Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • 1) etitheking, jump out! Me and PaulKenneth will go check it out.
    2) We need to sneak out. NEVER GIVE UP.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Well, you weren't lying, lol.

    Meh, it's Sunday, haha. I said I was going to try to at least put one last part up, so I did.

  • Lol, well off to bed. But before I go what do you think will happen?
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well, you weren't lying, lol.

  • Woah dude, I was just about to go to sleep when I saw this. XD

    Belan: 7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!
    Bananas: 2) We need to sneak out.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Did you see the Pro and TWDFan part?

    Woah dude, I was just about to go to sleep when I saw this. XD Belan: 7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go! Bananas: 2) We need to sneak out.

  • I kill people.

    Lol, well off to bed. But before I go what do you think will happen?

  • Yeah, but it was cut off in the middle O_o

    Did you see the Pro and TWDFan part?

  • CornPopper is going to die >:)

    Lol, well off to bed. But before I go what do you think will happen?

  • CornPopperCornPopper Banned
    edited May 2014
    From drowning in pussy. =D

    CornPopper is going to die >:)

  • You wish.
    CornPopper posted: »

    From drowning in pussy. =D

  • Lol, I was like "The fuck?" it didn't go through. I'll put it up in another part. It was close to the end anyway.

    Yeah, but it was cut off in the middle O_o

  • Well with Noncy's story, I think that the person screaming will turn out to actually be bitten by a walker. Thus, saving their asses. In Cameron's story, they will suceed in sneaking out. Good night, LeeTheBrofessional :)

    Lol, well off to bed. But before I go what do you think will happen?

  • I've slept with all the finest whores in the land.

    You wish.

  • Haha, all good man. I'm excited to see the rest of it =)

    Lol, I was like "The fuck?" it didn't go through. I'll put it up in another part. It was close to the end anyway.

  • Well, good nite everyone. See ya tomorrow :)
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well with Noncy's story, I think that the person screaming will turn out to actually be bitten by a walker. Thus, saving their asses. In Cameron's story, they will suceed in sneaking out. Good night, LeeTheBrofessional :)

  • Goodnight (^_^)/
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well, good nite everyone. See ya tomorrow :)

  • Belan: 4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go see what that was.

    Bananas: 3) Fine. You distract them. But I'm coming back for you. (Here is hoping he turns into a zombie and kills them while turning.)

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • HOLY SHIT! NO WAY!!!!! :D

    Just let me know on my thread when I'm on it/which page if I'm not around for a while and I'll check it out as soon as possible. :)

    I have a special part planned for you too, but I know you're busy doing your awesome comic as well. Hopefully, you can drop here once in a while and catch up on anything you miss, man.

  • SALTLIIIIICCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you? It's been too long! :D

    Oh and before I forget, I need to talk about your character. Can we talk privately about it?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I wish I was still around to be a part of these fun stories. Oh well, fuck me I guess. I'll be checking this out every now and then.

  • edited May 2014
    7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!

    His a dead man no point risking it I'll sure he will survive anyway I have faith in his character lets see what he can do it's good challenge for Jewf lol

    2) We need to sneak out.

    They will kill them if they surrender only logical option for me is to sneak if was me I'd jump out of the mist shooting an AK47 wildly lol

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014
    You're Crazy Mark and that's how I like you.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go! His a dead man no point risking it I'll sure he will survive anyway I have faith in his ch

  • edited May 2014

    I like the BOAT URBAN to!!
    Puncake32 posted: »

    You're Crazy Mark and that's how I like you.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Forget this comment. Got the link to work.

    SALTLIIIIICCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you? It's been too long! :D Oh and before I forget, I need to talk about your character. Can we talk privately about it? http(:)//

  • Belan: 2) etitheking, jump out! You do the same and jump out too, PaulKenneth! I'll go check it out.

    Bananas: 2) We need to sneak out.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • 4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go see what that was.

    2) We need to sneak out.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Jewfreeus ditched them

    7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!

    3) Fine. You distract them. But I'm coming back for you.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • "ATR said as she was tippy-toeing to try to see over eking."

    Hehe that is something I would do!

    4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go see what that was.

    Maybe splitting up is the better idea, but separating the combat-savvy people and the inexperienced like me won't end well for the latter. Oh Jewf, why did you run away :(

    2) We need to sneak out.

    He seems to be very familiar with the place, so he could probably find an exit on the other side of the building or something. Cameron might slow him down, but they have to try anyway!

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Me: We're fucked. There's no choice but to surrender and take the beating.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • 4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go see what that was.

    3) Fine. You distract them. But I'm coming back for you.
  • Lol, I had a feeling you would like the tippy-toeing part. :p

    "ATR said as she was tippy-toeing to try to see over eking." Hehe that is something I would do! 4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go

  • Lol, first it was LeeTheFuckingProfessional and now it's LeeTheBrofessional.

    Yet another good name you have come up with, haha. B]
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well with Noncy's story, I think that the person screaming will turn out to actually be bitten by a walker. Thus, saving their asses. In Cameron's story, they will suceed in sneaking out. Good night, LeeTheBrofessional :)

  • Hehe, or LeeTheFuckingBrofessional. Alright, now I'm just pushing it x)

    Lol, first it was LeeTheFuckingProfessional and now it's LeeTheBrofessional. Yet another good name you have come up with, haha. B]

  • What about ME?! :O
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hehe, or LeeTheFuckingBrofessional. Alright, now I'm just pushing it x)

  • Yep, anyone can vote no matter what. B]
    Belan posted: »

    So wait, if I do end up dying, do I still get to vote and stuff?

  • I don't think your name can get any better than that :P
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    What about ME?! :O

  • WhatTheDuckingFuck?
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I don't think your name can get any better than that :P

  • I dunno xD I like WhatTheDuck better, tbh.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »


  • :) I knew you would you hussy.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I dunno xD I like WhatTheDuck better, tbh.

  • Ah, ok. Got it! Oh man, bro. I know exactly what to do with your character. Just wait, man. I'll let you know when you're parts appear if anything. B]

    HOLY SHIT! NO WAY!!!!! :D Just let me know on my thread when I'm on it/which page if I'm not around for a while and I'll check it out as soon as possible. :)

  • Hussy? Okay, lol.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    :) I knew you would you hussy.

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