How did you feel?

edited May 2015 in The Walking Dead

When Luke cracked through the ice? I had to laugh, I really couldn't force myself to care. I know this hit some people in their emotional shit however to me I just see sheer stupidity behind this scene. Running in front of gun fire to begin an emotional artificial seen doesn't work with me, really. I also love how people try to blame Arvo for Luke and the group's stupidity. Luke got himself shot and chose not to walk around the lake like a person with two brain cells to rub together would do. He pulled a Ben lol or no better yet a Vincent Vega. You remember Vincent, right? The Hitman that Travolta played in Pulp Fiction, who ended up dying on the shitter because he was so smacked out of his head and left his gun on the counter while he took a dump

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Any way what got me was that he bragged about some "degree" he got in an actual college but I'm suspicious. What did you think?



  • edited May 2015

    Well to start in my game Luke only ran out into fire to get AJ. I left the child for a reason, why did he have to go and rescue him?

    Anyway, how did I feel? How did I feel? If you could see me now, you'd know how I feel.

    I was shocked, upset, angry. I covered him first but then he died so I went back and helped him instead and still he died. I couldn't help thinking that the choice to help him or cover him was just something to make us more upset. The strangest thing was, I didn't even know I liked Luke or that I was attached to him, all I knew is that I liked his character and he was possibly one of my favourites. It wasn't until he died that I noticed how much I was attached to him.

    Ok, do you want to know exactly how I felt? Because I have thought against posting this for a long time whenever I felt it was appropriate to post it but this thread is sending me over the edge so...

    If you go to 40 minutes and watch to 45 minutes. That is exactly how I felt about the whole situation when it happened.

    what got me was that he bragged about some "degree" he got in an actual college

    Why did that 'get you'? He got a degree, a major and a minor. What is so suspicious about that? Do you not think Luke is smart enough or something?

    Oh god... I'm starting to sound crazy or like an offended fan. I'm not offended or anything, it's early in the morning and I'm just sick of all these Luke threads lately.

  • No, no. Your questions are just. Keep going.

    Kateis posted: »

    Well to start in my game Luke only ran out into fire to get AJ. I left the child for a reason, why did he have to go and rescue him? Anyw

  • My questions are just, what?

    No, no. Your questions are just. Keep going.

  • Why did that 'get you'? He got a degree, a major and a minor. What is so suspicious about that? Do you not think Luke is smart enough or something?

    Luke during the later episodes was kind of dumb and reckless. Trying to steal food from a stronghold surrounded by guards, having sex while supposed to be patrolling, running in front of gun fire and not walking around the lake to prevent the ice from cracking. I'm curious on how you can say these things scream intelligence.

    Kateis posted: »

    Well to start in my game Luke only ran out into fire to get AJ. I left the child for a reason, why did he have to go and rescue him? Anyw

  • Time to defend Luke!

    how you can say these things scream intelligence.

    It's called mistakes. It proves he's human. Plus they're degrees it proves he's smart academically but that doesn't mean he's good a survival and so on.

    Trying to steal food from a stronghold surrounded by guards

    He was kind of stupid for doing that but as he put it: "I got reckless tryin' to steal some food and I got caught..." He even says he got reckless so yeah he got reckless in later episodes but he risked it all for a biscuit... uh I mean some food.

    having sex while supposed to be patrolling

    To be honest this made me hate Luke... for a couple of days. Maybe there were better times for him to do that but how was he supposed to know everything was going to happen right at the time he had sex with Jane. I mean he said it was 'like ten minutes' and then after Mike questions it he says "it wasn't ten minutes". But, he's a man after all, can we really blame him? (ok maybe we can but to be honest did anyone die? No. and no Sarah doesn't count).

    running in front of gun fire

    I think the writers were just trying to come up with a way for him to get shot if you got AJ so in that case Luke is determinately stupid because my Luke rescued AJ. Anyway I think that Luke wanted to try and be 'the hero' of the situation so he wanted to get the guy but got shot in the process.

    not walking around the lake to prevent the ice from cracking.

    That isn't entirely his fault. Other people could have suggested walking around. But Luke does say he doesn't see a way around. And Arvo says it's ok so why wouldn't they trust a guy that just tried to rob them. So in that case it was the whole group that was stupid not Luke. And we don't know everyone's background so we don't know how much they know about ice.

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    Maybe he was lying here as well.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Why did that 'get you'? He got a degree, a major and a minor. What is so suspicious about that? Do you not think Luke is smart enough or som

  • Why did that 'get you'? He got a degree, a major and a minor. What is so suspicious about that? Do you not think Luke is smart enough or something?

    These questions are just. Justified. Justly?? idk

    Kateis posted: »

    My questions are just, what?

  • Maybe he was lying here as well

    Most definitely. I'd like to think we've seen intelligent survivors in the TWD, The Cabin Group isn't in this circle.

    Kateis posted: »

    Time to defend Luke! how you can say these things scream intelligence. It's called mistakes. It proves he's human. Plus they'r

  • Maybe not but out of everyone in the Cabin Group. Pete and Luke were definitely the smartest.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Maybe he was lying here as well Most definitely. I'd like to think we've seen intelligent survivors in the TWD, The Cabin Group isn't in this circle.

  • Maybe Pete or Rebecca (at least she knew her limits with her physical condition) Luke and Carlos are ehh...

    Kateis posted: »

    Maybe not but out of everyone in the Cabin Group. Pete and Luke were definitely the smartest.

  • How did you feel when Luke cracked through the ice?

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    I felt like Kenny ಠ_ಠ

    And this has been me ever since:

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    Also I hate lakes now, and that's bad, considering I just came back from the Lake District after a trip with family.

  • Also I hate lakes now

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    How could you hate a lake?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    How did you feel when Luke cracked through the ice? I felt like Kenny ಠ_ಠ And this has been me ever since: Also I hate lakes now, and that's bad, considering I just came back from the Lake District after a trip with family.

  • I just watched that bit with the lake and the minutes after T.T you poor thing, I heard you sighing a lot.

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    I am so, so glad I wussed out after reading a review and checked up the finale online and didn't go into the episode blind or it would've been worse actually having to go through the shock while playing like you did. Hell I'm friggin glad I didn't decide to record my reaction to the episode like I was reaaaaally considering doing, or I think I might've bailed and stopped.

    Kateis posted: »

    Well to start in my game Luke only ran out into fire to get AJ. I left the child for a reason, why did he have to go and rescue him? Anyw

  • edited May 2015

    I talked about him a lot during the credits and even mentioned wanting to see his dead body. When Jane was talking at the end I interrupted and said I wished Luke was there. Just thinking about it is making me sigh more. I wanna cry Lilac... it's hard, he's dead...

    It hurt, the shock and everything. I had no idea what to feel or what I was feeling since before Luke's death I was as cold as... ice... oh... But I never cried at any death. It took Luke (and Kenny) to break me.

    It would have been cool to see your reaction, I sometimes watch back over my video just to laugh at my reaction but then the laughter reduces to tears... :(

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just watched that bit with the lake and the minutes after T.T you poor thing, I heard you sighing a lot. I am so, so glad I wussed

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    There's a different between actual stupidity, and writing-induced stupidity

    A character like Duck is intended to be dumb by design. He's written with the intent of not being the sharpest tool in the shed

    Luke and Carlos are characters intended by design to be bright individuals, but the writing failed to support that claim with the events that followed

    Clemenem posted: »

    Maybe Pete or Rebecca (at least she knew her limits with her physical condition) Luke and Carlos are ehh...

  • So blame the writers? It's no secret how I felt about the writing in Season 2 but his stupidity was consistent for 3 episodes. You can only blame it on bad writing for so long

    Deltino posted: »

    There's a different between actual stupidity, and writing-induced stupidity A character like Duck is intended to be dumb by design. He's

  • Even though I agree with you. I think we need to stop blaming the writing and start to interpret what that means for the character and how the writers have in fact presented them.

    Deltino posted: »

    There's a different between actual stupidity, and writing-induced stupidity A character like Duck is intended to be dumb by design. He's

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Presentation might be a better way to put it

    It's hard to say it's actually caused by writing as much as it is the presentation. There's a dissonance between what's intended of a character's behavior, and what's actually shown of the character's behavior. There's all kinds of characters intended by design to be interpreted one way, but the presentation casts them in a light contrary to that

    Kateis posted: »

    Even though I agree with you. I think we need to stop blaming the writing and start to interpret what that means for the character and how the writers have in fact presented them.

  • edited May 2015

    Well you know how I feel about the finale. I was so upset and disappointed that at the time I posted that thread 'I'm not getting Season 3' where it was mostly me being emotional saying how I didn't like how the final decision shaped out [you know the whole Kenny vs Jane. I kept thinking the first time I saw it 'this feels really out of place, it doesn't work, it should be Luke in this not Jane' ] and that Telltale had hecked up....and I think I said lot of sorries about not liking it too XD some people really hated me it was kinda funny. Now I just write me widdle fic, to help write out my feeeels. But trust me you wouldn't have wanted to see my reaction.

    And aaaaaw, you got so sad over Kenny too T.T I think I cried when he had to leave Clem and AJ at Wellington; that was a darn well done scene, and seeing Lee ;_;

    Kateis posted: »

    I talked about him a lot during the credits and even mentioned wanting to see his dead body. When Jane was talking at the end I interrupted

  • What did you think?

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    It was fucking stupid as fuck. So avoidable that when he was a corpse underwater and Bonnie immerged from the ice after he died, I... damn lake sucks. And the thing is, I didn't even really like Luke or anything, just the fact the situation could've been avoided like twelve times. And I knew somebody would die on the dumb thing, so when Luke was pulling the rear I was like "yup, it's him. Is it him? It's him."

  • edited May 2015

    I was surprised, but at the same time, I wasn't. They made it too obvious someone was going to fall through, and I had a feeling Luke was screwed one way or another since he got shot in the leg. Shitty way to go for a decent guy, even though I found him extremely bland character-wise.

  • edited May 2015

    Everyone knows how I felt about this by now.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You loved it. Man you constantly type our eyes off with how much you praise the scene almost as much as you say you don't want to see Clem in season 3.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone knows how I felt about this by now.

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    You loved it. Man you constantly type our eyes off with how much you praise the scene almost as much as you say you don't want to see Clem in season 3.

  • I thought Luke was boring and generic, no noticeable character traits that didn't feel cliche. Nick and Sarah and to an extent Rebecca were the only Cabin group members i thought were interesting and not bland. So when Luke fell down that lake, i thought to myself that I was surprised it didnt happen sooner

  • "Luke got himself shot" - Yeah I know, saving a baby or trying to help the group from not dying must mean he "got himself shot".

    Also I felt bad when he fell through the ice, and it was terrible what happened to him.

  • edited May 2015

    or trying to help the group from not dying must mean he "got himself shot".

    Yup. He ran in front of gun fire while safely behind cover with Clem and the baby while a dumbass wastes his ammo shooting a rock aimlessly. It was entirely his fault

    HarjKS posted: »

    "Luke got himself shot" - Yeah I know, saving a baby or trying to help the group from not dying must mean he "got himself shot". Also I felt bad when he fell through the ice, and it was terrible what happened to him.

  • The guy wasn't shooting when Luke wanted to run. He shot once he saw Luke already running.

    Clemenem posted: »

    or trying to help the group from not dying must mean he "got himself shot". Yup. He ran in front of gun fire while safely behind cover with Clem and the baby while a dumbass wastes his ammo shooting a rock aimlessly. It was entirely his fault

  • Don't care. He should have waited, besides the other guy had ammo and was firing. He should have listened, its hard to feel bad for someone who gets them selves in a bad position with multiple times to prevent it.

    The guy wasn't shooting when Luke wanted to run. He shot once he saw Luke already running.

  • Yep he got reckless, that's what happens when emotions take over.


  • I thought it was the result of wrong decision-making, so I replayed this scene with angry look on my face.

  • Yeah, guess you're right.

    luke wtf

    Clemenem posted: »

    Don't care. He should have waited, besides the other guy had ammo and was firing. He should have listened, its hard to feel bad for someone who gets them selves in a bad position with multiple times to prevent it.

  • I didn't care because I was still angry about what happened to Nick.

  • I felt my heart drop. (No I was not high i actually felt sad during this scene.)

  • Ah, I see. I'll remember to notify you, since you seem to be an expert on strategic manoeuvre when people are shooting at you

    Clemenem posted: »

    Don't care. He should have waited, besides the other guy had ammo and was firing. He should have listened, its hard to feel bad for someone who gets them selves in a bad position with multiple times to prevent it.

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