I might actually been able to if it weren't for the "Cover Luke" part where you actually see him dead (unlike "Help Luke" where you just see him disappear.)
"Nah, he's the only original group member of Season 2 left. He'll be fine."
I thought so too. I thought that Luke would be all right since he was the only Cabin group member left and surely Telltale wouldn't be so cruel as to kill off the entire Cabin Group. (AJ doesn't count)
In the end, Luke was better than most people.
Not only does he not ask Clementine to put herself in danger for him, he was actively aggra… morevated when Bonnie suggested Clem go over and help.
"Bonnie shut up, she doesn't need to hear that! Clem, just keep the walkers off me, ok?" (paraphrasing)
This much I realized too late. Throughout season 2 he was just on my neutral list, but that final act shows just how selfless and kind the man really was.
When the game allowed me the option of helping or covering him, I covered him. Then he was underneath the ice, and I was fully prepared to let myself die just to get him out. At that point, I didn't give a fuck anymore if my Clementine sacrificed herself for his wellbeing. Even with Jane saying it's too late and everyone telling me to stop.
You know, sometimes people don't have "grand and satisfying" deaths. In fact, most of the time they don't. And I was actually sick of all these movies, books, etc. where in the OFF chance that a main character dies, he does it by sacrificing himself to save the rest, fighting hundreds of monsters at the end of a movie, with a very convenient badass or moving line - "tell my kids I love them", "Go ! I will stay behind to slow them down", etc. How many times has this cliché appeared in fiction ?
So, when you have some instances where you are actually shocked and horrified by a sudden and unpredictable death, you should cherish them. A Song of Ice and Fire, Serenity (the Firefly movie), The Walking Dead comics and game : in all of these, such instances have occured, and it's one of the main reasons why they are amongst my favorite works of fiction I've ever had the pleasure to witness.
Well, great, cause I definitely love being trolled as a fan. That's what I read and play these games for. To be tricked and shocked. Not to … moreread engaging stories and go through the adventures of characters I love with grand and satisfying conclusions. No it's to be punched in the face and then laughed at cause I wasn't expecting it.
Like I said, it's like someone startling you by jumping out of a closet and yelling 'boo' and then trying to call it scary. No, you just came up with something a two year old could. You irritated me for a brief second. My adrenaline went up, but now it's gone leaving no impact in its wake. Only the drama form of this is way more anger inducing because it involves assassinating characters that you love and they, as writers, should have more respect for other than simple shock value. And it isn't just this game, it is every form of entertainment media doing this now and calling themselves smart or edgy for it. And I am SO sick of it.
Oh my gosh, "Serenity." The major death in that movie was one of the biggest shocks to me in my life! I've still not gotten over that. And I fucking love that movie!
You know, sometimes people don't have "grand and satisfying" deaths. In fact, most of the time they don't. And I was actually sick of all th… moreese movies, books, etc. where in the OFF chance that a main character dies, he does it by sacrificing himself to save the rest, fighting hundreds of monsters at the end of a movie, with a very convenient badass or moving line - "tell my kids I love them", "Go ! I will stay behind to slow them down", etc. How many times has this cliché appeared in fiction ?
So, when you have some instances where you are actually shocked and horrified by a sudden and unpredictable death, you should cherish them. A Song of Ice and Fire, Serenity (the Firefly movie), The Walking Dead comics and game : in all of these, such instances have occured, and it's one of the main reasons why they are amongst my favorite works of fiction I've ever had the pleasure to witness.
I have read that there have been miracle stories about people surviving under water for more than 25 minutes, and that is a result of the cold temperatures they have been submerged in. Miracles do happen, most certainly the opposite of miracles happen at least in TWD with unrealistic shock value deaths that have no meaning as Lukes did. Kind of a waste of a great character in my opinion. Like even if luke wasn't part of the grand scheme why randomly kill him off and leave Mike and Bonnie. WTF. Anyways crossing fingers that they pull a Kenny, which was an insane miracle too.
I have read that there have been miracle stories about people surviving under water for more than 25 minutes, and that is a result of the co… moreld temperatures they have been submerged in. Miracles do happen, most certainly the opposite of miracles happen at least in TWD with unrealistic shock value deaths that have no meaning as Lukes did. Kind of a waste of a great character in my opinion. Like even if luke wasn't part of the grand scheme why randomly kill him off and leave Mike and Bonnie. WTF. Anyways crossing fingers that they pull a Kenny, which was an insane miracle too.
I agree that the cliche of the epic death and the happy ending was tiresome but I don't honestly believe it's the norm anymore. The new cliche is what you are describing in the second paragraph, which is death for the sake of death. A character dies simply to shock the audience. At some point, writers began to think happy endings were boring and instead they started going for the opposite. However, this has now become a cliche. Killing off characters simply to shock people is not good writing when there is no substance to it. Just like there's no substance to the happy ending, cheesy one liner ending. Death shouldn't be this thing you throw into your story to create this fake emotional reaction (the jump scare in horror). It should be powerful, it shouldn't always be heroic but it should be done for another reason other than 'I did this to mess with the fans'. That's no better than saying 'I did this to make the fans happy'.
A story should consist of build-up, character development, conflicts that lead to an ultimate conclusion. And in the age of cliffhangers and trilogies, it's gotten to the point that it seems no one can give you a good ending. Cause they are writing to please people rather than actually having a definitive point they are working towards. So we get all these great characters but no one knows how to finish their stories so we end up trying to create these fake moments using shocking instances of death or betrayal.
But the story will truly affect you when these things are built up and happen naturally. Some of my favorite deaths in media are not heroic but tragic. More importantly though, they are inevitable, a product of an unfair existence. Looking only at this game for example, Lee and Kenny's deaths were incredibly emotional but not exactly heroic or glamorous. Lee dies alone, trying to reassure a little girl to keep going. There's no happy ending here, there's a good man dying while a little girl attempts to survive in a world trying to kill her. Or the even better example, Kenny, who has lost so many people that its caused him to lose his humanity and drive him to the brink of insanity. Willing to murder people and Clem is unsure when he will completely snap. If you choose to shoot him, it drives the point of tragedy home. A man who wanted to do good, but was almost unable to anymore.
Both of these are well written, significant deaths. They hit people hard and they stick with you because the story gives them substance. That is reality. There is always layers in the death of anyone, whether their story is tragic or uplifting. Death should never be meaningless, the same as life. Writers now seem to use it to create fake drama just like the happily ever after is used to create fake joy. Create a your story, respect your characters, and don't use cheap tactics and tropes. The shock, horror, pain, sadness, happiness, etc. will all come naturally if you do that.
You know, sometimes people don't have "grand and satisfying" deaths. In fact, most of the time they don't. And I was actually sick of all th… moreese movies, books, etc. where in the OFF chance that a main character dies, he does it by sacrificing himself to save the rest, fighting hundreds of monsters at the end of a movie, with a very convenient badass or moving line - "tell my kids I love them", "Go ! I will stay behind to slow them down", etc. How many times has this cliché appeared in fiction ?
So, when you have some instances where you are actually shocked and horrified by a sudden and unpredictable death, you should cherish them. A Song of Ice and Fire, Serenity (the Firefly movie), The Walking Dead comics and game : in all of these, such instances have occured, and it's one of the main reasons why they are amongst my favorite works of fiction I've ever had the pleasure to witness.
Even if I agree with a lot of your points, I still don't believe that "Death should never be meaningless". Sometimes it is, and usually, that's when you realise how frail human life can be. Hence what Mike said shortly after : "He's just... gone."
Anyway, I think it just boils down to the fact that you think Telltale killed off Luke just for shock value - when actually, it may not be the case, and I personally don't think it is. I'd also like to add that a "meaningless" death doesn't mean it wasn't powerful or tragic (I'm using your terms on purpose). I thought that Luke's death was just as tragic as Kenny's - but in a different way. It explored another facet of the tragedy of death - its unfairness (or suddenty) instead of its inevitability.
And, if you think about it, Lee's death wasn't so different from Luke's. They both came as a shock and nothing really "led" to it (the ice cracking versus the walker coming out of nowhere). Lee just got more time before he actually died than Luke.
If I had to make a list of the most tragic moments of the Walking Dead games (that hit me hard and stuck with me, like you said) :
I agree that the cliche of the epic death and the happy ending was tiresome but I don't honestly believe it's the norm anymore. The new clic… morehe is what you are describing in the second paragraph, which is death for the sake of death. A character dies simply to shock the audience. At some point, writers began to think happy endings were boring and instead they started going for the opposite. However, this has now become a cliche. Killing off characters simply to shock people is not good writing when there is no substance to it. Just like there's no substance to the happy ending, cheesy one liner ending. Death shouldn't be this thing you throw into your story to create this fake emotional reaction (the jump scare in horror). It should be powerful, it shouldn't always be heroic but it should be done for another reason other than 'I did this to mess with the fans'. That's no better than saying 'I did this to make the fans happy'.
A story should… [view original content]
Well, my original comment is based on the Playing Dead where they said that Luke's death was used for shock value. I'll, be honest, I have a big issue with playing the inevitability of death card in storytelling with main characters. I believe entertainment should be an escape from everyday life not a reminder of it. That doesn't mean that I rule out death, I just don't like it to be pointless or meaningless. Plus, I think reality gives a lot more substance to anyone's death. There's so much depth in any life that just cannot be recreated in storytelling. The best we can get is an imitation. Kenny and Clem have been with us for two games and there are still so many things we can learn about them. We spend years with real people where we spend only hours with fictional characters. So it's hard to get that seem feeling of tragedy from a meaningless death in fiction. I'm rambling, but what I'm trying to say is there is a lot more context in reality that we can't get from a story.
As far as Lee's death, there's a couple of things that make it more powerful and tragic. First, the situation makes sense. It is totally believable that a walker would be able to attack you. That's what happens in this world. That's the first step in making this situation believable. I understand that this is possible. Second, is exhausting the possibilities of said situation. Lee attempts to cut off his arm, but he ends up getting a infection. Again, totally believable when dealing with unhygienic tools and situations. Then we get a whole chapter to deal with the oncoming possibility. We come to grips with the death. The key is to make the situation feel inevitable (which does not feel that way with Luke). That is why Lee's death works and not Luke's. The buildup and the logic is what Luke's death lacks.
I actually felt that Omid's death wasn't that powerful. Duck's death represents the inevitable and mysterious. Katjaa's death represents depression and giving up during the apocalypse. Carley or Doug is because of Lilly's descent into insanity. All these deaths have a part in the story. I find them more tragic because they lended believability to the world. Not simply done as a shock to the audience.
I understand what you are saying as far as the inevitable realistic feeling of death. But I felt that characters like Katjaa, Duck, Lee, and Carley represented that better than Luke or Omid did.
Even if I agree with a lot of your points, I still don't believe that "Death should never be meaningless". Sometimes it is, and usually, tha… moret's when you realise how frail human life can be. Hence what Mike said shortly after : "He's just... gone."
Anyway, I think it just boils down to the fact that you think Telltale killed off Luke just for shock value - when actually, it may not be the case, and I personally don't think it is. I'd also like to add that a "meaningless" death doesn't mean it wasn't powerful or tragic (I'm using your terms on purpose). I thought that Luke's death was just as tragic as Kenny's - but in a different way. It explored another facet of the tragedy of death - its unfairness (or suddenty) instead of its inevitability.
And, if you think about it, Lee's death wasn't so different from Luke's. They both came as a shock and nothing really "led" to it (the ice cracking versus the walker coming out of nowhere). Lee jus… [view original content]
Luke's death was like shit, after that I was so pissed I let Kenny kill Jane and then shot him in the head.
It was either Clem and Luke in the ending or nobody.
Staying at CarverCamp suddenly sounds like a very good idea (which is what Luke was suggesting), think of how many death's it could've preve… morented
Also isnt it odd, that Kenny was the one who got most mad about Luke's death? Shows that he cared about the kid after all
R.I.P. Luke, you were too good for this world.
It probably isn't inconceivable. There is a tiny chance a person may experience the "diving reflex" when under cold water, allowing them to survive for anywhere between 25 minutes to a few hours underwater while unconscious. That amount of time would be just barely enough for some random survivors to appear at the lake and discover his body by chance.
Here's the scenario I've thought out:
Luke sinks to the bottom of the lake once the walker pulls him down, he breaks free (as in, the walker's arm breaks, which has happened before). Unable to find the spot in the ice where he fell, he swims to shallow water near the lake edge (he didn't walk very far across the lake surface), so he can more easily attempt to break through the ice. He tries to do that, using his knife, but loses consciousness. He stays there for some time.
Meanwhile, two survivors have set up camp somewhere within the trees, and are now looking for water. They then find the lake, and start breaking the ice to get at the water underneath. Coincidentally, they pick the same spot where Luke was trying to escape from. They then find his body, and drag it out in order to search it for useful items. However, they discover that he is not frozen solid, and is alive, but is not breathing and has a very slow heartbeat (often happens during the diving reflex). They then rush with Luke back to their camp, start a fire, and try to revive him. He then begins to breathe, but only regains full consciousness after several hours. By that time, Clementine, and what remained of her group had already left the area.
Luke then remains with the survivors who rescued him, finally meeting up with Clementine sometime later, just like Kenny did before.
Now, all I have written would require a lot of luck, but would not be impossible. After all, Kenny was able to escape from a seemingly fatal situation, so why can't Luke? I just wish that Telltale would figure out something, ANYTHING, plausible enough that would let Luke live.
It probably isn't inconceivable. There is a tiny chance a person may experience the "diving reflex" when under cold water, allowing them to … moresurvive for anywhere between 25 minutes to a few hours underwater while unconscious. That amount of time would be just barely enough for some random survivors to appear at the lake and discover his body by chance.
Here's the scenario I've thought out:
Luke sinks to the bottom of the lake once the walker pulls him down, he breaks free (as in, the walker's arm breaks, which has happened before). Unable to find the spot in the ice where he fell, he swims to shallow water near the lake edge (he didn't walk very far across the lake surface), so he can more easily attempt to break through the ice. He tries to do that, using his knife, but loses consciousness. He stays there for some time.
Meanwhile, two survivors have set up camp somewhere within the trees, and are now looking for water. They then find… [view original content]
It could work when they're older (there are couples with greater age gaps). When their both adults it wouldn't be taboo.
Also, don't confuse Cluke with pedophilia. Shipping an 11-year old with a young adult is wrong and the majority of Cluke shippers know that. This isn't what most Cluke shippers want (at least the rational ones).
Haha, no way. Luke may think Clem is awesome but she is still only a little kid.
On the other hand, Luke and his fancy hair and good guy persona are perfect crush material for an 11 year old girl.
Perhaps he could've experienced the "diving reflex", losing consciousness and remaining alive in the water for a long time. Then other survivors who arrive at the lake by chance can find him and revive him (seriously, look up "diving reflex").
That is true, I just hope that they consider bringing Luke back he was such a good character. Also in Kenny's situation he needed a lot more luck than Luke does so it could be possible .
… more#SeriouslySoMuchAsThinkOfWalkerLukeAndYouCanKissMyMoneyGoodbyeEvenMoreThanIAlreadyRefuseToHandOver
Wow, you get enough hashtags together and it looks like you're yelling o_o
But yeah ;_; what ABigBadWolf said more or less...
… more#SeriouslySoMuchAsThinkOfWalkerLukeAndYouCanKissMyMoneyGoodbyeEvenMoreThanIAlreadyRefuseToHandOver
Wow, you get enough hashtags together and it looks like you're yelling o_o
But yeah ;_; what ABigBadWolf said more or less...
Maybe the diving reflex could help. It allows someone experiencing it to survive for a long time (20 minutes to a few hours) under cold water while unconscious. Luke would then be able to survive long enough for some random survivors to find his body by chance, and revive him.
Here's the scenario I've thought out:
Luke gets dragged to the bottom. He then pulls hard enough for the walker's arm to snap, freeing him (it has happened before with someone else). He swims to the lake edge (he didn't walk very far on the ice before it cracked), and uses his knife to try and break the ice. He then loses consciousness and remains there for some time.
Eventually a group of survivors finds him submerged after breaking the ice looking for water (it's better to drink cold water than to eat snow). They drag him out, wanting to search his body, but then they find he's not frozen and thus alive. They then rush into the trees where their camp is, and try to revive him. Luke starts breathing, but only becomes fully conscious after several hours. Clementine's group would have left the area by then, thus, they didn't know he's alive.
Luke and Clementine's group eventually meet sometime in Season 3.
So this is what I think is a plausible way for Telltale to bring Luke back. Gosh, I hope they do. Even if the chances are tiny.
… more#SeriouslySoMuchAsThinkOfWalkerLukeAndYouCanKissMyMoneyGoodbyeEvenMoreThanIAlreadyRefuseToHandOver
Wow, you get enough hashtags together and it looks like you're yelling o_o
But yeah ;_; what ABigBadWolf said more or less...
It could work when they're older (there are couples with greater age gaps). When their both adults it wouldn't be taboo.
Also, don't conf… moreuse Cluke with pedophilia. Shipping an 11-year old with a young adult is wrong and the majority of Cluke shippers know that. This isn't what most Cluke shippers want (at least the rational ones).
Oh my god... that had me laughing harder than it should have.
I really wish I could believe that;_;
I might actually been able to if it weren't for the "Cover Luke" part where you actually see him dead (unlike "Help Luke" where you just see him disappear.)
So damn depressing.
"Nah, he's the only original group member of Season 2 left. He'll be fine."
I thought so too. I thought that Luke would be all right since he was the only Cabin group member left and surely Telltale wouldn't be so cruel as to kill off the entire Cabin Group. (AJ doesn't count)
I was so naïve.
In the end, Luke was better than most people.
Not only does he not ask Clementine to put herself in danger for him, he was actively aggravated when Bonnie suggested Clem go over and help.
"Bonnie shut up, she doesn't need to hear that! Clem, just keep the walkers off me, ok?" (paraphrasing)
That's why he would have been the best caretaker for Clem and AJ! T_T
This much I realized too late. Throughout season 2 he was just on my neutral list, but that final act shows just how selfless and kind the man really was.
When the game allowed me the option of helping or covering him, I covered him. Then he was underneath the ice, and I was fully prepared to let myself die just to get him out. At that point, I didn't give a fuck anymore if my Clementine sacrificed herself for his wellbeing. Even with Jane saying it's too late and everyone telling me to stop.
I didn't like the way he died, i feel bad for him :l
You know, sometimes people don't have "grand and satisfying" deaths. In fact, most of the time they don't. And I was actually sick of all these movies, books, etc. where in the OFF chance that a main character dies, he does it by sacrificing himself to save the rest, fighting hundreds of monsters at the end of a movie, with a very convenient badass or moving line - "tell my kids I love them", "Go ! I will stay behind to slow them down", etc. How many times has this cliché appeared in fiction ?
So, when you have some instances where you are actually shocked and horrified by a sudden and unpredictable death, you should cherish them. A Song of Ice and Fire, Serenity (the Firefly movie), The Walking Dead comics and game : in all of these, such instances have occured, and it's one of the main reasons why they are amongst my favorite works of fiction I've ever had the pleasure to witness.
Oh my gosh, "Serenity." The major death in that movie was one of the biggest shocks to me in my life! I've still not gotten over that. And I fucking love that movie!
I have read that there have been miracle stories about people surviving under water for more than 25 minutes, and that is a result of the cold temperatures they have been submerged in. Miracles do happen, most certainly the opposite of miracles happen at least in TWD with unrealistic shock value deaths that have no meaning as Lukes did. Kind of a waste of a great character in my opinion. Like even if luke wasn't part of the grand scheme why randomly kill him off and leave Mike and Bonnie. WTF. Anyways crossing fingers that they pull a Kenny, which was an insane miracle too.
He'll pull a Kenny, I know it.
Can someone make a "Luke Confirmed For Season 3" gif, please?
I agree that the cliche of the epic death and the happy ending was tiresome but I don't honestly believe it's the norm anymore. The new cliche is what you are describing in the second paragraph, which is death for the sake of death. A character dies simply to shock the audience. At some point, writers began to think happy endings were boring and instead they started going for the opposite. However, this has now become a cliche. Killing off characters simply to shock people is not good writing when there is no substance to it. Just like there's no substance to the happy ending, cheesy one liner ending. Death shouldn't be this thing you throw into your story to create this fake emotional reaction (the jump scare in horror). It should be powerful, it shouldn't always be heroic but it should be done for another reason other than 'I did this to mess with the fans'. That's no better than saying 'I did this to make the fans happy'.
A story should consist of build-up, character development, conflicts that lead to an ultimate conclusion. And in the age of cliffhangers and trilogies, it's gotten to the point that it seems no one can give you a good ending. Cause they are writing to please people rather than actually having a definitive point they are working towards. So we get all these great characters but no one knows how to finish their stories so we end up trying to create these fake moments using shocking instances of death or betrayal.
But the story will truly affect you when these things are built up and happen naturally. Some of my favorite deaths in media are not heroic but tragic. More importantly though, they are inevitable, a product of an unfair existence. Looking only at this game for example, Lee and Kenny's deaths were incredibly emotional but not exactly heroic or glamorous. Lee dies alone, trying to reassure a little girl to keep going. There's no happy ending here, there's a good man dying while a little girl attempts to survive in a world trying to kill her. Or the even better example, Kenny, who has lost so many people that its caused him to lose his humanity and drive him to the brink of insanity. Willing to murder people and Clem is unsure when he will completely snap. If you choose to shoot him, it drives the point of tragedy home. A man who wanted to do good, but was almost unable to anymore.
Both of these are well written, significant deaths. They hit people hard and they stick with you because the story gives them substance. That is reality. There is always layers in the death of anyone, whether their story is tragic or uplifting. Death should never be meaningless, the same as life. Writers now seem to use it to create fake drama just like the happily ever after is used to create fake joy. Create a your story, respect your characters, and don't use cheap tactics and tropes. The shock, horror, pain, sadness, happiness, etc. will all come naturally if you do that.
Or he could've been rescued by Mermaids and they took him into a Grotto.
Maybe it was Maybelle who broke the ice?
I was so sad when he died. RIP Luke
Even if I agree with a lot of your points, I still don't believe that "Death should never be meaningless". Sometimes it is, and usually, that's when you realise how frail human life can be. Hence what Mike said shortly after : "He's just... gone."
Anyway, I think it just boils down to the fact that you think Telltale killed off Luke just for shock value - when actually, it may not be the case, and I personally don't think it is. I'd also like to add that a "meaningless" death doesn't mean it wasn't powerful or tragic (I'm using your terms on purpose). I thought that Luke's death was just as tragic as Kenny's - but in a different way. It explored another facet of the tragedy of death - its unfairness (or suddenty) instead of its inevitability.
And, if you think about it, Lee's death wasn't so different from Luke's. They both came as a shock and nothing really "led" to it (the ice cracking versus the walker coming out of nowhere). Lee just got more time before he actually died than Luke.
If I had to make a list of the most tragic moments of the Walking Dead games (that hit me hard and stuck with me, like you said) :
Hey, by the way, it's a good idea for a thread.
Well, my original comment is based on the Playing Dead where they said that Luke's death was used for shock value. I'll, be honest, I have a big issue with playing the inevitability of death card in storytelling with main characters. I believe entertainment should be an escape from everyday life not a reminder of it. That doesn't mean that I rule out death, I just don't like it to be pointless or meaningless. Plus, I think reality gives a lot more substance to anyone's death. There's so much depth in any life that just cannot be recreated in storytelling. The best we can get is an imitation. Kenny and Clem have been with us for two games and there are still so many things we can learn about them. We spend years with real people where we spend only hours with fictional characters. So it's hard to get that seem feeling of tragedy from a meaningless death in fiction. I'm rambling, but what I'm trying to say is there is a lot more context in reality that we can't get from a story.
As far as Lee's death, there's a couple of things that make it more powerful and tragic. First, the situation makes sense. It is totally believable that a walker would be able to attack you. That's what happens in this world. That's the first step in making this situation believable. I understand that this is possible. Second, is exhausting the possibilities of said situation. Lee attempts to cut off his arm, but he ends up getting a infection. Again, totally believable when dealing with unhygienic tools and situations. Then we get a whole chapter to deal with the oncoming possibility. We come to grips with the death. The key is to make the situation feel inevitable (which does not feel that way with Luke). That is why Lee's death works and not Luke's. The buildup and the logic is what Luke's death lacks.
I actually felt that Omid's death wasn't that powerful. Duck's death represents the inevitable and mysterious. Katjaa's death represents depression and giving up during the apocalypse. Carley or Doug is because of Lilly's descent into insanity. All these deaths have a part in the story. I find them more tragic because they lended believability to the world. Not simply done as a shock to the audience.
I understand what you are saying as far as the inevitable realistic feeling of death. But I felt that characters like Katjaa, Duck, Lee, and Carley represented that better than Luke or Omid did.
Luke's death was like shit, after that I was so pissed I let Kenny kill Jane and then shot him in the head.
It was either Clem and Luke in the ending or nobody.
I bet Bonnie rescues him if you do nothing... wouldn't that be a twist?
May I recommend this one as well?
Just a few chapters long, but I think it's really sweet.
Please. ;_;
About Kenny towards Luke : Hate is only a form love that hasn't found a way to express itself logically.
So in a way, Kenny was fond of Luke, even if he didn't realize it.
It probably isn't inconceivable. There is a tiny chance a person may experience the "diving reflex" when under cold water, allowing them to survive for anywhere between 25 minutes to a few hours underwater while unconscious. That amount of time would be just barely enough for some random survivors to appear at the lake and discover his body by chance.
Here's the scenario I've thought out:
Luke sinks to the bottom of the lake once the walker pulls him down, he breaks free (as in, the walker's arm breaks, which has happened before). Unable to find the spot in the ice where he fell, he swims to shallow water near the lake edge (he didn't walk very far across the lake surface), so he can more easily attempt to break through the ice. He tries to do that, using his knife, but loses consciousness. He stays there for some time.
Meanwhile, two survivors have set up camp somewhere within the trees, and are now looking for water. They then find the lake, and start breaking the ice to get at the water underneath. Coincidentally, they pick the same spot where Luke was trying to escape from. They then find his body, and drag it out in order to search it for useful items. However, they discover that he is not frozen solid, and is alive, but is not breathing and has a very slow heartbeat (often happens during the diving reflex). They then rush with Luke back to their camp, start a fire, and try to revive him. He then begins to breathe, but only regains full consciousness after several hours. By that time, Clementine, and what remained of her group had already left the area.
Luke then remains with the survivors who rescued him, finally meeting up with Clementine sometime later, just like Kenny did before.
Now, all I have written would require a lot of luck, but would not be impossible. After all, Kenny was able to escape from a seemingly fatal situation, so why can't Luke? I just wish that Telltale would figure out something, ANYTHING, plausible enough that would let Luke live.
It would be awesome if something like that did happen, but Luke would need a lot of luck. :P
It could work when they're older (there are couples with greater age gaps). When their both adults it wouldn't be taboo.
Also, don't confuse Cluke with pedophilia. Shipping an 11-year old with a young adult is wrong and the majority of Cluke shippers know that. This isn't what most Cluke shippers want (at least the rational ones).
Perhaps he could've experienced the "diving reflex", losing consciousness and remaining alive in the water for a long time. Then other survivors who arrive at the lake by chance can find him and revive him (seriously, look up "diving reflex").
Kenny needed a lot of luck to survive in Season 1, so why not give Luke lots of luck as well?
That is true, I just hope that they consider bringing Luke back he was such a good character. Also in Kenny's situation he needed a lot more luck than Luke does so it could be possible
His death was so sad! I felt so bad afterwards I paused the game and looked up if there was a way to save him.
Wow, you get enough hashtags together and it looks like you're yelling o_o
But yeah ;_; what ABigBadWolf said more or less...
Can new characters survive a full season, Please TellTale?
Pete & Luke should've survived a full season!
You notice how Luke was panicking though? While trying to drag himself out. I don't even know what the right choice was.
Maybe the diving reflex could help. It allows someone experiencing it to survive for a long time (20 minutes to a few hours) under cold water while unconscious. Luke would then be able to survive long enough for some random survivors to find his body by chance, and revive him.
Here's the scenario I've thought out:
Luke gets dragged to the bottom. He then pulls hard enough for the walker's arm to snap, freeing him (it has happened before with someone else). He swims to the lake edge (he didn't walk very far on the ice before it cracked), and uses his knife to try and break the ice. He then loses consciousness and remains there for some time.
Eventually a group of survivors finds him submerged after breaking the ice looking for water (it's better to drink cold water than to eat snow). They drag him out, wanting to search his body, but then they find he's not frozen and thus alive. They then rush into the trees where their camp is, and try to revive him. Luke starts breathing, but only becomes fully conscious after several hours. Clementine's group would have left the area by then, thus, they didn't know he's alive.
Luke and Clementine's group eventually meet sometime in Season 3.
So this is what I think is a plausible way for Telltale to bring Luke back. Gosh, I hope they do. Even if the chances are tiny.
You have no soul >(
Apologies! I was looking at the idea of Cluke in the time frame of the games and didnt really consider that people might ship them in future fics.