. If I keep the knife and the Coal Boy disposes of the body well, it could be a long time before someone suspects murder. It probably won't be, but that was my logic. Best to keep suspicion down as long as possible and the cast off, bloody knife is already incriminating if someone else remembers Mira was there that night.
What will probably happen is that somehow, miraculously, someone will find the knife because Mira was dumb about hiding it. For the purposes of continuing the game, she must hide it in a place it's possible to find. It wouldn't be dramatic any other way. We'll see what happens from there.
I killed that guy, because maybe he will complain about Mira attacking him. And, i tossed the sword, because i think if i keep the sword, maybe they will search Mira's room and find the sword.
Yeah, I had the same reasoning as you. The only problem is that if someone finds the dagger, they could essentially blame the thing on you through hiding it in your chambers or some other stupid reason. However, I feel either way Mira will probably be put on trial and it won't be very good considering how Mira has been linked to Tyrion and Joffery had recently choked. So, the odds are not in Mira's favour at the moment.
So, what happens if you didnt kill Damien?
Tom kills him off-screen
Keep the knife
No evidence ahah Since the other guard saw you with that Punk ass guy XD
Necromancy is forbidden here.
Personally, I think he is the third bastard son of Lord Forrester, but instead he got sent south. He has no true motivation to help Mira, so what else could it possibly be? To sacrifice your life for a stranger? No, for family.
Mmmm this decision mates quite an old thing to remember.
On my plathrough I run from Damienthe Lannister guard) cause I didn't and(I don't) care about the coalboy.Then threw the knife in the Red Keep's gardens.
Moreover there was a huge chance of Mira dying there and that was not an option for me.That decision was pretty cool itself the danger and the intrigue of King's landing were there and the reveal of Lucan as a bad guy was not bad writing at all
I killed that Fucker and kept the knife because I couldn't decide but kept it at the last minute.