What if Lee had been white?
How do you think S1 would've been different?
Like for example, would different voice actor have played Lee, and if so, who do you think would've been a good choice, aside from Dave Fennoy?
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a racist!
And this is NOT intended to spark racism, so let's please keep racist comments out of this.
This is just merely a hypothetical question.
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Then Kenny wouldn't have made that urban joke.
I think a if lee would've been white, they should rename the character Bruce. Bruce is just a strong name. And instead of him being a school teacher, have him be a ocean oil ridge crew man, who left his family, tries to find them, but they are already dead.
In despair, nothing to live for, he sees Clem running away from walkers. He reluctant to save her and keeps drinking his whiskey. But he hears her screams, and he suddenly remembers his family.
He sobers up, and kills the walkers that are chasing Clem.
Shortly, he passes out from exhaustion and from the liquor that he consumed.
Two hours later, wakes up in Clem's house, With Clem given him some water and some crackers.
(Bruce waking from the couch)
Clem: Are you ok?
(still drunk and depressed)
Bruce:My...Family.They're-- they're...Gone. Why did I bother to save you! I'm no good to my own family, Myself, or any one! And soon everyone you care about is going. to. die!!!
( curls into a ball)
( Bruce lightens his tone and feels guilty, takes a knee to speak to clem at eye level)
Bruce:Where's your family, honey?
( Clems cries lighten)
Clem: They went to Savanna.
(Bruce surprised because of the distance)
Bruce: Damn, Savanna!
(Clem face paused, waiting another tear)
--Is Where we need to go.Let's, get the address. we'll leave in the morning at first light. Honey,-- we will find your family---.
There on Bruce and Clem set of on there trip to savanna and face obstacles, such as, Bandits. And find other groups alone the ways
Interesting Concept!
Personally, here's my concept.
Instead of Lee, the man's name is David.
And instead of a school teacher, he's a former Marine, having served in Desert Storm.
After he was discharged, he took a job as a construction worker.
Was sent to prison for unintentional manslaughter, and served 5 years.
Due to his military training and his war experience, David was a formidable warrior, and was able to take care of himself.
Though able to take care of himself, he often times witnessed as new inmates became victims of abuse, and though he felt sorry for them, he knew that if he stepped in and tried to help, that that would make him a target.
Seeing these things hardened him.
After he was released, he took a job as a garbage man.
And though he was still a friendly man, due to his time in prison, he mainly looked after himself.
He would still help others from time-to-time, but his main concern was himself.
He was walking home from work when the apocalypse hit.
Being chased by Walkers, he spent the entire night avoiding them, eventually seeking refuge in Clementine's house.
After meeting Clementine, and finding out that she was alone and that her parents were in Savannah, David volunteered to look after her until they found them.
Not only did he feel compassion for her, but in some ways he saw this as a shot at redemption, a chance to redeem himself from the self-centered person he had become.
Realizing that they needed to get out of Atlanta, after finding a couple of backpacks in the house and filling them with some supplies.
The next morning, after David hotwired a pickup truck, the two drove north along the highway toward Macon, where David's parents were from.
After about two hours on the road, they ran out of gas.
Now on foot, the two walked for several hours until they came to a old farm, owned by a man named Herschel Greene.
After having asked to stay for the night, the two met A man named Kenny and his wife and son.
Finding out that the they were heading for Macon, David decided to hitch a ride with them.
After Hershel's son was killed by walkers the next day, Hershel threw them off his land.
With nowhere else to go, the group of 5 piled into Kenny's old pickup and began heading toward Macon.
He'd have made it to season 3
He wouldn't have been arrested.
So true lol.
There might have been less people assuming Clementine was his daughter. Obviously, she could still be for a variety of reasons, but there was an active effort to make Clementine look like she was Lee's daughter.
Maybe Larry wouldn't be as much of a prick towards him. While not overtly racist, there are a few things Larry says that kind of go in that direction, but more than that I also have a hard time believing that Lee would say that to Mark just to talk shit about Larry. If he thinks Larry's a racist bastard, he's probably got good reason to think so.
Every single character except for Clementine and Andre (who barely counts) in the first two episodes and most of three would have been white, finally changing when Omid and Christa showed up.
Other than that, I can't really think of anything that'd be all that different story-wise as a result of him being white rather than black, assuming that he's still a university professor arrested for killing a state senator. Having a different background and situation would just mean the character is fundamentally different from the Lee we know, regardless of his skin color.
nothing would have been different other than the voice actor
No Dave Fennoy, that's about it. Oh and no urban.
Thought this was a parody joke thread poking fun at the 'what if clementine had been a boy'.
Oh dear.
but, to Lee's (or the writer's) credit, Lee was a university professor and his crime was not gang/drug related
not necessarily. The guy who does the voice for Russell is white, so they could've used Dave Fennoy
Nothing more to say:
I think Bryan Cranston would've been an excellent choice to voice Lee, if Lee had been white.
Pretty much this, i don't really think it would of made the game any different for me. Not Racist. I'm half and half, so this whole obsession about race to me is weird TBH.
it would be funny seeing Lee/Cranston get mad at Clementine and throw a pizza on a roof xD
''do you want some sweet pea?''
''....urgghh,nah it has anchovies''
'''....motherf##ker..(throws pizza on mansion roof)
Absolutely nothing, him being black has absolutely no importance to the story whatsoever.
Seriously if you make him white absolutely nothing changes aside from the urban comment.
100% agree.
This. Same with gender, all that changes is the gender of the spouse and senator.
The more I think about it the gender of the spouse doesn't have to change as Lee's sexuality isn't important.
Well sure but i was thinking in terms of, lee is a straight black man, and whether it would be different if he were a straight black woman.
Oh okay.
What a moronic thread.
It is absolutely exact. It is absolutely nothing on impact!
I even remember that Telltale talked about it in an interview at the beginning of 2013.
Apart from having a nephew who can't shoot for shit, he'd be no different. Also there can only be ONE Dave Fennoy!
I think instead of them going to Hershel's farm, as part of proof that they are canoned with the walking dead comics, they should of went to Whireshire estates, before it was over run, just to give that place a backstory.
I think people thinking that she is lee dad would change. Also, he would lose the voice.
Bonus question to contribute to this thread:
What would happen if Clementine was white and Lee still black? How would the others treat her especially Larry knowing that Mark thought he was a racist?
Would Larry still threaten Lee and say: ''If anything happens to that little girl, you bet your ass I'll be the first to deal with you!''
I mentioned Hershel's farm in my story, because it's where we meet Kenny, who does have a significant impact on S1 and S2.
Respectfully, both to Mr Fennoy, and to you, there are many other talented actors out there with unique sounding voices.
I don't get why the voice actor would have to change; Fennoy voiced Bluebeard, who is white.
but it's not canon. It takes place in the comic walking dead universe, but it's not canon to the comic series story
Whireshire is canon. Rick and them spent a night there early in outbreak before going to Hershel's farm. Also, the place was mentioned in the Walking Dead novel series: The Rise of the Governor Part 1
I think Van Diesel would be awesome
I just thought it would be a better place because I gives would closer bonding time with Clem because it would just be you and her. Instead of sharing screen time with Kenny. I think Kenny should've been introduced when you met Lily. So, your a mediator of the group conflict.
i meant the game isnt canon to the comics
Of course the game the game is cannoned with the comics. Why do we have a skinny Hershel and Glen? Also, the police officer mentions the story of Thomas, who is a prisoner in the comics that kills women, to lee.