Most loved and hated episodes?
What are your most disliked and most loved episodes from both seasons? Personally I think:
Season 1:
Loved: A New Day, Around Every Corner - a new day, because i like to see how things were when it started, around every corner because it was really action packed and fun.
Disliked: Long Road Ahead - i just thought it was really boring because of the train puzzles and everything. and there wasn't much action, only duck's death
Season 2:
Loved: All That Remains, In Harms Way - all that remains because i just liked to see clem with christa and omid. it was just exciting. in harms way because i liked carver's camp and planning the escape.
Disliked: Amid The Ruins - i just didn't really click with this episode. choices really did not matter at all in this episode. and it was quite boring as well
what are your opinions??
Season 1:
Most Loved: No Time Left - the ending is absolutely perfect
Most Hated: Around Every Corner - 2 and a half hour long filler episode, and the reveal of Crawford was a huge letdown
Season 2:
Most Loved: No Going Back - except for the shootout, I thought it was well written, emotional moments, and the multiple endings are great
Most Hated: Amid the Ruins - everything that can be said about this episode has already been said, so why bother
My overall order:
I like every episode, but some episodes are a bit better than others.
Season 1
Loved: All episodes
Disliked: None
Season 2
Loved: All That Remains, A House Divided - Both episodes had good character development, humor, and choices that got me immersed into the story.
Disliked: In Harm's Way, Amid The Ruins, No Going Back - These episodes abandoned the importance of previous/later choices and turned the rest of Season 2 into a one-dimensional, messy story. Nick, Sarah, and Luke were just killed off when they didn't need to be. The final fight between Kenny and Jane felt way too forced. The decisions to either be alone, with Jane, with Kenny, or in Wellington weren't satisfying and left no reasons for Clem's story to continue when it should've.
In season one, my favorite would have to be Starved For Help. My least favorite would have to be Around Every Corner. As in for season 2, A House Divided was my favorite. My least favorite would have to be Amid The Ruins, which is such a disappointment because it was the episode I was looking forward to the most this season. Never understood why the episode slide is actually better than the episode.
Loved episodes: S1 Starved For Help, S2 A House Divide
Hated episodes: S1 Around Every Corner, S2 Amid The Ruins
Most liked of Season 1: No Time Left.
Most Liked Episode of Season 2: A House Divided
Least Favorite of Season 1: Long Road Ahead
Least Favorite of Season 2: Amid the Ruins
Season 1:
Most liked - Around Every Corner
Most disliked - No Time Left
Season 2:
Most liked - A House Divided
Most disliked - Amid the Ruins.
Favorite S1 episode - Starved For Help (Pretty much my favorite episode of the series ever since it released. Maybe the whole thing with the St Johns was predictable, but it was handled incredibly well, so I'm willing to forgive that. Almost all of the scenes were incredibly tense and well done, starting from the amazing cold opening sequence, to the confrontation with the St Johns in the kitchen, to the meat locker choice, to the bittersweet and climactic fight of the episode. Also, as far as tackling the themes of cannibalism/humans being the real threat go, I feel this episode handled those themes the best out of the entire franchise, better than the Hunters in the comics or Terminus in the show)
Least favorite S1 episode - A New Day (Still a great episode, but it just doesn't stand out to me as much as the other episodes did. Understandable, given that it's the introductory episode of the series, and had a lot of table setting to do. Not only the first episode of a new series, but the first episode of Telltale's new and current format. Also something of a 'training wheels' episode, which I think Telltale themselves referred to it as. Not many agonizing choices yet, and not very high stakes. Then there's the fact that pretty much the entire episode is one big hub segment centered in the drug store. Not that this is a bad thing, but outside of the first 20 minutes of the game, the entrance to the drugstore, and the ending, the episode's action and tension really lulled for me)
Favorite S2 episode - No Going Back (Favorite episode of S2 and second favorite of the entire series so far, just managing to beat out No Time Left. Despite some of the mixed reactions to it, I enjoyed this entire episode sans the gunfight at the beginning. I actually liked Kenny vs Jane and found it to be a difficult choice, so that's a win for this episode in my book. Also liked Luke's death and felt it was handled well, and had a certifiable impact on the rest of the group going forward. I also think it was a step up from the previous two episodes from a technical standpoint (music, animation, effects, direction, cinematography, etc))
Least favorite S2 episode - Amid The Ruins (Still a good episode, but it just didn't stand up to the other episodes of the season. It also has the unfortunate honor of being my least favorite across the series. I still don't hate it, and there are quite a few things that the episode tried to do that I can respect, but it just wasn't able to fully deliver)
Overall favorite episode - Starved For Help (My #1 favorite episode of the entire series thus far, just barely beating out NGB and NTL)
Overall least favorite - Amid The Ruins (As stated above)
Season 1:
Loved: Around Every Corner
Hated: A New Day
Season 2:
Loved: No Going Back
Hated: None really but if I had to pick my least favorite it would have to be In Harms Way
Season 1 Favourite: Around Every Corner
Season 1 Hated: Long Road Ahead
Season 2 Favourite: A House Divided (also came out on my birthday)
Season 2 Hated: No Going Back
400 Days DLC Favourite: Shel's story
400 Days DLC Hated: I have none.
Loved all season 1 episodes.
Loved season 2 episode 2, was pretty 'meh' on season 2 episode 1, hated s2e3,4 and 5.
Season 1:
Most liked - No Time Left
Least liked - A New Day
Season 2:
Most liked - A House Divided
Least liked - Amid The Ruins
Season 1
Loved: Straving To Death because we get to beat the shit out of the brothers and get Lee's cool jacket ;-;
Hated: A New Day, Because it's boring to get the keys to save Larry, he says to Lee "aw, fuck you" and after Lee saves him he doesn't even THANK LEE!
Season 2
Loved: In Harms Way, because Carvers death and the walkers guts part.
Hated: Amid The Ruins, I expected better I trusted the title slide...
It's actually called Starved For Help
Buuuut for my favorite.... No Time Left.
Least? ... A New Day
Why not Amid The Ruins?
Seriously? You like AEC more than NTL?
Because I thought Amid The Ruins was great, my reasons for this is because I thought it provided great development for both Kenny and Jane and was preparation for the big decision in episode 5, I also think that the backlash for Sarah and Nick were overreactions on most of the fanbases part since I felt there have been worse deaths. I also chose In Harms Way as my least favorite because I felt everything people gave Amid The Ruins shit for was amplified 10X in In Harm's Way, from the 400 Days characters to Carlos' death IMO it was way worse then Amid The Ruins. And A New Day I picked as my most hated because I now feel after going back to replay it, it's way too slow of an episode for my taste.
Loved season 1: Starved for Help
Hated season 1: Around Every Corner
Loved season 2: A House Divided
Hated season 2: Amid the Ruins
Season One:
Loved: Starved for Help
Hated: A New Day
Season Two:
Loved: A House Divided
Hated: In Harm's Way
Same as me
I haven't played an episode of Telltale's Walking Dead that I disliked. I really like all of them.
Could not agree more on Amid the Ruins.
Around Every Corner >>
What, is your comment supposed to make me feel bad? Yes, No Time Left was a poor finale except for the last scene imo
Season 1
Most Loved:
No Time Left
Most Hated:
A New Day
Season 2
Most Loved:
All That Remains
Most Hated:
No Going Back
Funny how my favorite and least favorite episodes are the opposite of each other's beginning and ending to the respective seasons.
Season 1
Loved: Starved for Help & No Time Left - Ep2 was gory and had most drama in it and I loved it, and the finale showed off Lee's saving Clementine. I already posted about how I feelt about these S1 episodes few years ago....
Hated:Around every Corner - The poor execution of Chuck, and some characters acting unlike before Ben with a hatchet he never "saw" before,It was kinda like a filler episode with a shocking twist ending, I mean Ep3 had a twist ending too, at least that episode had character development...
Season 2
Loved: A House divided & All that Remains - Good episodes, showing how Clem is a weak but smart 11 year old girl in this doggie-dog world we call Earth.And the tension and Michael Madsen voiceacting as Carver.Awesome. Kinda disliked how threatening Rebecca didn't mattered at all, and how everyone trusted the confident Clem to turn off the wind turbine...also Kenny, nor Sarita question where is Matthew after Walter found out he was dead...also expected a hud in Ep1 after the cereal dinner but nope...
Hated: Amid the Ruins - Ep4 ; force bonding with Jane; Jane herself; not having options to go against Jane's suggestions; everyone forcing Clem to talk to Kenny; Kenny going through the same sh!t; Clem being the most stable one in the group; Nick & Sarah's pointless deaths; Clem doing everything; Clem talking like a grown up,saving Sarah=nothing; the Russians are bad cliche; Luke 180 turns (Goes to Howe's and tries to save his group, the talks about how he wants to survive);the magical boards that appear on top of Sarah; Tomorrow/Now it doesn't matter when we go, Rebecca will die in the same spot; the ending shoot out. The slide disappointed me the most, also no Eddie.
And No Going Back ...Hoo boy - Ep5 ; the only episode this entire season that had a warning about how choices matter; they forgot to add the title of the episode;The towns gone gg; Luke not having a breakdown how he is the only Cabin group survivor instead he pities; a dramatic build-up for cleaning Kenny's not so horrifying eye (seriously the sewing up your wound was the most goriest thing this entire season and that WAS in Ep1); the campfire scene-bonding time (It's like TTG dug up the remains of some corpse; that was run over 2 times, and tried to make something out of it, metaphor); the conflict between Kenny & Luke erased,the f@cking frozen lake scene; nobody giving a sh!t about Clem freezing to death; Bonnie 360 turn blaming a 11 year old for not saving your crush on a f@cking frozen lake;Jane ,having no relationship with Kenny suddenly talks about him, like she understands him; Mike, Bonnie & Arvo stealing everything and giving Arvo a never before seen rifle; the Lee dream (okay this is something that bothered me this entire season In.Every.Episode.We.As.Clem.Talk.About.LEE. Christ. He's dead. Get over it. Clem talks about Lee more then her own parents); no evidence of Clem's wound being taken care of; Jane provoking a one-eyed man while driving in a blizzard; Oh no zombies 10 meters away, better take off, CRASH; Jane's stupid f@cking plan; Kenny vs Jane fight, just bad; the multiple endings exist just so there are no consequences of any choices we made this entire season... phew...
Also I miss the scroll your choices with your mouse wheel in S1, instead of clicking them in certain window like in S2...
Yes, there was none of that in TWD S2 and TWAU. In TFTBL and GOT now decided to do that.
This is what pissed me off so much, Telltale forced us to know a lot about Jane. Also she returns in Ep5, they decided to bring her back but what about Molly? Why didn't SHE come back?
That's something. She considers Lee as a better parent than her own parents.
That's the biggest mistake Telltale ever made.
I agree with you about all you said.
Most loved: No Time Left
Most hated: 400 Days (if it counts)
Most loved: In Harm's Way
Most hated: All that Remains or Amid the Ruins
Why does around the corner get so much hate? I thought it was a good episode and was fun and had a lot of action. People say it's s filler yet the whole Crawford scene was greatly done. It showed even people trying to lead a nazi like lifestyle will fall to the dead. In my opinion no time left is more of a filler then around every corner. Think about it, it takes most players two hours to complete around every corner, yet it takes some players 70 minutes to complete no time left and there are scenes that are obviously extended to give more game time and duration like the ladder climbing scene and the attic scene. You'd be able to complete the game in an hour if they were cut out. Plus there are major plot errors in no time left, I.e in around every corner. The mansion is clearly in a street as its own house, yet in no time left, Omid says its joined to another mansion, yet in episode 4 it clearly isn't. Also, there is s balcony in the "second house" which leads into what looks like a city area, yet the mansion is in a street. Nota city. They also make it seem like clementine is miles away yet she's only a few minutes from the mansion. No time left is only considered high because of the ending, that's it. But mine are
Season 1 **
**Best Episode
Long road ahead
Worst Episode
No Time Left
Season 2
Best Episode
Amid the Ruins
Worst Episode
No Going Back
You can count 400 Days, It's DLC for S1. And I think you should choose Amid The Ruins
WHAT? Why do you love Amid The Ruins?
I don't love it, I just think it's the best from season two as I didn't enjoy season two that much but I enjoyed the ending where you have to fight the walkers. The breakdown of kenny was good to see how much heat he would get from abusing and blaming clementine for saritas death. Luke being exposed as caring more about himself then the group. The civil war exhibition with the raccoon was a nice touch. I agree there are some bad things like nicks death and saving Sarah being pointless even though I didn't like her, but all the other episodes were bad.all that remains beside Sam and clementine stiching herself up was boring. Besides kenny returning and the final shoot out, a house divided was all over the place. I'm harms way was terrible from just minor roles for the 400 days characters to carver being built as a super villain to being killed off early and don't get me started on no going back. The firefight turns out to be nothing, the stupid arvo character , killing off Luke early and cheap,y when they made it seem like a kenny vs Luke showdown. Jane as an important character when she was an annoying bitch and the multiplie endings. Why not just have one ? Now it's all over the place and with all these new games they're making, they aren't going to put the effort into it like they did with season one, so how are they going to branch all those endings off? If they're do something different, people will complain like when they skipped 18 months with the baby christa thing .