Hey, I'd like to inform a couple of things at this point.
First thing: I'm going for a small vacation this weekend and might not get time… more to write, so it might be that you have to wait the next part as long as until Monday or even Tuesday. Sorry for that
The other thing I would like to talk about is a better thing however. I'm planning to take part of the story to the North, the lands of the Starks. As it has been mentioned in the story the the North is under rebellion of Dagon Greyjoy and especially the Stony Shore and Wolfswood is in havoc. The Starks, with the help of their bannermen, are doing their best to push the Ironborn back to the sea. We will most likely not get to see these things in this chapter yet, but the next chapter brings them in.
So, why am I telling this? Because I am humbly asking you all to submit characters to this storyline. Servants of the Starks, characters from the Wolfswood, Ironborn raiders etc. Just pu… [view original content]
First of all, enjoy your vacation! and now for business - who'd you say is the Stark in power again? Beron? so does that means The Implacableand and Wilam are still kids?
Hey, I'd like to inform a couple of things at this point.
First thing: I'm going for a small vacation this weekend and might not get time… more to write, so it might be that you have to wait the next part as long as until Monday or even Tuesday. Sorry for that
The other thing I would like to talk about is a better thing however. I'm planning to take part of the story to the North, the lands of the Starks. As it has been mentioned in the story the the North is under rebellion of Dagon Greyjoy and especially the Stony Shore and Wolfswood is in havoc. The Starks, with the help of their bannermen, are doing their best to push the Ironborn back to the sea. We will most likely not get to see these things in this chapter yet, but the next chapter brings them in.
So, why am I telling this? Because I am humbly asking you all to submit characters to this storyline. Servants of the Starks, characters from the Wolfswood, Ironborn raiders etc. Just pu… [view original content]
I mentioned early on the story that Barthogan would atm be the The Lord of Winterfell, but the source I took that from seemed to be wrong since Wiki of Ice and Fire says he already died in the Skagosi rebel which was around 200 AC. In that case it would be Brandon Stark as the lord. Brandon (Barth's younger brother) should be quite old at this point and he has two sons Rodwell being the firstborn and Beron the second, and the youngest is his daughter Arsa Stark, I'll write more soon, I gotta go now So should we go with this or stick with Barth?
First of all, enjoy your vacation! and now for business - who'd you say is the Stark in power again? Beron? so does that means The Implacableand and Wilam are still kids?
Let's go with this: Beron should be around his mid thirties now, married to Lorra Royce and they already have all their children: Donnor (15), Willam (13), Artos (11), Berena (8), Alysanne (7), Errold (3), Rodrik (1)
So yes Willam and Artos are still very young, but mind you, it's still over ten years until Raymun actually attacks.
edit: And Rodwell is few years older than Beron, but he has no children.
I mentioned early on the story that Barthogan would atm be the The Lord of Winterfell, but the source I took that from seemed to be wrong si… morence Wiki of Ice and Fire says he already died in the Skagosi rebel which was around 200 AC. In that case it would be Brandon Stark as the lord. Brandon (Barth's younger brother) should be quite old at this point and he has two sons Rodwell being the firstborn and Beron the second, and the youngest is his daughter Arsa Stark, I'll write more soon, I gotta go now So should we go with this or stick with Barth?
Hmmm...Well it depends on the year really but I don't think it matters that much storywise. Artos Stark and Wilam(his brother and lord when Raymun invaded)are key figures in the Readbeard invasion(unless you don't want to go cannon with this) and they're the sons of Beron Stark.
Bottom line, doesn't matter at all what you'll decide but I just want to know who's who so I'll know how to write the characters I'll submit tho I also won't be here for the weekend anyway so it'll be next week.
I mentioned early on the story that Barthogan would atm be the The Lord of Winterfell, but the source I took that from seemed to be wrong si… morence Wiki of Ice and Fire says he already died in the Skagosi rebel which was around 200 AC. In that case it would be Brandon Stark as the lord. Brandon (Barth's younger brother) should be quite old at this point and he has two sons Rodwell being the firstborn and Beron the second, and the youngest is his daughter Arsa Stark, I'll write more soon, I gotta go now So should we go with this or stick with Barth?
Hmmm...Well it depends on the year really but I don't think it matters that much storywise. Artos Stark and Wilam(his brother and lord when … moreRaymun invaded)are key figures in the Readbeard invasion(unless you don't want to go cannon with this) and they're the sons of Beron Stark.
Bottom line, doesn't matter at all what you'll decide but I just want to know who's who so I'll know how to write the characters I'll submit tho I also won't be here for the weekend anyway so it'll be next week.
I mentioned early on the story that Barthogan would atm be the The Lord of Winterfell, but the source I took that from seemed to be wrong si… morence Wiki of Ice and Fire says he already died in the Skagosi rebel which was around 200 AC. In that case it would be Brandon Stark as the lord. Brandon (Barth's younger brother) should be quite old at this point and he has two sons Rodwell being the firstborn and Beron the second, and the youngest is his daughter Arsa Stark, I'll write more soon, I gotta go now So should we go with this or stick with Barth?
Yeah, it really is quite confusing Btw, would you like Derek to be in Winterfell serving Beron or would you prefer him to have matched to war with Brandon and Rodwell?
Yeah, it really is quite confusing Btw, would you like Derek to be in Winterfell serving Beron or would you prefer him to have matched to war with Brandon and Rodwell?
Hey, I'd like to inform a couple of things at this point.
First thing: I'm going for a small vacation this weekend and might not get time… more to write, so it might be that you have to wait the next part as long as until Monday or even Tuesday. Sorry for that
The other thing I would like to talk about is a better thing however. I'm planning to take part of the story to the North, the lands of the Starks. As it has been mentioned in the story the the North is under rebellion of Dagon Greyjoy and especially the Stony Shore and Wolfswood is in havoc. The Starks, with the help of their bannermen, are doing their best to push the Ironborn back to the sea. We will most likely not get to see these things in this chapter yet, but the next chapter brings them in.
So, why am I telling this? Because I am humbly asking you all to submit characters to this storyline. Servants of the Starks, characters from the Wolfswood, Ironborn raiders etc. Just pu… [view original content]
Maya looked at the sky that was turning black from the east. Another day was about to end in the Valley of Raymun, as the Hornfoots had started to call it. She took a deep breath of the fresh and cold air. She knew Raymun was having a feast with the clan leaders and his new guard wasn’t with him. Now is the time. It could be that there would never again be a chance like this. The time of vengeance.
Rumak had been telling her to let go, that Harg had paid and that was enough. He had asked Maya to concentrate on the war to come. But that wasn’t how she did things. She never forgot, she never forgave. And killing this Jonk wouldn’t be the end of it. The killer, Dogga his name was, was still out there somewhere. And Maya would find him too. Find him and kill him. These words echoed in Maya’s mind as she calmly walked through the camp. Barefooted men, women and children were everywhere, she could hear laughing somewhere, angry yelling from other place. Surrounded by enemies disguised as friends. Maya was sure these barefooted shits weren’t loyal to Raymun, not really, not in their hearts. None of them had acted aggressively towards her but she could see the coldness in their eyes. They hated her, and the feeling was mutual.
After walking through the camp, hate and thirst for blood growing in her heart, she finally saw the tent of the King in front of her. And she really could feel it, the excitement and the fear before the fight. Her throat felt dry, her heart was beating harder, and her hands were shaky. The camp was peaceful but she was about to enter a fight. And it could be her last one.
And so she stormed into the tent… To find Jonk lying on the ground. Is he dead? No, Jonk’s eyes were moving, even if he didn’t seem to notice that Maya had come inside the tent. Maya hold her blade but didn’t know what to do. It was perfect opportunity to kill the man, but there was something wrong about this.
“Strong… Strong live… Weak die…” The man on the ground raved in pain. He was pale as snow and didn’t seem to have any awareness of anything around him.
“Get up, you bastard!” Maya shouted, but inside she knew the man couldn’t hear her. That man was somewhere deep, so deep he would never rise back in to this life. No miracle could save him. Jonk got what he deserved, but again vengeance was taken from Maya. The man kept repeating his shambling words and breathing heavily, desperately fighting for his life.
As Maya took a step closer to Jonk, meaning to end his life, someone stepped inside the tent behind her. Maya turned quickly, pointing her blade at the man who had entered the tent. A huge man with a huge war axe was standing there, looking at Maya with dark eyes. Is he a Thenn?
“Who the fuck are you?” Maya asked keeping her blade up as the man stepped closer to Jonk. “Did you hear me?” The man didn’t seem to understand Maya and barked something in Old Tongue.
“Raymun.” The man said with his deep voice. Maya looked at the Thenn, then Jonk, and the Thenn again.
“What the fuck is going on here? Are you here to kill Raymun?” Maya didn’t know why she was asking, the man couldn’t answer her anyway. The Thenn knelt next to Jonk, who was still repeating his weak words.
“Strong li- … Strong live… We- … Weak die.” The Thenn got up and finally said something in Common Tongue, even if it was just one word and didn’t make no sense.
Maya looked at the sky that was turning black from the east. Another day was about to end in the Valley of Raymun, as the Hornfoots … morehad started to call it. She took a deep breath of the fresh and cold air. She knew Raymun was having a feast with the clan leaders and his new guard wasn’t with him. Now is the time. It could be that there would never again be a chance like this. The time of vengeance.
Rumak had been telling her to let go, that Harg had paid and that was enough. He had asked Maya to concentrate on the war to come. But that wasn’t how she did things. She never forgot, she never forgave. And killing this Jonk wouldn’t be the end of it. The killer, Dogga his name was, was still out there somewhere. And Maya would find him too. Find him and kill him. These words echoed in Maya’s mind as she calmly walked through the camp. Barefooted men, women and children were everywhere, she could hear laughing somewhere, angry yelling f… [view original content]
Maya looked at the sky that was turning black from the east. Another day was about to end in the Valley of Raymun, as the Hornfoots … morehad started to call it. She took a deep breath of the fresh and cold air. She knew Raymun was having a feast with the clan leaders and his new guard wasn’t with him. Now is the time. It could be that there would never again be a chance like this. The time of vengeance.
Rumak had been telling her to let go, that Harg had paid and that was enough. He had asked Maya to concentrate on the war to come. But that wasn’t how she did things. She never forgot, she never forgave. And killing this Jonk wouldn’t be the end of it. The killer, Dogga his name was, was still out there somewhere. And Maya would find him too. Find him and kill him. These words echoed in Maya’s mind as she calmly walked through the camp. Barefooted men, women and children were everywhere, she could hear laughing somewhere, angry yelling f… [view original content]
[Go to Raymun]
Oh darn, I guess Jonk has a problem. I wonder who that Thenn might be, since Barryn was with Skjorn and both seem to speak the Common Tongue...
I checked out and there is a scene where they speak with Alexia in the Hornfoot village, but it is mentioned there that Alexia speaks the Old Tongue with them. Otherwise Barryn has only had dialogues with Skjorn who obviously speaks the Old Tongue with him. So no plot hole here
I'm submitting my character now named Federico Snow same as Liquid's fanfic. He's gonna have a similar personality but different background I actually really enjoy the setting of this fanfic so I'm looking forward to reading it.
I'm submitting my character now named Federico Snow same as Liquid's fanfic. He's gonna have a similar personality but different background I actually really enjoy the setting of this fanfic so I'm looking forward to reading it.
Maya looked at the sky that was turning black from the east. Another day was about to end in the Valley of Raymun, as the Hornfoots … morehad started to call it. She took a deep breath of the fresh and cold air. She knew Raymun was having a feast with the clan leaders and his new guard wasn’t with him. Now is the time. It could be that there would never again be a chance like this. The time of vengeance.
Rumak had been telling her to let go, that Harg had paid and that was enough. He had asked Maya to concentrate on the war to come. But that wasn’t how she did things. She never forgot, she never forgave. And killing this Jonk wouldn’t be the end of it. The killer, Dogga his name was, was still out there somewhere. And Maya would find him too. Find him and kill him. These words echoed in Maya’s mind as she calmly walked through the camp. Barefooted men, women and children were everywhere, she could hear laughing somewhere, angry yelling f… [view original content]
Maya looked at the sky that was turning black from the east. Another day was about to end in the Valley of Raymun, as the Hornfoots … morehad started to call it. She took a deep breath of the fresh and cold air. She knew Raymun was having a feast with the clan leaders and his new guard wasn’t with him. Now is the time. It could be that there would never again be a chance like this. The time of vengeance.
Rumak had been telling her to let go, that Harg had paid and that was enough. He had asked Maya to concentrate on the war to come. But that wasn’t how she did things. She never forgot, she never forgave. And killing this Jonk wouldn’t be the end of it. The killer, Dogga his name was, was still out there somewhere. And Maya would find him too. Find him and kill him. These words echoed in Maya’s mind as she calmly walked through the camp. Barefooted men, women and children were everywhere, she could hear laughing somewhere, angry yelling f… [view original content]
Tears, that's poison right? I think Jonk saved Raymun's life by drinking some of his wine or something, but Jonk is done i guess, except antivenom for Tears exist?
Just added in a Bolton character hope your like it. Oh and have fun on vacation, we will miss you.
First of all, enjoy your vacation! and now for business - who'd you say is the Stark in power again? Beron? so does that means The Implacableand and Wilam are still kids?
Yes, there is actually going to be a choice about it.
I mentioned early on the story that Barthogan would atm be the The Lord of Winterfell, but the source I took that from seemed to be wrong since Wiki of Ice and Fire says he already died in the Skagosi rebel which was around 200 AC. In that case it would be Brandon Stark as the lord. Brandon (Barth's younger brother) should be quite old at this point and he has two sons Rodwell being the firstborn and Beron the second, and the youngest is his daughter Arsa Stark, I'll write more soon, I gotta go now
So should we go with this or stick with Barth?
Let's go with this: Beron should be around his mid thirties now, married to Lorra Royce and they already have all their children: Donnor (15), Willam (13), Artos (11), Berena (8), Alysanne (7), Errold (3), Rodrik (1)
So yes Willam and Artos are still very young, but mind you, it's still over ten years until Raymun actually attacks.
edit: And Rodwell is few years older than Beron, but he has no children.
Hmmm...Well it depends on the year really but I don't think it matters that much storywise. Artos Stark and Wilam(his brother and lord when Raymun invaded)are key figures in the Readbeard invasion(unless you don't want to go cannon with this) and they're the sons of Beron Stark.
Bottom line, doesn't matter at all what you'll decide but I just want to know who's who so I'll know how to write the characters I'll submit tho I also won't be here for the weekend anyway so it'll be next week.
Let's go with Brandon as the lord, the year now is 211 AC because it was 211-212 that Raymun united the clans.
edit: I would also like to add that Brandon and Rodwell are leading the armies on the Wolfswood and Beron is holding WF = acting Lord of Winterfell
That's why I wrote just Lord Stark in the submissions for Hwardens,lots of confusing stuff
Yeah, it really is quite confusing
Btw, would you like Derek to be in Winterfell serving Beron or would you prefer him to have matched to war with Brandon and Rodwell?
I think i would want him in the war,as Phoenix will probably go too because of his position,it can be interesting if they meet there
@yyyggg I'd like to suggest minor changes to your character.
It's OK.I'm just glad to be a part of this.
I've just finished reading the story and it's great.
I pm:d you
Someone from Hosue Forrester was sumbitted yet?
There is now
You've got a Stark Knight from me.
Maya looked at the sky that was turning black from the east. Another day was about to end in the Valley of Raymun, as the Hornfoots had started to call it. She took a deep breath of the fresh and cold air. She knew Raymun was having a feast with the clan leaders and his new guard wasn’t with him. Now is the time. It could be that there would never again be a chance like this. The time of vengeance.
Rumak had been telling her to let go, that Harg had paid and that was enough. He had asked Maya to concentrate on the war to come. But that wasn’t how she did things. She never forgot, she never forgave. And killing this Jonk wouldn’t be the end of it. The killer, Dogga his name was, was still out there somewhere. And Maya would find him too. Find him and kill him. These words echoed in Maya’s mind as she calmly walked through the camp. Barefooted men, women and children were everywhere, she could hear laughing somewhere, angry yelling from other place. Surrounded by enemies disguised as friends. Maya was sure these barefooted shits weren’t loyal to Raymun, not really, not in their hearts. None of them had acted aggressively towards her but she could see the coldness in their eyes. They hated her, and the feeling was mutual.
After walking through the camp, hate and thirst for blood growing in her heart, she finally saw the tent of the King in front of her. And she really could feel it, the excitement and the fear before the fight. Her throat felt dry, her heart was beating harder, and her hands were shaky. The camp was peaceful but she was about to enter a fight. And it could be her last one.
And so she stormed into the tent… To find Jonk lying on the ground. Is he dead? No, Jonk’s eyes were moving, even if he didn’t seem to notice that Maya had come inside the tent. Maya hold her blade but didn’t know what to do. It was perfect opportunity to kill the man, but there was something wrong about this.
“Strong… Strong live… Weak die…” The man on the ground raved in pain. He was pale as snow and didn’t seem to have any awareness of anything around him.
“Get up, you bastard!” Maya shouted, but inside she knew the man couldn’t hear her. That man was somewhere deep, so deep he would never rise back in to this life. No miracle could save him. Jonk got what he deserved, but again vengeance was taken from Maya. The man kept repeating his shambling words and breathing heavily, desperately fighting for his life.
As Maya took a step closer to Jonk, meaning to end his life, someone stepped inside the tent behind her. Maya turned quickly, pointing her blade at the man who had entered the tent. A huge man with a huge war axe was standing there, looking at Maya with dark eyes. Is he a Thenn?
“Who the fuck are you?” Maya asked keeping her blade up as the man stepped closer to Jonk. “Did you hear me?” The man didn’t seem to understand Maya and barked something in Old Tongue.
“Raymun.” The man said with his deep voice. Maya looked at the Thenn, then Jonk, and the Thenn again.
“What the fuck is going on here? Are you here to kill Raymun?” Maya didn’t know why she was asking, the man couldn’t answer her anyway. The Thenn knelt next to Jonk, who was still repeating his weak words.
“Strong li- … Strong live… We- … Weak die.” The Thenn got up and finally said something in Common Tongue, even if it was just one word and didn’t make no sense.
[Go to Raymun] [Attack the Thenn] [Kill Jonk]
Awesome Chapter!
[Go to Raymun]
This just keeps getting better! You are an amazing writer.
I think Jonk might be done for, because i do believe that Barryn was trying to say Tears Of Lys but i may be mistaken. Sorry Supersagig
[Go to Raymun]
Oh darn, I guess Jonk has a problem. I wonder who that Thenn might be, since Barryn was with Skjorn and both seem to speak the Common Tongue...
Well I can tell that it is Barryn and I might have failed in bringing it up but he doesn't speak Common Tongue.
I see. I guess I've read the dialogue with Skjorn and Barryn in the Hornfoot camp wrong, I thought Barryn would have spoken to the Hornfoots too.
I checked out and there is a scene where they speak with Alexia in the Hornfoot village, but it is mentioned there that Alexia speaks the Old Tongue with them. Otherwise Barryn has only had dialogues with Skjorn who obviously speaks the Old Tongue with him. So no plot hole here
I'm submitting my character now named Federico Snow same as Liquid's fanfic. He's gonna have a similar personality but different background I actually really enjoy the setting of this fanfic so I'm looking forward to reading it.
Quite the Southron name for a Northerner
I actually changed it to Federico Reed, decided to make him the legitimized son of Lord Reed and a Dornish woman.
never in George's books say that Federico is a name in the universe, but it's your character and you can do anything with him
Good thing it's a fanfic then.
[Go to Raymun] Poor Jonk!
[Go to Raymun]
[Go to Raymun] You should publish this into a book! I would totally buy it.
[Go to Raymun] I think Jonk somehow saved Raymund's life.
[Go to Raymun]
[Go to Raymun]
Great chapter
Tears, that's poison right? I think Jonk saved Raymun's life by drinking some of his wine or something, but Jonk is done i guess, except antivenom for Tears exist?
[Attack the Thenn]
Pure awesomeness!!!
[Go to Raymun]
Vote closed! And Maya will go to Raymun Redbeard to tell what has happened in his tent.
I've started to write the next part and I'm pretty sure it'll be ready tomorrow. I can tell that it's Argus POV.