Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Hmmmmm..... lolololololol

    Can't she? :c Lol.

  • Now I'm cool too. 8)

    Hmmmmm..... lolololololol

  • <3

    Now I'm cool too. 8)

  • Baskethead approves


  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited June 2014

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Gary this will be fun when I met your character

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group?

    Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?"

    "Hmm, I don't mind... it's just, I need to find my group members, and I don't want to drag you guys into it." I told them.

    Password looked at us."Meh, I don't mind. I'll tag along with you guys. Both of you don't have any weapons on you, or at least a gun with some ammo. I'd rather go by myself, but I can't leave you two out here defenseless and alone."

    "Well, that makes two of us." Wanderer said to him. He turned to me."Come on, CSB. We can work together to find your group."

    I looked down and thought about it."Hmm... alright. I guess so." I said with a smile.

    Password crossed his arms and smiled."Okay, it's settled then. We should get moving before that horde that you mentioned earlier get's closer to us."

    "Damn right! Let's get out of here, guys." I told them.

    Wanderer sighed."Finally... I won't be alone." He said while looking down and smiling.

    "So uh... is that the only gun you have, Password?" I asked him.

    Password took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter."Yep..." He said while lighting it."I left my backpack, in the store. Inside, there's a knife for one of you to carry."

    Wanderer spoke up."Let CSB carry it. I haven't even killed a walker yet."

    "What?!" Password was shocked."I seriously don't have a clue how you survived on your own for so long." He told him while smoking his cigarette.

    "Like I said, I've just been wandering alone. I never ran into any more people, I always avoided the walkers as well. All I've taken with me are supplies and food." He explained.

    "Damn, you're lucky to be alive." I told him."I met a cop named Kunny. He kept me alive until he died... He taught me how to shoot a gun, but I'm not an expert. I think it probably would be best to stay together, maybe we can try to find some weapons." I said to them.

    "Yeah, he's right. Let's get out of here, guys." Password told us, and then threw the cigarette on the ground to put it out.

    He started making his way back into the gas station. I turned to Wanderer."Alright, let's go, man."

    We headed back inside, and I saw Password crouched down behind the counter, filling up his backpack with different items. He took out a knife."Here you go, CSB." He told me while turning back to me.

    I took it out of the holster, and it was a hunting knife."Awesome. This will come in handy. "I said to him.

    He drank a bit of booze, and then put his backpack on."Alright... let's go."

    We made our way outside, and looked at the empty road."Well... should we keep going down the road?" Wanderer asked us.

    Password put his hand above his eyes, and looked at both sides."Hmm, wherever I guess." He said.

    "Well, I just came from that side, maybe we can go down the road, like Wanderer said, or we can go into the woods." I said to them.

    Wanderer looked down, and put his hand on his chin."Hmm, I just came from that side too..."

    "I did as well, maybe you were farther than me, because I didn't see a horde." Password told me.

    "I've been running all night. All I know is that there was a horde of walkers behind me." I said.

    "Hmm, well okay. Which way should we go?" Password asked me.

    "Yeah, down the road, or into the woods?" Wanderer asked.

    "Shit, why me?" I asked. They just kept staring, and waiting for an answer. Either the woods, or down the road. I needed to decide...

    1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods.

    2) Come on, guys. Let's go down the road.

    3) Meh... I think I'll go on my own.


    "Alright, that's everything." Clayton told us, as he was loading the duffel bag up with the last of the supplies.

    "Okay, then. Let's get moving." Jon told us.

    "We need to get back to Pro's SUV." TWDFan told us.

    "No shit, captain obvious." I replied.

    "Shut up..." He said to me.

    We were in a small town, collecting gas, food, and supplies. After our cabin was overrun, we had to move farther away. We still stayed in the woods, but we were more careful when it came to going on supply runs. If there was ever a horde again, we would get them going in the opposite direction, before going back to our location. It took longer, but it was worth it in the end."Almost there, guys!" I shouted.

    "Yeah, just a little bit further!" Clayton told us.

    We were running out of a department store, and onto a nearly empty parking lot, behind a fast food restaurant."There's the car, hurry!" Jon said.

    We finally reached the SUV, and put the duffel bags into the trunk. I looked around the area."Clear." I said to the group. Everyone got in, I let Angel in, and then I got in. I looked through my bag, and took out an Easter basket. I proceeded to put it on my head."Ahh... much better."

    TWDFan turned around to look at me."The fuck?"

    "What?" I replied.

    "Why do you have a basket on your head?" He said with a confused look.

    Clayton turned his head to look at me, and started laughing."Haha, what the hell?!" He said while trying to hold his laugh in.

    Jon looked at the rear-view mirror."Uhh... WtW?"

    I scratched my head, and looked at them."What? You guys are crazy." I said.

    Clayton was still laughing, Jon kept his eyes on the road, and TWDFan turned back around."Yeah... we're the crazy ones." I heard him say.

    I didn't know what was so funny or strange, but I looked out the window as we were leaving the small town, and trying to get back to our group. I got really close to Noncy these last three weeks. She seemed to get me, I couldn't believe she risked her life to save me that night. She was even surprised that she did that, herself, she told me that she would have never done that, but for some reason she felt like she needed to help me. We talked a lot ever since then, sharing our past and getting to know each other. I felt like I could trust her with anything. After we were driving for about thirty minutes, we finally reached the part of the woods that we were staying in."What the?" I said as I spotted the group standing next to the pickup, with Firedog laying on the ground. I saw Pro and Puncake on the back, with someone laying down."Oh no!" I said to myself when I realized who it was.

    "Fuck! What the hell happened?" Jon said out loud.

    "Oh, man. This is bad..." TWDFan said.

    "What's going on?" Clayton asked, trying to look over.

    Jon parked the car, and we immediately got out. Angel started barking."What happened?!" I asked the group as I was making my way over to them.

    "Firedog is dead, Pro and Puncake are trying to keep Noncy alive, but she's losing too much blood." Jewf explained."The fuck's on your head?" He asked me.

    "Oh my God. Who did this?!" Jon asked in an angered tone.

    ATR was crying."Some guy snuck up behind us when we went fishing. It's all my fault..." She said, and then looked down.

    Deceptio spoke up."No... it's my fault. I tried to distract the guy, but it ended up in a disaster." He said, and then looked down.

    "It's ok, sis." DLB said to ATR while hugging each other.

    "Man... not Firedog. Fuck..." Clayton said.

    "Is the fucking guy who did this, dead?" Jon asked.

    "Yeah, don't worry about that bastard. ATR got him." Jewf explained.

    "Good thing Pro taught them a few things." TWDFan said."Damn... just wish we were here."

    "Guys! She's losing too much blood!" We heard Puncake say.

    "Noncy!" I said out loud, and started running over to Pro and Puncake. I reached them and hopped on to the back."Is she going to live?!" I asked.

    "The bullet passed right through, she's losing too much blood. I'm not a doctor, but I have some knowledge on what to do to keep her alive. We just need blood from someone, but we don't know her blood type." Pro explained. He turned to look at me."Is that a Easter basket?"

    I stared at him."No time to explain. My blood type is O! She can have some of mine!" I said to him.

    "Holy shit! Are you serious?!" Puncake asked, with a surprised and confused look.

    "Alright, Baskethead. We'll need to start this, right now." Pro said.

    We started the blood donations, and the others started burying Firedog. A few of the members were crowded around, watching to make sure Noncy would be okay. I was starting to feel weak and lightheaded from donating so much blood, but if this is what it took to save Noncy, then I was all in for it. I was praying that she would make it out of this. An hour went by, Pro and Puncake were almost done."Is she good?" I asked.

    "I think so." Pro said to me.

    "Noncy... please live." ATR said.

    "She'll make it through this. She has to..." Puncake told us.

    "Her breathing is normal. We just have to wait until she wakes up." Pro told us.

    TWDFan put his hand on my back."Give it time."

    Jon was making his way over."We finished burying Firedog... how's Noncy?"

    "She'll be okay..." I told him.

    "You guys... want to say something for Firedog, while we wait?" He asked.

    "Sure..." Puncake replied.

    "Yeah..." Deceptio spoke up.

    "I'll stay here... with Angel and Noncy. I'll say something when I know that she's okay." I told him.

    "Okay..." Jon replied.

    Everyone started to follow him. Pro turned around before he left."Let us know when she wakes up."

    I nodded, and he started walking over to Firedog's grave. I looked over at Noncy."You'll be fine... I know you will." I said to her, and then grabbed her hand. Several minutes went by, and everyone else was still mourning over the death of Firedog. I was still holding Noncy's hand, I looked down, closed my eyes, and started crying."Noncy... please don't die." Angel started licking my face.

    "You fool. Even if I do die, I will transcend into a higher plane of existence, thus making me more powerful than your mortal brain can even comprehend." I heard her voice. Angel started barking.

    I quickly looked up and saw Noncy smiling at me."Noncy?! Oh my God! Oh my God, you're alive!" I was shocked.

    "So... what did I miss? What is that ridiculous thing on your head?" She asked.

    I saw everyone running over to us."Noncy?!" I heard ATR.

    "She's alive?!" DLB shouted.

    "Holy shit! She made it!" Clayton shouted.

    "Oh, man. She's alive!" TWDFan said with a smile.

    "Heh, well what do you know." Pro said.

    "Noncy, we were so worried about you!" I told her.

    "I'm fine. No need to worry, guys." She told us.

    "I heard that WtW donated some blood to keep you alive." Jewf told her.

    "Yeah, she's the reason why you're still with us." Jon explained.

    "It was tough, you almost didn't make it, but WtW saved your life." Pro told her.

    "No, you and Puncake did all the work. If it wasn't for you... thank you." I said to them.

    Noncy turned to look at me."Thanks for that." She said with a smile.

    "Thank God you're okay." Deceptio said with a smile.

    "Well, we should let Noncy rest. After what happened today, I want everyone to carry a firearm. I will be training everyone, so next time, we can be prepared for something like this." Pro said to the group. He turned to Noncy."Including you, Noncy. I know that you refused the training, but we have to do this."

    "Oh, don't worry. After today, I have to agree with you." She replied.

    "Alright, then. We should also move away from this area, or at least patrol it better. We had no idea that a man snuck up behind our group members. We have to absolutely be prepared for this type of thing. The only thing worse, and more dangerous than walkers, are humans."

    "Yeah, we lost Firedog. Shit... we have to be more careful." Jon said to us.

    "I agree. We should move away from here. Who knows if that son of a bitch, had more people with him." Puncake said.

    "If he does, and they come for us. We'll just fuckin' kill them." Jewf said with his arms crossed.

    DLB spoke up."Where will we go?"

    "Yeah, we need to find some sort of shelter." TWDFan said.

    "I don't know, but we'll find something." Pro told us.

    "When should we leave?" Clayton asked.

    "Whenever Noncy is ready to move." I told them.

    Noncy looked at me."I'm ready now."

    "What about Salt? If he comes looking for us, and we're not here..." Jon asked.

    "I'm leaving it up to you guys. Either tonight, or tomorrow, maybe even later than that." Pro said to us.

    "Hmm, what do you think, Baskethead?" Noncy asked me. Pro was right, it could be dangerous if we stay, but if he's going to start training everybody, then maybe we'll be able to defend ourselves, plus Salt hasn't returned. If he comes back, and we're not here, he might think we ditched him. I put my hand on the Easter basket. Hmm...

    1) Let's stay for the night, and wait for Salt. We can leave tomorrow afternoon.

    2) We can stay here for a few days, or at least until Salt returns. If Pro is going to start training, maybe we can be prepared.

    3) Let's leave right now. It isn't safe here. We need to find shelter, and a better way to protect ourselves.

    4) We should leave now. Let's leave Salt some sort of note by the training spot, it's too dangerous to stay here any longer.

    5) Say nothing.


  • YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONCY IS ALIVE <3<3<3<3 AND THE BASKET REFERENCE!!!! OMG! It was just like when Carl got shot and Rick donated his blood to keep him alive :D

    Alt text

    CoolStoryBro: 1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods.

    Welcome_to_Woodbury: 4) We should leave now. Let's leave Salt some sort of note by the training spot, it's too dangerous to stay here any longer.

    CoolStoryBro (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group? Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?" "Hmm, I don't mi

  • Lol, who said Noncy was dead? I never confirmed that. B]

    YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONCY IS ALIVE <3<3<3 AND THE BASKET REFERENCE!!!! OMG! It was just like when Carl got shot and Rick

  • Well, when she stopped moving I thought she was dead ;-;

    And everyone was like "RIP Noncy" T_T

    Lol, who said Noncy was dead? I never confirmed that. B]

  • Lol, that's why I was like."You guys are funny!"

    Well, when she stopped moving I thought she was dead ;-; And everyone was like "RIP Noncy" T_T

  • edited June 2014


    You just made my entire night <;D!#(#

    Lol, that's why I was like."You guys are funny!"

  • Everyone kept saying that, I even gave you hints! Lmao, now do you get it?! :p

    Omg...... You just made my entire night <;D!#(#

  • Yeah, I get it now ^//^ I feel stupid.

    I should have more faith in Miss Noncy. xD

    Everyone kept saying that, I even gave you hints! Lmao, now do you get it?!

  • Yes, just like Miss Noncy has faith in you. B]

    Yeah, I get it now ^//^ I feel stupid. I should have more faith in Miss Noncy. xD

  • I guess WtW won't be alone forever after all!!!

    BTW, I like the whole "No shit, captain obvious." thing. It captures our friendship perfectly. ^_^

    Yes, just like Miss Noncy has faith in you. B]

  • Lol, Poor muteJoe. Always getting stepped on. >:P

    I guess WtW won't be alone forever after all!!! BTW, I like the whole "No shit, captain obvious." thing. It captures our friendship perfectly. ^_^

  • sorrynotsorry........ >:D

    Lol, Poor muteJoe. Always getting stepped on. >:P

  • edited June 2014

    2) Come on, guys. Let's go down the road.

    2) We can stay here for a few days, or at least until Salt returns. If Pro is going to start training, maybe we can be prepared.

    I feel like someone important is about to die... :(

    CoolStoryBro (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group? Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?" "Hmm, I don't mi



    CoolStoryBro (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group? Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?" "Hmm, I don't mi

  • 1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods.

    1) Let's stay for the night, and wait for Salt. We can leave tomorrow afternoon.

    YESSS i knew it!

    CoolStoryBro (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group? Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?" "Hmm, I don't mi

  • 1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. ( I'm pretty sure they will run into Tobi's camp. Then, Password can say "Dammit, Shadow!" like he always does)

    4) We should leave now. Let's leave Salt some sort of note by the training spot, it's too dangerous to stay here any longer.

  • 1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. ( I'm pretty sure they will run into Tobi's camp. Then, Password can say "Dammit, Shadow!" like he always does)

    4) We should leave now. Let's leave Salt some sort of note by the training spot, it's too dangerous to stay here any longer.

    CoolStoryBro (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group? Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?" "Hmm, I don't mi

  • edited June 2014


  • I really would tell her to shut up, lol. Besides shadow, I wonder who you guys will bash on while I'm gone.

    Lol, Poor muteJoe. Always getting stepped on. >:P

  • He takes notes on our conversations.

    I guess WtW won't be alone forever after all!!! BTW, I like the whole "No shit, captain obvious." thing. It captures our friendship perfectly. ^_^

  • Why do I have to shut up? >:\

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I really would tell her to shut up, lol. Besides shadow, I wonder who you guys will bash on while I'm gone.

  • Because I said so.

    -waits for a heartbreaking response-

    Why do I have to shut up? >:\

  • I pity the poor girl who marries you. >.>

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Because I said so. -waits for a heartbreaking response-

  • Right? I'm such a scumbag :)

    I pity the poor girl who marries you. >.>

    edited June 2014

    Alt text

    I pity the poor girl who marries you. >.>

  • Not a reply son!

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Not a reply son!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. ( I'm pretty sure they will run into Tobi's camp. Then, Password can say "Dammit, Shadow!" like


    MY NAME HAS AN S IN IT (sardines)




    (i should really go to bed...)

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I really would tell her to shut up, lol. Besides shadow, I wonder who you guys will bash on while I'm gone.

  • I'll have to warn her about what a cruel heartless douche canoe you are.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Right? I'm such a scumbag

  • They only make fun of me for their entertainment. You're starting to do it too :c

    sardines posted: »


  • Dude wat r u doin ur vote won't count -.-

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    1) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. ( I'm pretty sure they will run into Tobi's camp. Then, Password can say "Dammit, Shadow!" like


    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Yeah because I enjoy being cruel and heartless. It's what keeps me going nowadays.

    -spills water at your face- Like that ^-^

    I'll have to warn her about what a cruel heartless douche canoe you are.

  • edited June 2014



    TWDFan86 posted: »

    They only make fun of me for their entertainment. You're starting to do it too :c

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