I dont even watch the show since its just garbage i hope i dont have to watch it to understand this fucking thing -.- . really not sure about this im just hoping its good
Michonne........Oh well 3 episodes. Just hope this plays into season 3 because there is a chance season 1 and 2 characters will appear. They said not centred on not they're not in at all
Michonne........Oh well 3 episodes. Just hope this plays into season 3 because there is a chance season 1 and 2 characters will appear. They said not centred on not they're not in at all
I'll admit I don't read the comic, and haven't seen the television show past episode 1, so I'm not familiar with her. But, it should be interesting to follow someone from the comic beyond the short appearances of Glen and Herschel in season 1.
This seems so fucking fantastic.
havent read the comics. all i know is that she's a very boring in the show
Michonne Mini Series!
Can't wait!
It is the dlc of s2,waste of time.No haip.
She is @wdfan ur in for a treat
It would have been cooler if we played as Paul Monroe
I have good expectations, don't know why people are so upset about it :P
I dont even watch the show since its just garbage i hope i dont have to watch it to understand this fucking thing -.- . really not sure about this im just hoping its good
Me three @amazingaura01 shes amazing in tv series and comics
hmmmmmmmmmm... i'm sceptical about this.
I don't recall them saying it would tie into season 3.
i am so disappointed, i don't like michonne...
Probably wont just like 400 days
I like Michonne, i'm excited about this
Pretty "meh" announcement to me. I thought they would introduce a new character or something.
Oh yeah, this is going to be interesting.
I don't watch the show or read the comics, so this announcement was a waste of time for me.
Hell Yeah!
Wait so is that it?
Same, in the comics (not as much in the show though)
well... im going to love to play the game. but im desapointed.
You should, the comics are much better than the show.
or we could have played as magna and her group
Meh... I'm indifferent.
Is that it from Telltale on E3? Will there be more?
Same here!
You should read the comics and watch only the first season of the show, in my opinion it only goes downhill after the clusterfuck that is season 2.
The same Michonne that sucked off that black guy?
Actually if you're a non show watcher and non comic reader this might be better for you since you won't know what happens.
Hey, that's pretty cool. Michonne isn't exactly my most favorite character, but I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out.
I'll admit I don't read the comic, and haven't seen the television show past episode 1, so I'm not familiar with her. But, it should be interesting to follow someone from the comic beyond the short appearances of Glen and Herschel in season 1.
Hell Yeah!
is michonne a well liked character from the comics or something? are most people going to be happy with her?
really dissapointed. Much rather had played kenny or Christa during their time away.
looks like it, yeah
I do as well, this is great and awesome news, can't wait.
I'm honestly not sure of what to think of this.
Well then, that was definitely worth all this hype xD
Everything is better than Michonne. Her character was too explored. We don't need more her.