Episode 5 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/Xbox 360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • We could go free Moat Cailin (I think that's what it is called, I've forgotten) from the Greyjoys

    Well I guess that the storyline of us helping stannis defeat the boltons is out of the picture now. I wonder what season 2 is going to be about now?

  • edited June 2015

    Agreed, did you see that Kings landing scene in episode 4? That was fantastic, remember to not be bloody dramatic, because Mira is just getting started. But you are also sadly right, because when you start to become likable, it never, ever, ever ends well.

    She is getting more interesting, more badass, more likeable... you know what that means

  • That is what I figure, poor old Rodrik fighting at Winterfell, being cut down by the fucker that killed his younger brother. If so, well I might not have any eyes left after the tears have stopped.

  • The writers love to feed on our feelings.

    Agreed, did you see that Kings landing scene in episode 4? That was fantastic, remember to not be bloody dramatic, because Mira is just get

  • Does the show ever mention Stannis getting the help of the northern clans (I haven't been watching the show)? Or do we assume that he does from the line in the book?

    Well I guess that the storyline of us helping stannis defeat the boltons is out of the picture now. I wonder what season 2 is going to be about now?

  • Very very true. They still hang in the balance for now, but next season will likely be season 5, and I can already see them getting the letter to join Stannis, and joining because that is the only hope they have. The final choice is to either desert and forever be branded as an oathbreaking house that is eventually hunted down by the Bolton's, because what place do they have to go? Or sticking with Stannis and dying to the last man fighting those fuckers. If given the choice, i'll gladly stand with Stannis and die, its a quicker death, and we get to take some of those monsters with us.

    After Season 5's finale, I guess the Forrester's fate truly hangs in the balance...

  • Yep, and I can't blame them honestly. I write a few stories in my spare time, and I am the same way, you have to be fairly cold hearted in order to write stories like GOT.

    The writers love to feed on our feelings.

  • I'd say most of the voice overs for Episode 6 are wrapping out now. My educated guess would be Episode 5 is released in about 5 weeks and Episode 6 about a month after that!

  • Safe guess, the last episode never takes that much time.

    I'd say most of the voice overs for Episode 6 are wrapping out now. My educated guess would be Episode 5 is released in about 5 weeks and Episode 6 about a month after that!

  • "mira forrester has left the booth"

    pls don't die mira!

  • They never directly state it so I guess it is just an assumption that they help him.

    Does the show ever mention Stannis getting the help of the northern clans (I haven't been watching the show)? Or do we assume that he does from the line in the book?

  • She wont...as long Tom is protecting her, if Tom fails he could be killed by his "boss". Because thats Tom's mission to protect Mira.

    Alexandria posted: »

    "mira forrester has left the booth" pls don't die mira!

  • Deepwood Motte? House Glover's keep is Deepwood. Moat Cailin is in the neck. I get them mixed up a lot.

    We could go free Moat Cailin (I think that's what it is called, I've forgotten) from the Greyjoys

  • No they just drown people.

    Considering the insanity that happens in the North, might as well move to the Iron Islands. Raping, Ravaging and Pillaging doesn't sound so bad now. The Ironborns are brutal, but at least they won't burn and flay people.

  • edited June 2015

    Rodrik cannot die!

    Rodrik is love.. Rodrik is life.. Lol.

    P.S. What other character can I play the lord on.. Give orders.. :P

    That is what I figure, poor old Rodrik fighting at Winterfell, being cut down by the fucker that killed his younger brother. If so, well I might not have any eyes left after the tears have stopped.

  • Assumption, we are just assuming the Northern clans helped Stannis, its never stated, but nothing really contradicts that part either, could have happened off camera.

    They never directly state it so I guess it is just an assumption that they help him.

  • Considering how extremely painful burning and flaying are, I think to be killed by drowning is the least painful.

    No they just drown people.

  • edited June 2015

    Edit: Wrong thread. Oops.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I think you got the wrong thread.

    quinnics posted: »

    Edit: Wrong thread. Oops.

  • That what I was thinking.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think you got the wrong thread.

  • edited June 2015

    never mind

    quinnics posted: »

    Edit: Wrong thread. Oops.

  • Gotta admit they are some pretty cool facts though.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think you got the wrong thread.

  • Hope we get to see White Walkers in this episode.

    If there's something Telltale does well, it's the undead :)

    Hope they're as scary as in the show!

  • edited June 2015

    Oops, sorry. I had two tabs open at the time. I'll edit it now!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think you got the wrong thread.

  • Eh, I'd prefer being faced with the sword, its the most heroic and possibly painless depending on where you got hit. Drowning is next least awful, but I still don't want that. Burning is pretty horrible and not quick enough for my taste. And then flaying... oh god I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, that has to be the worst way to die. I can't think of any, except maybe getting lobotomized, but that isn't very likely in this series. Just, god fucking hell, having your skin peeled off slowly makes my skin crawl at the thought. I'd take burning over flaying any day.

    Considering how extremely painful burning and flaying are, I think to be killed by drowning is the least painful.

  • Yeah that's what I meant, thanks. They could definitely do that imo

    Deepwood Motte? House Glover's keep is Deepwood. Moat Cailin is in the neck. I get them mixed up a lot.

  • Just commenting so this thread will show up in my alertlist..

  • Hey guys, if you don't have GoT yet, want a Steam version, know someone who wants it, etc., it's 50% off on Steam for the next ~2 hours and 40 minutes!

  • But there are only 30 days in this month.

    unseenclass posted: »

    it will be the 31st of this month. You heard it here first!

  • You fuck potatoes?

    I swear to god if episode 5 of this comes out before episode 3 of Tales From The Borderlands I will punch a f**king potato in the face.

  • edited June 2015

    i bought this and i have to say it's pretty awesome. cant wait for episode 5.. btw , since this is a multi-year, multi-title partnership.. does it mean we'll have season 2 in fall 2015 , early 2016 ?

  • Definitely not in 2015. My guess would be mid-to-late 2016.

    GCardoso posted: »

    i bought this and i have to say it's pretty awesome. cant wait for episode 5.. btw , since this is a multi-year, multi-title partnership.. does it mean we'll have season 2 in fall 2015 , early 2016 ?

  • I would say Season 2 in late 2016. But I'm worried that with everything Telltale is doing they might not make one, so I hope that in that case they at least make a Mini-Series (I have to say I actually really like the idea of these Mini-Series, there's a lot of potential for different types of ones)

    GCardoso posted: »

    i bought this and i have to say it's pretty awesome. cant wait for episode 5.. btw , since this is a multi-year, multi-title partnership.. does it mean we'll have season 2 in fall 2015 , early 2016 ?

  • Well I say end of July is realese

  • edited June 2015


    Xemnes posted: »

    Well I say end of July is realese

  • I think it's mid or end of august

    Xemnes posted: »

    Well I say end of July is realese

  • Yay. If that's true, then I'll be in for an amazing year of Telltale (both Thrones and Marvel game)

  • Do you guys think what happened in Season 5 of the Tv-show will affect the game and the Forrester's story?

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