Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • You start playing Telltale games on Pc. As i should be.

    Okay, I have to ask, has anyone noticed that ep 4 hasn't come out on Xbox 1 yet(at least since the recent update)? I've been waiting for it

  • My pleasure ! (your picture was a little pixelated though)

    ch1b1 posted: »


  • It's on mine. Works fine.

    enter image description here

    Okay, I have to ask, has anyone noticed that ep 4 hasn't come out on Xbox 1 yet(at least since the recent update)? I've been waiting for it

  • He probably needs to initiate some sort of download then.

    It's on mine. Works fine.

  • edited August 2015


    enter image description here

    By Edrith-Jack

    enter image description here

    By Clausesart

  • WElp, sorry this is a lil late but can I be the badass Michonne?

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! As some of you probably know already, Grumpy is doing very special project with @nohuhhuh to symbolize our little war on f

  • O.O This is beautiful!! Thank you :D

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • I didn't do much though. Glad you like it.

    DarkStar34 posted: »

    O.O This is beautiful!! Thank you

  • Ok thank you guys for helping me. My console was glitched and Xbox support recommended shutting my Xbox off and loading the game several times, I did so like 6 times...and it caused an update so I can play now!!!! :).

    He probably needs to initiate some sort of download then.

  • Silly Grimnir. That's not me, that's my waifu.

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    I agree with the pink haired, strangely big boobed King here. I wouldn't remove it entirely, leave it for now and see how that goes, we can always change it to Sunday if that would help.

  • enter image description here

    GOOD SHIT INCOMING By Edrith-Jack By Clausesart

  • Enjoy the episode, it's a good one! :D

    Ok thank you guys for helping me. My console was glitched and Xbox support recommended shutting my Xbox off and loading the game several times, I did so like 6 times...and it caused an update so I can play now!!!! .

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015


    enter image description here


    Disney strikes hahah

    enter image description here


  • Here you go guys, I found some Rhysha for you.

    I don't know if you guys have seen this but oh well ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Love that first picture! Nice finds.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Niceeee source Disney strikes hahah source

  • This picture is so comforting. Thanks for sharing. :D

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Here you go guys, I found some Rhysha for you. I don't know if you guys have seen this but oh well ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • I'm MGSV is updating then I can play. :)

  • No problem fam <3

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    This picture is so comforting. Thanks for sharing.

  • Will Governor return tho? I got used to him. :D

    I'm MGSV is updating then I can play.

  • Aight Rhyshas, we'll try to hold an event in Thursdays as well. Soo, expect Team Fortress 2 this Thursday at our usual time. :P

    enter image description here

    Here's the countdown.

    Also I forgot to post poll yesterday, sorry. :D Here it is!

    Poll: What do you want to play on Saturday?

  • Do you think we could search for a different game we could play at events?

    Another one to add to the strawpoll list.

    Pipas posted: »

    Aight Rhyshas, we'll try to hold an event in Thursdays as well. Soo, expect Team Fortress 2 this Thursday at our usual time. :P Here'

  • Probably. This may just be a day long thing.

    Pipas posted: »

    Will Governor return tho? I got used to him.

  • Sure, I'm actually up for changing it up a little bit. If anyone has any game we could play in mind, just let me know! ;)

    Do you think we could search for a different game we could play at events? Another one to add to the strawpoll list.

  • edited September 2015

    Hey I'm new here :3


  • enter image description here

    Welcome to the Rhysha thread and to the forums as well. Hope you'll like it here, Ulysses! :D

    Would you like a Rhysha mark or a place in the map? :)

    Ulysses101 posted: »

    Hey I'm new here AWESOME!

  • first one is pretty awesome

    enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Niceeee source Disney strikes hahah source

  • Welcome ^^

    Ulysses101 posted: »

    Hey I'm new here AWESOME!

  • Sure! Not exactly sure what a "Rhysha mark" is but you can add me to the map, I'm in Philly. If the Rhysha mark is just something cosmetic for this discussion thread then sure why not.

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the Rhysha thread and to the forums as well. Hope you'll like it here, Ulysses! Would you like a Rhysha mark or a place in the map?

  • enter image description here

    welcome to the thread, kiddo!

    Ulysses101 posted: »

    Hey I'm new here AWESOME!

  • It's the "Rhysha" word you can see in some of the members avatars. If you want one, just post a picture of your desired avatar and @GrumpyDof will take care of it. :P

    Ulysses101 posted: »

    Sure! Not exactly sure what a "Rhysha mark" is but you can add me to the map, I'm in Philly. If the Rhysha mark is just something cosmetic for this discussion thread then sure why not.

  • Thank you! Not so bad yourself, meow. That's weird typing it out lol.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    welcome to the thread, kiddo!

  • indeed, typing out "meow" while it's completely out of context is really weird (said the guy who posts pony-gifs and pictures whenever he has the opportunity to do so. because f*ck logic and screw thinking!)

    Ulysses101 posted: »

    Thank you! Not so bad yourself, meow. That's weird typing it out lol.

  • So which is weirder? lol

    Dracu98 posted: »

    indeed, typing out "meow" while it's completely out of context is really weird (said the guy who posts pony-gifs and pictures whenever he has the opportunity to do so. because f*ck logic and screw thinking!)

  • Back from tumblr again! :P

    enter image description here

    enter image description here


  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Back from tumblr again! :P Source

  • Lol I had a dream that sasha kissed rhys. Telltales make it happen please!!

  • edited September 2015

    So I am making an rpg maker game loosely connected (but not really) to Armis and I's fic. Maybe just for hype reasons, but what evs.
    It's not based on our story and will feature an entirely different story about a Hyperion employee (though Rhys and the gang will certainly feature).
    It'll be a while 'til it's made though. Hopefully you'll enjoy it. It's not to be taken seriously and will probably suck, but I'll do my best to give an enjoyable experience.
    enter image description here
    Oh and more importantly, we're about to post our second chapter soon ;D.
    Sorry, the long wait was my fault (or adobe's fault, depending on how you look at it).

  • I wish, though I'm just glad we got the moments we did!

    Telltale would be spoiling us if there was a kiss scene. XD

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Lol I had a dream that sasha kissed rhys. Telltales make it happen please!!

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