Monument to the Walking Dead: An Interactive Story (Ongoing)



  • Nope. I can't allow that to happen. Mr. Quality does not approve. Rainbows and sunshine for all.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of bad things to come >:3

  • [Plan to stay until fully well.]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.” The Countryside “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe

  • A little sunshine never hurt anyone, well, other then sunburns which frickin' suck.

    And there's always a rainbow after the storm...

    mr.quality posted: »

    Nope. I can't allow that to happen. Mr. Quality does not approve. Rainbows and sunshine for all.

  • soon

    oh boy oh boy oh boy

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Hopefully is the key word... ...It won't be long now. They will return soon.

  • [Leave at the first chance.]

    It's okay if they get us. We aren't tainted meat.

    This group reminds me of something I have planned for my story......

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.” The Countryside “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe

  • -Hides mind-reading machine-

    Interesting... Does that mean what I think it means? Will there be cannibals? D:

    Oh and I've honestly somewhat inspired by a book/movie called The Road. I haven't read/watched it, but I've seen some stuff for it and I'm taking inspiration from that.

    [Leave at the first chance.] It's okay if they get us. We aren't tainted meat. This group reminds me of something I have planned for my story......

  • It'll sort of be what Starved For Help was advertised originally as.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    -Hides mind-reading machine- Interesting... Does that mean what I think it means? Will there be cannibals? Oh and I've honestly somew

  • Fingers crossed beloved characters won't die D:

    It'll sort of be what Starved For Help was advertised originally as.

  • edited April 2015

    Okay, this isn't a request, but I wanted to let anyone know who was thinking about submitting a character to consider one of these submitting a character based along these lines. I haven't gotten any cannibalistic characters yet and one of two of them would come in handy very soon >.>

    Oh and a ruff n' tough Sheriff if anyone's interested.

  • [Stay for the extended future.]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.” The Countryside “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe

  • [Leave at the first chance.]

  • Nah, I have special rainbows that don't need storms. So don't even think about it.:)

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    A little sunshine never hurt anyone, well, other then sunburns which frickin' suck. And there's always a rainbow after the storm...

  • I got to go to school. I'll see what I can do when I get back.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Okay, this isn't a request, but I wanted to let anyone know who was thinking about submitting a character to consider one of these submittin

  • edited April 2015

    Are we talking ex-cop justice guy or more of John Travolta Punisher sort of man? for the 'bad guys' I think you could use few of the unused characters, after all they were normal people before the apocalypse. I guess you could ask the people who made them if it's fine that they'll be cannibals lol

    Anyway, I think I got interesting backstory in mind so I'll send the sheriff guy sometime tonight and maybe some maneater tomorrow or something...

    And [Plan to stay until fully well.] because he probably doesn't trust Vince that much.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Okay, this isn't a request, but I wanted to let anyone know who was thinking about submitting a character to consider one of these submittin

  • [Plan to stay until fully well.]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.” The Countryside “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe

  • [Leave at the first chance.]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.” The Countryside “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe

  • Voting is closed!

    Zayne will stay at Vincent's cabin until he's fully well

    Okay, a little heads up, I haven't been working on the new part because I haven't felt like it today. But tomorrow is the most likely date for a new part that will feature the Harvest Hills group, along side a...splinter of that group in a mini-story to tie up the a few characters' stories as well as develop a few of the characters who haven't been seen much. So paitents is key here, I'll try to get working on the new part shortly.

  • Take your time! :D

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Voting is closed! Zayne will stay at Vincent's cabin until he's fully well Okay, a little heads up, I haven't been working on the new

  • edited April 2015

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins”

    Harvest Hills group

    “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man named Jerry a odd look as he stepped inside his parents’ house through the front door. “He’s seems rather… asshole-ish, if that’s the word. Mom and Dad are something sometimes, but did you see the stink eye he shot me while we walked up the driveway?”

    “Yes,” Josephine sighed, “I saw the look he gave you, but I’m sure he’s just having a bad day, woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” She sat her handbag down next to the coffee table and walked into the kitchen with Anthony.

    “You sure they’ll be back at by tonight?” Anthony asked, pulling a bottle of fine wine out a paper bag in between his arm. “They aren’t really… here a lot, are they?”

    “There’ll be here, like they said they will. Besides, I don’t why you’re so fixed on seeing them so recently. You couldn’t wait to get out of the house back then…” Josephine bit her lip, knowing she had touched a subject he didn’t like to discuss.

    Anthony scratched the back of his head, pulling his fingers through his dark brown hair and let out a frustrated sigh. “Look, they crushed the bread,” Anthony moaned as he inspected the grocery bag.

    “It’s fine,” Josephine laughed, “mom and dad will have to deal with it being a little flatter. I doubt they’ll even notice.”

    Anthony sighed, abandoning the bread and walking towards the living room, reaching towards the TV and turning it on. He was greeted by the news station, midway through a story of about a being man arrested after shooting several people at the Downtown mall. “Damn…” Anthony mumbled while Josie rushed forward and shut off the TV.

    “None of that, please.” She let out a stressful breath.

    “Well…” Anthony smiled, “you should let me take you to the gunrange out in the Hill Country, it’s less than an hour away. C’mon it’ll be fun.” He let out a let out a long kept sigh, “it’s been at least 10 years since I last went up there with dad. I’ll show you how to use a revolver.”

    “That’s out of the question.” Josephine answered as she walked back towards the kitchen and gave the bottle of wine a look over. “You know I’ve never liked guns, Besides, there’s no point in it. What am I gonna do with it?”

    “You never know, “ Anthony answered, “you could get mugged while out, the city’s full of crime. It’s dangerous world.”

    “It’s still out of the question, “ she answered, grudgingly. “I’m not ever gonna need the thing.” She smiled with a snarky grin, “you don’t even own a gun yourself.” Her smirk faded while the phone began to ring.

    “Fine, you have a point,” Anthony reluctantly replied as he walked over to the phone on the counter. “It’s probably mom and dad, calling to tell us they can’t make it,” he hissed as he reached for the phone and answered it.

    Josephine rolled the metallic revolver over and looked at it as her reflection in the mirror copied her movement, the dimly lit room casted a natural light onto her face from holes in the ceiling, highlighting faded bruises on her face and neck. Her dark brown hair somewhat tangled, her hazel eyes rounded by dark circle from lack of sleep.

    Her wet, teary eyes blinked as the bathroom door opened and a young woman stepped through. “Josie?” She said, “we’re fixing to move soon.”

    “Alright, Ashley, tell them I’ll be there in a second.” Josie replied, not meeting her graze, but remaining polite. All those poor choices she made were on her. She could have learned to shoot from her brother, but always denied it. The lack of respect between her parents. A distance she helped create, but also tried to fix at times, though it seemed to always end on a poor note. Whether it was because of Anthony’s passive-aggressive nature with his father, which their father shared, or the two parents’ absence in general. It wasn’t all her fault, but the ones that were stuck up like a sore thumb.

    She turned and began walking towards the bathroom door while passing the doors with toilets behind them. Josephine pulled the heavy door open and stepped outside and into the soft light of the late afternoon day.

    Outside, the cool air sent a chill down her spine as she looked at the group. Ashley and Atlanta were talking a ways down the sidewalk that connected to the paved road. She walked towards the pickup truck with the makeshift cover on the back end that acted as a roof. Standing by the truck’s hood was Jerry, he was bent over it and was examining a map. While walking she passed Daniel, who seemed sad, based on his expression.

    As she approached the truck, the RV came into view. It was old and had a dent in the front of it from where Jerry had rammed it into the house, or at least that’s what she was told. “Jerry?” She called to him as he looked up from the map and faced her.

    “Yeah?” He replied politely as he continued to look at the map and Josie stopped next to him.

    “It’s about Anthony’s revolver, I don’t think I should be the one to use it.” She let out a disappointed sigh, “I’ve never fired a gun in my life. It’ll be better for you to keep it with you, I’m sure you’ll be put to better use then with me.”

    Jerry let out a sympathetic groan, “I can show you how to use it. It’s not hard and it’s necessary. Besides, I got my rifle back.” His words were met by a sad look from Josie. “C’mon,” he added, folding the map, “let’s just practice without actually firing. It’ll be fun… it’s dangerous world, you need to at least know the basics.”

    “It’s… what Anthony always wanted.” Josephine frowned, “I’ll let you show me, but aren’t we leaving soon?” She asked.

    Jerry turned and looked down the road until it took a turn and was from thereon out of sight. “Jordan and Christian are scooting the road ahead. We’re leaving once they get back. We don’t want to repeat what happened yesterday.” Jerry shot a glare at the front of the pickup truck, a large dent was on the truck’s right and the headlight was shattered, dried, dark red blood coated the area around it. “Damn walker came out of where.”

    “Yeah, scared the shit out of everyone in the RV when you suddenly swerved,” Josephine commented. “It’s sad we lost the headlight. There won’t an easy way to replace it.”

    Jerry smirked, “we still got a headlight left. We’ll be fine as long as I don’t hit anymore walkers.” He stretched the back of his head and finished folding the map and slipped it in his new shirt and jacket. It was plaid with red and gray lines, the dress shirt under the jacket was white, it - most importantly - lacked dried blood. He also had thick stubble popping up on his face. Jerry’s cuts and brushes were also healing, but his nose was healing the slowest. He continued to wear a small bandage on the bridge of his nose to keep it in place. Josie would’ve laughed about it by now, it had been and felt like such a long time since she punched him and broke his nose. She and Jerry would probably laugh it off now, if it wasn’t such a hindrance on Jerry. Though Jerry liked to kept in to himself, he told her he was having trouble sleeping at night because of it keeping him up.

    “Well,” Jerry sighed, “let’s get on with it.” He gestured for him to follow him off the sidewalk by the rest stop just a little ways, until they were about 20 feet away from the rest of the group and any potential hazards.

    “This is bad,” Christian bluntly said, looking through a pair of binoculars. He lowered them and handed it over to Jordan. Through the binoculars they watched as a horde of hundreds dead walked aimlessly in a herd. “We need to tell the others the road is--” He started, but Jordan raised her hand and he quieted down. Both of them were on the road, quietly kneeled down and watching the walkers from the hill the road say on.

    “We need to know where they’re heading. It seems to me they aren’t heading anymore particular.” Jordan looked at the horde, comprised of men, women and children. Raggy clothes, blood and dirt covering them. The rotten corpses moaned and growled in the distance. “They’re heading… to the right of the road, walking through the treeline.” Jordan smirked, “right past us if we’re lucky.”

    “Thank god,” Christian exclaimed as he started to stand up. “We need to get back to the group and tell them we’re staying at the rest stop for the night. I’m thinking of getting on the RV’s roof to stay on look out. It’ll be high up, well past the treeline, where I could see for a long ways through the binoculars.”

    “Sounds good,” Jordan smiled, standing up herself, she handed the binoculars back to Christian and he took them, putting them in his backpack. “Let’s go.” She started walking back, but was stopped by Christian when he rested his hand on her arm. She turned around to ask what he was doing, but her expression turned a little shocked when she saw the dumbfounded look in his face. “What is it?” She asked with a worried tone as he traced his line of sight.

    “There,” he jerked his head in the direction of the woods with a growing worried expression. A soft noise of the cracking of leafs under feet lightly echoed from it. “We’re…” Christian mumbled as Jordan began to understand, “we’re surrounded.”

    “By what?” Jordan quietly hissed as she began to reach for her weapon.

    “I don’t know…” Christian nervously replied, reaching for his own pistol. The noises became a little faster and other noises joined the mix as whatever it was neared. Growling, it was heard from behind them and they both turned to see it, a walker walked into view within the treeline and several others did too. “Fuck,” he exclaimed, “the herd’s on top of us!”

    Jordan grabbed his arm as he was preparing to shoot, she pulled him along briefly, until he was running himself. The road behind them as filling with walkers as they chased them towards, but ahead of them, several walkers began to emerge from the treeline.

    Christian was grabbed by one of the emerging walkers and tripped to the ground as it bit at his legs. Jordan spun around and grabbed the back of his backpack to pull him out. She managed to pull him across the road for about 3 feet as he wrestled with the walker attacking him. She let go and back away a step as she quickly tried to pull out her knife while Christian dealt with the walker as he held it back with his shoe, kicking it, but it caught hold of his leg and pulled itself towards him and bite as he chest as he grabbed it by the head and held it back. It was stronger then him, he struggled to hold out back and it costed his energy as it grew closer to him, his fingers, starting to dig into it’s rotten skin.

    Jordan prepared to slam the knife’s blade into the walker’s skull, but suddenly another one of the walkers began to near them, Grabbed hold of Jordan’s arm and just about to sink it’s teeth into it. She quickly pulled her arm away from it and stabbed in deeply in the forehead with the knife, but as it flew it took the knife with it. It flew on it’s face and it hid the knife under it. Jordan panicked and quickly turned the walker over.

    “Fuck…” Christian muttered as he began to tire, but it began a painful cry when his hand slipped into the walker’s mouth and it bit down hard. “Fuck!” He cried as it bit deeply into his pointer and index finger.

    Jordan jumped up and faced the walker biting onto Christian’s hand as she prepared to attack it once again.

    [Kill the walker.]

    [Cut off Christian’s two fingers.]

  • Just to explain a few things. To start off, no, I haven't forgotten about Lindsay and Keith, they're going to be staring in their own point of view shortly as they search for Lindsay's father in the remains of San Antonio! Another thing, this part is set about 8 days after the end of episode one, it was not brought up in this part, but it will be mentioned in future ones.

    Also, thank you Upshaw for the character, he has a very detailed and emotional backstory. I'm looking forward to using him at the place I have planned!

  • [Kill the walker] now is not the time to cut appendages off. There's always time for that later.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • [Cut off Christian’s two fingers.]

    the doors with toilets behind them

    Who calls stalls this? XD

    Also, I think Josephine was checking out Jerry with all those details about his look lol.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • The word escaped me okay! XD

    And that's a interesting way to look at it XD

    [Cut off Christian’s two fingers.] the doors with toilets behind them Who calls stalls this? XD Also, I think Josephine was checking out Jerry with all those details about his look lol.

  • edited April 2015

    [Kill the walker.] OH Nice find, Sagig, I missed that

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • Thank you, Upshaw, for the tears.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Just to explain a few things. To start off, no, I haven't forgotten about Lindsay and Keith, they're going to be staring in their own point

  • [Kill the walker.] She already used tge knife with a previous walker

    Awesone Chapter!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • edited April 2015

    [Kill the walker.]

  • edited April 2015

    I loved that part, especially the flashback scene in the beginning! Now I get increasingly worried that Josie is at least part of the collective Trauma that is this chapter, seeing her behaviour after the flashback. I'm still interested in how exactly she and Lindsay were able to escape from the mall though. I also liked that she apparently gets along with Jerry a bit better than I thought, I was pretty sure she would at least continue to be angry at him for a while, seeing how she missed his entire character development. And he definitely learned a lesson about not teaching people how to use a gun.

    [Kill the walker.]

    Sagig has a good point here. Besides, killing the walker should be top priority as it can always attack again and bite Christian or Jordan after she cut off the fingers. Afterwards they can go for the amputation, this time with a clean weapon.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • Alt text

    (Just wondering, we all grew up with Full House here right? lol)

    [Kill the walker.]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Just to explain a few things. To start off, no, I haven't forgotten about Lindsay and Keith, they're going to be staring in their own point

  • I know I did. I still watch it now whoopsies ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Upshaw posted: »

    (Just wondering, we all grew up with Full House here right? lol) [Kill the walker.]

  • [Kill the walker.]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • [Cut the fingers]


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 5: “The March Begins” Harvest Hills group “What do you think of him?” Anthony questioned, giving the man

  • I want to let everyone know that I've changed the title to "Monument To The Walking Dead." I thought I should at least point it out and also update you with something. I'm still planning out more of this episode since I don't want to repeat what I did with the first, so I haven't gotten the chance to write, but I will be soon. Now, I've been trying my hand at drawing the characters and was interested in knowing who you wanted me to draw, I've drawn several characters already and I'm going to draw some more while I'm still planning.

    So, who would you like to see drawn?

  • Dan ,Zayne or Lindsay!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I want to let everyone know that I've changed the title to "Monument To The Walking Dead." I thought I should at least point it out and also

  • edited April 2015

    So, who would you like to see drawn?

    Of course I'd love to see Anthony and Josie and think they would make for a nice drawing, but I also think that the looks of Jerry, Jordan and Zafir sounded pretty interesting when you described them, so it would be these 5 whom I'd like to see drawn the most.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I want to let everyone know that I've changed the title to "Monument To The Walking Dead." I thought I should at least point it out and also

  • edited April 2015

    Okay... I'm gonna have take a break from writing to get somethings in order, but I will be posting pictures of the characters that have been requested during the wait. While I haven't gotten started on any of the requested drawings, I have already drawn Jerry. Here's the picture.

    Alt text

    Jerry Stewart, a middle-aged man with black hair, having been described as a handsome man, but after receiving a good beating and broken nose, he's rather worse for were. I've made a mock up of Zayne, Vincent and character planned to appear, I'm going try to finalize that picture as soon as I can and I'll then continue onto several other characters :D

  • Damn right he a handsome guy. Motherfuckers fucking fucked up fucks screwed up precious Jerry's nose.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Okay... I'm gonna have take a break from writing to get somethings in order, but I will be posting pictures of the characters that have been

  • Jake, Zafir, Jordan

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I want to let everyone know that I've changed the title to "Monument To The Walking Dead." I thought I should at least point it out and also

  • Alt text

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Okay... I'm gonna have take a break from writing to get somethings in order, but I will be posting pictures of the characters that have been


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Okay... I'm gonna have take a break from writing to get somethings in order, but I will be posting pictures of the characters that have been

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