
  • I can't :/. You're probably not gonna Trust me but I got this from a Youtube Video the Larry Pictures on Google were lame.

    you avatar is too small, though. Gimme a bigger version and I will change it.

  • That's bad. This profile pic is very charming.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I can't . You're probably not gonna Trust me but I got this from a Youtube Video the Larry Pictures on Google were lame.

  • It is, Plus this angry Larry avatar popping up whenever Im in an argument is Priceless.

    Rafoli posted: »

    That's bad. This profile pic is very charming.

  • What's cool is that you got a temper just like that old f*ck

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    It is, Plus this angry Larry avatar popping up whenever Im in an argument is Priceless.

  • I do buddy, Im sure you've seen that by now. Good thing I know how to control it though.

    Rafoli posted: »

    What's cool is that you got a temper just like that old f*ck

  • Yeah, but it's cool to watch the arguments. What makes me laugh are the reactions of the guys you fight XD

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I do buddy, Im sure you've seen that by now. Good thing I know how to control it though.

  • What do you mean ? :p

    Rafoli posted: »

    Yeah, but it's cool to watch the arguments. What makes me laugh are the reactions of the guys you fight XD

  • They just go mad and flame you and everybody involved for some time

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    What do you mean ?

  • Its just like I said, Some people can't handle the truth specially when someone has the balls to call them out on public, That's why people lose their minds against me.

    Rafoli posted: »

    They just go mad and flame you and everybody involved for some time

  • And that's why you have your "minions"

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Its just like I said, Some people can't handle the truth specially when someone has the balls to call them out on public, That's why people lose their minds against me.

  • Actually those are my "Friends" so to speak.

    Rafoli posted: »

    And that's why you have your "minions"

  • Oh you mean that makes people like me ? Didn't know that lol.

    Rafoli posted: »

    And that's why you have your "minions"

  • Wat?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Oh you mean that makes people like me ? Didn't know that lol.

  • My cousin is 19 and he delivers cookies in Manhattan (New York) you can get a job like that :)

  • I don't HATE you, i'll never HATE you, i'm just surprised...


    Okay, okay... Maybe i watched it a little, too... And maybe some episodes were funny... But still, just, cut your eyeball in half and put it on a pizza, see what happens.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    24C in a nice summers day here, i love the hot weather :D

    Rafoli posted: »

    No you don't know. It doesn't even get cold here. If we're lucky, we get 24°c

  • It's 31° celsius here now, that's damn hot, but of course I'm already used to it. Wish I lived far away from the Ecuador :v

    OzzyUK posted: »

    24C in a nice summers day here, i love the hot weather

  • edited March 2014

    A swift kick to the balls...
    Alt text

  • Isle of Man

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Let's all talk for a while Where is everyone ??

  • Dem quote pyramids...

  • I enjoy the turn of this thread.

  • Because everyone wants to spread the luv

    Azlyn posted: »

    I enjoy the turn of this thread.


    Rafoli posted: »

    Because everyone wants to spread the luv

  • This mission was heaven compared to Zero's little airplane mission.

    Lol, I think everyone did bro, it was so annoying the first time.

  • Still, the train mission was the first hard moment of when I played.

    This mission was heaven compared to Zero's little airplane mission.

  • Az, I'm on Steam.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • I'm adding all of you guys :P

  • But she's not :v

    Az, I'm on Steam.

  • Not gonna lie: I actually liked that mission.

    Man, played the hell out of the game. I still have it, might play it again later.

  • Heh, yeah it wasn't even the most annoying one. Remember the mission where you control a toy plane and had to shoot up some vans or something all the way across town while getting shot at and running out of fuel.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Not gonna lie: I actually liked that mission.

  • That and "Learning to fly" have emotionally scarred me for the rest of my life. "So, yeah... You're gonna have to learn how to fly." THOSE FUCKING PHONECALLS!

    Heh, yeah it wasn't even the most annoying one. Remember the mission where you control a toy plane and had to shoot up some vans or something all the way across town while getting shot at and running out of fuel.

  • Ah man, that was the worst part of the game for me lol, fuck Toreno.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    That and "Learning to fly" have emotionally scarred me for the rest of my life. "So, yeah... You're gonna have to learn how to fly." THOSE FUCKING PHONECALLS!

  • The game took me a year to complete because of two damn missions. The final mission made up for it, though. I don't know if the game was hard, or the fact that I was 11 meant I was an incompetent fuck. Either way, Jesus... I'll never forget those missions.

    Ah man, that was the worst part of the game for me lol, fuck Toreno.

  • Lmao damn man, the first time I played I think It took me a while to beat the game because I was just running around doing everything else but the missions. Yup, it still has some of the most annoying missions but it's still the most fun gta to me, Idk why but with gta V after I completed it, it felt like there wasn't anything else to really do. I tried the online but it got pretty boring, especially since my crew just bailed but meh.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    The game took me a year to complete because of two damn missions. The final mission made up for it, though. I don't know if the game was har

  • I'm not particularly excited for the inevitable PC release. I don't why, though; I'm just not. San Andreas was just incredible, and after that first day that I played it at my friend's house, I was so hyped about owning my own copy.

    Lmao damn man, the first time I played I think It took me a while to beat the game because I was just running around doing everything else b

  • Yeah, till this day it still has the most stuff and thaaangs to do, even after you beat the game. For gta V the PC release will probably be the same but look better, most people buy it just to mod though and they come up with some pretty cool stuff. Heh it was, I would go over to my cousin's just to play it.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I'm not particularly excited for the inevitable PC release. I don't why, though; I'm just not. San Andreas was just incredible, and after that first day that I played it at my friend's house, I was so hyped about owning my own copy.

  • Not too much, but it's good to keep him on a daily basis

  • In late 2012, I had an itch that only San Andreas. I got it on Steam, and after a while realised "Holy shit! There's cross-county races in this game!" Soooooo much stuff.

    Yeah, till this day it still has the most stuff and thaaangs to do, even after you beat the game. For gta V the PC release will probably be

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited March 2014

    Don't worry.

    Alt text

    I feel so left out. T_T

  • You can work at a fast food restaurant, that's always good for teenagers.

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