Oh and one thing, I have now 8 characters from Night's Watch (not counting Jack Musgood), 5 of them are rangers and 1 a recruit who wants to… more be a ranger. They are all around 20 years, youngest 17 and oldest 28. Point being, if you plan to submit a character, at least consider something else than a young badass ranger And I'm not saying that I don't like these rangers submitted so far, don't take this that way
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be almost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had past couple weeks ago. It had made him once again think about how the rest of his life would be up here. But if it was the price he had to pay for his crime, he would pay it without whining.
Lord Commander Jack Musgood sat on the opposite side of the table. The Lord Commander was a 35 years old man, nice guy, who had seen potential in Keran from the first day. One could say Jack was quite handsome with his short black hair, blue eyes and heart shaped beard around his mouth; not that being handsome was much use here. Musgood was a man who almost always had a smile on his face and for that he was often called Jolly Jack. And the way Jack now looked lived up to his name.
“Good day, Keran!” Jolly Jack shouted with his joyful voice.
“What do you mean good day? I think this is just as cold and depressing day as they all are here.” Keran said, perhaps sounding a little more depressed than he planned to.
“Oh Keran, you really need to learn to enjoy the little things.” Lord Commander said, still smiling. Keran tried to find a smile to his face too but he had never really been the jolly one, even if he did have a warm heart.
“So do you have a new mission for me Lord Commander? I’d rather be out there than sit here in Castle Black.” Keran knew that Jack trusted him and often gave him missions, even if he was one of the youngest rangers in Castle Black.
“Well, if that is what you really want to talk about… I actually have a mission for you. It’s an important one, and I think you should lead this mission.” Jack said with at least little bit more serious face. “I’ve heard some troubling rumors.” This really surprised Keran. Of course Jack saw him as a promising warrior, Keran knew that, but leading a mission already? Important mission.
“Are you sure that’s wise? Whoever you command to come with me might not be happy about me leading the mission, they won’t see me seasoned enough.” Keran said with doubtful voice.
“It doesn’t matter if they’re happy, your job is to make it clear who is the one leading. Anyway, I have good brothers to come with you, they should understand.” Jack said and took a sip from his mug.
“So, what is this important mission?” Keran asked thinking about some big group of raiders.
“You will go to couple wildling villages close to the Wall and question them about a warlord called Raymun the Redbeard… I’ve heard he’s been gathering the Nightrunner clans as one army.” The Lord Commander said sounding more serious than he had for long time. Keran didn’t understand why was Jack so serious, these rumors didn’t seem that bad.
“I’m sorry Lord Commander but I don’t see why this would be important. And why do you seem so worried about this Raymun, the Nightrunners are probably just warring with the Hornfeets.”
“No that’s not the case… I heard he wants to unite the Nightrunners and the Hornfoots. That can mean only one thing. They want to attack us. I even heard they call this Raymun their king.” While saying the last word the Jolly Jack’s face was filled with anger, and that really was something rare.
“A king, aye? Maybe that’s a good thing… As united and with a king to rule them, maybe the wildlings can find a peaceful way to live.” Keran said raising his elbows.
“Keran, there are only one kind of wildling kings. This Raymun is gathering an army because he hates us and wants to bring his savage friends to slaughter us and feast on our flesh and blood.” Jack’s words faced again the uncertain look on Keran’s face. “All I mean is that this should be taken seriously.”
“I understand Lord Commander.” Keran said, even if he still wasn’t that sure if he did understand. “Who is coming with me?”
“Rambton Snow and Ramsay Derran. I’ve already informed them about the mission, meet the guys at training yard in two hours and get going. You’ll make a good leader, I know it.” Jack said with the happy smile on his face again and Keran enjoyed a mug of ale with Jolly Jack before leaving the common hall.
Keran walked to the training yard and saw brothers in their black cloaks everywhere. Another thing that never changes here. However Rambton and Ramsay were nowhere to be seen. Instead a new young recruit, Argus Keding, came to talk with Keran. Argus was 17 years old, ambitious and well-mannered young highborn from the Vale. Keran could already guess what he wanted to talk about…
“Ser Keran, I heard you are leaving for a scouting mission… I just thought, maybe you could ask Jack Musgood if I could take my vows and…” Keran tapped young Argus to shoulder, stopping the boy's talking.
“First of all Argus, I’m not a knight. You don’t have to call me ser.” Keran said with a friendly smile on his face. “And about Jack… I’ve seen you fight, you clearly have skills for it and you’ve been trained in castle. Jack knows this just as well. Don’t be too hasty, here in the Wall you will get what you deserve when you deserve it. And trust me, you have no hurry, there is nothing but time up here.”
Even if he didn’t look all pleased Argus made a courteous bowing and left. Keran looked around the yard again. Next to winch elevator stood Mul Stard. Keran decided not to go talk to him, he was clearly drunk again and if Keran would tell him it’s not safe to work atop the Wall being drunk he would again tell the story of him being drunk when he took the black. That was hardly a surprise anyway, that man was practically always drunk.
“Hey, Keran! Will you lead us to our lil’ trip or should we stay and rot here?”
Keran turned around and saw Rambton Snow standing there with his joyless smile. Rambton was 25 years old but looked much older with his dark and rough beard. Next to Rambton stood Ramsay Derran. Ramsay wasn’t exactly the most pleasant looking man in Castle Black with his missing left arm, blood red eyes and long grey hair, but Keran saw him as a trustworthy man.
“Okay boys, let’s go.” Keran said, Ramsay and Rambton laughed and they went to saddle the horses.
Better feeling started to fill Keran, it always did when he was leaving for a mission. And this one he was leading.
“Hey, you! Keran, was it?”
Keran looked over his shoulder. It was one of the newest rangers, a handsome 17 years old Mormont boy.
“Yes, I’m Keran. What is it?” Keran asked, feeling a little impatient, he wanted to get going already.
“You’re going for a scouting mission, and it’s about that wildling warlord, right?” As Keran nodded Mormont kept speaking. “I’m Edric Mormont. I’ve took my vows, I’m a ranger and trained to fight since I could stand. Take me with you for this mission.”
“The Wild Bear wants to kill some wildlings, eh? And what does Jolly Jack have to say to this?” Ramsay asked with his quiet and raspy voice.
“The Lord Commander trusts you Keran, he would understand if you allowed me to come with you.” Edric Mormont talked with dead serious face, looking Keran straight in to the eyes.
[Allow Edric Mormont to come][Don't allow Edric Mormont to come]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Surprise! I found time for writing this morning and here comes the first part of chapter 1, enjoy
Chapter 1: The Winds Arise
… moreSun had already set and most of the camp was asleep. How could they? Their king was missing and they didn’t give a shit, just slept. Maya felt cold, it was the wind. Why? Maya had lived north of the Wall her whole life, how could she feel herself cold from some winds of summer? Of course she wouldn’t tell anyone, they would say it was her southerner’s blood that made her shiver in the real north. Idiots. She looked around and saw tents, hundreds, if not thousands, of tents. Raymun was a good man, it was no wonder all the Nightrunner clan leaders wanted to follow him. And now he was missing. They were an army of over two thousand men and women but now they didn’t have a leader. Maya was worried. Of course because of Raymun, without him this was all for nothing, but even more for Torgon. Torgon was a lovely… [view original content]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be al… moremost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had… [view original content]
Voting is closed
Keran will allow Edric Mormont to come with him to the scouting mission.
The next part will likely come out tomorrow, and we will get our first taste of Thenns.
Voting is closed
Keran will allow Edric Mormont to come with him to the scouting mission.
The next part will likely come out tomorrow, and we will get our first taste of Thenns.
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shivers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn who sat next to one of the ruined houses. He was sharpening his war axe. Like always. However, perhaps it was always a good thing to have someone like Barryn around. Skjorn could surely fight, that was not a problem, but Barryn was something else. That man truly had the rage inside him. Skjorn turned his eyes to the sea again, thinking about all those times he had bought steel, wine or anything else here from the smugglers of Westeros or Free Cities. This time he was going to buy something entirely different.
The sea, it was the best way out if Skjorn ever would want to leave these cold lands. And once he had been certain about it, that he would someday leave the Free Folk’s lands, go to Braavos perhaps, but now his loyalties lied to Thenn’s Magnar Krygorn. Krygorn was a good leader, even if Skjorn didn’t think of him as a god like most of the Thenn. He had read much about the dragon kings in the south and could tell that Krygorn was easily better than most of them. By his learning Skjorn knew that the Seven Kingdoms weren’t really a better place than the lands of Free Folk, not for most of the people. Their problems just were different kind. The people of those kingdoms often followed like slaves those who didn’t deserve to lead. The Free Folk might be known south of the Wall as bloodthirsty barbarians but in truth it was the southerner’s wars that killed millions. Often just to decide who should sat on the Iron Throne. Skjorn was afraid that sooner or later the Free Folk would have same kind of destiny.
A fat smuggler came ashore with two guards. As they came out of their boat the fat man spit on the ground.
“Can’t believe I have to step to shit lands like this.” He moaned in common tongue of Westeros, shaking his head. Skjorn looked at the guards. They look strong, but not strong enough to beat us.
"Hey, wildling shit head! You are Skjorn? The one with the gold?” The smuggler asked without any respect on his tone or his look.
“Yes, I’m Skjorn the Scholar.” He answered softly, using the common tongue first time in a long while.
Skjorn dropped the bag full of golden items in front of the smuggler. The fat man started to examine.
“Hard to believe savage shits like you have gold like this.” He said holding a golden goblet with rubies.
“Yes, the ancient gold of the First Men. And you are the one talking like a savage.” Skjorn said raising his eyebrows.
“What did you say? Trust me, you don’t want to test us you cunt!” The smuggler gabbled while his face turned red.
“Does this fat man want to fight?” Barryn asked in Old Tongue, with a dark look in his eyes. Skjorn made calming motion to Barryn and turned his eyes to the smuggler again. The guards had their hands on the hilts of their swords.
“We have no intentions to fight here, do we? We Thenn’s are trained to fight from our birth and Barryn here would love nothing as much as splitting your heads with his war axe. And he will do it if I give him permission for it. But we are here to trade, not to fight. Am I right?” Skjorn gave an intensive look to both guards and the fat smuggler. The smuggler nodded and the guards removed their hands from the hilts.
“So we have shown our gold, where is your end of the bargain?” Skjorn asked.
“Yes, here it is.” The smuggler said taking two small bottles in his hands. “Tears of Lys. Never thought that wildlings would want poison. I know it’s a woman’s weapon, a coward’s weapon. But a wildling’s weapon? That’s something I have never heard of.”
“It goes for someone who tries to unite the Free Folk and attack south. It’s easier to cut the head of the army than try to fight it down.” Skjorn said, examining the bottles. This really seems to be Tears of Lys.
“A wildling trying to attack south? I guess this poison really goes to good use then.” The smuggler said, smiling an ugly smile.
“Our purpose is not to save the south. To be honest, I think Raymun Redbeard, this wildling king, goes to same category with Bael the Bard, Gendel and Gorne, Horned King and Joramun…”
“Who now?” The smuggler asked with annoyed and confused look on his face. Skjorn raised his eyebrows again.
“Those were all kings-beyond-the-wall. And they all failed.” Skjorn explained. “I don’t want to see useless bloodshed among the Free Folk just that Raymun Redbeard can fail. And neither does magnar.”
“Alright, I’ve heard enough of some stupid wildling shit.” the fat man said with bored tone. “Let’s get back to the ship boys, we’ll leave in the first light of the morning.” And with those words the smuggler turned away with his guards and left Skjorn and Barryn to the shore with their poison.
“Barryn, you take the other bottle, I keep the other.” Skjorn said and Barryn gave him a nod. Skjorn looked the ruins of Hardhome around him. Finally they could leave this place.
“So Barryn what do you think, should we take the route closer to the Wall, make our way to the Fist of the First men and follow the river to north, or should we go straight through the Haunted Forest like we did when came here?”
“I don’t care. If any problems come to our way, be it crows, Nightrunners or those barefooted shits, we can go through them.” Barryn said and turned away from Skjorn.
I suppose he’s right…
[Take the route closer to the Wall][Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
This voting is of course not closed yet but I would like to tell you that the next part is almost ready and after all these introducing chapters this one will have a little more action Don't expect too much though
This voting is of course not closed yet but I would like to tell you that the next part is almost ready and after all these introducing chapters this one will have a little more action Don't expect too much though
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shiv… moreers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn wh… [view original content]
They approached the village silently. The first two village they had visited had been abandoned. Keran hoped this one wouldn’t be. They had to find wildlings, empty villages couldn’t tell anything about Raymun Redbeard. He leaded and Rambton, Ramsay and Edric followed him close behind. Rambton had been himself the whole trip, telling his cynical jokes now and then. Ramsay had mostly been silent, but he was the most experienced of them as a ranger and gave good advicing. Edric was the hardest of them to understand. He seemed to be well-mannered, listened to Keran’s orders and hadn’t given any problems so far. But something in him told that he wasn’t happy taking orders from someone like Keran. And almost everything he ever talked about was killing wildlings. This mission wasn’t about killing wildlings.
It was evening, the sun had almost set. They finally saw the village. It wasn’t a big one, four small houses and a small yard in the middle. There were two men and a woman on the yard, having a conversation.
“There are surely more inside the houses.” Ramsay whispered. That was true, Keran was sure about it too.
“How should we approach Keran?” Rambton asked. “Only the other one of those men has an axe whit him and the ones inside the houses are probably sleeping. I think we could surprise them.”
“Let’s kill the men and question the woman.” Edric said as if he would be the one making the decisions. Keran shook his head, trying to think what would be the best way. Perhaps they should wait until all of the wildlings were asleep and that way smaller the body count. An arrow flew and hit the other men to the head. The wildlings started shouting. Keran turned his head and saw Edric with his bow, he was already starting to shoot again.
“Seven hells Mormont!” Keran shouted, and stopped him. “I didn’t command you to…”
“I don’t care.” Edric said and shot another arrow, this time missing his target.
“Damn it!” Keran shook his head and tried to figure out something quickly. “Rambton! You come with me, we go around them and approach from behind.” Then Keran looked at Edric again. “You started this, remember that. Try to keep yourself alive so I can send you for a little talk with Jolly Jack.”
Keran ran through the dark forest, Rambton behind him. He could hear the wildlings screaming and cursing. He heard sounds of arrows flying. Arrows of Edric or the wildlings? Keran and Rambton came behind one of the houses. They took their swords and ran in to the yard. There were three dead men lying in the yard, one of them had a bow in his hands. The woman they saw was crying over one of the bodies. As Keran watched the yard, a man came from the house behind, trying to attack Keran, but Rambton knocked the man to the ground and cut his throat.
“Go look if there are more of them in that house.” Keran said and Rambton followed his orders.
Keran saw Edric and Ramsay approaching from the forest. Ramsay had took an arrow to his left leg and was limping. From one of the houses ran a man with beard black as coal, holding an axe and screaming from the bottom of his heart. Keran took his sword, he was ready for a fight. However as the wildling was only a couple feet away from him an arrow of Edric hit the head and the black-bearded wildling fell in to the feet of Keran, dead.
Rambton dragged an unarmed man from the house, and two more women were found in the other houses. They had four prisoners. Three women and one man. They tied them up and dragged them to the middle of the yard. One of the women was crying, one of them boiled with anger, and the youngest one, more a girl than a woman, seemed like she was looking at monsters. Maybe she was. And the man was constantly shaking his head and muttering something.
“Rambton, take care of Ramsay’s leg. I’ll have a couple of words with Edric before we question these wildlings.” Keran said looking at Edric with judging eyes.
“I have nothing to talk to you about.” Edric said with a quiet voice.
“It’s time for you to understand that I’m the one leading this mission, Mormont boy.” Keran said taking a step closer to Edric.
“We can talk about that later.” Edric said laying his green bloodthirsty eyes to the wildlings. “I can make those wildlings talk, that is what we are here for, right?”
“They are human beings and we will treat them as such.” Keran said decisively.
“And what do you know about that?” Edric seemed suddenly angry and sad at the same time. “Was your brother killed by wildlings? They are not human beings, they are evil, they are monsters, they killed my brother!”
Edric tightened his grip to the sword, tears were falling from his eyes as he stepped closer to their prisoners.
“These people killed your brother? That man and those three woman, is that what you say?” Keran asked with a loud voice. Edric looked confused.
“They are all the same…” He said quietly, almost whispered.
“No they are not. And if you take yourself as an honorable man you should realize they do not deserve to be punished from a crime they haven’t done. Go to Ramsay and Rambton, I’ll question the wildlings.” Keran said and after a few moments of thinking Edric put his sword back to its sheath and walked away.
As Keran tried to question the wildlings he didn’t manage to get almost anything out of the man and two of the women. But the young girl told him much more.
“Raymun Redbeard… He gathers an army.” The girl started with a shaky voice.
“Yes, go ahead. Tell all you know, nothing bad will happen to you, I promise.” Keran said trying to sound as friendly and calm as he could.
“He… He plans to unite the clans. All of them, Nightrunners, Hornfoots, Thenns, Ice-River clans and Frozen Shore men… To attack the south.” During the last words there was something in the girl’s eyes. She would like to see this Raymun kill us. Keran gave her a nod.
“And where is Raymun now?”
“He marched to the northern Haunted Forest… He wants to talk to the clan leaders of the Hornfoots.” The girl looked down, perhaps she was ashamed that she had told this all.
“Alright, thank you, we won’t trouble you anymore.” Keran said trying to give a little smile to the girl but she just started to cry. We are monsters in their eyes, just like they are monsters in Edric’s eyes.
Keran walked back to his brothers. They were silent and serious. Rambton had cleaned and tied up Ramsay’s wound and Ramsay kept convincing that he could keep up and continue the mission. Keran told them what the wildlings had told him. They all went silent. Edric looked to the ground with a dark gaze.
“I guess we should decide our next move… and what do we do with these wildlings.” Rambton said in a tired tone.
“Yes.” Keran said quietly. He had to go after this Raymun, perhaps learn more about him, perhaps even kill him. But could he keep Ramsay with him? And Edric? And what about the girl who had told him all this. What would the other wildlings do to her? Keran had promised no harm would come to her. He had promised.
This time there are two decisions to make:
1:[Continue the mission with the whole group.][Send Edric back to the Wall][Send Ramsay back to the Wall][Send them both back to the Wall]
2.:[Kill all the wildlings][Kill everyone except the girl][Leave everyone alive][Leave everyone alive and take the girl with you]
I'd say this is clear enough, the voting is closed.
Skjorn and Barryn will choose to travel through the northern Haunted Forest.
And in the next comment comes the next part...
They approached the village silently. The first two village they had visited had been abandoned. Keran hoped this one wouldn’t be. … moreThey had to find wildlings, empty villages couldn’t tell anything about Raymun Redbeard. He leaded and Rambton, Ramsay and Edric followed him close behind. Rambton had been himself the whole trip, telling his cynical jokes now and then. Ramsay had mostly been silent, but he was the most experienced of them as a ranger and gave good advicing. Edric was the hardest of them to understand. He seemed to be well-mannered, listened to Keran’s orders and hadn’t given any problems so far. But something in him told that he wasn’t happy taking orders from someone like Keran. And almost everything he ever talked about was killing wildlings. This mission wasn’t about killing wildlings.
It was evening, the sun had almost set. They finally saw the village. It wasn’t a big one, four small houses and a small yard in th… [view original content]
They approached the village silently. The first two village they had visited had been abandoned. Keran hoped this one wouldn’t be. … moreThey had to find wildlings, empty villages couldn’t tell anything about Raymun Redbeard. He leaded and Rambton, Ramsay and Edric followed him close behind. Rambton had been himself the whole trip, telling his cynical jokes now and then. Ramsay had mostly been silent, but he was the most experienced of them as a ranger and gave good advicing. Edric was the hardest of them to understand. He seemed to be well-mannered, listened to Keran’s orders and hadn’t given any problems so far. But something in him told that he wasn’t happy taking orders from someone like Keran. And almost everything he ever talked about was killing wildlings. This mission wasn’t about killing wildlings.
It was evening, the sun had almost set. They finally saw the village. It wasn’t a big one, four small houses and a small yard in th… [view original content]
{Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you]
Nice first chapter!
Oops just realised voting is already closed hahah. Looking forward to the next chapter though, hoping Argus shows up!
Ah... sorry if my first character seems to be too cliche.
I'll make it up to you by giving you another "unique" character.
Well of course NW needs its rangers
But yes please make me more characteeers 
Actually I just sent it few moments ago,this one definitely meet the "lesser cooler guys who are not good enough to be rangers quota" standard.
What clan you have less or no characters?
Here comes the first part from the Wall
Air in the common hall was smoky and dusty. It always was. And the food seemed to be almost always the same stew. Almost everything stayed the same at Castle Black from day to day. And the Wall was just the perfect reminder of them being at the end of the Seven Kingdoms, end of the realms of men. And every day at Castle Black made a man question if there really was a meaning for his life.
Now the common hall was almost empty, most of the brothers had already ate. Builders and stewards had gone for their jobs. But Keran was a ranger so when he was at Castle Black he didn’t have that much job to do, only little helping while waiting for a new scouting mission beyond the Wall. He had been sent here about a year ago. He had learned not to think where he would be if he hadn’t done it. But he had done it. He had killed that bastard, and that bastard surely had deserved it. His 19th nameday had past couple weeks ago. It had made him once again think about how the rest of his life would be up here. But if it was the price he had to pay for his crime, he would pay it without whining.
Lord Commander Jack Musgood sat on the opposite side of the table. The Lord Commander was a 35 years old man, nice guy, who had seen potential in Keran from the first day. One could say Jack was quite handsome with his short black hair, blue eyes and heart shaped beard around his mouth; not that being handsome was much use here. Musgood was a man who almost always had a smile on his face and for that he was often called Jolly Jack. And the way Jack now looked lived up to his name.
“Good day, Keran!” Jolly Jack shouted with his joyful voice.
“What do you mean good day? I think this is just as cold and depressing day as they all are here.” Keran said, perhaps sounding a little more depressed than he planned to.
“Oh Keran, you really need to learn to enjoy the little things.” Lord Commander said, still smiling. Keran tried to find a smile to his face too but he had never really been the jolly one, even if he did have a warm heart.
“So do you have a new mission for me Lord Commander? I’d rather be out there than sit here in Castle Black.” Keran knew that Jack trusted him and often gave him missions, even if he was one of the youngest rangers in Castle Black.
“Well, if that is what you really want to talk about… I actually have a mission for you. It’s an important one, and I think you should lead this mission.” Jack said with at least little bit more serious face. “I’ve heard some troubling rumors.” This really surprised Keran. Of course Jack saw him as a promising warrior, Keran knew that, but leading a mission already? Important mission.
“Are you sure that’s wise? Whoever you command to come with me might not be happy about me leading the mission, they won’t see me seasoned enough.” Keran said with doubtful voice.
“It doesn’t matter if they’re happy, your job is to make it clear who is the one leading. Anyway, I have good brothers to come with you, they should understand.” Jack said and took a sip from his mug.
“So, what is this important mission?” Keran asked thinking about some big group of raiders.
“You will go to couple wildling villages close to the Wall and question them about a warlord called Raymun the Redbeard… I’ve heard he’s been gathering the Nightrunner clans as one army.” The Lord Commander said sounding more serious than he had for long time. Keran didn’t understand why was Jack so serious, these rumors didn’t seem that bad.
“I’m sorry Lord Commander but I don’t see why this would be important. And why do you seem so worried about this Raymun, the Nightrunners are probably just warring with the Hornfeets.”
“No that’s not the case… I heard he wants to unite the Nightrunners and the Hornfoots. That can mean only one thing. They want to attack us. I even heard they call this Raymun their king.” While saying the last word the Jolly Jack’s face was filled with anger, and that really was something rare.
“A king, aye? Maybe that’s a good thing… As united and with a king to rule them, maybe the wildlings can find a peaceful way to live.” Keran said raising his elbows.
“Keran, there are only one kind of wildling kings. This Raymun is gathering an army because he hates us and wants to bring his savage friends to slaughter us and feast on our flesh and blood.” Jack’s words faced again the uncertain look on Keran’s face. “All I mean is that this should be taken seriously.”
“I understand Lord Commander.” Keran said, even if he still wasn’t that sure if he did understand. “Who is coming with me?”
“Rambton Snow and Ramsay Derran. I’ve already informed them about the mission, meet the guys at training yard in two hours and get going. You’ll make a good leader, I know it.” Jack said with the happy smile on his face again and Keran enjoyed a mug of ale with Jolly Jack before leaving the common hall.
Keran walked to the training yard and saw brothers in their black cloaks everywhere. Another thing that never changes here. However Rambton and Ramsay were nowhere to be seen. Instead a new young recruit, Argus Keding, came to talk with Keran. Argus was 17 years old, ambitious and well-mannered young highborn from the Vale. Keran could already guess what he wanted to talk about…
“Ser Keran, I heard you are leaving for a scouting mission… I just thought, maybe you could ask Jack Musgood if I could take my vows and…” Keran tapped young Argus to shoulder, stopping the boy's talking.
“First of all Argus, I’m not a knight. You don’t have to call me ser.” Keran said with a friendly smile on his face. “And about Jack… I’ve seen you fight, you clearly have skills for it and you’ve been trained in castle. Jack knows this just as well. Don’t be too hasty, here in the Wall you will get what you deserve when you deserve it. And trust me, you have no hurry, there is nothing but time up here.”
Even if he didn’t look all pleased Argus made a courteous bowing and left. Keran looked around the yard again. Next to winch elevator stood Mul Stard. Keran decided not to go talk to him, he was clearly drunk again and if Keran would tell him it’s not safe to work atop the Wall being drunk he would again tell the story of him being drunk when he took the black. That was hardly a surprise anyway, that man was practically always drunk.
“Hey, Keran! Will you lead us to our lil’ trip or should we stay and rot here?”
Keran turned around and saw Rambton Snow standing there with his joyless smile. Rambton was 25 years old but looked much older with his dark and rough beard. Next to Rambton stood Ramsay Derran. Ramsay wasn’t exactly the most pleasant looking man in Castle Black with his missing left arm, blood red eyes and long grey hair, but Keran saw him as a trustworthy man.
“Okay boys, let’s go.” Keran said, Ramsay and Rambton laughed and they went to saddle the horses.
Better feeling started to fill Keran, it always did when he was leaving for a mission. And this one he was leading.
“Hey, you! Keran, was it?”
Keran looked over his shoulder. It was one of the newest rangers, a handsome 17 years old Mormont boy.
“Yes, I’m Keran. What is it?” Keran asked, feeling a little impatient, he wanted to get going already.
“You’re going for a scouting mission, and it’s about that wildling warlord, right?” As Keran nodded Mormont kept speaking. “I’m Edric Mormont. I’ve took my vows, I’m a ranger and trained to fight since I could stand. Take me with you for this mission.”
“The Wild Bear wants to kill some wildlings, eh? And what does Jolly Jack have to say to this?” Ramsay asked with his quiet and raspy voice.
“The Lord Commander trusts you Keran, he would understand if you allowed me to come with you.” Edric Mormont talked with dead serious face, looking Keran straight in to the eyes.
[Allow Edric Mormont to come] [Don't allow Edric Mormont to come]
[Allow Edric Mormont to come]
Again, this is a great part. These Watchers are interesting characters and I'm looking forward to learn more about them.
[Allow Edric Mormont to come]
Hornfoots have no characters so far, neither does Frozen Shore men but if I can suggest a Hornfoot would be more useful in this chapter
[Allow Edric Mormont to come]
[Don't allow Edric Mormont to come]
[Go after the Hornfoots]
[Allow Edric Mormont to come]
[Allow Edric Mormont to come]
[Don't allow Edric to come]
Don't get me wrong, but this may be a little bit too dangerous for him, especially if it's about a Wildling King.
But I loved all of the introduced characters
[Allow Edric Mormont to come]
Voting is closed
Keran will allow Edric Mormont to come with him to the scouting mission.
The next part will likely come out tomorrow, and we will get our first taste of Thenns.
Cai i make houses of Theen people?
I don't see a problem in that, go ahead
Can't wait !! HYPED!
Just submitted a character! Hope you take care of her if you like her!
Great and interesting character, I will certainly find a role for her, thank you for submitting!
Skjorn had always liked the fresh smell of sea. And he never had any problems with cold. Still this place always gave him the shivers, there was just something here that brought dark thoughts in one’s mind. It felt like the winds were whispering the words of the people who died here long ago. Hardhome wasn’t a nice place to visit, and there Skjorn the Scholar was sitting, middle of its ruins, watching the far away sails in the sea. It would be an hour before the ship would be ashore. Another silent hour for him to spend alone. Well not exactly alone, Barryn was of course there but he wasn’t that social company. They had traveled all the way from Thenn’s vale to Hardhome without a single conversation that would have lasted longer than ten seconds. Skjorn had tried to have one, when they still were at the northern parts of the Haunted Forest, but Barryn had made it clear that he is not interested in talking. Skjorn looked at Barryn who sat next to one of the ruined houses. He was sharpening his war axe. Like always. However, perhaps it was always a good thing to have someone like Barryn around. Skjorn could surely fight, that was not a problem, but Barryn was something else. That man truly had the rage inside him. Skjorn turned his eyes to the sea again, thinking about all those times he had bought steel, wine or anything else here from the smugglers of Westeros or Free Cities. This time he was going to buy something entirely different.
The sea, it was the best way out if Skjorn ever would want to leave these cold lands. And once he had been certain about it, that he would someday leave the Free Folk’s lands, go to Braavos perhaps, but now his loyalties lied to Thenn’s Magnar Krygorn. Krygorn was a good leader, even if Skjorn didn’t think of him as a god like most of the Thenn. He had read much about the dragon kings in the south and could tell that Krygorn was easily better than most of them. By his learning Skjorn knew that the Seven Kingdoms weren’t really a better place than the lands of Free Folk, not for most of the people. Their problems just were different kind. The people of those kingdoms often followed like slaves those who didn’t deserve to lead. The Free Folk might be known south of the Wall as bloodthirsty barbarians but in truth it was the southerner’s wars that killed millions. Often just to decide who should sat on the Iron Throne. Skjorn was afraid that sooner or later the Free Folk would have same kind of destiny.
A fat smuggler came ashore with two guards. As they came out of their boat the fat man spit on the ground.
“Can’t believe I have to step to shit lands like this.” He moaned in common tongue of Westeros, shaking his head. Skjorn looked at the guards. They look strong, but not strong enough to beat us.
"Hey, wildling shit head! You are Skjorn? The one with the gold?” The smuggler asked without any respect on his tone or his look.
“Yes, I’m Skjorn the Scholar.” He answered softly, using the common tongue first time in a long while.
Skjorn dropped the bag full of golden items in front of the smuggler. The fat man started to examine.
“Hard to believe savage shits like you have gold like this.” He said holding a golden goblet with rubies.
“Yes, the ancient gold of the First Men. And you are the one talking like a savage.” Skjorn said raising his eyebrows.
“What did you say? Trust me, you don’t want to test us you cunt!” The smuggler gabbled while his face turned red.
“Does this fat man want to fight?” Barryn asked in Old Tongue, with a dark look in his eyes. Skjorn made calming motion to Barryn and turned his eyes to the smuggler again. The guards had their hands on the hilts of their swords.
“We have no intentions to fight here, do we? We Thenn’s are trained to fight from our birth and Barryn here would love nothing as much as splitting your heads with his war axe. And he will do it if I give him permission for it. But we are here to trade, not to fight. Am I right?” Skjorn gave an intensive look to both guards and the fat smuggler. The smuggler nodded and the guards removed their hands from the hilts.
“So we have shown our gold, where is your end of the bargain?” Skjorn asked.
“Yes, here it is.” The smuggler said taking two small bottles in his hands. “Tears of Lys. Never thought that wildlings would want poison. I know it’s a woman’s weapon, a coward’s weapon. But a wildling’s weapon? That’s something I have never heard of.”
“It goes for someone who tries to unite the Free Folk and attack south. It’s easier to cut the head of the army than try to fight it down.” Skjorn said, examining the bottles. This really seems to be Tears of Lys.
“A wildling trying to attack south? I guess this poison really goes to good use then.” The smuggler said, smiling an ugly smile.
“Our purpose is not to save the south. To be honest, I think Raymun Redbeard, this wildling king, goes to same category with Bael the Bard, Gendel and Gorne, Horned King and Joramun…”
“Who now?” The smuggler asked with annoyed and confused look on his face. Skjorn raised his eyebrows again.
“Those were all kings-beyond-the-wall. And they all failed.” Skjorn explained. “I don’t want to see useless bloodshed among the Free Folk just that Raymun Redbeard can fail. And neither does magnar.”
“Alright, I’ve heard enough of some stupid wildling shit.” the fat man said with bored tone. “Let’s get back to the ship boys, we’ll leave in the first light of the morning.” And with those words the smuggler turned away with his guards and left Skjorn and Barryn to the shore with their poison.
“Barryn, you take the other bottle, I keep the other.” Skjorn said and Barryn gave him a nod. Skjorn looked the ruins of Hardhome around him. Finally they could leave this place.
“So Barryn what do you think, should we take the route closer to the Wall, make our way to the Fist of the First men and follow the river to north, or should we go straight through the Haunted Forest like we did when came here?”
“I don’t care. If any problems come to our way, be it crows, Nightrunners or those barefooted shits, we can go through them.” Barryn said and turned away from Skjorn.
I suppose he’s right…
[Take the route closer to the Wall] [Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
[Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
Fighting Nightrunners may be slightly easier than Night's Watch.
Amazing chapter! Can't wait for next one.
[Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
Great part! It's nice to see Skjorn in it, I love the way you wrote him.
[Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
This might be a bit easier. I know, as a wildling I would rather take on other wildlings than on Night's Watchmen.
[Take the route closer to the Wall] I want to see Barryn's badassery.
[Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
Awesome Chapter!!!
[Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
Ghosts! awesome chapter!
This voting is of course not closed yet but I would like to tell you that the next part is almost ready and after all these introducing chapters this one will have a little more action
Don't expect too much though 
Ooooh, nice.
[Go through the northern Haunted Forest]
Another awesome chapter !
I'd say this is clear enough, the voting is closed.
Skjorn and Barryn will choose to travel through the northern Haunted Forest.
And in the next comment comes the next part...
They approached the village silently. The first two village they had visited had been abandoned. Keran hoped this one wouldn’t be. They had to find wildlings, empty villages couldn’t tell anything about Raymun Redbeard. He leaded and Rambton, Ramsay and Edric followed him close behind. Rambton had been himself the whole trip, telling his cynical jokes now and then. Ramsay had mostly been silent, but he was the most experienced of them as a ranger and gave good advicing. Edric was the hardest of them to understand. He seemed to be well-mannered, listened to Keran’s orders and hadn’t given any problems so far. But something in him told that he wasn’t happy taking orders from someone like Keran. And almost everything he ever talked about was killing wildlings. This mission wasn’t about killing wildlings.
It was evening, the sun had almost set. They finally saw the village. It wasn’t a big one, four small houses and a small yard in the middle. There were two men and a woman on the yard, having a conversation.
“There are surely more inside the houses.” Ramsay whispered. That was true, Keran was sure about it too.
“How should we approach Keran?” Rambton asked. “Only the other one of those men has an axe whit him and the ones inside the houses are probably sleeping. I think we could surprise them.”
“Let’s kill the men and question the woman.” Edric said as if he would be the one making the decisions. Keran shook his head, trying to think what would be the best way. Perhaps they should wait until all of the wildlings were asleep and that way smaller the body count. An arrow flew and hit the other men to the head. The wildlings started shouting. Keran turned his head and saw Edric with his bow, he was already starting to shoot again.
“Seven hells Mormont!” Keran shouted, and stopped him. “I didn’t command you to…”
“I don’t care.” Edric said and shot another arrow, this time missing his target.
“Damn it!” Keran shook his head and tried to figure out something quickly. “Rambton! You come with me, we go around them and approach from behind.” Then Keran looked at Edric again. “You started this, remember that. Try to keep yourself alive so I can send you for a little talk with Jolly Jack.”
Keran ran through the dark forest, Rambton behind him. He could hear the wildlings screaming and cursing. He heard sounds of arrows flying. Arrows of Edric or the wildlings? Keran and Rambton came behind one of the houses. They took their swords and ran in to the yard. There were three dead men lying in the yard, one of them had a bow in his hands. The woman they saw was crying over one of the bodies. As Keran watched the yard, a man came from the house behind, trying to attack Keran, but Rambton knocked the man to the ground and cut his throat.
“Go look if there are more of them in that house.” Keran said and Rambton followed his orders.
Keran saw Edric and Ramsay approaching from the forest. Ramsay had took an arrow to his left leg and was limping. From one of the houses ran a man with beard black as coal, holding an axe and screaming from the bottom of his heart. Keran took his sword, he was ready for a fight. However as the wildling was only a couple feet away from him an arrow of Edric hit the head and the black-bearded wildling fell in to the feet of Keran, dead.
Rambton dragged an unarmed man from the house, and two more women were found in the other houses. They had four prisoners. Three women and one man. They tied them up and dragged them to the middle of the yard. One of the women was crying, one of them boiled with anger, and the youngest one, more a girl than a woman, seemed like she was looking at monsters. Maybe she was. And the man was constantly shaking his head and muttering something.
“Rambton, take care of Ramsay’s leg. I’ll have a couple of words with Edric before we question these wildlings.” Keran said looking at Edric with judging eyes.
“I have nothing to talk to you about.” Edric said with a quiet voice.
“It’s time for you to understand that I’m the one leading this mission, Mormont boy.” Keran said taking a step closer to Edric.
“We can talk about that later.” Edric said laying his green bloodthirsty eyes to the wildlings. “I can make those wildlings talk, that is what we are here for, right?”
“They are human beings and we will treat them as such.” Keran said decisively.
“And what do you know about that?” Edric seemed suddenly angry and sad at the same time. “Was your brother killed by wildlings? They are not human beings, they are evil, they are monsters, they killed my brother!”
Edric tightened his grip to the sword, tears were falling from his eyes as he stepped closer to their prisoners.
“These people killed your brother? That man and those three woman, is that what you say?” Keran asked with a loud voice. Edric looked confused.
“They are all the same…” He said quietly, almost whispered.
“No they are not. And if you take yourself as an honorable man you should realize they do not deserve to be punished from a crime they haven’t done. Go to Ramsay and Rambton, I’ll question the wildlings.” Keran said and after a few moments of thinking Edric put his sword back to its sheath and walked away.
As Keran tried to question the wildlings he didn’t manage to get almost anything out of the man and two of the women. But the young girl told him much more.
“Raymun Redbeard… He gathers an army.” The girl started with a shaky voice.
“Yes, go ahead. Tell all you know, nothing bad will happen to you, I promise.” Keran said trying to sound as friendly and calm as he could.
“He… He plans to unite the clans. All of them, Nightrunners, Hornfoots, Thenns, Ice-River clans and Frozen Shore men… To attack the south.” During the last words there was something in the girl’s eyes. She would like to see this Raymun kill us. Keran gave her a nod.
“And where is Raymun now?”
“He marched to the northern Haunted Forest… He wants to talk to the clan leaders of the Hornfoots.” The girl looked down, perhaps she was ashamed that she had told this all.
“Alright, thank you, we won’t trouble you anymore.” Keran said trying to give a little smile to the girl but she just started to cry. We are monsters in their eyes, just like they are monsters in Edric’s eyes.
Keran walked back to his brothers. They were silent and serious. Rambton had cleaned and tied up Ramsay’s wound and Ramsay kept convincing that he could keep up and continue the mission. Keran told them what the wildlings had told him. They all went silent. Edric looked to the ground with a dark gaze.
“I guess we should decide our next move… and what do we do with these wildlings.” Rambton said in a tired tone.
“Yes.” Keran said quietly. He had to go after this Raymun, perhaps learn more about him, perhaps even kill him. But could he keep Ramsay with him? And Edric? And what about the girl who had told him all this. What would the other wildlings do to her? Keran had promised no harm would come to her. He had promised.
This time there are two decisions to make:
1: [Continue the mission with the whole group.] [Send Edric back to the Wall] [Send Ramsay back to the Wall] [Send them both back to the Wall]
2.: [Kill all the wildlings] [Kill everyone except the girl] [Leave everyone alive] [Leave everyone alive and take the girl with you]
Oh, and also I've made this so it is easier to re-read or catch up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I7bng0gvc1RuAmYuSSWsjpnZki1fwihpJBzF5GEYiJ8/pub
I've also added the link to the first post.
[Send them both back to the Wall]
[Leave everyone alive and take the girl with you]
Awesome Chapter!!!
[Send them both back to the wall]
[Leave everyone alive and take the girl with you]
[Send them both back to the Wall]
[Leave everyone alive and take the girl with you]