Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited August 2014

    I don't remember in which one but there was one option where you can tell the Cabin group to screw themselves for locking Clementine in a shed...

    You get that option if Alvin refuses to help you and you don't promise to be friends with Sarah.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    The PC & Playstation versions of this game have different angles, lighting and some options... I don't remember in which one but ther

  • Originally , While searching for Sarah and Luke , Jane will tell Clementine a rather weird and explicit joke about some sheep and two Shepards.

  • edited August 2014
    • When you go with Jane to look for the others, Jane will find the fresh walkers and will want to search them. Before you do, selecting 'we should look for the others' will prompt Jane to ask you if they would risk themselves for you. Luke is the only person by name you can select. The three options are: 'Luke would', 'It's the right thing to do', and 'You're probably right'.

    • If you killed Larry in the meat locker, Clementine will mention this while she exchanges her last few words to Lee. If he tells her to shoot him, she will say that it's like the Larry situation - he was doing it to protect her.

    • The cabin group specifically referred to walkers as "lurkers" in previous episodes. However, in Amid the Ruins everybody calls them walkers.

    • This one's more of a what moment for me. When the cabin group locks Clementine into the shed in episode one, it's still daytime. You can even hear Luke and Nick talking moments after they lock the doors. But once Clementine escapes out of the shed, which should only take a few minutes, it's dark out. There's no reason for them to be standing outside for hours so how could she have heard them?

    • There was a deleted sequence in No Time Left where Lee and whoever came with him had to fight off walkers in the sewers.

    • There is unused dialogue where Lee mentions that Lilly was a good person up until her father died and became paranoid.

    • Luke and Clementine are the only two characters that have been present in all five episodes.

    • No matter what answer you give Pete when he asks you if you're telling the truth, he'll always say that it's "good enough for him". Remaining silent actually gives you a funny response from Luke who says, "that wasn't even an answer!" after Pete gives the okay.

    • When Lee is attacked by Sandra, dying will cause the shot to go to the walkie talkie. Clementine will then shout, "are you dead too?!"

    • Giving Luke the silent treatment during the dinner scene in episode one will cause him to say these lines: "Yeah, y'know I get it. You're pissed that we locked you up. And I'm sorry." Staying silent when Nick apologizes and Luke tries to get you to sympathize with him will cause Luke to explain the story about Nick's mom. He'll add on to it saying that Nick blames himself for it.

    • Additionally, you can't not tell Luke about Lee. Staying silent will make Clementine talk about it anyways. However, when Luke asks what happened to him in the end, staying silent will cause Luke to say: "Y'know what? It's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want"

    • Garry Whitta said it was intentional to include the choice of dropping or saving Ben while in Crawford. They introduced a very survivalist community that didn't hold onto any 'liabilities' and later gave you the choice to either leave like them or reject their values.

    • Your reply to the groups questioning of Arvo will actually slightly change how Luke approaches him. Saying that you don't trust him will cause him to be slightly more defensive, asking if he's with a group. If you say he has a sick sister, he'll say "alright" a little hesitantly but I don't think he ever asks if Arvo has a group.

    • Kenny will actually imply that he doesn't trust Mike or Bonnie in this episode.

  • That's funny, I made friends with her in episode one and she still gave the "No... we're not friends." line. Maybe because I didn't do her work in episode 3.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Many say that being friends with Sarah was pointless but it actually wasnt, heres some things you only got if you were friends with Sarah

  • Walt, the old man in the Pitstop from Russel's story in 400 days, can appear as a watchdog in Shel's story.

    Can someone please find this video?

  • Carver put them in that situation. The moonstar lodge would've been the perfect place to camp out.

    The group was in a very sticky situation. Kind of like a group of impalas trying to cross the mara river. The grass is greener on the other side, but of course, the river is full of hungry crocs and not everyone is going to make it.

    Pride posted: »

    The aftermath of the shootout in EP5 will undoubtedly increase that list. "Let the sheep outta the pen. Let's see how long it lasts." Yeah, not that long...

  • Also, the reunion with Kenny in A House Divided didn't even last an entire night.

  • There is 3 Walter's in the whole game.
    There's the Walter at the ski lodge in s2 ep2, the Walt(er) who tries to snipe you in Russell's story in 400 days, and the name of the dog Lee digs up in s1 ep4 is Walter.

  • Yeah he might be Jesus because he survived that thing in the building/while trying to save Ben.Although those situations=actual death.

    Yes i know one...Kenny has a godlike beard now, instead of a divine Mustache! Many people seem to forget that!

  • Lee, Clementine and Kenny are pretty much the main characters though, and Nick is cool :3

    Flog61 posted: »

    Those aren't most characters...

  • edited August 2014

    -I think this got mentioned, but in Episode 4 characters like Luke, Jane and Bonnie have finally adopted Clem's group name for the undead by referring to them as Walkers, instead of Lurkers as Carver's community once called them.

    -Depending on if you saved Sarah, Clementine will bring her up as a negative to Jane at having thought of leaving her, if you tell Luke you don't trust her.

    -Clem and Luke moving the chest of draws as walkers are breaking in is similar to Episode 5 in Season 1, when Lee and Kenny have to move the draws to make a last stand inside the house.

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    -Nick's second death is on a fence turned as a walker. In the recent season of the TV series there was a walker with a nametag named Nick who was at the fence of the prison, he also died.

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    -Also concerning Nick, depending if he died in Episode 2 or 4, the first walker Clementine attacks with the screwdriver after going through the fence may or may not have blood around it's mouth. It's the one that got Nick.

    -A lot of elements in Episode 4 Season 2 connect to Episode 4 Season 1:

    1. Jane being a type of Molly to Clem as Molly was to Lee. Both work as a team with the main character, both get trapped and must escape through a skylight with Lee/Clem, and both end up departing at the very end down some fancy stairs. Both Jane and Molly also had younger sisters.
    2. Rebecca and the baby replaces the boat, as the team have to split up to get supplies for her like the group in Season 1 did when at the school gathering supplies for the boat.
    3. Arvo is like Vernon, the man you have to talk down from pointing a gun at you and have the option to threaten.
    4. Kenny is once again broken and losing the will to live, yet finds will to live through BOAT-I mean, Rebecca's baby.
    5. Sarah is Ben [not in the literal sense] a person who has become 'a risk to the group' and is left up to the player's decision if to save them. Both their second deaths are the result of falling from something collapsing, and on both occasions they are eaten by walkers.
  • edited August 2014

    Brie from Season 1 was based on the looks of a real woman. Also, she is the first woman in the game who will definitely be devoured alive by walkers.

  • edited August 2014

    Also, Nikki Rapp (voices Lilly) is actually also the voice behind some of the Sims!

    Her recording the children for The Sims 3. She has been with Maxis since 2002, though.

  • Rebecca did get a night's sleep at the very least. More. So she's kind of a big IF

    remorse667 posted: »

    It's a guess, but it's pretty accurate. At least I think... Alvin, William Carver, Troy, Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Sarah, and maybe Rebecca all died in like a 12 hour time span. With two being determinant in there of course.

  • Yeah, in that moment I wondered about what he was telling her

  • Oh wow. i gave them to rebecca

    Liayso posted: »

    If you took the pills from Arvo, you can give them to Rebecca when she and Kenny are still at the "Fallen, but not forsaken" monument. Rebe

  • Luke is the main character of season 2 along with Ken and Clem (as you can see in the credits) and he doesn't :p

    prink34320 posted: »

    Lee, Clementine and Kenny are pretty much the main characters though, and Nick is cool

  • I'd never thought about that: the other women are indeed determinant, both Carley and Beatrice can either be devoured or shot in the head.

    There is also Brenda St. John, but she wasn't really devoured, walker Mark just bit her a few times and then she died and turned.

    Tamta posted: »

    Brie from Season 1 was based on the looks of a real woman. Also, she is the first woman in the game who will definitely be devoured alive by walkers.

  • You guys wanna know the real-life of example of being devoured by walkers? Look up wild dogs hunting. It's pretty graphic.

  • There's a fourth Walter actually: dr. Logan in s1 ep4 wears an ID card on his scrubs with "Dr. Walter Ashe" written on it (you can barely notice it watching the tape in his locker).

    Pigisdeado posted: »

    There is 3 Walter's in the whole game. There's the Walter at the ski lodge in s2 ep2, the Walt(er) who tries to snipe you in Russell's story in 400 days, and the name of the dog Lee digs up in s1 ep4 is Walter.

  • Question is, where did she get the clothes?!

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    And yes, i know she got them when with Christa, but WHERE did they find them?

    eRock92 posted: »

    I don't know if it has been discussed or mentioned before, but Clementine's outfits from Seasons 1 and 2 are similar. In both seasons, she

  • the first walker Clementine attacks with the screwdriver after going through the fence may or may not have blood around it's mouth. It's the one that got Nick.

    Holy shit, Telltale is awesome even in little details

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    -I think this got mentioned, but in Episode 4 characters like Luke, Jane and Bonnie have finally adopted Clem's group name for the undead by

  • Lily's RV was in the background where Luke was trapped with Sarah. You can see it about the time Jane teaches Clem how to kick the walkers legs

    • He says ''I've never felt this human like this before I almost forgot,,,,(clementien arrives) um CLEMENTINE!'' I LOLED

    It is implied that Luke did the do with his winky doo on Jane.

  • Couldn't stop LOLING xDDDDDD

    Duck ate Mark's legs like there was no tomorrow in S1 EP2

  • U can do that also on Playstation

    Crips posted: »

    I don't remember in which one but there was one option telling the Cabin group to screw themselves for locking Clementine in a shed... PC :P

  • And there was two recent walkers... which means..


    dontel2014 posted: »

    Lily's RV was in the background where Luke was trapped with Sarah. You can see it about the time Jane teaches Clem how to kick the walkers legs

  • Telltale is amazing with little details, one of them mentioned above by "Lilacsbloom" was that a walker at the trailer park will either have blood on its mouth or no blood on its mouth based on the presence of Nick, another is that if you look closely, when Nick points the gun ar Kenny,Walter, and Sarita when they first meet, Nicks finger is on the trigger, meanwhile Kennys and the others dont, another one is that Walters/Matthews knife appears on a counter behind Bonnie in the armory, implying that they found the knife on the ground and took it

  • Notes on Carver's community:

    • The survivors who we met in 400 Days seem to have compromised their original values due to living under Carver's rule. Shel and Becca escaped Roman's dictatorship only to live under a harsher tyrant, Russell left an insane man to live under an insane ruler, Wyatt lost his carefree nature and bossed little kids around, Vince escaped a prison bus only to run a prison, and Bonnie went from accidentally killing Dee in self-defense to being company to Walter's murder.

    -Tavia, from what little we see of her, seems to be more reasonable and less strict than Carver. It's likely that she took over the community after the horde attack, and wouldn't risk seeking revenge due to more pressing concerns.

    • Despite Carver's speeches about eliminating weakness, he ironically never gets rid of Troy despite his blunders. In turn, Troy comes across as a wannabe survivalist (dressed in military fatigues) and a bully who is actually ill-suited to surviving in the wilderness. Because of this weakness, Jane kills him.

    • Howe's Hardware seems to be a homage to the Monroeville Mall from Dawn Of The Dead.

  • Season 1:

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    Season 2:

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    Ain't colours different?

    dontel2014 posted: »

    Lily's RV was in the background where Luke was trapped with Sarah. You can see it about the time Jane teaches Clem how to kick the walkers legs

  • When Lee is attacked by Sandra, dying will cause the shot to go to the walkie talkie. Clementine will then shout, "are you dead too?!"

    OMG!! poor Clemmy!

    I know one:

    • When Luke and Clem are wondering about the possibility of relying on Jane. if you haven't saved Sarah and respond to Luke that you don't trust her. this will make Luke say: "- Yeah.. I can understand her. you know.. Sarah.."
    quinnics posted: »

    * When you go with Jane to look for the others, Jane will find the fresh walkers and will want to search them. Before you do, selecting 'we

  • I believe the color differences are just because of the lighting

    It's dusk on the first screen, and morning in the other

    fallandir posted: »

    Season 1: Season 2: Ain't colours different?

  • Also season 2 has more of a coloured look to it.

    Pride posted: »

    I believe the color differences are just because of the lighting It's dusk on the first screen, and morning in the other

  • edited August 2014

    they have the exact same rust spots and everything

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    Also season 2 has more of a coloured look to it.

  • edited August 2014

    Maybe reused model?

    edit: Don't get me wrong, Lilly is okay in my book. I'm just wondering if that's possible.

    Pride posted: »

    they have the exact same rust spots and everything

  • The only reason Luke scream when Rebecca was shot because he thought she was still alive and he kinda saw her moving.That means Luke thought he saw Clementine or Kenny murder Rebecca.

    Luke doesn't know that when you die you will become a walker.heck we haven't seen anyone yet reanimate when they die( until Rebecca.)

    Nick kinda confirm it in episode 1.

    Nick:"When you get bit you get put down end of story" End of story.

  • I'm not sure about that. You'd think Carver's community is aware of how undeath works.

    Speaking of which, Reggie is implied to have become a zombie. When Clem looks over the roof edge at night, his body is gone while a blood trail leads away from the pool marking his original spot.

    poplee posted: »

    The only reason Luke scream when Rebecca was shot because he thought she was still alive and he kinda saw her moving.That means Luke thought

  • edited August 2014

    I don't know, Telltale likes foreshadowing and usually pays attention to little details like that.

    This is kind of a big "little" detail, too. They could have just not put any RVs there in EP4 if they were worried about reusing models, the scene would have been the same. Kenny's RV was pretty iconic.

    fallandir posted: »

    Maybe reused model? edit: Don't get me wrong, Lilly is okay in my book. I'm just wondering if that's possible.

  • Hope we gonna find out soon.

    Pride posted: »

    I don't know, Telltale likes foreshadowing and usually pays attention to little details like that. This is kind of a big "little" detail,

  • edited August 2014

    Foreshadowing Jane:

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    Luke, huh?

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    No one else will. - Season 2 ending?

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