Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Just in case if you are a flying bug

    enter image description here

    Dirty Bomb looks best

    Toffe posted: »

    Dirty Bomb looks the best

  • I will never play that game again...I used to feel confident in my skill in shooters...I have never gotten so horribly destroyed in a game before.

    Toffe posted: »

    What about Dirty Bomb?

  • enter image description here

    Then you should try to play as sparks ^^

    Call me Sparks. I heal. I kill. Is ironic paradox. Yadda Yadda -

    I will never play that game again...I used to feel confident in my skill in shooters...I have never gotten so horribly destroyed in a game before.

  • I could barely hold my ground as fragger...I doubt I will do better with anything that has LESS HP

    Toffe posted: »

    Then you should try to play as sparks ^^ Call me Sparks. I heal. I kill. Is ironic paradox. Yadda Yadda -

  • Son, im pretty sure that's how Torgue weapons were in the first game, in the second they focused on damage and only explosive elemental type

    Torgue combines good damage, high fire rate and recoil reduction into one lethal weapon! No Torgue guns that I have ever seen have a high fire rate, but other than that, you guys did an amazing job. Also, my choice would be [Hide].

  • enter image description here

    Toffe posted: »

    Just in case if you are a flying bug Dirty Bomb looks best

  • Interesting, I've never been able to get that far in BL1 (it's just not as fun as the others), but all the Torgue guns from BL2 and TPS(which I've played several times) always had a crappy fire rate, I just assumed it was the same in BL1.

    Son, im pretty sure that's how Torgue weapons were in the first game, in the second they focused on damage and only explosive elemental type

  • I feel you...

    I could barely hold my ground as fragger...I doubt I will do better with anything that has LESS HP

  • Your vote has been noted in the very OFFICIAL noteplace of noting notes.

    Pipas posted: »

    AYY FINALLY! Thanks for another amazing chapter! :P Anyway, I vote [Hide].

  • We look forward to writing more.
    Vote noted.

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    Love the story so far. Looking forward to reading more! [Hide]

  • edited September 2015

    We took that line from official lines Marcus says when advetising.
    Didn't realise it had changed (despite being a BL2 fan, myself). But since the broken gun isn't referred to as being old or new, let's assume Marcus is advertising the CLASSIC varient :D.


    Torgue combines good damage, high fire rate and recoil reduction into one lethal weapon! No Torgue guns that I have ever seen have a high fire rate, but other than that, you guys did an amazing job. Also, my choice would be [Hide].

  • I think your looking for 'knock her up'. CLOSE ENOUGH!!!

    SzymeG posted: »

    [Knock him out] I love this innuend0

  • Handsome Jack: Awwww, it's sweet that you want me to take over this poor sap's body, cupcake! Wait, your an actual cake? What the fuck? Is this some messed up Pandoran mutation, because... if it is... I'm gonna kill you before you can get any of that nasty shit on me. But anyways... vote to knock this fucker out, notedah!

    CraazyCake posted: »

    AAAH ITS HERE! AND ITS SOOO GOOD!!! As for my vote I would go with [Knock Him Out] BRING ON THE HANDSOME RHYS (please)

  • Yup, gearbox made a lot of changes in the guns and their manufacturers back when they were making bl2, in fact, a lot of people seem to hate gearbox for such huge changes, the one i always hear is how they fucked up DALH's guns in the second game, since DALH's guns had very little recoil, good accuracy and that burst fire, but in the second they only focused on the burst fire and not recoil, hence that annoying recoil on the sniper rifles and why do you even need burst fire on a sniper rifle? they're supposed to be one-hit-kill guns.

    And that happened not only on DALH but in the whole rest of manufacturers, for example, S&SE munitions, they only existed in the first game and they were AMAZING. Huge magazine sizes, good fire rate, some elemental weapons and Oh Lord those liquid sniper rifles. However Gearbox decided to eliminate the manufacturer and give their atributtes to the rest of the manufacturers, Jakobs got the fire rate, and the bandit manufacturer was created and took their huge magazines. Tediore didn't reload like they do in the newest games, with the guns exploding and digistructing in your hands, their reloaded faster than the rest of the guns. Hyperion guns were Red and not Yellow, they always had their perfect accuracy, not like in the second game, were their accuracy got better the more you shoot. Eridian guns never appeared in the second game and they were replaced by E tech guns. Vladof didnt had that almost burst fire rate and i think Maliwan weapons are the only one that kept being the same, only their painting was changed. Same with Torgue, their guns were black, and not yellow with green and their black and white squares. So yeah.

    And i agree with you, BL1 is the most serious game of the whole series, it didnt had that huge amount of humor and memes, and it was more focused on the looting.

    Interesting, I've never been able to get that far in BL1 (it's just not as fun as the others), but all the Torgue guns from BL2 and TPS(which I've played several times) always had a crappy fire rate, I just assumed it was the same in BL1.

  • [Knock him out]

    armis37 posted: »

    Jack: “Oh, I know who you’d like to get with in the dark, eh buddy? winks Rhys: facepalms “You’re unbelievable.” Jack: “Who, me? Sweet

  • Your vote hath beeneth notedethhhhh!!!

    [Knock him out]

  • Amazeballz! I knew that it was going to be insane because i saw the sneak peak! :D

    My choice: [Knock him out]

    armis37 posted: »

    Jack: “Oh, I know who you’d like to get with in the dark, eh buddy? winks Rhys: facepalms “You’re unbelievable.” Jack: “Who, me? Sweet

  • edited September 2015

    Dat sneak peek tho'!
    Looks at tally board. Picks up chalk. Adds line to [Knock him out]

    IRunts posted: »

    Amazeballz! I knew that it was going to be insane because i saw the sneak peak! My choice: [Knock him out]

  • Thanh you for nothiching mah vote!!!!

    Your vote hath beeneth notedethhhhh!!!

  • So classic, Its more vintage that a god damn Jakobs pistol ;D

    We took that line from official lines Marcus says when advetising. Didn't realise it had changed (despite being a BL2 fan, myself). But sin

  • edited September 2015

    Hello neighbors! I haven't visited here before and thought "Why not?" So here I am! How's being canon going?

  • Currently pleasant (obviously) but thanks for stopping by!

    Though we Rhyshans still fear the fact that Sasha's fate is unknown. At least Rhyiona knows that Fiona makes it to the end.

    Hello neighbors! I haven't visited here before and thought "Why not?" So here I am! How's being canon going?

  • Hey, we good. How are you doing? :P I wouldn't consider Rhysha canon yet, who knows what will happen in the last episode.

    And with the realization that this'll be the last episode, I made myself sad. ;_;

    Hello neighbors! I haven't visited here before and thought "Why not?" So here I am! How's being canon going?

  • I would drive myself crazy thinking of the possibilities. :P

    Currently pleasant (obviously) but thanks for stopping by! Though we Rhyshans still fear the fact that Sasha's fate is unknown. At least Rhyiona knows that Fiona makes it to the end.

  • I'm doing fine, thanks for asking!

    And yeah, I don't want the series to ever end. I'll miss the threads so much. ;-;

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey, we good. How are you doing? :P I wouldn't consider Rhysha canon yet, who knows what will happen in the last episode. And with the realization that this'll be the last episode, I made myself sad. ;_;

  • Other than potential death, our only other worry is tumblr.

    They hate our ship. XD

    I would drive myself crazy thinking of the possibilities. :P

  • And with the realization that this'll be the last episode, I made myself sad

    at least you arent us LMAO

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey, we good. How are you doing? :P I wouldn't consider Rhysha canon yet, who knows what will happen in the last episode. And with the realization that this'll be the last episode, I made myself sad. ;_;

  • They hate anything that's straight and mainstream. XD

    Once I literally saw a post that said people only ship Rhyiona because it's straight. (Sigh)

    Other than potential death, our only other worry is tumblr. They hate our ship. XD

  • Funny how they advocate rights and representation of people of color and females, and yet when either of these (or both) get in the way of a White man/ White man ship, all the rights and equality seem to go out the window.

    At least both threads here can agree that that is just a load of hypocrisy.

    They hate anything that's straight and mainstream. XD Once I literally saw a post that said people only ship Rhyiona because it's straight. (Sigh)

  • I don't like going around thinking we're canon. As much as I enjoy arrogance, there's always a chance that isn't true.

    But it's nice. Kind of boring without a new episode and school.

    Hello neighbors! I haven't visited here before and thought "Why not?" So here I am! How's being canon going?

  • Johnlock, Destiel, Rhack, Merthur... Need I go on?

    And yes, that is definetly something we can agree on. :)

    Funny how they advocate rights and representation of people of color and females, and yet when either of these (or both) get in the way of a

  • But I mean, you don't just put flowers in their hair and be awkward about it to your friends... I guess what you're saying there is a chance they won't kiss?

    Also yes, school sucks.

    I don't like going around thinking we're canon. As much as I enjoy arrogance, there's always a chance that isn't true. But it's nice. Kind of boring without a new episode and school.

  • Regardless of Rhyiona and Rhysha, they are both healthy interracial relationships involving a WoC.

    The only other WoC in ANY sort of relationship in the Borderlands series was Nisha. With Jack.

    And it's largely debatable over whether it was "healthy."

    So yeah, if either us of get the canon, that's a much needed victory for diversity. :)

    Johnlock, Destiel, Rhack, Merthur... Need I go on? And yes, that is definetly something we can agree on.

  • So good luck! May the best ship win! >:)

    (Or both ships in my opinion. Come on Telltale, hear our plea!)

    Regardless of Rhyiona and Rhysha, they are both healthy interracial relationships involving a WoC. The only other WoC in ANY sort of rela

  • I hope Telltale's way of making things is equal is "putting you on the pedestal" and not bringing us "down to your level."

    One option is nice, the other needlessly cruel. :(

    So good luck! May the best ship win! (Or both ships in my opinion. Come on Telltale, hear our plea!)



    We took that line from official lines Marcus says when advetising. Didn't realise it had changed (despite being a BL2 fan, myself). But sin

  • Wow, that is a lot of changes, I can't believe they changed that much from the original game. Meanwhile, it doesn't seem like they changed anything in TPS except for making Scav weapons instead of Bandit weapons and the laser guns.

    Yup, gearbox made a lot of changes in the guns and their manufacturers back when they were making bl2, in fact, a lot of people seem to hate

  • Who knows what they'll do. Telltale is just a big troll.

    I hope Telltale's way of making things is equal is "putting you on the pedestal" and not bringing us "down to your level." One option is nice, the other needlessly cruel.

  • Yeah, originally Borderlands was going to be a serious, very serious game:

    I can't believe Helena was going to be THAT important

    So the first game had that "serious busissness" feeling, but i suppose they didnt like it and they started adding more comedy and the cel-shading style, you can see the dlcs how freaking hilarious they are compared to the game ((general knoxx dlc im looking at ya)) and eventually they created the Joy that borderlands 2 is ((i just found out the double rainbow easter egg i am seriously dying rn i never heard a robot laugh so much)) and eventually the series grew and TPS appeared, and if you play TPS and then play the first game you will se what im talking about.

    Something that also changed was the loot system. In the first game the final boss only gave like 2 guns, 3 if you are lucky, and they weren't even legendaries, or purple ones,they were moslty green ones, meanwhile you can easily find legendaries in any loot chest in the world, compared to bl2 were the final boss gave i dont even know how many guns and grenade mods, and you always get one legendary from it, but you never got to see legendaries in any chest around the world, so the looting was more competitive in bl2 than the first one, where even Moxxi would give some legendaries in her dlc.

    Yeah i havent played TPS because i dont have the money for it but it seems that the laser guns are pretty much like the Eridian guns in the first game, only that they were pretty much pure energy and or lighting-like energy. But yes the development of the series is huge in every game, and something that i really like from the presequel is how your character interacts with things and people, compared to bl2

    Wow, that is a lot of changes, I can't believe they changed that much from the original game. Meanwhile, it doesn't seem like they changed anything in TPS except for making Scav weapons instead of Bandit weapons and the laser guns.

  • when telltale flips the script for shock value and kills not only rhysha but sasha as well

    enter image description here

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