
  • They did ?? Why hasn't nobody posted it ?

    Tell me what happens in the Trailer. TEEELLL MMEEE !!
    xValkyx posted: »

    And same goes to you as well! I know D: I have a feeling we will get a trailer today. I can't see them just giving us a vine video when

  • edited May 2014
    The trailer for episode 2? ^^;;

    uhhhh don't you already know what happens in that since you played the episode XD

    lol i think you misread my comment xD i might watch the Playing Dead when it starts to see what the news is though (but Greg Miller annoys the shit out of me) and tell you then.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    They did ?? Why hasn't nobody posted it ? Tell me what happens in the Trailer. TEEELLL MMEEE !!

  • You punk !! I thought you were talking about the trailer for Ep. 3.

    Goddamn you lol.
    xValkyx posted: »

    The trailer for episode 2? ^^;; uhhhh don't you already know what happens in that since you played the episode XD lol i think you

  • Lol i think we are so desperate now to the point where we are getting deluded xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You punk !! I thought you were talking about the trailer for Ep. 3. Goddamn you lol.

  • I trust you already to be honest, you are just too real to be fake (that sounds weird)

    Trust me when i say we are in the same boat. I get REALLY shy around people especially on video (because yet again, appearance) and i have NO social life (unless you count the internet xD) and i only speak to like 2 people on Facebook from rl :S but yeah, tonight i will find my username and tomorrow we can skype if you want ^^
  • Yeah, this wait is driving us crazy XD.

    Playing Dead is about to start. Can we pleae get something ?
    xValkyx posted: »

    Lol i think we are so desperate now to the point where we are getting deluded xD


    ....i really don't want to spend ages watching Greg Miller for NOTHING >:
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, this wait is driving us crazy XD. Playing Dead is about to start. Can we pleae get something ?

  • Also just so you know, i might start randomly laughing to myself xD

    it happens when i'm on webcam and typing sometimes because i have no idea what to do lol
  • edited May 2014

    lol i love how nice and polite i am to people then when it comes to Greg i'm like "FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING,SHEEPSHAGGING BASTARD!"
  • Can you please keep me posted ? I can't watch it.
    xValkyx posted: »

    PLEASE PLEASE LET THERE BE SOMETHING! D; ....i really don't want to spend ages watching Greg Miller for NOTHING >:

  • Yeah! :)

    wow, i'm already in a few sec and already want to hit Miller
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Can you please keep me posted ? I can't watch it.

  • I know we will friend :)

    also want me to keep you posted on TPD? decided to watch it (and i already want to hit Greg)
  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Who the fuck is Reggie ?
    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah! :) wow, i'm already in a few sec and already want to hit Miller


    We got info on the new character though. He is basically this guy called Reggie (sp?) who works at Carver's camp. He has only has one arm and seems to be really laid back (he seems a bit like Omid actually).

    We saw some clips with him and our group, (no Nick, Alvin or Carlos though). That's really it though :/
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Can you please keep me posted ? I can't watch it.

  • Woooah, good theory. Awesome theory, never thought of that! But the hype is over, since there's no trailer.
    xValkyx posted: »

    That's something i also really want to know! It seems the reason Bonnie had to come regardless was just because someone had to join Car

  • Good Job! :O

    i know right?? even their written reviews are pish.

    also we didn't get a trailer today D: just got told more about the new guy called Reggie who has one arm and works with Carver :/
  • I wrote a bit about him in the comment below this one :)

    He's really just a member of Carver's community but that's really it other than what i said :T
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Who the fuck is Reggie ?

  • Damn :(

    How about Kenny and the 400 days people ?
    xValkyx posted: »

    NO TRAILER :( We got info on the new character though. He is basically this guy called Reggie (sp?) who works at Carver's camp. He has

  • I know i watched the video D:

    well...i'm glad i listened to Greg Miller that long =_=

    the Reggie guy seems cool and all but i REALLY wanted more on the episode itself
    Rafoli posted: »

    Woooah, good theory. Awesome theory, never thought of that! But the hype is over, since there's no trailer.

  • No 400 days people, and Kenny is with the rest of our group and he seems fine :/

    In the background of one of the clips you see a girl sitting on a bench at a table but we don't know who she is. I wonder if she is going to be one of the girls someone found in the scripting for the episode? (i forgot the 2 names)

    Also this Reggie guy is apparently going to be comic relief like and optimistic. I don't think he will be dying this episode either judging by how the VA is talking about him. It seems he may play an important part later.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Damn :( How about Kenny and the 400 days people ?

  • Of course. Everyone did. The hype was high, and then... things got more fucked than they started.

    Yeah, Reggie may be Camp Carver's Omid/Walter.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I know i watched the video D: well...i'm glad i listened to Greg Miller that long =_= the Reggie guy seems cool and all but i REALLY wanted more on the episode itself

  • Mhm, i'm curious as to who the girl in the background of one of the scenes is though. She may be one of the girls someone found in the files for the game (forgot the name of the 2 girls)

    Judging by the way the VA is speaking, it seems Reggie won't be dying this episode
    Rafoli posted: »

    Of course. Everyone did. The hype was high, and then... things got more fucked than they started. Yeah, Reggie may be Camp Carver's Omid/Walter.

  • edited May 2014
    One of the scenes shows a girl sitting in the background. I think she may be one of the 2 girls someone found in the files of the game a while back there. I also have a feeling Reg won't be dying this episode.

    but still, ffs throw us a bone will you? D:
  • People are saying he's the one that we witness getting merdered. And people are saying that person is Becca.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Mhm, i'm curious as to who the girl in the background of one of the scenes is though. She may be one of the girls someone found in the files

  • Why Becca?
    Rafoli posted: »

    People are saying he's the one that we witness getting merdered. And people are saying that person is Becca.

  • Well, it appears it's not Becca. I saw a zoomed picture of the person and it's a woman, but not Becca. Seems like a new character.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Why Becca?

  • edited May 2014
    Feels weird not seeing a meme or a gif in this thread.

    It's like I'm in a totally different place.

    *Posts an appropriate gif for this exact situation.*
  • The face looks a bit different so i'm not sure, the hair is also lighter :o

    now that i think of it, he may be the guy on the ''Witnessed a Murder'' achievement.

    i know ._. this is just cruel
  • Yeah, she certainly seems new. I bet she is one of the 2 girls.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Well, it appears it's not Becca. I saw a zoomed picture of the person and it's a woman, but not Becca. Seems like a new character.

  • Yeah, probably.

    Poked is online. Are you two RP-ing still?
    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah, she certainly seems new. I bet she is one of the 2 girls.

  • Nah, he sent me a chapter of a story he is writing though and i'm going to read it later and give my thoughts on it :) i was gonna do it this morning but i got into a lot of conversations and had art stuff for my school folio to do so i'm waiting till later so i can read it properly :)
    Rafoli posted: »

    Yeah, probably. Poked is online. Are you two RP-ing still?

  • You don't think they are just using him as a placeholder right? :S

    I don't know if they would spoil his death like that or not. Maybe something does happen but he doesn't die and someone else does. It looks like something might be ready to hit him so he might jump out of the way and someone else will get hit.
  • I saw it now.

    xValkyx posted: »

    No 400 days people, and Kenny is with the rest of our group and he seems fine :/ In the background of one of the clips you see a girl s

  • I can't see it being Kenny, people say he will die this episode but i can actually see him surving till Ep5 (well Ep4 more realistically)
  • It seems we will be meeting a lot of characters in Ep3 :3 i hope in that case we get more hub areas.

    Do you think we will get more info tomorrow?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I saw it now. FUCK YEAH I'M EXCITED !!

  • Man I hope so. Maybe the Trailer ? It'll be sunday though so I doubt it.
    xValkyx posted: »

    It seems we will be meeting a lot of characters in Ep3 :3 i hope in that case we get more hub areas. Do you think we will get more info tomorrow?

  • I really hope it will be.

    I don't remember Job's exact words from Twitter but it was along the lines of ''No trailer.. just yet"
    it's definitely soon anyways.

    Oh man i'm so hyped D: i think when the trailer does appear i'm just gonna pass out xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Man I hope so. Maybe the Trailer ? It'll be sunday though so I doubt it.

  • He's back, you know? You could continue it now :)

    So, what do you think about the new playing dead? I personally didn't like it.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Nah, he sent me a chapter of a story he is writing though and i'm going to read it later and give my thoughts on it :) i was gonna do it thi

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give episode 3
  • This is not the place that it used to be. It's now a wasteland of memories.

    Feels weird not seeing a meme or a gif in this thread. It's like I'm in a totally different place. *Posts an appropriate gif for this exact situation.*

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