Is Kenny the reason for the disaster of the Cabin Group?
Before the reunion with Kenny in Season 2 the Cabin Group only had to worry about was Carver. But after they reunited with Kenny the whole group either died or fell apart.
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honestly the only death that i would 100% blame kenny for is alvin's episode 2 death the rest is really just blind finger pointing, it isn't kenny's fault that nick got his shitty death, it isn't kenny's fault that rebecca died after giving birth, it isn't kenny's fault that luke fell into the lake and it isn't kenny's fault that sarah died if anything that one is on jane and clem depending on which death we are talking about
It could also be said the Cabin group caused Kenny's group to fall apart. They only had to worry about Walkers until they reunited with Clementine.
So....they worked together.
I suppose you could see it from that perspective
I'd still say Carver is the root of the problems: He's the one that made them run away in the first place. If they never left, they never would have ended up at the cabin, and ultimately never end up at the lodge, which means they'd never meet Kenny.
And if we want to argue about this whole trickle-down cause and effect, you could argue that Carver and Luke are the root of the problems. Carver catches group, Luke leaves and sneaks in, proposes the radio plan, Kenny reluctantly agrees with radio plan, Luke gets caught, which leads to Kenny taking heat for the radio, leading to his beating, leading to Bonnie fully defecting, leading to the escape plan, leading to Carver catching them, which leads to Kenny killing him, which you can argue delayed them long enough for Troy to find them, which led to Jane shooting him, which attracted the other guards to his location, which leads to Carlos eating a stray bullet, which leads to Sarah freaking out, which leads to Sarita getting bitten and Nick getting shot, which leads into episode 4, and so on.
But that's a huge line of outcomes that result from one or two minor actions, so no, I wouldn't say it's fully Kenny's fault (or anyone's fault in particular, for that matter), even if he did play catalyst for some of the outcomes.
No, but he is responsible for the disaster of the group in episode 4 and 5.
The writers basically state as much, through Jane's story of the trapped man in episode 5.
No, but he is the reason for their minimal to none character development after Episode 2
O.O omg. I legit never realized that she was comparing the guy under the car to Kenny. How did I never realize that?! Thanks for your insight, Flog.
I can't blame Kenny for any of the cabin group's deaths. Maybe Alvin but that was determinantly chosen by Carver. Carlos may have lived if Kenny did not force the escape plan as quickly as he did, but even that I wouldn't put that on him.
Is that sarcasm? :P
No, I would say Carver is to blame. If he didn't come after them. All the events that happened wouldn't have happened.
Nope. Kenny technically saved them because he was the only one who seemed to know Carver had to die
Kenny's the reason behind a lot of the suffering of a large majority of the cast in not only season 2 but season 1 as well. It goes to show what kind of suffering being a dangerous moron can cause.
Isn't it really Clem's fault for getting Alvin killed? Just say 'shoot him' and Alvin dies because of Clem's actions. Not sure about the other choices though.
It's detemirnaly Kenny's fault if you choose to be quiet. But yeah, it is Clem's fault the other way around.
o.o No it really isn't; I'm being serious. I think it just flew over my head that she was comparing the "dick" under the car to Kenny; I always just thought Jane was relating a story about general survival and that she was about to follow up the story with an attempt to tell Clem to be wary of the group again, before Jane got cut off by the noise of the truck starting outside and Clem saying, "He got it working." And even if Jane was just telling a story about survival and not comparing it to Kenny, it definitely flew over my head that this was the writers' foreshadowing of what would happen with Kenny's actions bringing about the fracturing of the group in eps 4 and 5. Regardless, my mind is blownnn. So I sincerely was thanking you dude!! Apologies if it came off as sarcasm....
...Share the wisdom of your Jane-head-canons with meee Flog, pleeease!!! I'd love to hear 'em. ^_^
Yeah, because it was totally fair of Kenny to ask a little girl what to do during a delicate hostage situation :P
Your forgot Carlos
It's Jane's fault particulary, she got more development than Nick, Sarah and Luke. That was freaking stupid. Screw her, that's why Nick and Sarah got shitty deaths. She should have died in a long time ago.
Haha i don't headcanon, I'm a facts boy, but thanks!
I would not blame Jane at all, She was a new character who needed development, however Kenny had more screentime than any other character and He was in season 1 aswell.
I would say the fault lies with Carver.
Carver is the one that caused everything to go wrong.
If Carver hadn't kept chasing Luke and the others, Luke and his group would've probably have met Kenny, but none of the following would've happened.
Even though that Kenny's anger did cause the group to split, it's not exactly fair to lay all the blame on him.
Especially given the fact that he lost both his eye and his girlfriend all in one day.
That would leave anyone screwed up for a long time.
well the cabin group is the reason why Kennys group fell apart cause the cabin group lead Carver to Kennys group which eventually lead to Matthew, walter, Sarita and possibly Kennys death.
I wanted to keep going when we first got to the lodge. The fact that Nick had just killed their friend was enough to keep me moving and Carver might get held up dealing with Walter, Kenny and Sarita. I don't blame anyone for breaking up the group a lot of stuff happened to cause that.
It's more like Kenny and his friends would've lived happily ever after if the Cabin Group hadn't shown up.
it's nobodys fault,it's all what ifs?
If Clem had not come into contact with the cabin group they might be still together
IF the cabin group had not come into contact with the Moonstar Lodge group which brought Carver with them,Kennys group would still be around
They were a bunch of walking disasters. It was bound to happen sooner or later.
To be fair, everybody asks Clem to do stuff she shouldn't have to.
you musta had a diff playthrough then me.. carver beat alvin half to death and alvin stayed behind to give them more of a chance for escape.. that and he was in no condition to escape himself..
kenny just had to take shit from people all the time.. yeah he had an aggressive attitude.. but maybe that is why... i had a bonding playthrough with him and clem.. making all the moral decisions.. it was a good guy playthrough and it ended with her and kenny and alvin all leaving together.. a very emotional scene i must say.. GO KENNY!!! hehe.. willing to sacrifice himself so that alvin and clem could live.. "take the kids! take back the supplies if it means they can go! i'll leave with nothing and go die alone if they can live" basically what happened.. but i had clem give him the no on that.. no way i was leaving kenny.. not after everything.. season 1 and 2.. played a good guy Lee.. kenny was a friend.
Man.. Kenny has definitely been through hell..
as for Jane.. screw her.. seriously.. that shit with alvin was effed up.. basically started the fight and let it escalate, and gave kenny a real hard time saying all this hurtful stuff.. I liked her up until she pulled that shit in the truck and with alvin jr and that fight..
P.S. I miss Lee..
It was a Roman situation to be honest. I wouldn't of let him go either, well at least until i'm ready to move on.
He's talking about Alvin's episode 2 death. The one in which Kenny takes a shot at Carver, hits him in the shoulder, in retaliation Carver shoots Alvin in the face.
No, they had their own problems.
Roman was an interesting character. Wish he was fleshed out a bit more.
If I killed all of your family what would you do?
What the hell does that have to do with anything that I was talking about?
Well yeah, I thought that would be obvious.
The cabin group is the reason for the disaster of the cabin group.
Nope. Carver was.
Nah, it was all do to circumstances and the choices of everyone involved. There isn't always a scape goat to hide behind.
Haha aw ok. And no prob.
Though I like to think of headcanoning and theorizing as making educated guesses based on fact. :eyebrow wiggle: XD But y'know, whatev floats yer boattt. xp
I would of switched Roman with Tavia in S2.
luke do u actually wanna fite me