Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Chillax, I died at the end. :D

    armis37 posted: »

    God fucking damn it @WeMissYouCarley, you fat-ass. Couldn't have aimed a bit to the left and not on me ._. Also, @Pipas seems like he is Ramsay. Srsly, how protected can you be?!

  • Tis a Monday, you know what that means. Another poll!

    So, what do you want to play on Saturday?

    Also, since the last time we played Town of Salem was like a month ago, why not play it this Thursday? Again at our usual time. Get ready for some lynching!

    Countdown to the event.

    enter image description here

    PS: If one of the admins of the Steam group could add the ToS event into the SCHEDULE, I'd be really grateful. Thanks!

  • Just siting here thinking.. You guys think rhys will get the girl in the end or no?

  • Hopefully there'll be at least a kiss. I hope Telltale didn't tease us for nothing.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Just siting here thinking.. You guys think rhys will get the girl in the end or no?

  • Shhh, just let it happen.

    No one saw me die I am still alive.

  • Fiona got a kiss option with Scooter there's no way that Rhys and Sasha won't have one

    Pipas posted: »

    Hopefully there'll be at least a kiss. I hope Telltale didn't tease us for nothing.

  • edited August 2015

    @Rama959 :

    enter image description here

    I took the liberty to choose an other picture. Is that okay?

  • so, I didn't know about new posts because I didn't follow the thread for...reasons. I dunno. well, anyways, I'm back!

    enter image description here

    anything important in this thread I missed?

  • 3rd place is till good, rit? Atleast I'm alive :)

    stevean2 posted: »

    AND THE RHYSHA HUNGER GAMES... BEGIN: You guys really love bread apparently.. like... alot. Grimnir stole Athena's shield!

  • your picture is a guy with an eyepatch. those guys always die. don't try to fool yourself, kid

    No one saw me die I am still alive.

  • I'm listening to the clannad-soundtracks, and with those gifs, I got a feelgasm. MORE RHYSHA! or no, wait, doesn't even have to be rhysha. MORE ROMANTIC MOMENTS LIKE THIS! I DEMAND IT!

    enter image description here

    By erase--myself Also by erase--myself

  • Daaaamn. Dysentery? Talk about a real 'crappy' way to die! Eh?

    stevean2 posted: »

    AND THE RHYSHA HUNGER GAMES... BEGIN: You guys really love bread apparently.. like... alot. Grimnir stole Athena's shield!

  •,could anyone give me the password for the chat,for reasons.

  • enter image description here



    He's back.

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • Check your PMs. ;)

    ZapThroat posted: »,could anyone give me the password for the chat,for reasons.

  • I'm so worried about episode 5 omg

  • Some artworks, some fanfics, some crazy comments... You know, the usual.

    Oh, and I got a new avatar. That's super important.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    so, I didn't know about new posts because I didn't follow the thread for...reasons. I dunno. well, anyways, I'm back! anything important in this thread I missed?

  • edited August 2015

    why? wanna talk about it lol? what are your concerns?

    MrNoodles posted: »

    I'm so worried about episode 5 omg

  • Cause it's the last episode, and who knows how everything will work out. What if we can't break free from Jack's control, what if Vaughn/Sasha/LB dies? I mean, after Fiona and Rhys ran from the stranger, she said that Scooter was the FIRST casualty of the mission. First. Implying that there is more. What if Sahsa betrayed us?(I don't think so, but a possibility) What if we don't find out who the stranger is?(That would be insanely disappointing) And just knowing how much it's going to suck when the game is over. I guess we could just keep playing the game after episode 5 comes out, but it just won't be the same.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    why? wanna talk about it lol? what are your concerns?

  • edited August 2015

    And fuck, if TTG has the balls to kill off Scooter, who has been in the series since the start, what will they do next?

  • same here. discord is awesome

    enter image description here

    that loader bot-avatar of yours is not an official avatar, I guess?

    Pipas posted: »

    Some artworks, some fanfics, some crazy comments... You know, the usual. Oh, and I got a new avatar. That's super important.

  • what chat are you guys talking about?

    ZapThroat posted: »,could anyone give me the password for the chat,for reasons.

  • wait...what if, no matter what we do, jack takes control over helios and moonshots sanctuary? I don't think so, but I would love to see you running around in panic of what might happen

  • The first casualty thing does have me a bit worried but I'm thinking that could be one of Vallory's goons and maybe august. I personally don't think they will kill off Sasha, not sure about what Vaughn's fate will be yet I think it could go either way with him. for a second I also though maybe Sasha could of betrayed us, but that would just seem so out of character to me I don't think she would but hey, it's telltale games who knows for sure lol. I think we will find out who the stranger is we've been getting little hints to who it could be so if they don't show us it will be disappointing :( and hey all good things come to an end eventually man, all we can do is hope for a season 2 after its all done but one things for sure, its been an awesome ride up to this point :D

  • What do you mean by not official? Grumpy made that for me. :D

    Dracu98 posted: »

    same here. discord is awesome that loader bot-avatar of yours is not an official avatar, I guess?

  • ah forget about it, that was just me trying too hard to make a conversation XD

    Pipas posted: »

    What do you mean by not official? Grumpy made that for me.

  • I remember before episode 3, how mature we acted because we thought Rhyiona was going to become canon. There was a lot of proof, and the episode 2 ending that mislead us. We acted like, WAY better than Rhyiona did when like 2 people said Rhysha was canon for episode 4. I'm proud of us. We didn't say "Oh rhyiona became canon better spam on forums how much I want Fiona to get killed now" nor did we say anything was going to be forced. Now we're 3/4th of the way to another 100 pages of quality > quantity content. I'm glad I ship Rhysha. We form a good team with smaller numbers. sniffle Salute!!

  • enter image description here

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I remember before episode 3, how mature we acted because we thought Rhyiona was going to become canon. There was a lot of proof, and the epi

  • You know it.

    enter image description here

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I remember before episode 3, how mature we acted because we thought Rhyiona was going to become canon. There was a lot of proof, and the epi

  • Look in the OP.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    what chat are you guys talking about?

  • Your avatar is weird by the way.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    ah forget about it, that was just me trying too hard to make a conversation XD

  • There was a lot of proof, and the episode 2 ending that

    the fuk u talkin bout fam we had shit for proof LMAO

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I remember before episode 3, how mature we acted because we thought Rhyiona was going to become canon. There was a lot of proof, and the epi

  • why thank you, kind sir :3 it's discord, master of chaos, god-like creature whose magic is more powerful than those of princess celestia and princess luna. and those two raise the sun and moon every single day/night

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Your avatar is weird by the way.

  • You have Gortys... their child.... ._.

    Green613 posted: »

    There was a lot of proof, and the episode 2 ending that the fuk u talkin bout fam we had shit for proof LMAO

  • And your beloved sock scene...

    Green613 posted: »

    There was a lot of proof, and the episode 2 ending that the fuk u talkin bout fam we had shit for proof LMAO

  • No, your avatar isn't cut well enough.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    why thank you, kind sir it's discord, master of chaos, god-like creature whose magic is more powerful than those of princess celestia and princess luna. and those two raise the sun and moon every single day/night

  • Did you get lucky? Real lucky?

    No one saw me die I am still alive.

  • pffft

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Daaaamn. Dysentery? Talk about a real 'crappy' way to die! Eh?

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