Wait a sec.... You are trying to tell me Jane didnt try to also kill Kenny? I mean go watch the fight. Kenny first pushed her on a wall then she started to punch him, then cutt his stomach open, then push his eyes in... Ya Jane is a good person 100% and didnt also try to kill Kenny. She pulled the knife out!
he's never ever used a baby to drive any of his personal selfish agendas.
No. Instead the worst thing he's ever done is murder somebody over a lie. The worst thing Jane's ever done is tell that lie.
There is alot of debt in here and Im just gunna say my point of view... The Kenny vs Jane fight, the one fight that starts every war on these pages. I always see comments like "Jane only told a lie, Kenny tried to kill her!" But from what I saw from the fight she tried to kill him, she cut his stomach open and pushed his eyes in. Like she pulled the knife out! She did! But then again these debts don't matter. Because everyone played the game differently. We all like different characters because of the choices and dialogue we all picked. So if you have a different opinion on the Kenny vs Jane fight I understand. We all have different thoughts and its what makes these games great.
Not to start a debate, but what if that person was your brother trying to kill another person who got someone else killed you cared about?Why kill your brother to save a guilty killer?
I mean if it was like two random people, sure, but the 'right' thing to do isn't always as easy as you are making it out to be.
It is still the right thing to do. If someone is trying to Murder someone in front of you, the Right thing to do is to help the victim.
Why is that even in question?
Lol you haven't been inside of Wellington. You have no idea what it's like in there. Edith may have been nice, but she was just one person. … moreWho's to say Wellington doesn't have other evils lurking within? They could have a system of slavery, like Carver's camp did. They could have a dictatorship system. You don't know what's in Wellington; I don't know; nobody knows. We won't know until season 3.
You say this in a way as if Kenny knew exactly what she was doing. That he killed her because she lied and not because he thought she wasn't lying.
On the contrary, as Kenny himself said, if at any point Jane revealed her lie and said that Alvin was fine Kenny would've stopped.
And While Kenny was going to kill her for killing AJ, Jane was going to kill Kenny because...........I still can't figure out what her reason was. Besides the whole "Kenny is dangerous, ooooooo, spooky"
he's never ever used a baby to drive any of his personal selfish agendas.
No. Instead the worst thing he's ever done is murder somebody over a lie. The worst thing Jane's ever done is tell that lie.
Ah, so I or you should kill my/your best friend, my/your brother, my/your sister, my/your father, my/your mother or whatever because they are trying to kill someone I've know for a few days? Hell no. If Jane never did that stupid plan, everything would have been fine. If this game had realistic events, AJ would have died in the car by now and it would have been all Jane's fault.
It is still the right thing to do. If someone is trying to Murder someone in front of you, the Right thing to do is to help the victim.
Why is that even in question?
All right this Kenny vs Jane thing is getting out of control, well it went out of control a long time ago, to be honest Jane was wrong, who the hell hides a baby with the hability to cry and attract walkers in a car, alone, in a storm, many will say "but he was locked", but walkers could break the window and well you don't want me to write the rest, Kenny's behaviour was a natural thing, honestly if someone, hides my baby in that situation i would have gone full shane+full kenny+full rick+full governor, and im sure jane fans would too, yeah Kenny did horrible things in the past but it was for the sake of his group and family while jane did it for her own sake, and if she was really thinking about clem well, she could have stopped the fight it's obvious she wanted to kill kenny.
Clem shooting Kenny wasn't murder; it was self-defense on behalf of another: Jane. (Look it up.) Alternately if Jane was the one with the knife about to plunge into Kenny's chest, then Clem shooting Jane would be self-defense on behalf of Kenny.
Jane did not want to kill Kenny from the beginning of the fight.
If you stay silent during the fight, she says:
Giving Kenny the o… moreption to leave. (Jane's dialogue is in orange, Kenny's is in green.) Notice that this dialogue is not determinate; she will say this in everyone's playthrough if you don't talk over her. (And not that it means much, but I feel the need to point out the gif you provided is indeed determinate dialogue, only occurring if you say, "Jane...back off!")
The one good thing I will say about the fight scene is that, in the beginning at least, the physical actions of Jane/Kenny was incredibly well choreographed, in that the intentions of each action by each character were very vague. Even if the set-up of hiding AJ is stupid as crap, if you break down every single swing or punch or kick, and look through at who's saying what, you can't really pin any action and blame it on either character with any certainty sayi… [view original content]
Because I couldn't watch her die. I've said this in a different thread but , I knew exactly what Jane was doing as soon as she said Clem's gotta trust her. I knew AJ was fine, and that Jane was going to try and get a rise out of Kenny. So I did what Jane said and stayed out of it. Maybe more of a referee, I didn't want anyone to get a leg up and deal a fatal blow. But once Jane got stabbed and Clem opened her wound, I knew shit was getting out of hand. So I elected to end it. And imo, Jane could've stopped fighting, Kenny couldn't.
Kenny is not worse then Jane, She faked the baby's death to do what cause a fight where she has an equal chance of getting killed? Kenny los… moret his family and he just wants to protect AJ so that the thing that happened to his family doesn't happen to AJ. Yes, Kenny gets angry sometimes when he shouldn't, but come on Kenny has been through a lot more than everyone, except Clementine. Kenny is tired of things going the wrong way and all he wants to do is try to make it right. He said that he didn't raise duck very well and he was going to raise AJ very well.
No reason really but I will say.... I chose Kenny cause he never had to lie to make an argument. Anyone who has to prove a point the way she felt she had to, is probably a liar in general. At least you knew Kenny from before, even if it was not for a long time.
I told Jane to save Sarah, but she was a big bitch.
If you told Jane to save Sarah then she helps save her, so no its not Jane's fault that Sarah died.
You make some good points, but
He said that he didn't raise duck very well and he was going to raise AJ very well.
No. He said… more he didn't trust himself anymore to raise AJ and Clem. If you choose to go with Kenny, it's against Kenny's judgment for you to come.
Not to start a debate, but what if that person was your brother trying to kill another person who got someone else killed you cared about?Wh… morey kill your brother to save a guilty killer?
I mean if it was like two random people, sure, but the 'right' thing to do isn't always as easy as you are making it out to be.
Ah, so I or you should kill my/your best friend, my/your brother, my/your sister, my/your father, my/your mother or whatever because they ar… moree trying to kill someone I've know for a few days? Hell no. If Jane never did that stupid plan, everything would have been fine. If this game had realistic events, AJ would have died in the car by now and it would have been all Jane's fault.
As i stated above, if my brother (sister, mother, lover, best friend) were trying to kill someone i would step in.
I never said i would kill them, just that i would stop them.
By any means i had at my disposal short of murder.
Hopefully the fact that i am in their 'circle of trust' would help them consider my position and what i had to say. If not They wouldn't be in MY circle anymore. No matter who the fuck they were.
By any means i had at my disposal short of murder.
Hopefully the fact that i am in their 'circle of trust' would help them consider my position and what i had to say. If not They wouldn't be in MY circle anymore. No matter who the fuck they were.
Are you the Aron Dracula on Youtube that has been having a fight with me about whether Jane left Jamie to die because she saw her as dead weight or not? Dude, You don't just call girls a Bitch, Fictional or not, that's rude and Unacceptable. I bet you've made mistakes in your life, I bet you hurt someone, So what If I just walked up to you and said all these bad things about you, and then went to go Be the Lap dog of a Stupid Redneck with a Mustache? Wouldn't feel to good if the roles were reversed, Now would it?
You know, I'm getting real tired of these Kenny vs. Jane things. Look, either way, For that whole Mess, Kenny was to Blame, and Jane was to Blame, Neither one of them did more than the other, It just happened. Jane and Kenny are both Great people in their own rights, They Both have a Good story, they Both Fight for what they Believe is right, they both Do what they think the smart thing is, (Even though what Jane does is smarter.), and They both Care so much about Clementine. and I've been hearing Shit from a certain someone on the Forum that Jane never said that Jamie wanted to die, and I've been hearing shit from Another certain somebody that Kenny didn't care or remember anything that happened with Lee.
I have a Few Images straight from the TWD Wikia that might make you rethink those things.
Whoa. I don't think I actually ever knew the content of that first screenshot, about Jane going to save Sarah of her own accord at the observation deck if Clem says nothing to her. Thanks for enlightening me, ClemyCloo!
And not to derail this thread, but I hope you realize you don't have to read this thread at all if you don't want to lol. There's plenty of others.
You know, I'm getting real tired of these Kenny vs. Jane things. Look, either way, For that whole Mess, Kenny was to Blame, and Jane was to … moreBlame, Neither one of them did more than the other, It just happened. Jane and Kenny are both Great people in their own rights, They Both have a Good story, they Both Fight for what they Believe is right, they both Do what they think the smart thing is, (Even though what Jane does is smarter.), and They both Care so much about Clementine. and I've been hearing Shit from a certain someone on the Forum that Jane never said that Jamie wanted to die, and I've been hearing shit from Another certain somebody that Kenny didn't care or remember anything that happened with Lee.
I have a Few Images straight from the TWD Wikia that might make you rethink those things.
We don't really know enough about her character to justify that she would tell Kenny that AJ is fine, and either way, Kenny would've most likely killed her.
I think I've seen maybe one Jane fan on these forums who seemed blind about Jane's wrongdoing. That member was rightly banned a number of ti… moremes for his/her rude behavior. Most people who sided with Jane realize the baby hiding plan was a shit plan, and Jane admits it herself too. It was just like you said
aliens abducted her inbetween episodes 4 and 5 and did terrible things to her brain
Yup. The one truly horrible thing Jane does is this stupid plan to try to bait Kenny by hiding AJ (not kill AJ, mind you), and it's not even in character for her to do something so stupid in the first place when she should know that baiting Kenny won't end well. In addition, a detail a lot of people don't notice at first is that before Kenny can kill her, he had already plunged the knife into her chest once just a bit, producing that blood stain on her chest.
Jane was clearly under threat of death, with the knife already stabbed through h… [view original content]
I say they're both to blame. They both knew what was happening at this moment and at certain points(mainly outside) they both showed through action and dialogue that they wanted the other dead.
Jane did not want to kill Kenny from the beginning of the fight.
If you stay silent during the fight, she says:
Giving Kenny the o… moreption to leave. (Jane's dialogue is in orange, Kenny's is in green.) Notice that this dialogue is not determinate; she will say this in everyone's playthrough if you don't talk over her. (And not that it means much, but I feel the need to point out the gif you provided is indeed determinate dialogue, only occurring if you say, "Jane...back off!")
The one good thing I will say about the fight scene is that, in the beginning at least, the physical actions of Jane/Kenny was incredibly well choreographed, in that the intentions of each action by each character were very vague. Even if the set-up of hiding AJ is stupid as crap, if you break down every single swing or punch or kick, and look through at who's saying what, you can't really pin any action and blame it on either character with any certainty sayi… [view original content]
I think the worst thing each of them have done is lose their humanity to an extent where they can never get it back. Jane left her sister to die on a roof, she's killed people and yet, in the short time she's been around, she's helped more people than most of the group members.
he's never ever used a baby to drive any of his personal selfish agendas.
No. Instead the worst thing he's ever done is murder somebody over a lie. The worst thing Jane's ever done is tell that lie.
His/her friend? I'm sorry but I think you mean, non-determinant forced relationship because no matter how you treat Kenny, you somehow created a relationship with him despite the few conversations between Clementine and Kenny in Season 1. Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, wished both Kenny and Jane lived but Season 2 just randomly created this forced relationship and killed everyone outside of it off until determinantly Episode 5.
Her plan was stupid but not pointless. She wanted to keep them alive rather than have them all die looking for Wellington. She did not need … moreto die; none of them needed to.
Tell me, did Kenny ever beat up Clem?
What does that have to do with anything? Kenny actually determinately accidentally hits Clem when he's beating up Arvo. If he can accidentally hit Clem in a fit of rage, and can accidentally kill someone in a fit of rage, then no, I don't trust him. Jane never hit Clem once, accidentally or not. Jane did save Clem from the lake though, at personal danger to herself. Does that count?
Jane is worse than Kenny in different ways. Kenny isn't manipulative, secretive and he has faith. Jane messes with Luke's feelings and then leaves him, she also manipulates Kenny and determinantly Clementine into thinking that AJ died(I say determinantly because I thought I knew what she was up to and I was right). Jane keeps allot about herself to herself, why's that bad you may ask? We've been with Kenny, we know the situations he's been in and all the possible outcomes of those situations, when Jane tells us about her past such as how she left Jaime on the roof to die, we don't know if she could've done something about it or not, in fact we barely know Jane, we're pretty much trusting a stranger who develops a liking for a little girl she met just a few days ago, not even a week. Plus she doesn't have faith that Wellington existed however it's proven to exist. She definitely is better than Kenny in some ways, overall they're pretty much opposite personalities.
Wait a sec.... You are trying to tell me Jane didnt try to also kill Kenny? I mean go watch the fight. Kenny first pushed her on a wall then she started to punch him, then cutt his stomach open, then push his eyes in... Ya Jane is a good person 100% and didnt also try to kill Kenny. She pulled the knife out!
There is alot of debt in here and Im just gunna say my point of view... The Kenny vs Jane fight, the one fight that starts every war on these pages. I always see comments like "Jane only told a lie, Kenny tried to kill her!" But from what I saw from the fight she tried to kill him, she cut his stomach open and pushed his eyes in. Like she pulled the knife out! She did! But then again these debts don't matter. Because everyone played the game differently. We all like different characters because of the choices and dialogue we all picked. So if you have a different opinion on the Kenny vs Jane fight I understand. We all have different thoughts and its what makes these games great.
Because I convinced her to
It is still the right thing to do. If someone is trying to Murder someone in front of you, the Right thing to do is to help the victim.
Why is that even in question?
Then it's your fault.
Not to start a debate, but what if that person was your brother trying to kill another person who got someone else killed you cared about?Why kill your brother to save a guilty killer?
I mean if it was like two random people, sure, but the 'right' thing to do isn't always as easy as you are making it out to be.
And now I can clearly tell you're being desperate about something that doesn't deserve it. This line of discussion is over.
You say this in a way as if Kenny knew exactly what she was doing. That he killed her because she lied and not because he thought she wasn't lying.
On the contrary, as Kenny himself said, if at any point Jane revealed her lie and said that Alvin was fine Kenny would've stopped.
And While Kenny was going to kill her for killing AJ, Jane was going to kill Kenny because...........I still can't figure out what her reason was. Besides the whole "Kenny is dangerous, ooooooo, spooky"
What's my fault? I told Jane to save Sarah, but she was a big bitch.
Ah, so I or you should kill my/your best friend, my/your brother, my/your sister, my/your father, my/your mother or whatever because they are trying to kill someone I've know for a few days? Hell no. If Jane never did that stupid plan, everything would have been fine. If this game had realistic events, AJ would have died in the car by now and it would have been all Jane's fault.
All right this Kenny vs Jane thing is getting out of control, well it went out of control a long time ago, to be honest Jane was wrong, who the hell hides a baby with the hability to cry and attract walkers in a car, alone, in a storm, many will say "but he was locked", but walkers could break the window and well you don't want me to write the rest, Kenny's behaviour was a natural thing, honestly if someone, hides my baby in that situation i would have gone full shane+full kenny+full rick+full governor, and im sure jane fans would too, yeah Kenny did horrible things in the past but it was for the sake of his group and family while jane did it for her own sake, and if she was really thinking about clem well, she could have stopped the fight it's obvious she wanted to kill kenny.
Stop murder with murder? Brilliant!
Clem shooting Kenny wasn't murder; it was self-defense on behalf of another: Jane. (Look it up.) Alternately if Jane was the one with the knife about to plunge into Kenny's chest, then Clem shooting Jane would be self-defense on behalf of Kenny.
If you told Jane to save Sarah then she helps save her, so no its not Jane's fault that Sarah died.
If Kenny had just stayed dead, none of this would still be happening. just saying.
Kenny would have never left Clem alone with Jane thinking that the last time she was with a child it died.
flashbacks to Duck
Because I couldn't watch her die. I've said this in a different thread but , I knew exactly what Jane was doing as soon as she said Clem's gotta trust her. I knew AJ was fine, and that Jane was going to try and get a rise out of Kenny. So I did what Jane said and stayed out of it. Maybe more of a referee, I didn't want anyone to get a leg up and deal a fatal blow. But once Jane got stabbed and Clem opened her wound, I knew shit was getting out of hand. So I elected to end it. And imo, Jane could've stopped fighting, Kenny couldn't.
fuck Jane, she manipleted Clem I woulda killed her too if she killed a baby
until that moment, i began to hate Kenny and was pro-Jane
Telltale should have kept that alt. J vs K scene so I can happily watch Jane strangle him to death, then shoot Jane after.
Fuck those two anyway, esp. Kenny.
No reason really but I will say.... I chose Kenny cause he never had to lie to make an argument. Anyone who has to prove a point the way she felt she had to, is probably a liar in general. At least you knew Kenny from before, even if it was not for a long time.
It was indirectly. Her offer got Sarah killed.
If my Brother was trying to kill someone i would stop him. What kind of question is that?
As i stated above, if my brother (sister, mother, lover, best friend) were trying to kill someone i would step in.
I never said i would kill them, just that i would stop them.
By shooting them or what?
By any means i had at my disposal short of murder.
Hopefully the fact that i am in their 'circle of trust' would help them consider my position and what i had to say. If not They wouldn't be in MY circle anymore. No matter who the fuck they were.
I'm done. I don't wanna hear from you anymore
3 things. (And 3 links!
1. Oh yes,
2. I'm clearly
3. being "desperate".
Oh, and don't necrobump old threads. Seriously, it's against the rules.
Are you the Aron Dracula on Youtube that has been having a fight with me about whether Jane left Jamie to die because she saw her as dead weight or not? Dude, You don't just call girls a Bitch, Fictional or not, that's rude and Unacceptable. I bet you've made mistakes in your life, I bet you hurt someone, So what If I just walked up to you and said all these bad things about you, and then went to go Be the Lap dog of a Stupid Redneck with a Mustache? Wouldn't feel to good if the roles were reversed, Now would it?
You know, I'm getting real tired of these Kenny vs. Jane things. Look, either way, For that whole Mess, Kenny was to Blame, and Jane was to Blame, Neither one of them did more than the other, It just happened. Jane and Kenny are both Great people in their own rights, They Both have a Good story, they Both Fight for what they Believe is right, they both Do what they think the smart thing is, (Even though what Jane does is smarter.), and They both Care so much about Clementine. and I've been hearing Shit from a certain someone on the Forum that Jane never said that Jamie wanted to die, and I've been hearing shit from Another certain somebody that Kenny didn't care or remember anything that happened with Lee.
I have a Few Images straight from the TWD Wikia that might make you rethink those things.
I do think Jane is capable but it was kind of twisted what she did with AJ. She wanted a fight.
Whoa. I don't think I actually ever knew the content of that first screenshot, about Jane going to save Sarah of her own accord at the observation deck if Clem says nothing to her. Thanks for enlightening me, ClemyCloo!
And not to derail this thread, but I hope you realize you don't have to read this thread at all if you don't want to lol. There's plenty of others.
I guess people forget that Jane put her weapon away and Kenny attacked her almost instantly after?
We don't really know enough about her character to justify that she would tell Kenny that AJ is fine, and either way, Kenny would've most likely killed her.
I say they're both to blame. They both knew what was happening at this moment and at certain points(mainly outside) they both showed through action and dialogue that they wanted the other dead.
I think the worst thing each of them have done is lose their humanity to an extent where they can never get it back. Jane left her sister to die on a roof, she's killed people and yet, in the short time she's been around, she's helped more people than most of the group members.
His/her friend? I'm sorry but I think you mean, non-determinant forced relationship because no matter how you treat Kenny, you somehow created a relationship with him despite the few conversations between Clementine and Kenny in Season 1. Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, wished both Kenny and Jane lived but Season 2 just randomly created this forced relationship and killed everyone outside of it off until determinantly Episode 5.
Jane actually pushes Clementine to the ground if you go to her during the fight but Kenny can do it too.
Jane is worse than Kenny in different ways. Kenny isn't manipulative, secretive and he has faith. Jane messes with Luke's feelings and then leaves him, she also manipulates Kenny and determinantly Clementine into thinking that AJ died(I say determinantly because I thought I knew what she was up to and I was right). Jane keeps allot about herself to herself, why's that bad you may ask? We've been with Kenny, we know the situations he's been in and all the possible outcomes of those situations, when Jane tells us about her past such as how she left Jaime on the roof to die, we don't know if she could've done something about it or not, in fact we barely know Jane, we're pretty much trusting a stranger who develops a liking for a little girl she met just a few days ago, not even a week. Plus she doesn't have faith that Wellington existed however it's proven to exist. She definitely is better than Kenny in some ways, overall they're pretty much opposite personalities.