Great conclusion to the first chapter now things gets real.
Also, I think it's Battlestar Galactica? I remember the show vaguely but it's kind of reminded me of it I think
It's another red bearded man having a speech after a fight... that's why I thought I could take some inspiration of his speech. I put a youtube video of it soon if no one can guess who I'm talking about
Great conclusion to the first chapter now things gets real.
Also, I think it's Battlestar Galactica? I remember the show vaguely but it's kind of reminded me of it I think
Nope ;D
It's another red bearded man having a speech after a fight... that's why I thought I could take some inspiration of his speech. I put a youtube video of it soon if no one can guess who I'm talking about
Haha I can tell you that it's quite new series, and if you ask me a little underrated. Oh,and its last week's episode launched a shitstorm on internet about homosexuality on TV shows.
Haha I can tell you that it's quite new series, and if you ask me a little underrated. Oh,and its last week's episode launched a shitstorm on internet about homosexuality on TV shows.
Captain James Flint, from Black Sails. There is clearly something about red bearded ambitious men who want to be kings (of thieves) that I like And the speech I was talking about:
And damn I was sure it was Abraham becasue of his speech about Washington and last week they had that gay couple thing :P
I guess Black Sails is really underrated show I've actually only watched the pilot (it feels like a million time ago but just chekced and it was only last year..weird)
The first season might feel a little slow, until the fifth episode which is amazing. However the second season has been on entirely different level from the first. And yeah the gay thing was that one of the main characters, who had been build up as very badass and masculine pirate turned out to be gay/bi and it was for some too much to handle and they started to rage about it in internet.
And damn I was sure it was Abraham becasue of his speech about Washington and last week they had that gay couple thing :P
I gue… moress Black Sails is really underrated show I've actually only watched the pilot (it feels like a million time ago but just chekced and it was only last year..weird)
So, the first chapter is concluded, thanks for all who have been reading, submitting and voting!
Chapter 2, "Tears and Swords", will begin either tomorrow or Tuesday. What to expect?
First of all chapter 2 will likely be longer than the first one. Back in Castle Black Lord Commander Jack Musgood will get more and more troubled, but how will he act? After winning lots of Hornfoots to his side Raymun needs to unite them with his Nightrunner army. How will that work out? What will be Maya's reaction as she finds her king calling Hornfoots brothers? What is magnar of Thenn thinking about all this? Will Skjorn and Barryn be alright? How about Rambton Snow? And what happened to Keran? We'll see in the next chapter ;D
Important decisions from Chapter 1:
Revenge and love: Maya decided to go after the Hornfoots to avenge Torgon and asked Rumak to come with her.
Punishment and concern: Keran sent both undisciplined Edric Mormont and the injured Ramsay Derran back to Castle Black after the fight in the wildling village.
Honor: Keran chose to rather die than abandon his vows.
Into the jaws of the beast: Skjorn, along with Barryn, decided to follow Alexia to find Raymun Redbeard.
Wonder how will the ''alliance'' between Hornfoots and Nightunners. There's probably gonna be a war, since I don't know if Raymun will be able to convince both of the sides.
So, the first chapter is concluded, thanks for all who have been reading, submitting and voting!
Chapter 2, "Tears and Swords", will begi… moren either tomorrow or Tuesday. What to expect?
First of all chapter 2 will likely be longer than the first one. Back in Castle Black Lord Commander Jack Musgood will get more and more troubled, but how will he act? After winning lots of Hornfoots to his side Raymun needs to unite them with his Nightrunner army. How will that work out? What will be Maya's reaction as she finds her king calling Hornfoots brothers? What is magnar of Thenn thinking about all this? Will Skjorn and Barryn be alright? How about Rambton Snow? And what happened to Keran? We'll see in the next chapter ;D
Important decisions from Chapter 1:
Revenge and love: Maya decided to go after the Hornfoots to avenge Torgon and asked Rumak to come with her.
Punishment and concern: Keran sent both undisciplined Edric Mormont and… [view original content]
So, the first chapter is concluded, thanks for all who have been reading, submitting and voting!
Chapter 2, "Tears and Swords", will begi… moren either tomorrow or Tuesday. What to expect?
First of all chapter 2 will likely be longer than the first one. Back in Castle Black Lord Commander Jack Musgood will get more and more troubled, but how will he act? After winning lots of Hornfoots to his side Raymun needs to unite them with his Nightrunner army. How will that work out? What will be Maya's reaction as she finds her king calling Hornfoots brothers? What is magnar of Thenn thinking about all this? Will Skjorn and Barryn be alright? How about Rambton Snow? And what happened to Keran? We'll see in the next chapter ;D
Important decisions from Chapter 1:
Revenge and love: Maya decided to go after the Hornfoots to avenge Torgon and asked Rumak to come with her.
Punishment and concern: Keran sent both undisciplined Edric Mormont and… [view original content]
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, something from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing the bride, white veil covering her face. Everything else around Edric was thin, hardly there, but William’s face was clear, as if he was the only thing alive in the world. And as he looked at Edric his eyes started weeping blood. Edric took a step back. He saw an arrow in the heart of his brother. The wind turned cold and with his final look William made a disapproving nod to Edric. He looked as the body fell to the ground, his heart full of grief, full of rage. And he saw his father, kneeling beside his dead son. “My heir is dead.” As Edric tried to put his hand to their father’s shoulder he could hear a scream of a crow and the light blinded him.
Edric woke up, his heart bouncing in his chest. The same dream again. He took a quick look next to his bead just to make sure his bow, Silent Sister, was still there. As the dream slowly started to leave his mind he realized how silent it was. Hardin’s tower was always silent. That was just for the best, most of the Night’s Watchmen were idiots or criminals. Edric didn’t feel the need to be friends with that kind of people. He got up, put on his cloak and left the room.
As he came out of the tower he could see the stewards and builders on their daily chores. He knew Lord Commander would want to meet him, so he started to make his way there. It was hard to feel anything but anger, he didn’t want to be here. He was still mad for Keran of sending him back to rot here. Someday I would be the one leading the missions. By the stairway to the yard Mul Strad, a builder who was always drunk, stopped him.
“Hey Mormont boy, look at that!” Strad said pointing at the corner of the yard next to Lord Commander’s tower. “I think there is going to be a fight! Hah, maybe you should go save the day. Since you are such a lordling hero.” Strad’s voice was definitely mocking and Edric only gave him a cold look before going down to the yard. He saw Robett, the Lord Commander’s squire, lying in the ground. Small Marsh and Devyn were there too, and Ramsay Derran.
“Yeah, go away cripple!” Small Marsh shouted. Edric saw Ramsay taking out his sword.
“Stop! Don’t fight! We’re brothers of the Night’s Watch! We’re not supposed to fight each other” Robett, who had got back up, shouted desperately. Devyn turned around, he had a knife in his hand.
“You really don’t know when to shut up, boy!” Devyn took menacing steps towards the squire but before he could do anything Ramsay punched him to the back of his head, knocking Devyn to the ground. Small Marsh rushed to hit Ramsay, whose injured leg prevented him from making a quick dodge. Ramsay tumbled down to the ground. Edric decided it was time to intervene. He took his sword ran behind Small Marsh and put the edge to his throat.
“Alright, that’s enough you idiots. Time to go somewhere else.” He said calmly as Marsh raised his arms to the air. Devyn got up, spitting blood from his mouth. Edric took his sword away from Marsh’s throat.
“Oh, aren’t you the little ranger hero.” Devyn said with loathe in his words. “Come Marsh, let’s leave these little heroes to suck each other’s cocks.” And so they walked away, Marsh giving Edric one last vicious look.
“Bloody bastards.” Ramsay said with his raspy voice. “Are you alright Weasel?”
“Yes, thanks for… Helping.” Robett said awkwardly. “Um… Both of you.” Ramsay gave the boy a little laugh and tapped him to the back.
“Happy to help, those two assholes should be thrown to the Ice Cells if you ask me.” Ramsay said.
“Oh, Edric. Lord Commander wants to have a conversation with you… Now.” Robett spoke with a timid voice, looking at his own feet. Edric gave the squire a stern nod. He knew this was coming. Jolly Jack had always liked Keran, of course he wouldn’t be happy when Edric hadn’t followed his orders. So now he followed Robett to the Lord Commander’s tower, to Jolly Jack.
As Edric sat by the Lord Commander’s table, Jolly Jack was silent, looking out of the window. Robett stood by the door, as timid as always.
“I think Keran did right by sending you back. But he should’ve also came back himself.” Jack Musgood spoke with serious tone.
“What do you mean?”
“He can’t kill the king-beyond-the-wall by himself. He got the info and should’ve returned… Now we must hope he and Rambton manage to make it back alive.” Jolly Jack turned around and looked at Edric. “And you… You’re young boy but you should already know, a good ranger follows the orders of the man who is leading the mission.”
“I’m sorry… I just didn’t like the way Keran wanted to handle it.” Edric kept his eyes on the table.
“Why are you here, on the Night’s Watch? Why have you taken your vows?” Jack’s words were sharp, and so was his gaze. It took Edric a moment to find the answer.
“To guard the realms of men.” He said decisively.
“Yes, so you say. It’s true you are not here for any crimes. You are volunteer, but still… I think you are not here for the sake of the realm. Some might say you are here to look for glory, but I don’t believe that either. Not that you could find any glory from here anyway.” Jack sat down on the other side of the table. “You are here to fight for the sake of fighting. You fight against shadows of your past.”
“And what do you know about that?” Edric’s tone was grim, he didn’t know what the Lord Commander was trying to do, but he didn’t like it.
“You’re gonna be here for the rest of your life. You can’t fix your own scars by shedding blood of the wildlings. So I hope you can let go of your past before you wake up as an old man, realizing that you’ve spent your life trying to kill something that cannot be killed.” Jolly Jack was still serious but Edric could also hear some empathy in his voice. Edric didn’t answer. It was easy for this man to say these things. He didn’t share the nightmares.
“You’re a good fighter, and a true killer with that bow of yours. You could be more than useful for me, but that means you fight for the watch, not for yourself.”
“It’s what keeps me going… What keeps me killing. My hate.” Edric said quietly.
“You can keep your hate, but you must learn to control yourself. You must learn to follow.” Jack stood up from his chair again. “If Keran doesn’t return soon I will choose my best rangers and go out there to look for him. I won’t take an arrogant boy with me, so you better find the man inside you.” Edric looked at the Lord Commander with a surprised face. He plans to go after them.
[Tell about this to Ramsay][Keep this to yourself]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
Edric will tell to Ramsay Derran about Jolly Jack's plans.
Sorry for slow writing, I've been really busy this week with studying, and I actually have two exam's next week. However I might be able to finish the new part today and if not, then tomorrow.
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was not my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in the tent after Raymun had took it as his own. Of course Raymun didn’t really have anything with him here, but many of the clan leaders had gave him presents after he won the fight. Jonk could see many kinds of jewelry and weaponry for example. In the table there was some wine of the southerners in a goblet. Raymun had clearly been enjoying himself. Jonk had never tasted wine, he assumed it was more fitting for the people of south, but maybe he should try. He took a small sip from the goblet. Too sweet. It was just as he had guessed, wine was not a drink for a man like him. He decided to take a look of the new weapons of the King. As he was examining a terrific steel axe Raymun stepped into the tent.
“Morning, Jonk. It is a nice axe, isn’t it?” Raymun seemed to be in a good mood. “Unfortunately I’ve never been that good with axes. I prefer swords. If you like it you can take it.”
“It is a great weapon. Thank you, king.” Jonk said and Raymun answered with a smile. That was how his new king was, he was smiling often. His smiles sent a message of confidence and ambition. Jonk was sure about it, this man was the right man to lead the Free Folk. As Jonk tried to make some swings with the axe a man on his early thirties came to the door. It was Paxtan Codd, a man who had years ago been one of the crows.
“Raymun, we found two Thenns sneaking around. You probably want to talk to them, aye?” Paxtan asked with a lazy voice.
“Thenns? How did two Thenns came to the camp without anyone noticing?” Jonk could hear a little bit of anger in the voice of Raymun.
“They came barefooted with a Hornfoot woman called Alexia. So, do you want to speak with them? Or do we send them away? Or kill them?”
“Alright I’ll hear them. Jonk, let’s go.” Raymun’s voice was full of determination that Jonk could only admire. And so Paxtan lead them through the camp.
“My name is Skjorn, also known as Skjorn the Scholar. My friend is Barryn.” The smaller one of the Thenns spoke with calm and friendly words.
“I’ve heard of you.” Raymun’s tone was much less friendly. “You’re one of the Magnar Krygorn’s advisors. Are you here to spy, Skjorn the Scholar?” Skjorn raised his eyebrows as he heard Raymun’s words.
“If I’m being totally honest I had no intensions to come here at all, but my friend changed my mind. He wanted to see himself the man who dares to call himself the King of the Free Folk.” As Skjorn spoke Barryn looked at the King with dark eyes full of rage. That one is strong.
“So, I believe your magnar doesn’t like me, are you here to murder me?” Raymun asked and Skjorn gave him a small laugh.
“Pardon me, your majesty, but how in the world would I do that? You are surrounded by an army.” Skjorn had a mocking smile on his face, but then it disappeared, and something much darker came in to his eyes. “Though I must admit, King Raymun, if I had found you dead here, I wouldn’t have shed a tear.”
Jonk could tell he didn’t like this man. He wasn’t strong, he was weak and as disgusting as a southerner. Raymun and Skjorn looked at each other for a while, it was easy to say there was a mutual hate between those two. At last Raymun just let out a sigh.
“Well, you have seen me now Thenns. Go to your magnar and tell my regards. I’m the King of Free Folk and if Krygorn marches with me to south he will conquer lands and riches beyond his dreams. If he denies my offer, he will have the same fate with Harg the Scarface.” With these words Raymun turned his back to the Thenns and walked away. Jonk stayed and watched with Paxtan as the Thenns turned away and walked the other way.
“I’ve never liked Thenns.” Paxtan said looking Skjorn and Barryn with disgust in his eyes.
“I don’t think we can trust those two. Especially that Skjorn. He is a weak, scheming bastard.” Jonk looked the two Thenns moving further away.
“I’m the guard of the King. I should do something before those two do."
[Try to kill the Thenns][Talk about this with Raymun]
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was … morenot my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in … [view original content]
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was … morenot my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in … [view original content]
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was … morenot my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in … [view original content]
I think that "Try to kill the Thenns" choice would suit Jonk more, but I say: [Talk about this with Raymun] because killing them won't probably be a good choice, since Raymun wants to unite all clans... But who knows how all this will turn out
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was … morenot my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in … [view original content]
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was … morenot my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in … [view original content]
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, somet… morehing from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing t… [view original content]
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was … morenot my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying!
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in … [view original content]
He opened his eyes. No, not eyes, eye. Was this freedom? Or was he still just a prisoner? He wouldn’t dare to ask that from these wildlings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe this would be the kind of life he had always wanted deep inside. No one would call him bastard here, at least not because of his name or heritage. The wildlings called him the one-eyed crow. It was better than Snow, even if he still wanted to know who the fucker was that had sent the shadowcat to rip off his right eye. Maybe this was his chance to live for himself instead of owning his life for a brotherhood of criminals in black cloaks. Maybe he could be inside a woman again. Maybe.
Keran had not been so wise. Dying for his vows. There would be no grave of a hero for the honorable Keran. Harron Crowsbane had carried his head at the tip of his spear for days before throwing it into the woods for wolves and crows to feast with. It had been hard for Rambton to watch but he had just turned his eyes away. Not eyes, eye.
Rambton had learned that the king Raymun had been apparently captured by Hornfoots and now Harron had took the place of the leader of this army. There was obviously going to be a battle between the Nightrunners and the Hornfoots. Stupid warring between the savages but Rambton had no option but to march with this army. He couldn’t really say that he had found friends here but some boy called Gabbor was interested in the life of Night’s Watch and the south and kept talking to him and asking questions now and then. Mostly he just got cold stares from everyone, sometimes mocking. Not that it bothered him much, probably the wildlings had understandable reasons to hate the Night’s Watchmen, or crows, as they called them.
As Rambton stood there, silently and alone, in the middle of the huge camp, he suddenly noticed a beautiful young woman looking at him from distance. Red hair, blue eyes, and a heavenly body. However the look on the girl’s eyes wasn’t warm or friendly.
“One-eyed crow.” The young lady said as she came closer. There was something noble in her. There was strength and wisdom in her eyes but still she couldn’t be more than twenty years old.
“Aye, I guess that’s what I am now.” Rambton answered, his eye going through the beautiful body. I could certainly have her tonight.
“I’m not yours to have, Snow.” Her tone was cold and calm. Rambton’s mouth dropped. “You better remember that, because I am a dangerous one to anger. I wear beasts.” The woman continued. Rambton wasn’t sure what the girl meant but it sent the shivers down his spine anyway.
“Um… Who… Who are you?” Rambton asked since he couldn’t find anything else to say.
“Ariyana Caswell.” She answered. “My brother was a crow once too.”
“And who your brother was?” Rambton thought there had been a Caswell couple years ago in the Watch, but he wasn’t sure.
“Ryden Caswell, he found freedom just like you, but something that should’ve been sleeping beneath the ice found him.” The look on Ariyana’s eyes was so intense that Rambton had to look away. Now he remembered. He hadn’t known Ryden for long before he had disappeared on a mission.
“You said I’ve found freedom. Have I? If I’d walk away Harron wouldn’t kill me?” He hadn’t really even planned on running away, and even less on returning to the Wall.
“You are free to leave, and Harron is free to kill you. As am I. We are all free here, no matter where we come from or who fathered us. Don’t worry One-eyed crow, you are free too, but if I were you I’d fight instead of running away. Unless you want to be seen as a craven.” After these word Ariyana gave one last hard look for Rambton before walking away. He watched as the woman disappeared into the crowd of the camp. Wild, free and deadly, that is what this place and its people truly are.
The army hadn’t moved in two days. Harron was apparently planning his next moves carefully. Rambton wasn’t welcome to any of the tents so he slept outside every night. He was also probably eating less than the children, but he didn’t complain. All he had been asked to do so far was to tell information about the Night’s Watch. How many men, which of the castles are garrisoned and so on. He told them what he knew, why should he care about it anyway? As it was getting darker once again Harron Crowsbane came to him with couple other men.
“You chose to be one of us, one-eyed crow. Now it’s time for you to prove your loyalty.” Harron had a sadistic smile on his face. Rambton sighed. Of course he knew this would come, they wouldn’t just leave him be.
“And how should I do that?” Rambton asked with a lazy tone.
“We’ve heard rumors of where Raymun might be. I’m sending a small group ahead for there, and you’ll be going with them.” Harron said it as if it was a command. It was a command. Rambton was already getting up, but then he remembered the words of Ariyana. He was free now, perhaps he could say no. Then again, it might just lead to trouble. Rambton looked at Harron, it was time to choose.
[Obey Harron][Say that you are free and don't have to obey]
He opened his eyes. No, not eyes, eye. Was this freedom? Or was he still just a prisoner? He wouldn’t dare to ask that from these… more wildlings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe this would be the kind of life he had always wanted deep inside. No one would call him bastard here, at least not because of his name or heritage. The wildlings called him the one-eyed crow. It was better than Snow, even if he still wanted to know who the fucker was that had sent the shadowcat to rip off his right eye. Maybe this was his chance to live for himself instead of owning his life for a brotherhood of criminals in black cloaks. Maybe he could be inside a woman again. Maybe.
Keran had not been so wise. Dying for his vows. There would be no grave of a hero for the honorable Keran. Harron Crowsbane had carried his head at the tip of his spear for days before throwing it into the woods for wolves and crows to feast with. It had been hard for Rambton to… [view original content]
He opened his eyes. No, not eyes, eye. Was this freedom? Or was he still just a prisoner? He wouldn’t dare to ask that from these… more wildlings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe this would be the kind of life he had always wanted deep inside. No one would call him bastard here, at least not because of his name or heritage. The wildlings called him the one-eyed crow. It was better than Snow, even if he still wanted to know who the fucker was that had sent the shadowcat to rip off his right eye. Maybe this was his chance to live for himself instead of owning his life for a brotherhood of criminals in black cloaks. Maybe he could be inside a woman again. Maybe.
Keran had not been so wise. Dying for his vows. There would be no grave of a hero for the honorable Keran. Harron Crowsbane had carried his head at the tip of his spear for days before throwing it into the woods for wolves and crows to feast with. It had been hard for Rambton to… [view original content]
Great conclusion to the first chapter now things gets real.
Also, I think it's Battlestar Galactica? I remember the show vaguely but it's kind of reminded me of it I think
Nope ;D
It's another red bearded man having a speech after a fight... that's why I thought I could take some inspiration of his speech. I put a youtube video of it soon if no one can guess who I'm talking about
Probably won't find it though :P
I can tell you that it's quite new series, and if you ask me a little underrated. Oh,and its last week's episode launched a shitstorm on internet about homosexuality on TV shows.
haha I actually thought about him first but thought maybe it was too obvious
I wouldn't say undrerrated though
Alright, here is the guy I'm talking about:
Captain James Flint, from Black Sails. There is clearly something about red bearded ambitious men who want to be kings (of thieves) that I like
And the speech I was talking about:
I couldn't find a better video, sry, that's the whole episode and quite bad quality. But the fight starts in 48:50 and the speech in 51:20
And damn I was sure it was Abraham becasue of his speech about Washington and last week they had that gay couple thing :P
I guess Black Sails is really underrated show I've actually only watched the pilot (it feels like a million time ago but just chekced and it was only last year..weird)
The first season might feel a little slow, until the fifth episode which is amazing. However the second season has been on entirely different level from the first. And yeah the gay thing was that one of the main characters, who had been build up as very badass and masculine pirate turned out to be gay/bi and it was for some too much to handle and they started to rage about it in internet.
So, the first chapter is concluded, thanks for all who have been reading, submitting and voting!
Chapter 2, "Tears and Swords", will begin either tomorrow or Tuesday. What to expect?
First of all chapter 2 will likely be longer than the first one. Back in Castle Black Lord Commander Jack Musgood will get more and more troubled, but how will he act? After winning lots of Hornfoots to his side Raymun needs to unite them with his Nightrunner army. How will that work out? What will be Maya's reaction as she finds her king calling Hornfoots brothers? What is magnar of Thenn thinking about all this? Will Skjorn and Barryn be alright? How about Rambton Snow? And what happened to Keran? We'll see in the next chapter ;D
Important decisions from Chapter 1:
Revenge and love: Maya decided to go after the Hornfoots to avenge Torgon and asked Rumak to come with her.
Punishment and concern: Keran sent both undisciplined Edric Mormont and the injured Ramsay Derran back to Castle Black after the fight in the wildling village.
Honor: Keran chose to rather die than abandon his vows.
Into the jaws of the beast: Skjorn, along with Barryn, decided to follow Alexia to find Raymun Redbeard.
Skjorn and Barryn will be so fucked :S
Wonder how will the ''alliance'' between Hornfoots and Nightunners. There's probably gonna be a war, since I don't know if Raymun will be able to convince both of the sides.
Can't wait for chapter 2. This is without a doubt my favorite fanfiction on this forum. The wait is killing me though
Nice work on Chapter 1!
Chapter 2: Tears and Swords
He ran. There was no destination, only wind that made the trees talk. He could hear something, something from his childhood. Soon he saw his brother, laughing his joyful laugh, tousling their little sister’s hair. They disappeared. He needed to find them again, he couldn’t lost them. “We are warriors!” A powerful voice echoed in the godswood. “My sweet Wild Bear…”Gentle words of a woman were brought with the wind. “My arrows never miss the target, brother.” He could hear his own words but he wasn’t speaking them. “Here we stand.” A voice from centuries ago whispered from somewhere high. He couldn’t run anymore. His legs stopped moving. He could see the weirwood and the mist around it. The mist started to form something, men and women, less than shadows. And as he started to walk past the crowd made of thin memories he could see his brother again, standing next to the weirwood. Next to him was standing the bride, white veil covering her face. Everything else around Edric was thin, hardly there, but William’s face was clear, as if he was the only thing alive in the world. And as he looked at Edric his eyes started weeping blood. Edric took a step back. He saw an arrow in the heart of his brother. The wind turned cold and with his final look William made a disapproving nod to Edric. He looked as the body fell to the ground, his heart full of grief, full of rage. And he saw his father, kneeling beside his dead son. “My heir is dead.” As Edric tried to put his hand to their father’s shoulder he could hear a scream of a crow and the light blinded him.
Edric woke up, his heart bouncing in his chest. The same dream again. He took a quick look next to his bead just to make sure his bow, Silent Sister, was still there. As the dream slowly started to leave his mind he realized how silent it was. Hardin’s tower was always silent. That was just for the best, most of the Night’s Watchmen were idiots or criminals. Edric didn’t feel the need to be friends with that kind of people. He got up, put on his cloak and left the room.
As he came out of the tower he could see the stewards and builders on their daily chores. He knew Lord Commander would want to meet him, so he started to make his way there. It was hard to feel anything but anger, he didn’t want to be here. He was still mad for Keran of sending him back to rot here. Someday I would be the one leading the missions. By the stairway to the yard Mul Strad, a builder who was always drunk, stopped him.
“Hey Mormont boy, look at that!” Strad said pointing at the corner of the yard next to Lord Commander’s tower. “I think there is going to be a fight! Hah, maybe you should go save the day. Since you are such a lordling hero.” Strad’s voice was definitely mocking and Edric only gave him a cold look before going down to the yard. He saw Robett, the Lord Commander’s squire, lying in the ground. Small Marsh and Devyn were there too, and Ramsay Derran.
“Yeah, go away cripple!” Small Marsh shouted. Edric saw Ramsay taking out his sword.
“Stop! Don’t fight! We’re brothers of the Night’s Watch! We’re not supposed to fight each other” Robett, who had got back up, shouted desperately. Devyn turned around, he had a knife in his hand.
“You really don’t know when to shut up, boy!” Devyn took menacing steps towards the squire but before he could do anything Ramsay punched him to the back of his head, knocking Devyn to the ground. Small Marsh rushed to hit Ramsay, whose injured leg prevented him from making a quick dodge. Ramsay tumbled down to the ground. Edric decided it was time to intervene. He took his sword ran behind Small Marsh and put the edge to his throat.
“Alright, that’s enough you idiots. Time to go somewhere else.” He said calmly as Marsh raised his arms to the air. Devyn got up, spitting blood from his mouth. Edric took his sword away from Marsh’s throat.
“Oh, aren’t you the little ranger hero.” Devyn said with loathe in his words. “Come Marsh, let’s leave these little heroes to suck each other’s cocks.” And so they walked away, Marsh giving Edric one last vicious look.
“Bloody bastards.” Ramsay said with his raspy voice. “Are you alright Weasel?”
“Yes, thanks for… Helping.” Robett said awkwardly. “Um… Both of you.” Ramsay gave the boy a little laugh and tapped him to the back.
“Happy to help, those two assholes should be thrown to the Ice Cells if you ask me.” Ramsay said.
“Oh, Edric. Lord Commander wants to have a conversation with you… Now.” Robett spoke with a timid voice, looking at his own feet. Edric gave the squire a stern nod. He knew this was coming. Jolly Jack had always liked Keran, of course he wouldn’t be happy when Edric hadn’t followed his orders. So now he followed Robett to the Lord Commander’s tower, to Jolly Jack.
As Edric sat by the Lord Commander’s table, Jolly Jack was silent, looking out of the window. Robett stood by the door, as timid as always.
“I think Keran did right by sending you back. But he should’ve also came back himself.” Jack Musgood spoke with serious tone.
“What do you mean?”
“He can’t kill the king-beyond-the-wall by himself. He got the info and should’ve returned… Now we must hope he and Rambton manage to make it back alive.” Jolly Jack turned around and looked at Edric. “And you… You’re young boy but you should already know, a good ranger follows the orders of the man who is leading the mission.”
“I’m sorry… I just didn’t like the way Keran wanted to handle it.” Edric kept his eyes on the table.
“Why are you here, on the Night’s Watch? Why have you taken your vows?” Jack’s words were sharp, and so was his gaze. It took Edric a moment to find the answer.
“To guard the realms of men.” He said decisively.
“Yes, so you say. It’s true you are not here for any crimes. You are volunteer, but still… I think you are not here for the sake of the realm. Some might say you are here to look for glory, but I don’t believe that either. Not that you could find any glory from here anyway.” Jack sat down on the other side of the table. “You are here to fight for the sake of fighting. You fight against shadows of your past.”
“And what do you know about that?” Edric’s tone was grim, he didn’t know what the Lord Commander was trying to do, but he didn’t like it.
“You’re gonna be here for the rest of your life. You can’t fix your own scars by shedding blood of the wildlings. So I hope you can let go of your past before you wake up as an old man, realizing that you’ve spent your life trying to kill something that cannot be killed.” Jolly Jack was still serious but Edric could also hear some empathy in his voice. Edric didn’t answer. It was easy for this man to say these things. He didn’t share the nightmares.
“You’re a good fighter, and a true killer with that bow of yours. You could be more than useful for me, but that means you fight for the watch, not for yourself.”
“It’s what keeps me going… What keeps me killing. My hate.” Edric said quietly.
“You can keep your hate, but you must learn to control yourself. You must learn to follow.” Jack stood up from his chair again. “If Keran doesn’t return soon I will choose my best rangers and go out there to look for him. I won’t take an arrogant boy with me, so you better find the man inside you.” Edric looked at the Lord Commander with a surprised face. He plans to go after them.
[Tell about this to Ramsay] [Keep this to yourself]
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
Tell about this to Ramsay.
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
Big search for the missing partol?? this oughta be good!
The dream sequence was really well written by the way, I really like how you write the character
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
[Keep this to yourself]
The vote is closed.
Edric will tell to Ramsay Derran about Jolly Jack's plans.
Sorry for slow writing, I've been really busy this week with studying, and I actually have two exam's next week. However I might be able to finish the new part today and if not, then tomorrow.
FINALLY, I got this finished. As I said before I've been busy studying, but that is not the only reason why this took so long. Tbh this was not my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. And yeah, it's very short
Well next week should be a little bit easier with studying! 
There had been a lot of fuzz in the valley these past days, after the fight of Harg and Raymun. Even a couple of bodies had come with the aftermath of the glorious duel. Most of the Hornfoots had stayed but some had flee, either to the Frostfangs or the Haunted Forest. Some had even been seen going north, possibly to the Vale of Thenn. Dogga was one of those who had left. Jonk didn’t understand him. Raymun had proven to be stronger than Harg, it’s better to follow the strong. Raymun had even taken Jonk as his guard, after Jonk had requested it. And now Raymun was his king and lived in Harg’s old tent. Strong live, weak die.
Many things had changed in the tent after Raymun had took it as his own. Of course Raymun didn’t really have anything with him here, but many of the clan leaders had gave him presents after he won the fight. Jonk could see many kinds of jewelry and weaponry for example. In the table there was some wine of the southerners in a goblet. Raymun had clearly been enjoying himself. Jonk had never tasted wine, he assumed it was more fitting for the people of south, but maybe he should try. He took a small sip from the goblet. Too sweet. It was just as he had guessed, wine was not a drink for a man like him. He decided to take a look of the new weapons of the King. As he was examining a terrific steel axe Raymun stepped into the tent.
“Morning, Jonk. It is a nice axe, isn’t it?” Raymun seemed to be in a good mood. “Unfortunately I’ve never been that good with axes. I prefer swords. If you like it you can take it.”
“It is a great weapon. Thank you, king.” Jonk said and Raymun answered with a smile. That was how his new king was, he was smiling often. His smiles sent a message of confidence and ambition. Jonk was sure about it, this man was the right man to lead the Free Folk. As Jonk tried to make some swings with the axe a man on his early thirties came to the door. It was Paxtan Codd, a man who had years ago been one of the crows.
“Raymun, we found two Thenns sneaking around. You probably want to talk to them, aye?” Paxtan asked with a lazy voice.
“Thenns? How did two Thenns came to the camp without anyone noticing?” Jonk could hear a little bit of anger in the voice of Raymun.
“They came barefooted with a Hornfoot woman called Alexia. So, do you want to speak with them? Or do we send them away? Or kill them?”
“Alright I’ll hear them. Jonk, let’s go.” Raymun’s voice was full of determination that Jonk could only admire. And so Paxtan lead them through the camp.
“My name is Skjorn, also known as Skjorn the Scholar. My friend is Barryn.” The smaller one of the Thenns spoke with calm and friendly words.
“I’ve heard of you.” Raymun’s tone was much less friendly. “You’re one of the Magnar Krygorn’s advisors. Are you here to spy, Skjorn the Scholar?” Skjorn raised his eyebrows as he heard Raymun’s words.
“If I’m being totally honest I had no intensions to come here at all, but my friend changed my mind. He wanted to see himself the man who dares to call himself the King of the Free Folk.” As Skjorn spoke Barryn looked at the King with dark eyes full of rage. That one is strong.
“So, I believe your magnar doesn’t like me, are you here to murder me?” Raymun asked and Skjorn gave him a small laugh.
“Pardon me, your majesty, but how in the world would I do that? You are surrounded by an army.” Skjorn had a mocking smile on his face, but then it disappeared, and something much darker came in to his eyes. “Though I must admit, King Raymun, if I had found you dead here, I wouldn’t have shed a tear.”
Jonk could tell he didn’t like this man. He wasn’t strong, he was weak and as disgusting as a southerner. Raymun and Skjorn looked at each other for a while, it was easy to say there was a mutual hate between those two. At last Raymun just let out a sigh.
“Well, you have seen me now Thenns. Go to your magnar and tell my regards. I’m the King of Free Folk and if Krygorn marches with me to south he will conquer lands and riches beyond his dreams. If he denies my offer, he will have the same fate with Harg the Scarface.” With these words Raymun turned his back to the Thenns and walked away. Jonk stayed and watched with Paxtan as the Thenns turned away and walked the other way.
“I’ve never liked Thenns.” Paxtan said looking Skjorn and Barryn with disgust in his eyes.
“I don’t think we can trust those two. Especially that Skjorn. He is a weak, scheming bastard.” Jonk looked the two Thenns moving further away.
“I’m the guard of the King. I should do something before those two do."
[Try to kill the Thenns] [Talk about this with Raymun]
Do you still take new characters or is the story wrapped up?
[Talk about this with Raymun]
[Try to kill the Thenns] Seems like something Jonk would do
I think that "Try to kill the Thenns" choice would suit Jonk more, but I say: [Talk about this with Raymun] because killing them won't probably be a good choice, since Raymun wants to unite all clans... But who knows how all this will turn out
[Try to kill the Thenns]
[Talk about this with Raymun]
Ay people, don't kill Skjorn. Skjorn is love, Skjorn is life.
[Try to kill the Thenns] Try to get on the King's good side. Make a good impression, and besides. It says "tries" so they should be /safe/.
I do still take characters
[Talk about this with Raymun]
[Talk about this with Raymun]
[Tell about this to Ramsay]
[Try to kill the Thenns]
Vote is closed.
Jonk will go to Raymun to express his concern about Skjorn and Barryn.
The next part will most likely come today, if not, then tomorrow.
He opened his eyes. No, not eyes, eye. Was this freedom? Or was he still just a prisoner? He wouldn’t dare to ask that from these wildlings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe this would be the kind of life he had always wanted deep inside. No one would call him bastard here, at least not because of his name or heritage. The wildlings called him the one-eyed crow. It was better than Snow, even if he still wanted to know who the fucker was that had sent the shadowcat to rip off his right eye. Maybe this was his chance to live for himself instead of owning his life for a brotherhood of criminals in black cloaks. Maybe he could be inside a woman again. Maybe.
Keran had not been so wise. Dying for his vows. There would be no grave of a hero for the honorable Keran. Harron Crowsbane had carried his head at the tip of his spear for days before throwing it into the woods for wolves and crows to feast with. It had been hard for Rambton to watch but he had just turned his eyes away. Not eyes, eye.
Rambton had learned that the king Raymun had been apparently captured by Hornfoots and now Harron had took the place of the leader of this army. There was obviously going to be a battle between the Nightrunners and the Hornfoots. Stupid warring between the savages but Rambton had no option but to march with this army. He couldn’t really say that he had found friends here but some boy called Gabbor was interested in the life of Night’s Watch and the south and kept talking to him and asking questions now and then. Mostly he just got cold stares from everyone, sometimes mocking. Not that it bothered him much, probably the wildlings had understandable reasons to hate the Night’s Watchmen, or crows, as they called them.
As Rambton stood there, silently and alone, in the middle of the huge camp, he suddenly noticed a beautiful young woman looking at him from distance. Red hair, blue eyes, and a heavenly body. However the look on the girl’s eyes wasn’t warm or friendly.
“One-eyed crow.” The young lady said as she came closer. There was something noble in her. There was strength and wisdom in her eyes but still she couldn’t be more than twenty years old.
“Aye, I guess that’s what I am now.” Rambton answered, his eye going through the beautiful body. I could certainly have her tonight.
“I’m not yours to have, Snow.” Her tone was cold and calm. Rambton’s mouth dropped. “You better remember that, because I am a dangerous one to anger. I wear beasts.” The woman continued. Rambton wasn’t sure what the girl meant but it sent the shivers down his spine anyway.
“Um… Who… Who are you?” Rambton asked since he couldn’t find anything else to say.
“Ariyana Caswell.” She answered. “My brother was a crow once too.”
“And who your brother was?” Rambton thought there had been a Caswell couple years ago in the Watch, but he wasn’t sure.
“Ryden Caswell, he found freedom just like you, but something that should’ve been sleeping beneath the ice found him.” The look on Ariyana’s eyes was so intense that Rambton had to look away. Now he remembered. He hadn’t known Ryden for long before he had disappeared on a mission.
“You said I’ve found freedom. Have I? If I’d walk away Harron wouldn’t kill me?” He hadn’t really even planned on running away, and even less on returning to the Wall.
“You are free to leave, and Harron is free to kill you. As am I. We are all free here, no matter where we come from or who fathered us. Don’t worry One-eyed crow, you are free too, but if I were you I’d fight instead of running away. Unless you want to be seen as a craven.” After these word Ariyana gave one last hard look for Rambton before walking away. He watched as the woman disappeared into the crowd of the camp. Wild, free and deadly, that is what this place and its people truly are.
The army hadn’t moved in two days. Harron was apparently planning his next moves carefully. Rambton wasn’t welcome to any of the tents so he slept outside every night. He was also probably eating less than the children, but he didn’t complain. All he had been asked to do so far was to tell information about the Night’s Watch. How many men, which of the castles are garrisoned and so on. He told them what he knew, why should he care about it anyway? As it was getting darker once again Harron Crowsbane came to him with couple other men.
“You chose to be one of us, one-eyed crow. Now it’s time for you to prove your loyalty.” Harron had a sadistic smile on his face. Rambton sighed. Of course he knew this would come, they wouldn’t just leave him be.
“And how should I do that?” Rambton asked with a lazy tone.
“We’ve heard rumors of where Raymun might be. I’m sending a small group ahead for there, and you’ll be going with them.” Harron said it as if it was a command. It was a command. Rambton was already getting up, but then he remembered the words of Ariyana. He was free now, perhaps he could say no. Then again, it might just lead to trouble. Rambton looked at Harron, it was time to choose.
[Obey Harron] [Say that you are free and don't have to obey]
[Say that you are free and don't have to obey] FUCK YA HARRON
Awesome Chapter!!!
[Say that you are free and don't have to obey]