He opened his eyes. No, not eyes, eye. Was this freedom? Or was he still just a prisoner? He wouldn’t dare to ask that from these… more wildlings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe this would be the kind of life he had always wanted deep inside. No one would call him bastard here, at least not because of his name or heritage. The wildlings called him the one-eyed crow. It was better than Snow, even if he still wanted to know who the fucker was that had sent the shadowcat to rip off his right eye. Maybe this was his chance to live for himself instead of owning his life for a brotherhood of criminals in black cloaks. Maybe he could be inside a woman again. Maybe.
Keran had not been so wise. Dying for his vows. There would be no grave of a hero for the honorable Keran. Harron Crowsbane had carried his head at the tip of his spear for days before throwing it into the woods for wolves and crows to feast with. It had been hard for Rambton to… [view original content]
He opened his eyes. No, not eyes, eye. Was this freedom? Or was he still just a prisoner? He wouldn’t dare to ask that from these… more wildlings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe this would be the kind of life he had always wanted deep inside. No one would call him bastard here, at least not because of his name or heritage. The wildlings called him the one-eyed crow. It was better than Snow, even if he still wanted to know who the fucker was that had sent the shadowcat to rip off his right eye. Maybe this was his chance to live for himself instead of owning his life for a brotherhood of criminals in black cloaks. Maybe he could be inside a woman again. Maybe.
Keran had not been so wise. Dying for his vows. There would be no grave of a hero for the honorable Keran. Harron Crowsbane had carried his head at the tip of his spear for days before throwing it into the woods for wolves and crows to feast with. It had been hard for Rambton to… [view original content]
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, they were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone else. Fleshbearer slept only with dead women, wore the skins of his enemies as capes, tortured and killed more than one could imagine. Gods only knew if there was any humanity in him.
“So, the Hornfoots are some 60 miles south of our Vale and they have this Nightrunner king with them, am I right?” A Thenn lord, Grekorid Delen, a man on his late forties asked with politeness in his words. Of course he was polite, Thenns saw their magnar as a god after all.
“Yes Delen, according to the scouts that is how it is. And the army of the Nightrunners is somewhere a little more to the south, in the Haunted Forest.” Magnar Krygorn sat at the head of the stony table, in the chair of the god, with a stern look on his face.
“I think it’s quite clear what we should do, magnar. All we need to do is to strike quickly against these Hornfoots, kill this Nightrunner king with them, and our problems are gone.” Grekorid said sounding almost like he was just making a decision of what to eat for a dinner. And Lenlie could hear some accepting mumbling from the table.
“All our problems?” A young woman who was sitting closest to magnar asked with a confident and questioning tone. Magnar’s daughter. “Raymun Redbeard is not the only one the Nightrunners can call their king. They already have their army on the move, death of Raymun wouldn’t change that. And with this strike of yours we would also anger the Hornfoots, what a perfect opportunity for them to unite with Nightrunners, don’t you think?”
“With all the respect princess Sigira, I have fought many wars…” Grekorid started, but Fleshbearer cut him off.
“Why the fuck should we fear them? Hornfoots are weak, and so are Nightrunners! Only reason I ever joined with you bastards is that I hate them more than I hate you! So is there going to be a war or not?”
“Calm yourself, riverman.” Gaston, a Thenn warrior on his early fourties, said with a charming voice. “I see the risks that our lovely princess brought up, but we should still be able to make our moves. I can travel with my brother Jaylen to visit the giants, they can surely help us. And if you, Fleshbearer, can bring enough of your men in time we should be able to show the Hornfoots and the Nightrunners our strength and make them run away with their tails between their legs.” For a moment no one said anything until one of the Thenns stood up. Raugan, an old and hairless man, cleared his throat.
“My magnar’s word is my law, and which ever will be his decision I will stand behind it. But let me at least speak my mind clear about this matter. I think joining Raymun would be a wise decision. We could fight this one war together, this one last war, so there would be no more need for wars in the future.” When Raugan had finished he sat down. Magnar didn’t even give a look for him, his face was hard and so were his words.
“There have always been wars and there will always be wars, it’s in the nature of men. You are a fool to believe otherwise. And what comes to Raymun he is no savior. He might be a good leader, a good warrior, but where he leads and what he fights for is a doomed course, a dead end. If that is what you see as a wise decision, Raugan, I see no use for you in this table.” A small smirk came to princess Sigira’s face when his father had finished talking and Raugan turned his look down, clearly feeling humiliated. For a while no one dared to say anything.
“Have you heard anything of Skjorn?” Grekorid finally asked and magnar shook his head for answer. “Shame, poisoning the king would of course be the easiest way… If it would work out. But if Skjorn won’t come and we must make our move, may I suggest… May I suggest my son Denyal to lead this attack?”
“I’ve heard your son is best known for failing at everything.” Sigira mocked and Lenlie could see that if it wasn’t his magnar’s daughter Grekorid would’ve already started shouting. Again it was silent for a moment, everyone in the table started to turn their look on the magnar, waiting for his words.
“So be it. Fleshbearer, you gather as much of your men as you can, but do it quickly. Gaston, you go to the giants with your brother. The rest of us will gather the men of this vale, arm ourselves to the teeth and crush the red bearded pretender.” All the Thenns raise from their chairs and bowed to their magnar. Fleshbearer just stood up, gave the magnar a hard look, and walked out of the hall. And Lenlie followed, of course. Soon they were outside of the magnar’s old grey halls. The sun was shining in the Vale of Thenn, mountains could be seen in every direction you looked. Close the magnar’s halls was a big village with houses made of stone. It was a beautiful place, Lenlie thought. She knew Thenns had better order than any other clans, they almost never fought against each other, Lenlie could say she was jealous of that. What came to Ice River clans they were probably the bloodiest. Lenlie often thought would she be different if she had grew up somewhere else, somewhere where people weren’t tortured and villages burned because of warring.
“Cunts, these Thenns.” Fleshbearer growled. “But I must admit that magnar Krygorn seems like a hard man.”
“Yes… So you will fight with him?” Lenlie asked trying to keep all the courage in her voice. She knew Fleshbearer didn’t respect women as much as men and that he saw only one use for weak women. That was the only thing Lenlie could ever think when talking with her clan leader.
“I will fight with him. And I’m leaving this damned vale today to gather the men for that fight.” Fleshbearer looked around the landscape, clearly bored in the place. The long road back was ahead. Maybe it would go well, just like the coming. Fleshbearer had only punched her once, when she hadn’t found enough food for him. What if this time would be worse? It would again be just her and that monster, alone in the Frostfangs. Maybe she could ask to stay here. If she could find the courage.
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay][Stay quiet and follow]
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, th… moreey were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone el… [view original content]
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, th… moreey were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone el… [view original content]
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, th… moreey were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone el… [view original content]
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, th… moreey were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone el… [view original content]
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, th… moreey were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone el… [view original content]
She could see the camp down in the valley, on the other side of the river. It had been a long journey here, and it looked like there wouldn’t be vengeance on the end of this road.
“You are Nightrunners, right? King Raymun is well, so don’t worry about him.” The pretty girl with blue eyes and long black hair said with a playful little smile on her face. “I can take you to meet him, I’m sure he wants to meet some Nightrunners after such a long time.” Elissa’s direwolf, Visenya, walked for the girl to sniff her. The girl didn’t seem scared, she just smiled and gave the beast a stroke. Either brave or idiot.
“Her name is Visenya.” Elissa said with her innocent voice. “I’m no one, but you can call me Elissa. I’m not actually a Nightrunner, I don’t belong to any clan or army. What’s your name?”
“I’m Alexia.” The girl answered, giving a heartwarming smile to Elissa. “You seem like a good girl, and Visenya too.”
“So, should we stay here all day or are you taking us to Raymun?” Rumak said with a cold tone in his voice. That cold tone reminded Maya again that somewhere in this camp were those bastards who had murdered Torgon and left him rot in the woods.
“Yes, take us to Raymun. Now.” Maya meant it as a command and Alexia did obey her. They walked into the camp. Couple men came to Alexia, asking who she was bringing into the camp. But no one acted aggressively or even gave too much attention to them. He saw barefooted men and women everywhere. It was weird, she and Rumak had left to find a man who was in danger and surrounded by enemies. Now they found that man in middle of these enemies, except they weren’t enemies but hailed that man as a king. Perhaps that told something about Raymun, he was born to lead. Born to be praised.
“Ah, you are as beautiful as always, Miracle!” Raymun was surrounded by Hornfoot clan leaders when he saw them coming. “And you, Rumak, I hope you don’t mind if I don’t say that you are beautiful”. Raymun and Rumak both laughed at the King’s words.
“And who are you, sweet girl with gorgeous direwolf?” Raymun asked with friendly voice as he looked at Elissa.
“She is Elissa Mongrow, her wolf is Visenya. Now, I would like to have a few words with you… king Raymun.” Maya could hardly keep her tone calm. Raymun’s face turned more serious and he looked at Maya with questioning eyes.
“Alright.” Raymun’s voice was quiet, even a little cold. “Brothers, we’ll talk more later.” He said to the clan leaders and took Maya and Rumak close to the river where there was no one to hear them.
“I heard Harg is dead.” Maya said before Raymun could ask anything.
“Yes, he is.” Raymun answered calmly. “I did it myself, Torgon is avenged if that is your concern.”
“So it was Harg who did it? Harg himself?” Maya couldn’t help it, her voice got shaky, and she was still angry and sad. She had looked for vengeance, was it taken away from her?
“No… Harg gave the order and one of his men did it.” Raymun clearly wasn’t happy talking about this. Of course, he didn’t want anyone causing conflict between Hornfoots and Nightrunners now, Maya could understand this. “I don’t have time for this. The clan leaders all have their opinions on what to do next. Some of them want to attack the Thenns, some the Ice River clans, but none seem to understand that first we need to unite with the Nightrunner army. My new guard wants to kill everyone he doesn’t like. Now you come here wanting to kill every Hornfoot for what Harg did.”
“No, Raymun, of course not. Torgon is avenged now that the damn scarface is killed. I’m yours to command, if there is anything you need help with.” Rumak had a calm face and he clearly tried to hint for Maya to stay calm too.
“You were talking about a new guard. Who is that?” Maya asked making Raymun sigh.
“Jonk, not the brightest one but a great warrior. He was Harg’s guard but not the one who killed Torgon, that one ran away the day Harg died. I’ll talk more with you both later.” Raymun said before leaving and Rumak gave him a nod. They watched the King walk away while Elissan came to them with her direwolf.
“This… Jonk, he was one of them, Harg's guards. One of those who left Torgon’s body rot there. And the killer is still alive, whoever he is.” Maya could feel the rage boiling inside her again.
“It’s over Maya. Harg is dead, Raymun’s war is more important now.” Rumak said and Maya didn’t know what to say to him. She was looking at all those Hornfoots in the camp. What happens now? Will I just follow Raymun wherever he leads?
“It is time for me to leave friends. I don’t belong to any armies.” Elissa said waking Maya from her thoughts.
“Where will you go?” She asked, feeling a little sad for her own surprise. She hadn’t known the girl for long, but she had already started to bond with her.
“I can’t know for sure, there are many paths to choose from.” Elissa answered with a happy tone. Many paths.
[Go to north, to find the killer][Try to kill Jonk][Stay at the camp and wait for King's orders][Leave with Elissa]
She could see the camp down in the valley, on the other side of the river. It had been a long journey here, and it looked like there… more wouldn’t be vengeance on the end of this road.
“You are Nightrunners, right? King Raymun is well, so don’t worry about him.” The pretty girl with blue eyes and long black hair said with a playful little smile on her face. “I can take you to meet him, I’m sure he wants to meet some Nightrunners after such a long time.” Elissa’s direwolf, Visenya, walked for the girl to sniff her. The girl didn’t seem scared, she just smiled and gave the beast a stroke. Either brave or idiot.
“Her name is Visenya.” Elissa said with her innocent voice. “I’m no one, but you can call me Elissa. I’m not actually a Nightrunner, I don’t belong to any clan or army. What’s your name?”
“I’m Alexia.” The girl answered, giving a heartwarming smile to Elissa. “You seem like a good girl, and Visenya too.”
“So, should we sta… [view original content]
She could see the camp down in the valley, on the other side of the river. It had been a long journey here, and it looked like there… more wouldn’t be vengeance on the end of this road.
“You are Nightrunners, right? King Raymun is well, so don’t worry about him.” The pretty girl with blue eyes and long black hair said with a playful little smile on her face. “I can take you to meet him, I’m sure he wants to meet some Nightrunners after such a long time.” Elissa’s direwolf, Visenya, walked for the girl to sniff her. The girl didn’t seem scared, she just smiled and gave the beast a stroke. Either brave or idiot.
“Her name is Visenya.” Elissa said with her innocent voice. “I’m no one, but you can call me Elissa. I’m not actually a Nightrunner, I don’t belong to any clan or army. What’s your name?”
“I’m Alexia.” The girl answered, giving a heartwarming smile to Elissa. “You seem like a good girl, and Visenya too.”
“So, should we sta… [view original content]
She could see the camp down in the valley, on the other side of the river. It had been a long journey here, and it looked like there… more wouldn’t be vengeance on the end of this road.
“You are Nightrunners, right? King Raymun is well, so don’t worry about him.” The pretty girl with blue eyes and long black hair said with a playful little smile on her face. “I can take you to meet him, I’m sure he wants to meet some Nightrunners after such a long time.” Elissa’s direwolf, Visenya, walked for the girl to sniff her. The girl didn’t seem scared, she just smiled and gave the beast a stroke. Either brave or idiot.
“Her name is Visenya.” Elissa said with her innocent voice. “I’m no one, but you can call me Elissa. I’m not actually a Nightrunner, I don’t belong to any clan or army. What’s your name?”
“I’m Alexia.” The girl answered, giving a heartwarming smile to Elissa. “You seem like a good girl, and Visenya too.”
“So, should we sta… [view original content]
She could see the camp down in the valley, on the other side of the river. It had been a long journey here, and it looked like there… more wouldn’t be vengeance on the end of this road.
“You are Nightrunners, right? King Raymun is well, so don’t worry about him.” The pretty girl with blue eyes and long black hair said with a playful little smile on her face. “I can take you to meet him, I’m sure he wants to meet some Nightrunners after such a long time.” Elissa’s direwolf, Visenya, walked for the girl to sniff her. The girl didn’t seem scared, she just smiled and gave the beast a stroke. Either brave or idiot.
“Her name is Visenya.” Elissa said with her innocent voice. “I’m no one, but you can call me Elissa. I’m not actually a Nightrunner, I don’t belong to any clan or army. What’s your name?”
“I’m Alexia.” The girl answered, giving a heartwarming smile to Elissa. “You seem like a good girl, and Visenya too.”
“So, should we sta… [view original content]
Yeah I've concentrated in the last few parts to the situation that Raymun is now in with his forces is two parts and the threat of Thenns in the north. However I think we will make a return to the Wall in the next part
Voting closed I guess. Ah... It's a tie for the first time. I don't like doing this but in tie situations I'm gonna just decide myself between the two (and my decision is made by what is best story-wise). So, Maya will try to kill Jonk. Deal with it Next part comes probably tomorrow.
Voting closed I guess. Ah... It's a tie for the first time. I don't like doing this but in tie situations I'm gonna just decide myself betwe… moreen the two (and my decision is made by what is best story-wise). So, Maya will try to kill Jonk. Deal with it Next part comes probably tomorrow.
Argus Keding looked to the north from atop the high Wall. Keran was somewhere in there, in those woods or mountains. Hopefully he was still alive. Keran had been one of the few people here that matched what Argus had been told about Night’s Watch, what he had expected. Sure he had heard that also criminals were often sent here, but he had expected there to be honorable warriors at least as much as thieves and rapists. Keran was lowborn but more honorable than most highborn ones at the Wall. Edric Mormont was about same age with Argus and surely a great warrior but for some reason Argus didn’t like him that much. He didn’t know much about Ramsay Derran or Rambton Snow but they seemed pretty decent, though he had heard some disturbing rumors about why Rambton had been sent to the Wall. Wulfric Ironsteed seemed a little strange one to Argus. He was a great fighter and even a good leader, fought with a magnificent trident spear, laughed often, but there was just something about him that made Argus cringe. And the reason Wulfric was here was that he had murdered one of Lord Cerwyn’s sons. Ser Jaremy Brownbarrow was probably the most honorable man in the Night’s Watch but Argus had not had much time to get to know to him. Then there were Victor, Howard McDonald, Gareth Oaketh, Khort and all the others. Of course they all had their redeeming qualities but sadly there was much more bad things to say about them. Even the First Ranger George Rivers didn’t seem that good a man in Argus’ eyes. And that was just the rangers, the worst filth was in builders and stewards.
It was the last evening as a recruit. Tomorrow they would be given their jobs and it would be time to take the vows. He could still leave. Argus had thought about it often, he had even planned what would he do. He couldn’t go back to Phoenixfall or even The Vale. Sure, his mother would love to see him again but his father, Lord Gregor, wouldn’t like it. No, if he was to leave the Wall before taking the vows he had to find his path from somewhere else. In the south the Great Spring Sickness had killed thousands, even the King Daeron the Good, and a man couldn’t fight with swords against such things. In the North however, the Starks were fighting against the Greyjoys, and Argus was sure they would need all the swords they could get. Yes, that would be his path.
“When we become rangers, do you think we will get to that big rescue mission everyone is talking about?” Argus heard a confident voice next to him speaking. Alistair was a peasant from the North, few years older than Argus, a volunteer just like him, with high hopes of becoming a ranger. Argus didn’t have the heart to tell that Alistair had actually no hope of becoming a ranger.
“Don’t celebrate just yet, we don’t know what our jobs will be…”
“I wasn’t celebrating.” Alistair said with a sigh. “But who do you think Jolly Jack will choose to come with him?” Argus had to admit that he had thought about this too. If he would become a ranger and if that would mean he could go after Keran, could he really leave then?
“George probably.” Argus said trying to end the conversation there.
“Yeah, yeah, of course he will take the First Ranger, but who else? Ramsay probably can’t go because of his leg. What about Mormont? If I get to go I hope that fucking asshole Khort won’t come. That old man seems to think that everyone who is younger than him is his to command. Which is funny because George is younger than him. I think Ser Jaremy surely will be chosen. I wonder how many men the Lord Commander even plans to take with him.”
“Let’s just hope Keran comes back before any rescue missions are needed.” Argus said politely and Alistair looked at him like he was the most boring person in the Seven Kingdoms.
“Anyway, if this rescue mission does happen, who will lead Castle Black in Jack’s absence?” Alistair wondered. “Jorrel, the First Builder? Or maester Jon? I wonder if the maester could really keep things in order here.” As Alistair was done talking they could hear the bell ringing.
“Looks like our watch is over for this evening, brother! And tomorrow we’ll be men of the Night’s Watch.” With those Alistair’s words in mind Argus got down from the top of the Wall. Tomorrow he would have to decide.
“Open the gate!” They could hear someone shouting as they were walking through the yard.
“Who do you think there is? New recruits?” Alistair stopped to look as the gate was opened. Argus just shrugged but stayed to watch what was going on. As the gate opened in rode a man who seemed to be from somewhere far away, and he had two guards riding with him. The man had a long red robe, golden sash around his waist, light blue eyes, tan skin, beautiful face and a long black hair. He rode right in front of Argus and Alistair and jumped off his horse.
“Evening, Watchers on the Wall.” The man had clearly some foreign accent in his charming voice. “I’m here to see Lord Commander Jack Musgood, could you kindly take me to him?” Argus turned his eyes to the sword this man was carrying on his waist. It wasn’t just any sword, it seemed to be Valyrian steel.
“Did you hear me boy? I don’t have all night, I have a long ride behind me.”
[Take him to Lord Commander][Tell him where Jack is and go to sleep][Insist him to tell who he is and what is his business here]
Argus Keding looked to the north from atop the high Wall. Keran was somewhere in there, in those woods or mountains. Hopefully he w… moreas still alive. Keran had been one of the few people here that matched what Argus had been told about Night’s Watch, what he had expected. Sure he had heard that also criminals were often sent here, but he had expected there to be honorable warriors at least as much as thieves and rapists. Keran was lowborn but more honorable than most highborn ones at the Wall. Edric Mormont was about same age with Argus and surely a great warrior but for some reason Argus didn’t like him that much. He didn’t know much about Ramsay Derran or Rambton Snow but they seemed pretty decent, though he had heard some disturbing rumors about why Rambton had been sent to the Wall. Wulfric Ironsteed seemed a little strange one to Argus. He was a great fighter and even a good leader, fought with a magnificent trident spear, laughed … [view original content]
Argus Keding looked to the north from atop the high Wall. Keran was somewhere in there, in those woods or mountains. Hopefully he w… moreas still alive. Keran had been one of the few people here that matched what Argus had been told about Night’s Watch, what he had expected. Sure he had heard that also criminals were often sent here, but he had expected there to be honorable warriors at least as much as thieves and rapists. Keran was lowborn but more honorable than most highborn ones at the Wall. Edric Mormont was about same age with Argus and surely a great warrior but for some reason Argus didn’t like him that much. He didn’t know much about Ramsay Derran or Rambton Snow but they seemed pretty decent, though he had heard some disturbing rumors about why Rambton had been sent to the Wall. Wulfric Ironsteed seemed a little strange one to Argus. He was a great fighter and even a good leader, fought with a magnificent trident spear, laughed … [view original content]
[Say that you are free and don't have to obey]
Good work on Ariyana!
[Obey Harron]
[Obey Harron]
[Obey Harron]
[Obey Harron]
[Obey Harron] I guess... (^_^;)
[Obey Harron]Who says Rambton wouldn't use trickery to slam an ax into Harron's skull as soon as they see Raymun?
Vote is closed! Rambton will obey Harron Crowsbane.
Next part is coming soon....
She looked around the long stone table. Serious looking men were sitting in those chairs. No doubt many of them were dangerous, they were Thenns after all. But Lenlie was still sure the most dangerous one was sitting right next to her. Fleshbearer. The leader of her clan was an old man with dark hair and beard and a vicious look on his one eye that was left. She had travelled from the Ice Rivers, over the Frostfangs, to the Vale of Thenn with Fleshbearer and she really was glad that the trip was over and there were other people around her, even if they were Thenns. Of course it had been an honor to travel with the clan leader, of course she was used to brutalities and cruel men. Within her 27 years of life she had seen and done killing and torturing so much that it didn’t make her feel much anything anymore. She had even learnt to eat human flesh when it was expected. This man next to her however was worse than anything or anyone else. Fleshbearer slept only with dead women, wore the skins of his enemies as capes, tortured and killed more than one could imagine. Gods only knew if there was any humanity in him.
“So, the Hornfoots are some 60 miles south of our Vale and they have this Nightrunner king with them, am I right?” A Thenn lord, Grekorid Delen, a man on his late forties asked with politeness in his words. Of course he was polite, Thenns saw their magnar as a god after all.
“Yes Delen, according to the scouts that is how it is. And the army of the Nightrunners is somewhere a little more to the south, in the Haunted Forest.” Magnar Krygorn sat at the head of the stony table, in the chair of the god, with a stern look on his face.
“I think it’s quite clear what we should do, magnar. All we need to do is to strike quickly against these Hornfoots, kill this Nightrunner king with them, and our problems are gone.” Grekorid said sounding almost like he was just making a decision of what to eat for a dinner. And Lenlie could hear some accepting mumbling from the table.
“All our problems?” A young woman who was sitting closest to magnar asked with a confident and questioning tone. Magnar’s daughter. “Raymun Redbeard is not the only one the Nightrunners can call their king. They already have their army on the move, death of Raymun wouldn’t change that. And with this strike of yours we would also anger the Hornfoots, what a perfect opportunity for them to unite with Nightrunners, don’t you think?”
“With all the respect princess Sigira, I have fought many wars…” Grekorid started, but Fleshbearer cut him off.
“Why the fuck should we fear them? Hornfoots are weak, and so are Nightrunners! Only reason I ever joined with you bastards is that I hate them more than I hate you! So is there going to be a war or not?”
“Calm yourself, riverman.” Gaston, a Thenn warrior on his early fourties, said with a charming voice. “I see the risks that our lovely princess brought up, but we should still be able to make our moves. I can travel with my brother Jaylen to visit the giants, they can surely help us. And if you, Fleshbearer, can bring enough of your men in time we should be able to show the Hornfoots and the Nightrunners our strength and make them run away with their tails between their legs.” For a moment no one said anything until one of the Thenns stood up. Raugan, an old and hairless man, cleared his throat.
“My magnar’s word is my law, and which ever will be his decision I will stand behind it. But let me at least speak my mind clear about this matter. I think joining Raymun would be a wise decision. We could fight this one war together, this one last war, so there would be no more need for wars in the future.” When Raugan had finished he sat down. Magnar didn’t even give a look for him, his face was hard and so were his words.
“There have always been wars and there will always be wars, it’s in the nature of men. You are a fool to believe otherwise. And what comes to Raymun he is no savior. He might be a good leader, a good warrior, but where he leads and what he fights for is a doomed course, a dead end. If that is what you see as a wise decision, Raugan, I see no use for you in this table.” A small smirk came to princess Sigira’s face when his father had finished talking and Raugan turned his look down, clearly feeling humiliated. For a while no one dared to say anything.
“Have you heard anything of Skjorn?” Grekorid finally asked and magnar shook his head for answer. “Shame, poisoning the king would of course be the easiest way… If it would work out. But if Skjorn won’t come and we must make our move, may I suggest… May I suggest my son Denyal to lead this attack?”
“I’ve heard your son is best known for failing at everything.” Sigira mocked and Lenlie could see that if it wasn’t his magnar’s daughter Grekorid would’ve already started shouting. Again it was silent for a moment, everyone in the table started to turn their look on the magnar, waiting for his words.
“So be it. Fleshbearer, you gather as much of your men as you can, but do it quickly. Gaston, you go to the giants with your brother. The rest of us will gather the men of this vale, arm ourselves to the teeth and crush the red bearded pretender.” All the Thenns raise from their chairs and bowed to their magnar. Fleshbearer just stood up, gave the magnar a hard look, and walked out of the hall. And Lenlie followed, of course. Soon they were outside of the magnar’s old grey halls. The sun was shining in the Vale of Thenn, mountains could be seen in every direction you looked. Close the magnar’s halls was a big village with houses made of stone. It was a beautiful place, Lenlie thought. She knew Thenns had better order than any other clans, they almost never fought against each other, Lenlie could say she was jealous of that. What came to Ice River clans they were probably the bloodiest. Lenlie often thought would she be different if she had grew up somewhere else, somewhere where people weren’t tortured and villages burned because of warring.
“Cunts, these Thenns.” Fleshbearer growled. “But I must admit that magnar Krygorn seems like a hard man.”
“Yes… So you will fight with him?” Lenlie asked trying to keep all the courage in her voice. She knew Fleshbearer didn’t respect women as much as men and that he saw only one use for weak women. That was the only thing Lenlie could ever think when talking with her clan leader.
“I will fight with him. And I’m leaving this damned vale today to gather the men for that fight.” Fleshbearer looked around the landscape, clearly bored in the place. The long road back was ahead. Maybe it would go well, just like the coming. Fleshbearer had only punched her once, when she hadn’t found enough food for him. What if this time would be worse? It would again be just her and that monster, alone in the Frostfangs. Maybe she could ask to stay here. If she could find the courage.
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay] [Stay quiet and follow]
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
Fleshbearer is really creepy and I think he is going to be trouble for someone. I do like the Magnar though.
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay] I think she would make a good addition to the Thenns. Give them insight on the ways of other clans.
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
Didn't know that Cruz was already introduced,I wonder how it gonna go with Robett.
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
I just read everything and really,story is great
About the choice:
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
[Ask Fleshbearer if you could stay]
Thank you very much! Hope you'll keep enjoying it
Vote is closed. Lenlie tries to kindly ask Fleshbearer if she could stay at the Vale of Thenn.
Next part in next post...
She could see the camp down in the valley, on the other side of the river. It had been a long journey here, and it looked like there wouldn’t be vengeance on the end of this road.
“You are Nightrunners, right? King Raymun is well, so don’t worry about him.” The pretty girl with blue eyes and long black hair said with a playful little smile on her face. “I can take you to meet him, I’m sure he wants to meet some Nightrunners after such a long time.” Elissa’s direwolf, Visenya, walked for the girl to sniff her. The girl didn’t seem scared, she just smiled and gave the beast a stroke. Either brave or idiot.
“Her name is Visenya.” Elissa said with her innocent voice. “I’m no one, but you can call me Elissa. I’m not actually a Nightrunner, I don’t belong to any clan or army. What’s your name?”
“I’m Alexia.” The girl answered, giving a heartwarming smile to Elissa. “You seem like a good girl, and Visenya too.”
“So, should we stay here all day or are you taking us to Raymun?” Rumak said with a cold tone in his voice. That cold tone reminded Maya again that somewhere in this camp were those bastards who had murdered Torgon and left him rot in the woods.
“Yes, take us to Raymun. Now.” Maya meant it as a command and Alexia did obey her. They walked into the camp. Couple men came to Alexia, asking who she was bringing into the camp. But no one acted aggressively or even gave too much attention to them. He saw barefooted men and women everywhere. It was weird, she and Rumak had left to find a man who was in danger and surrounded by enemies. Now they found that man in middle of these enemies, except they weren’t enemies but hailed that man as a king. Perhaps that told something about Raymun, he was born to lead. Born to be praised.
“Ah, you are as beautiful as always, Miracle!” Raymun was surrounded by Hornfoot clan leaders when he saw them coming. “And you, Rumak, I hope you don’t mind if I don’t say that you are beautiful”. Raymun and Rumak both laughed at the King’s words.
“And who are you, sweet girl with gorgeous direwolf?” Raymun asked with friendly voice as he looked at Elissa.
“She is Elissa Mongrow, her wolf is Visenya. Now, I would like to have a few words with you… king Raymun.” Maya could hardly keep her tone calm. Raymun’s face turned more serious and he looked at Maya with questioning eyes.
“Alright.” Raymun’s voice was quiet, even a little cold. “Brothers, we’ll talk more later.” He said to the clan leaders and took Maya and Rumak close to the river where there was no one to hear them.
“I heard Harg is dead.” Maya said before Raymun could ask anything.
“Yes, he is.” Raymun answered calmly. “I did it myself, Torgon is avenged if that is your concern.”
“So it was Harg who did it? Harg himself?” Maya couldn’t help it, her voice got shaky, and she was still angry and sad. She had looked for vengeance, was it taken away from her?
“No… Harg gave the order and one of his men did it.” Raymun clearly wasn’t happy talking about this. Of course, he didn’t want anyone causing conflict between Hornfoots and Nightrunners now, Maya could understand this. “I don’t have time for this. The clan leaders all have their opinions on what to do next. Some of them want to attack the Thenns, some the Ice River clans, but none seem to understand that first we need to unite with the Nightrunner army. My new guard wants to kill everyone he doesn’t like. Now you come here wanting to kill every Hornfoot for what Harg did.”
“No, Raymun, of course not. Torgon is avenged now that the damn scarface is killed. I’m yours to command, if there is anything you need help with.” Rumak had a calm face and he clearly tried to hint for Maya to stay calm too.
“You were talking about a new guard. Who is that?” Maya asked making Raymun sigh.
“Jonk, not the brightest one but a great warrior. He was Harg’s guard but not the one who killed Torgon, that one ran away the day Harg died. I’ll talk more with you both later.” Raymun said before leaving and Rumak gave him a nod. They watched the King walk away while Elissan came to them with her direwolf.
“This… Jonk, he was one of them, Harg's guards. One of those who left Torgon’s body rot there. And the killer is still alive, whoever he is.” Maya could feel the rage boiling inside her again.
“It’s over Maya. Harg is dead, Raymun’s war is more important now.” Rumak said and Maya didn’t know what to say to him. She was looking at all those Hornfoots in the camp. What happens now? Will I just follow Raymun wherever he leads?
“It is time for me to leave friends. I don’t belong to any armies.” Elissa said waking Maya from her thoughts.
“Where will you go?” She asked, feeling a little sad for her own surprise. She hadn’t known the girl for long, but she had already started to bond with her.
“I can’t know for sure, there are many paths to choose from.” Elissa answered with a happy tone. Many paths.
[Go to north, to find the killer] [Try to kill Jonk] [Stay at the camp and wait for King's orders] [Leave with Elissa]
This is hard choice,I don't know should I be honorable or go GoT like...
...Screw the honor,lets make things interesting:
[Try to kill Jonk]
[Leave with Elissa] Hard choices to make!
[Try to kill Jonk] A three way battle between two Thenns, a few Hornfoots and Maya. That is something that must happen.
[Go to north, to find the killer]
Either that or trying to kill Jonk would be my favourites here. In the end this sounds the most interesting for me.
[Leave with Elissa] DON´T KILL JONK PLEASE U.U
Let's spice things up lol.
**[Try to kill Jonk] **
[Leave with Elissa]
Fuck it [Try to kill Jonk] lets see what happens XD
[Leave with Elissa]
[Go to north, to find the killer] But as I see what others have chosen, it won't probably happen
I hope the next part will be set in Castle Black, we haven't seen Castle Black in quite a while.
Yeah I've concentrated in the last few parts to the situation that Raymun is now in with his forces is two parts and the threat of Thenns in the north. However I think we will make a return to the Wall in the next part
Voting closed I guess. Ah... It's a tie for the first time. I don't like doing this but in tie situations I'm gonna just decide myself between the two (and my decision is made by what is best story-wise). So, Maya will try to kill Jonk. Deal with it
Next part comes probably tomorrow.
The Wildling Threeway Showdown will be a thing!!!
Argus Keding looked to the north from atop the high Wall. Keran was somewhere in there, in those woods or mountains. Hopefully he was still alive. Keran had been one of the few people here that matched what Argus had been told about Night’s Watch, what he had expected. Sure he had heard that also criminals were often sent here, but he had expected there to be honorable warriors at least as much as thieves and rapists. Keran was lowborn but more honorable than most highborn ones at the Wall. Edric Mormont was about same age with Argus and surely a great warrior but for some reason Argus didn’t like him that much. He didn’t know much about Ramsay Derran or Rambton Snow but they seemed pretty decent, though he had heard some disturbing rumors about why Rambton had been sent to the Wall. Wulfric Ironsteed seemed a little strange one to Argus. He was a great fighter and even a good leader, fought with a magnificent trident spear, laughed often, but there was just something about him that made Argus cringe. And the reason Wulfric was here was that he had murdered one of Lord Cerwyn’s sons. Ser Jaremy Brownbarrow was probably the most honorable man in the Night’s Watch but Argus had not had much time to get to know to him. Then there were Victor, Howard McDonald, Gareth Oaketh, Khort and all the others. Of course they all had their redeeming qualities but sadly there was much more bad things to say about them. Even the First Ranger George Rivers didn’t seem that good a man in Argus’ eyes. And that was just the rangers, the worst filth was in builders and stewards.
It was the last evening as a recruit. Tomorrow they would be given their jobs and it would be time to take the vows. He could still leave. Argus had thought about it often, he had even planned what would he do. He couldn’t go back to Phoenixfall or even The Vale. Sure, his mother would love to see him again but his father, Lord Gregor, wouldn’t like it. No, if he was to leave the Wall before taking the vows he had to find his path from somewhere else. In the south the Great Spring Sickness had killed thousands, even the King Daeron the Good, and a man couldn’t fight with swords against such things. In the North however, the Starks were fighting against the Greyjoys, and Argus was sure they would need all the swords they could get. Yes, that would be his path.
“When we become rangers, do you think we will get to that big rescue mission everyone is talking about?” Argus heard a confident voice next to him speaking. Alistair was a peasant from the North, few years older than Argus, a volunteer just like him, with high hopes of becoming a ranger. Argus didn’t have the heart to tell that Alistair had actually no hope of becoming a ranger.
“Don’t celebrate just yet, we don’t know what our jobs will be…”
“I wasn’t celebrating.” Alistair said with a sigh. “But who do you think Jolly Jack will choose to come with him?” Argus had to admit that he had thought about this too. If he would become a ranger and if that would mean he could go after Keran, could he really leave then?
“George probably.” Argus said trying to end the conversation there.
“Yeah, yeah, of course he will take the First Ranger, but who else? Ramsay probably can’t go because of his leg. What about Mormont? If I get to go I hope that fucking asshole Khort won’t come. That old man seems to think that everyone who is younger than him is his to command. Which is funny because George is younger than him. I think Ser Jaremy surely will be chosen. I wonder how many men the Lord Commander even plans to take with him.”
“Let’s just hope Keran comes back before any rescue missions are needed.” Argus said politely and Alistair looked at him like he was the most boring person in the Seven Kingdoms.
“Anyway, if this rescue mission does happen, who will lead Castle Black in Jack’s absence?” Alistair wondered. “Jorrel, the First Builder? Or maester Jon? I wonder if the maester could really keep things in order here.” As Alistair was done talking they could hear the bell ringing.
“Looks like our watch is over for this evening, brother! And tomorrow we’ll be men of the Night’s Watch.” With those Alistair’s words in mind Argus got down from the top of the Wall. Tomorrow he would have to decide.
“Open the gate!” They could hear someone shouting as they were walking through the yard.
“Who do you think there is? New recruits?” Alistair stopped to look as the gate was opened. Argus just shrugged but stayed to watch what was going on. As the gate opened in rode a man who seemed to be from somewhere far away, and he had two guards riding with him. The man had a long red robe, golden sash around his waist, light blue eyes, tan skin, beautiful face and a long black hair. He rode right in front of Argus and Alistair and jumped off his horse.
“Evening, Watchers on the Wall.” The man had clearly some foreign accent in his charming voice. “I’m here to see Lord Commander Jack Musgood, could you kindly take me to him?” Argus turned his eyes to the sword this man was carrying on his waist. It wasn’t just any sword, it seemed to be Valyrian steel.
“Did you hear me boy? I don’t have all night, I have a long ride behind me.”
[Take him to Lord Commander] [Tell him where Jack is and go to sleep] [Insist him to tell who he is and what is his business here]
[Take him to Lord Commander]
I don't think it's a good idea to piss off the guy with the Valyrian steel sword.
[Take him to the Lord Commander] Yes Argus! Awesome chapter
[Take him to Lord Commander] I have to agree with Liquid here. Argus should try to kiss up to this man and Jolly too.