Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • How majestic!

    Here he is as a hat!

  • Wait... you're not selling yourself as a hat, are you?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Dark times in my home thread.

  • Nope, Poultry saved me.

    armis37 posted: »

    Wait... you're not selling yourself as a hat, are you?

  • 10/10 would definitely wear,and get eaten afterwards-IGN.

    Here he is as a hat!

  • He's a proud one head hat

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Nope, Poultry saved me.

  • Its cute in a sort of rabid creepy sorta way.

    Here he is as a hat!

  • But i like it here :(

    Dracu98 posted: »

    you should run. now. while you still can. run away. run away of this thread, this whole forum. this ain't no place for a hero. aaaaaaand too late. now there's no way to return to your normal life anymore. welcome to your doom

  • He saved me from getting shipped with everyone in the Rhyiona thread -- yes, everyone, that was legit happening there -- so I am thankful.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    He's a proud one head hat

  • Thanks

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Will do.

  • Yep! And in return, I got a headwarmer!

    And hopefully, being attached on my Rhysha-brain, he will understand our ways.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He saved me from getting shipped with everyone in the Rhyiona thread -- yes, everyone, that was legit happening there -- so I am thankful.

  • No problem, it's easier to work with pictures like that.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Omg thank you! Its beautiful!

  • who

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Please don't fall to you know who level

  • Nice, I'm glad you're safe lol

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He saved me from getting shipped with everyone in the Rhyiona thread -- yes, everyone, that was legit happening there -- so I am thankful.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Little update for our new mascot @UmbraCode.

  • Lol you can't even see the islands XD

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Little update for our new mascot @UmbraCode.

  • Yeah i didn't even add them, it was too small. Or @UmbraCode is a dolphin.

    Lol you can't even see the islands XD

  • Yeah our islands are pretty tiny, kinda pointless to add dots. Lol@ dolphin XD, i do swim alot.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Yeah i didn't even add them, it was too small. Or @UmbraCode is a dolphin.

  • I'd like to vacation there one day.

    Do you have a pretty view of the ocean?

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Yeah our islands are pretty tiny, kinda pointless to add dots. Lol@ dolphin XD, i do swim alot.

  • Yay! Our first animal shipper!

    enter image description here

    btw. i forgot to say welcome! i hope you'll like it here... come hang out inzz the chat sumthime...

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Yeah our islands are pretty tiny, kinda pointless to add dots. Lol@ dolphin XD, i do swim alot.

  • Yup, my house is on a hill over looking a cove so i go for a swim every morning. Theres also a really big blue hole that leads to several underwater caves, from atop the hills/sky the blue hole looks beautiful but at the same time terrifying.

    I'd like to vacation there one day. Do you have a pretty view of the ocean?

  • I really wanted to share that video for...reasons...


  • edited August 2015

    Thanks, ive been swimming with/around dolphins(and turtles) ever since i was a child and learned to swim better thanks to them. You could say its like a pack of wolves raising a baby but its dolphins this time around XD

    chat? we have a chat?

    Yay! Our first animal shipper! btw. i forgot to say welcome! i hope you'll like it here... come hang out inzz the chat sumthime...



    UmbraCode posted: »

    Yup, my house is on a hill over looking a cove so i go for a swim every morning. Theres also a really big blue hole that leads to several underwater caves, from atop the hills/sky the blue hole looks beautiful but at the same time terrifying.

  • we sure do, dolphin girl/boy!

    enter image description here

    link is at the top, and i'll PM yu the password if you wanna... :)

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Thanks, ive been swimming with/around dolphins(and turtles) ever since i was a child and learned to swim better thanks to them. You could say its like a pack of wolves raising a baby but its dolphins this time around XD chat? we have a chat?

  • I totally didnt see it that lol. I would appreciate and im a girl btw :)

    we sure do, dolphin girl/boy! link is at the top, and i'll PM yu the password if you wanna...

  • edited August 2015

    np :)

    i sent it to ya

    UmbraCode posted: »

    I totally didnt see it that lol. I would appreciate and im a girl btw

  • More like Intellectual GAYTRY


    I have BL2 and TPS on steam! My steam name is Intellectual Poultry (no underscore)

  • Omfg I'm so jealous right now xD

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Thanks, ive been swimming with/around dolphins(and turtles) ever since i was a child and learned to swim better thanks to them. You could say its like a pack of wolves raising a baby but its dolphins this time around XD chat? we have a chat?

  • What a shame :/

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    WHY would they cut this dialogue?!?!? >:L I demand to know!

  • Omg that was so awesome !!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    WHY would they cut this dialogue?!?!? >:L I demand to know!

  • then you're even more insane than I first thought. or...are those words of bravery coming out of your mouth...? only time will tell...anyways, welcome and have fun here...IN HELL!

    enter image description here

    UmbraCode posted: »

    But i like it here

  • so poulrty is a roman zenturio now? nice

    Here he is as a hat!

  • what...the heck...was that? rhys trying to do a air guitar-solo?

    enter image description here

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    WHY would they cut this dialogue?!?!? >:L I demand to know!

  • Oh you know Green, those guys that quite recently threatened to burn or harm TT because they didn't get what they wanted

    Green613 posted: »


  • Yeah, there's a lot of great dialogue that was cut. :(

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    WHY would they cut this dialogue?!?!? >:L I demand to know!

  • Wow look really neat! You have really good avatar Umbra

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @UmbraCode: That's a lovely picture Btw.

  • shipped with everyone in the Rhyiona thread -

    Some mighty dark things are happening there WolfHat

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He saved me from getting shipped with everyone in the Rhyiona thread -- yes, everyone, that was legit happening there -- so I am thankful.

  • Hell I would love to visit one day, I only saw photos and Bahamas are so beautiful. I bet you have awesome view from your window

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Yeah our islands are pretty tiny, kinda pointless to add dots. Lol@ dolphin XD, i do swim alot.

  • ....I can't even being to express how much I would like to have such view, you're so lucky!

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Yup, my house is on a hill over looking a cove so i go for a swim every morning. Theres also a really big blue hole that leads to several underwater caves, from atop the hills/sky the blue hole looks beautiful but at the same time terrifying.

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