Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Alt text


    Lol, yes!

  • You weren't the one who put my farm on fire, urban. You're shot and getting rest.

  • 6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    Sorry Scarlet, but WTWH will be of no help at this point, I didn't save Romy for nothing, Salt is Salt, And NDY is the leader. Juicy might be pissed, but if Juicy dies here Scarlet won't ever forgive herself, or the RV group.

    Sorry ;-;

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • I agree. This is (sadly) the best choice in the situation. I wish I didn't have to do this, but it's what needs to be done :(

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving. Sorry Scarlet, but WTWH will be of no help at this point, I didn't save Romy for nothing, Salt is S

  • So Far:
    6 has 7 votes.
    2 has 4 votes.
    1 has 2 votes.

  • Lol, WTWH might actually be some help... B]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving. Sorry Scarlet, but WTWH will be of no help at this point, I didn't save Romy for nothing, Salt is S

  • edited August 2014

    I've taken to thinking everything you say as a plot to kill someone.

    For all we know WTWH might go psyco bokers crazy.

    WTWH comes up to us."A fire! Let's go over! Come on!"

    "Look at the fire!" WTWH says with a huge smile on his face.

    We should go, we should see the fire!" WTWH says.

    Lol, WTWH might actually be some help... B]

  • Lmao, or he might not be as bad as you guys think. B]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I've taken to thinking everything you say as a plot to kill someone. For all we know WTWH might go psyco bokers crazy. WTWH comes u

  • We shall let the dice decide!

    Dice being choices, obv

    Lmao, or he might not be as bad as you guys think. B]

  • edited August 2014

    I need to check this thread more often missed the last vote. Hmm kinda stuck. WTWH is pyromaniac so he's a no go. Burning building is not and ideal setting for a successful rescue at all. We just got out of a chaotic situation so I'm not entirely sure were ready try our luck again with bandits. If bandits are unknowingly on our tail they could attempt to ambush the remaining group at the RV. I'm all for helping people in need but we have Star and Latte to care for at the moment. No regrets. I hope the best for Scarlett.

    EDIT- If Salt123 decides on helping Scarlet I'll change my decision.

    6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • edited August 2014

    This is my analysis, And please pay attention my friends.

    1) This option is not smart. WTWH is an unpredictable person that seems to suffer from bi-polar disorder and dissociative identity disorder (manic and depressive mood swings, and having two personalities in which he talks to himself) Plus, WTWH's interest is not in Scarlet's safety, but the fire instead. Hence WTWH should not engage in this dangerous situation.

    2) This option seems to be the smartest choice in terms of helping out Scarlet. NDY, Romy, and Salt can all be armed and they certainly outnumber the bad guys. (3 against 2). Scarlet has the leader subdued, so this will turn into a stand off in which NDY's group can trade the leader for Scarlet's safety.

    3) Again it should be noted that WTWH is an unpredictable person. If NDY's group come up with an agreement to trade the leader for Scarlet, I don't believe WTWH will stand by and do nothing. He'll probably do something reckless in which he ruins the trade off and people get killed on both sides. Plus, excluding Juicy from this situation will not gain her respect for the group. So this option is not good.

    4) Again, WTWH is a BIG NO NO. Plus, NDY and WTWH would be equally matched with the bad guys. It's best to have the advantage in numbers, as well as the advantage in gun skills, which is why it's very important to have Salt out there with NDY and Romy.

    5) WTWH and Juicy will be the only one's wanting to help, and thus, they will be disadvantaged here. Most likely the bad guys will be emboldened to take on WTWH and Juicy, instead of peacefully trading the leader for Scarlet.

    6) Well, say goodbye to Scarlet. And hello cruel world. If you do this, then you will break up NDY's group. Juicy will no longer trust the group and leave because you abandoned Scarlet. WTWH will most likely do something crazy for not getting what he wants and leave the group as well, I mean he's also a loner too (read character sheet). Just let WTWH enjoy the fire from a safe distance inside the RV and let Juicy save her friend.

    So after careful consideration, I choose 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    I implore you my friends, to do the right thing.
    But, as with all choices, someone will die. Unless we beg Pro for at least just this once that there be no more deaths. For Spooch! For Blue! For Simon! For Grafite! There's been enough deaths. But if you must insist on someone dying, Take mine.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Hold up....

    Scarlet used to be a surgeon.

    WTD used to be a surgeon.

    WTD X Scarlet

  • 1) Let's help her out. I'll go with WTWH, and Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • How are you sure theirs only 2 bandits?

    This is my analysis, And please pay attention my friends. 1) This option is not smart. WTWH is an unpredictable person that seems to suff

  • BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Let's help her out. I'll go with WTWH, and juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • I can only go by what the story reveals. It's up to Pro if he wants to add more bandits hiding somewhere nearby or behind the burning farmhouse or where ever else. But I think it's reasonable to conclude that there's only two bandits and their leader left. If there's more, I don't think that they're nearby.

    How are you sure theirs only 2 bandits?

  • 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited August 2014

    I ship


    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Credit to @JonGon

  • Ew, zombie love.

    Hold up.... Scarlet used to be a surgeon. WTD used to be a surgeon. WTD X Scarlet

  • edited August 2014


    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Credit to @JonGon

  • Nice, you could probably be the music person in here, haha. B]

    @LeeTheProfessional For Scarlet's part listen to this: When she's remembering her son:

  • Lmao, two drinks mixed together. B]

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Credit to @JonGon

  • edited August 2014

    At this moment:

    1) 3

    2) 8

    3) 1

    6) 8


    BlueShadiw posted: »

    So Far: 6 has 7 votes. 2 has 4 votes. 1 has 2 votes.

  • Ooo, haven't needed a tie breaker in a while. Hopefully more people vote later on, I'll leave this open for a while.

    At this moment: 1) 3 2) 8 3) 1 6) 8 NEW NUMBERS

  • 3) Romy, Salt123 and WTWH. I need your help on this. Juicy, stay here.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • edited August 2014

    How do tie breakers work?

    Do you flip a coin?

    Ooo, haven't needed a tie breaker in a while. Hopefully more people vote later on, I'll leave this open for a while.

  • Or we wait to see if anyone else votes. If no one else votes, then maybe that's a last resort or something.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    How do tie breakers work? Do you flip a coin?

  • Nah, I like making the readers decide. I needed a tie breaker before and I just had them choose between the two most picked options. I don't know if I'll be able to post the last part today, but I'll see if I can later on.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    How do tie breakers work? Do you flip a coin?

  • I could, but I have to be the first one to read the story so I could pick the songs out and so you could edit the songs in.

    Lets make a deal.

    When you finish making a part can you PM the part to me. I'll only need 5 minutes. When those 5 minutes are over then you could post it here. What do you think?

    Nice, you could probably be the music person in here, haha. B]

  • 4) I'll go with WTWH. The rest of you stay here.

    It was a hard decision though. The choices were hard to start with, and have been getting even harder haha.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Just post them when you comment, if you want to. I feel like it's too late to start putting them in, heh. I'll just leave it, if people want to listen then they could go to your comment with the songs of your choosing.

    I could, but I have to be the first one to read the story so I could pick the songs out and so you could edit the songs in. Lets make a d

  • Wasn't on much today, but looks like the votes still need a tie breaker. If it's not broken by tomorrow, I'll start another vote to see which one should be chosen.

    We have 8 for NDY, Romy, and Salt123 to go out and help while Juicy lags behind.

    And 8 to leave without helping.

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited August 2014

    You should flip a coin.

    If no one votes, that is.

    Wasn't on much today, but looks like the votes still need a tie breaker. If it's not broken by tomorrow, I'll start another vote to see whic

  • edited August 2014

    i wasnt going to vote on this but...

    2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    i broke the tie cx

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Picking #1 doesn't break the tie it's between #2 and #6

    i wasnt going to vote on this but... 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. i broke the tie cx

  • edited August 2014

    EDIT- Ok so now we got. TIE IS BROKEN

    1) 4

    2) 9

    3) 1

    4) 1

    6) 8

  • I can tell this was the wrong choice.

    i wasnt going to vote on this but... 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. i broke the tie cx

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