Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Or... maybe it's something else. B]

    Great part man! Its good to have some development before this war starts. "Sometimes we have to hurt the people we once knew, in order to

  • Hopefully its something great! I dont want to be hyped up for nothing, then again you could be foreshadowing something with that dialogue, but I guess we will find out...nooS.

    Or... maybe it's something else. B]

  • Gee, really thanks. (High fives)

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Reads Hey NDY, FOTD's back! lols

  • Awesome story as always!

    Alt text

    Mashiro_Shiina "No, Valky! I can't let you do that, you have to stay here!" Guilty told Valky as they were arguing back and forth. Valky

  • edited September 2014


    After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it wasn't too far away, I was on foot for a few days, I was guessing that I could maybe reach Tobi's by tomorrow night. It was still morning and I was restless, I didn't even know why I was still going after Tobi. I had escaped and I was free to do whatever I wanted, but for some reason, I still wanted to make sure Tobi wasn't alive. Maybe it was because I felt like he was some sort of competition to me, or maybe I was just jealous at what he was able to accomplish in this new world. I just wished that Corn was still here with me, I needed someone to watch my back. Someone to have fun with while causing some chaos. I didn't know much about Corn, but I knew that he would have my back no matter what. He might have been a little too psychotic for my taste, but I knew that he was the only person I would be able to rely on."Goddamn, Spider boy and his farm friends..." I said to myself. To be honest, I don't even know why I like causing chaos. I also found it fascinating how humans would react during dangerous situations. I'm usually calm and maybe even laugh while a lot of things are going on. As a kid I used to always like starting trouble, I remember when I was able to burn an old school of mine down because I hated it so much. Those kids used to think I was some sort of freak, because of the scar on my face. It was all my father's fault, he would always hurt my mother and one day I had enough. He had a knife out and was going to kill her, I stepped in and he slashed my face. The coward ran off that day, but the police caught him later on. The scar might have healed, but it's permanently still there to constantly remind me that the pain will never go away."Fuckin' asshole, poor excuse for a father." I said while gritting my teeth. I got in so much trouble during my teen years, I actually killed a kid in a fight and was sent to juvie. I was locked up for a long time, all I had with me were my thoughts. It drove me insane, I hated that I wasn't able to do anything about it. When I finally got out, I heard from my mother that my father was going to get out a week later. She was so happy, and I didn't understand why. How could you love someone that would constantly hurt you and make you feel like shit? It was like she was in denial. Her excuse was that she loved him, I know that love makes you do crazy things, but she was being more psychotic than me at that point. She had been hurt by him so much, but yet she always forgave him and took him back. My father is the reason why I don't hurt woman or children, unless I have no other choice, he was a piece of shit. After he got out, he was living on his own in an apartment building. I waited a couple of days, and snuck into the bedroom one night to kill him. I used a kitchen knife and stabbed him until his whole body was covered in blood. I never regretted that night, even though my mother felt distraught, it had to be done. I moved away and was never caught, I don't even think my mother ever found out that it was me, I also never spoke to her, or saw her again after that, either. My father was gone, and I knew that I wouldn't have to worry about him anymore."You got what you deserved..." I said. As I was driving I spotted what looked like to be a human waving their hands in the middle of the street."The fuck...?"

    "Help me! HELP! They have my baby! Help me, please!" It was a woman shouting. I hit the brakes and stopped to look around. She was crying, the lady had dirt on her face, a black eye and a cut on her thigh. She had on a gray shirt and some jeans. There was a wrecked vehicle parked next to her as well."Help me! They took my baby! I need help!" She shouted.

    I put the window down."What the fuck is going on?!"

    "They took my baby! I was driving along the road and some truck hit my vehicle, it was a bunch of guys that I've never seen before! They took all my supplies and medicine. They took my baby and ran into the woods! Please, I need your help!" She pleaded. I didn't know what was going on, or if she was telling the truth, but she seemed like she really needed the help. I never really helped anyone before in my life, I didn't know if I should start today...

    1) Help her out. I can't leave her out here like this.

    2) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's.


    (!) No time to waste. Let's attack now.

    Star looked up at NDY."No time to waste. Let's attack now." He told him.

    "All right. If you think it's best, then we'll attack right now." NDY replied."Let's get some ammo and bring those Molotov's over."

    "I'll get them, you guys wait here." Romy told us.

    "Thanks, man." Star told him.

    "So what do we do first?" Juicy asked.

    "We sneak in, and take out any of the guards on watch. We'll need to distract them while the others finish them off." Scarlet said.

    "Sounds good, we'll need to be very careful, though." Star told her.

    "I think some of us should go to the back entrance, and another pair should go to the front entrance." NDY told us.

    "That way we'll be able to get rid of them quicker, but who should go where?" I asked.

    "Hey, guys, I'm back." We heard Romy. He walked up to us and placed the Recycling bin with the Molotov Cocktails, and ammo in it on the ground."What's the plan?"

    "Sneak in, a few should go to the back, and a few should go to the entrance." Scarlet said.

    "Maybe some of us should stay up on this hill and keep a look out for the rest of us." Romy told us.

    "Sounds good, too. We shouldn't risk everyone's life on this." Juicy said.

    "Well, I don't think Juicy is ready for this, she hasn't had much experience with a gun. I mean, she can fire a handgun, but those guys down there have machine gun rifles." I said.

    "What?! I can take care of myself, Latte. You don't need to worry about me." She told me.

    I sighed."I'm sorry, I just think you shouldn't risk your life on this."

    "What about you? I haven't seen you fire a weapon, and you're not fully healed from your gunshot wound." She told me.

    "I know how to maneuver my way around, and I know how to fire a weapon." I looked down."Salt123 taught me."

    Juicy looked shocked and then she looked down."Guys, settle down. The enemy is down there. We need to focus." Scarlet said.

    "You guys go ahead. I'll fire them up with the Molotov's, Juicy and Star can stay up here to cover you guys. Once I'm done, I'll go down there to help." WTWH told us.

    "Wow, sounds good, actually." NDY said. He turned around to look at the camp."Scarlet and Romy, you guys take care of the guards in the back entrance. I'll go with Latte and take care of the guards in the front. They have a lot of huge tents set up, we'll go around the one that's farthest to the north and closer to the back entrance. We'll meet up behind it, and then plan the next move from there."

    "We'll need to open those walker cages as quickly as possible. Once the walkers are out, it'll be a lot easier to take out the remaining bandits." Scarlet told us.

    "Why do I have to stay?! I want to help!" Juicy said.

    Scarlet turned to her and placed her hands on her shoulders."Listen to me, Juicy. It'll be too dangerous down there, I've been teaching you a couple things, but I can tell that you're not ready for this. You need to stay up here with Star and cover us. Please, Juicy."

    Juicy looked down."Okay... I'll... I'll stay up here."

    "Thank you..." Scarlet said. She turned to look at the others."Okay. Let's go kill us some bandits."

    Juicy turned and handed me her hunting knife."Why are you giving me this?"

    "For good luck." She told me with a smile.

    Everyone grabbed some ammo and started heading down. WTWH was positioned next to the recycling bin, and was waiting for the right moment to attack, I was just hoping that he wouldn't go back to his timid side while we were doing this. Star and Juicy were up in the hill with him."It'll be okay, Juicy. We need to stay up here and cover them." I heard Star say as me, Scarlet, NDY and Romy made our way down.

    We used the trees and bushes to hide from the bandit's sights."We're going around right now, don't take too long, guys." Romy told us as he and Scarlet started moving.

    NDY turned to me."You ready for this?" He asked.

    I looked down at my handgun."Yeah..."

    "Just stay quiet, we need to be stealthy on this." NDY said while looking at the two guards by the door. The bandits had a nice place, a huge wall surrounded the area, and they had a huge, blue, metal double door on both entrances. I turned to see Romy and Scarlet turning into the corner."Okay, Latte. Now or never."

    "What are we going to do?" I asked him.

    NDY looked around and picked up two rocks from the ground."We need to distract them first. I'll make some noise and bring one over, you go around and kill the other one while he's distracted as well."

    "Okay, but be careful. Let's do this." I said. NDY nodded and told me to get ready to move. I saw one of the guards sneezing and took the opportunity to run over to the other side of the woods. I looked back and saw that NDY was getting ready. I ran closer to the the guards and waited. Suddenly I could hear NDY hitting the two rocks together.

    "The hell is that?" I heard one of the bandits say.

    NDY kept the noise going."Go check it out, I'll cover you from here." The other said. One of the bandits started to slowly walk towards the woods, I noticed that the other one had his back turned, it was my chance to take him out. I grabbed the knife that Juicy gave me and started to slowly sneak up on him."Can't believe I'm stuck here on guard duty, I would rather be in there getting drunk and partying like the rest of them." The guard said while still looking over at the other man getting closer to the woods.

    I got closer to him and then quickly covered his mouth and stabbed him in the side. He made some muffled noises, and then he fell on his knees. I heard someone getting hit and looked over at the woods that NDY was hiding in. I saw the other bandit on the ground and NDY bashing his face in. After he was done, I looked down and stabbed the dead bandit in the head."Open the door!" NDY told me as he made his way over. I started to slowly open it and then peeked inside, no one was around, they were all in the back where the people were fighting. I looked up at the hill and Star had his thumb up, telling us that it was clear. Me and NDY went inside the hideout and quickly ran towards the back of the huge tents. We spotted Scarlet and Romy waiting for us."Romy!" NDY whispered.

    "What took you guys so long, we've been waiting here for like an hour." Romy said with a smile.

    "Very funny, jackass." NDY replied."So what do we got?" He asked them.

    "Those assholes are still too preoccupied with the fight. That cage with the walkers needs to get opened, and then the real fun will start." Scarlet told us.

    "Why don't you just go over there and work your magic like you did on the two guards?" Romy asked her with a smile.

    "Huh?" I said with a confused look.

    "Should've seen it, Latte. Scarlet just walked up to those two dumbasses and they were too distracted by her to even think straight. She took the opportunity and was able to slash their throats with one swoop." Romy explained.

    "There's too many of them, Romy. And besides, they'll be wondering why I'm in here. We need to be sneaky. We need to find a way to open that damn cage without attracting attention. I have some hairpins, I'll be able to pick the lock, but It's too risky." Scarlet told him.

    "The walkers will notice you as well. We don't need them to start making anymore noise." NDY said.

    "Looks like they got about twenty of them in there. It wouldn't take too long, right?" I asked her.

    "That's right, I just need to be sure that the bandits won't spot me." She replied.

    "I can distract them, I'll go over to the other side, hide behind one of those tents, and if I see that they're about to turn around, I'll just start making some noise." I told her.

    "How do we even know that they don't have anymore people in the tents?" NDY asked.

    "Don't worry, all of the bandits are watching the fight. Scarlet asked one of the guards, and she got the info we needed. Apparently it was someone's birthday, and they asked to watch some people fight." Romy explained.

    "Really? Bunch of dumbasses, man." NDY replied.

    "Okay, so are we going to do this?" I asked them.

    "Fine, I guess we shouldn't waste anymore time. Go to the other side, Latte. Let me know when to try to open the cage." Scarlet told me.

    "Me and Romy will cover you, once the walkers are out, run back to us and let them take care of the bandits. I can see Star, Juicy and WTWH from down here, I'm pretty sure they're keeping an eye on us. I'll signal WTWH to start throwing the Molotov's at them." NDY told us.

    "Okay, good. Going to head over, now." I told them. I went around the tent, and saw the huge cage with all the walkers in it. I quickly and quietly made my way over to the other big tent and went around to the back of it. I peeked out and saw all the bandits crowding around the two guys fighting. I signaled Scarlet to head over to the cage. I saw her getting up and sneaking her way over to it, I noticed that the walkers saw her and were starting to make their way to the front of the cage. I looked around and saw a bunch of trash on the ground, I picked up an empty metal can and looked over at Scarlet again. She was trying to avoid the walker's arms that were in her way."Dammit!" I said to myself. She turned around and made sure she was in the clear before starting to pick the lock again.

    "Yeah, get him!" I could hear the bandits yelling at the two men fighting. They were passing around bottles of booze and some of them had their weapons on them.

    I looked over at Scarlet trying to open the cage again."Come on, Scarlet, hurry..." I said under my breath. I looked at the bandits and then back at her, she had finally managed to open the cage and I saw her running back to Romy and NDY."Yes!" I said under my breath when I noticed the walkers making their way over to the bandits. They were all too loud to even notice, some of the walkers got next to them and started to chomp down on them.

    "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK?!" They started panicking and trying to fight the walkers off. I placed the can down and got up to run back to the others.

    "There you are, Latte!" NDY said once I reached them.

    "Looks like you didn't need to cover me, but thanks anyway." Scarlet said with a smile.

    BRATATAT! BLAM! POW! "Looks like they're starting to shoot at the walkers. Some of them are running around." Romy said.

    NDY got up and looked over at the hill. He started to wave his arms and making a throwing motion with one of them."WTWH should throw the Molotov's soon, we'll need to get out of here before the whole place is in flames." NDY told us.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! "The bandits are shooting all over the place, we might have to shoot back." Scarlet said while taking out her handgun. A bullet hits the wall behind us as we're watching the bandits."Shit! We can't stay here any longer."

    "AHHH!!!" We look over and see some of the bandits and walkers on fire.

    "All right! WTWH started throwing the Molotov's." NDY says. We see some of them hitting the tents, and now they were set on fire. A Molotov breaks a few feet in front of us."What the fuck?!" NDY shouts.

    "Over there! Shoot them sons a bitches!" We hear a guy behind us and spot two bandits aiming their guns at us in the distance.

    BRATATAT! "Shit! Go!" Romy shouts. We get up and start running away. BANG! BANG! BRATATAT! All of us start shooting at the bandits and walkers in front of us. Another Molotov hits the back entrance door."What is he doing! Go to the front! GO!" Romy shouts.

    "Motherfuckers! They're right there!" We hear the bandits again. BRATATAT!

    "Split up! We'll meet at the front entrance!" Scarlet shouts. Everyone runs off in different directions. I start running towards the front entrance until I spot the bandits that managed to get away from the walkers coming out with weapons. I turn to head behind one of the tents before they spotted me.

    BANG! BANG! I look up and see Star and Juicy shooting down at the bandits."Up there! Get 'em!" I make it to the back of a tent and then look back to see at a bandit trying to shoot up at the hill. I take aim. BANG! A shot to the head. I heard chaos going around, and I'm looking to see where the others went. BRATATAT! POW! BLAM! There were gunshots and yelling all over the place, I had no idea what to do.

    "More of them over there! Romy, go back!" Suddenly I hear NDY's voice, I peek out and see Romy running back to where the back entrance was, but I didn't see NDY anywhere near him. BRATATAT! I see Romy firing his weapon before he get's out of my sight.

    "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I say to myself. I run out and I see more bandits all over the place. BANG! BANG! BANG! I start firing at them and manage to kill one out of three of them.

    "Over there! Get that fucker!" I hear them shout as I run back to the side of the tent. I crouch down and wait for them to pop up while I aim my gun."I'm coming for you, asshole!" The bandit yells out.

    Once I spot him in my way, I quickly go for the shot. BANG! I see him going down and I wait for the other."You're not going to get me!" He says.

    I quickly get up and go around the tent, I see him hiding beside a tent on the other side and I aim my gun at him before he spots me. BANG! BANG! I see that he goes down so I start heading back out. Before I could head out, I see some walkers in front of me."Holy shit!" I say to myself and run back.

    "Fuck! Someone, help!" As I reach the back of the tent, I hear Romy's voice in the distance. I make sure it's clear and head back out again. I turn to see Romy on the floor, moving back and about to get surrounded by some walkers."I need ammo!" Romy shouts.

    "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I hear a bandit near by. I turn to look at the other side and spot NDY near the front entrance, on his knees with two bandits in front of him. Only one had a gun and the other had a machete."Motherfucker, you better answer me or I'm putting a bullet in your fuckin' head!" I reload my handgun and everything seemed to slow down. I looked over at Romy, and then over at NDY. There were walkers all over, and some bandits still trying to fight some of them off. The back entrance was completely blocked by both. I saw some tents on fire, and a lot of chaos was going around. I didn't see Scarlet or WTWH anywhere. I needed to do something...

    1) Try to help Romy.

    2) Try to help NDY.

    3) Do nothing.


  • 2) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's.

    It doesnt seem like Marks character to set his focus on helping others so suddenly.

    1) Try to help Romy.

    Romy, can be saved in many ways that makes it more likely he will make it out, you can toss him a clip/gun or shoot down the zombies for him. With Romy set free you can then both kill the bandits in front of NDY. The only possible draw back I see from this is the bandits being alerted by the gun shots. Choosing 2 is no good, you either kill one and the other will kill NDY. Doing nothing is risky because we dont know if the others are making a plan and possibly sneaking up on the guards or helping out Romy, but they could also be dead. So taking the risk is not worth it. Also doing nothing will make NDY either say nothing or say something that could possibly get him killed.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • Oh, for the record, Romy has an AK with him, and Latte has a handgun, so he wouldn't be able to toss him a clip. And, I did say I was going to start killing off characters, so... be careful on this vote. B]

    2) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. It doesnt seem like Marks character to set his focus on helping others

  • Alright. Thanks for the clarification! I am still going to stick with my vote, however that "be careful" seems like something I picked could result into a death, but...

    Alt text

    Oh, for the record, Romy has an AK with him, and Latte has a handgun, so he wouldn't be able to toss him a clip. And, I did say I was going to start killing off characters, so... be careful on this vote. B]

  • edited August 2014

    2)Drive off. I don't have for this, I need to get to Tobi's. There no more characters waiting to be introduced, so...

    1)Try to help Romy. Sorry NDY.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • 2) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. Seems like a trap...

    3) Do nothing. and I need to think, I'll change it later. ;-;

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • 2) Drive off Could be a trap

    1) Help Romy

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • Poor Azlyn... :c

    Mashiro_Shiina "No, Valky! I can't let you do that, you have to stay here!" Guilty told Valky as they were arguing back and forth. Valky

  • 2) Drive off. Like the others have said, it seems like a trap.

    3) Help Romy. Walkers are dumber then humans, sorry NDY.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • 2) Drive off.

    2) Try to help NDY.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • edited August 2014

    1) Help her out. I can't leave her out here like this

    I changed my vote a couple of times I'm 99% certain it's a trap but that 1% chance is all I need to save that bruised women and baby

    So much character depth in this chapter for my character dayum I loved it just awesome

    1) Try to help Romy.

    Why Not

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • 1) Help her out. I can't leave her out here like this.

    1) Try to help Romy.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • I think people will die

    I'm also glad you're back lee :)

    Alright, so I haven't been posting because of something that happened on the forum, if you want to know, just PM me. I probably won't be on

  • Hi mark haven't seen you in al while how's it been?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ugh Are you not dead yet King

  • 2) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's.

    3) Do nothing.

    Cos "I needed to do something..." --> Do nothing is the most obvious choice! x3

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • Hi guys im back

    Did anyone miss me?

  • Alt text

    Caught up on the story yet? Because you should.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hi guys im back Did anyone miss me?

  • edited August 2014

    i'm still on page 51 but i did read marks part on this page

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Caught up on the story yet? Because you should.

  • I'd read the parts before that... Try to catch up so you know about what's going on!

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i'm still on page 51 but i did read marks part on this page

  • i will don't worry ive just been reading sardines story

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'd read the parts before that... Try to catch up so you know about what's going on!

  • Read as many as you'd like; don't worry I'm not pressuring you.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i will don't worry ive just been reading sardines story

  • thanks coming ill be back afther i finish

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Read as many as you'd like; don't worry I'm not pressuring you.

  • edited August 2014

    I really do seem to have bad luck with bandits. Being hostage and all. I'm most likely thinking "Really? Again"

    2) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's

    1) Try to help Romy

    The way I see it if you help me: Romy has no chance and I have a medium chance. If you save Romy: I have a slight chance, Romy has a high chance. If you don't do anything both Romy and NDY are screwed.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • I know right? XD that's the first thing I thought of.

    I really do seem to have bad luck with bandits. Being hostage and all. I'm most likely thinking "Really? Again" 2) Drive off. I don't hav

  • High fives back

    No problem.

    Gee, really thanks. (High fives)

  • Yay, I appeared in this part!

    Mashiro_Shiina "No, Valky! I can't let you do that, you have to stay here!" Guilty told Valky as they were arguing back and forth. Valky

  • edited August 2014

    Double post + Massive Image = K.

    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • edited August 2014

    "Goddamn, Spider boy and his farm friends..."

    Alt text

    1) Help her.

    1) Help Romy.


    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

  • Lmao, that Spoder man picture is huge.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    "Goddamn, Spider boy and his farm friends..." 1) Help her. 1) Help Romy. SAVE MAH BEST FRIEND!

  • Doesn't help that it was double posted XD

    Lmao, that Spoder man picture is huge.

  • Lol! I didn't see the double post until I went up.

    Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Doesn't help that it was double posted XD

  • edited August 2014

    Mark is a complicated man.

    FIWN. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    1) Help her out. I can't leave her out here like this I changed my vote a couple of times I'm 99% certain it's a trap but that 1% chance

  • edited August 2014

    Mark is a complicated man

    Alt text

    XDDD I'll take that as a compliment :)

    FIWN B]

    Mark is a complicated man. FIWN. B]

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    XD nice but A joker meme not responded to me or have me tagged in smh >:O

    Lol! I didn't see the double post until I went up.

  • Not sure if I should shake my fist's at the sky or panic and cry.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I know right? XD that's the first thing I thought of.

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    Hi bro it's been good it's great to have you back I haven't seen you in a while :D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hi mark haven't seen you in al while how's it been?

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