Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • Lee isn't like Kenny, he doesn't try to commit murder over accidents because he knows what thinking is.

    ViTALiTY posted: »

    When you realize that Ben traded with the bandits, after you threaten him [Push Ben off the train]

  • The happy birthday song is copyrighted by some asshole company(i cant remember which)but if the had the song they would probably get sued.

    bloop posted: »


  • Why?

    The happy birthday song is copyrighted by some asshole company(i cant remember which)but if the had the song they would probably get sued.


    Alt text

    Also: -No way are we desperate enough to walk on that ice, let's just go around the lake guys. Alternatively: -CAN WE ALL JUST PRET

  • *look at transformer *

    Clem: "I miss TV. I can't remember the last time we had electricity."

    Ghost Sarah: "Well we just came from a lodge with a wind turbine an-"

    Clem: "It's not a competition."

  • I wish if you chose to cover Luke and when Bonnie got pissed at you, you could defend yourself like this.

    Bonnie: "You and I both know what happened back there. I got nothing more to say to you."

    Clem: "I've lost people, people that I care about Bonnie. Lee, Omid, Christa, you don't know what I've been through. And they would be here if it wasn't for me. But for the first time I don't feel guilty, this is on you."

    Bonnie: shocked at what Clementine said

    Clem: "That's right, if you didn't walk to him you may not have killed him. So grow the fuck up and stop blaming a kid!"

  • Exactly ! In fact, no. I wanted the option to shoot Bonny while she was going to """help""" Luke. Luke could've survived, damn it ;_;

    Bonnie: You killed Luke... Clem: No... your fat ass killed Luke.

  • Not to defend Arvo, but you technically did steal his gun...

    Still a b*tch move from his part since Clem was nice to him (if you chose to give back the meds) - plus he couldn't really expect Clem and Jane to just give him back his gun.

    ravensep posted: »

    To Arvo: Why did you pretend that we stole your supplies?

  • Clem walks outside to see Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo trying to steal all the supplies and leave in the truck, Arvo aims a gun at Clem

    Arvo: What are you doing?

    Clem: I could ask you the same.

    Arvo: You shut up before or I'll shoot.

    Bonnie: She's gonna tell Kenny and Jane, you can't let her leave.

    Mike: What do you want him to do, shoot her in the head?

    Bonnie: Why not? She caused Luke's death.

    Arvo: I agree with Bonnie, now it's payback for shooting my sister.

    Clem: You threating me, boy? Cause you ain't gonna like how that goes, put the fucking down before you really make me mad.

    Bonnie: She's bluffing.

    Clem: You think so? Try me. Clem walks up to Arvo

    Arvo: Keep back or I'll shoot!

    Clem: No you won't. I know killers, seen my share, you ain't got the look, which means you ain't got the balls. NOW DROP THE GODDAMN GUN! Clem grabs the gun away from Arvo

    Bonnie: Oh god.... Arvo what have you done?

  • No one knows why,but it's the reason I went to prison for 6 months fr singing it at my birthday party...i still feel the burn in my ass...

    bloop posted: »


  • edited August 2014

    I don't know about a dialogue option, but I would have liked a warning shot option at the end. Both of them stop and look. Clem shoots each one in the head.

    Clem: "I'm too young for this shit.".

  • Bonnie: When's the last time anyone did what you wanted?

    [Fast forward to confronting Mike, Arvo and Bonnie]

    Clem: Can I go with you?

    (Two seconds later she gets shot)

    Clem: Well, there you go Bonnie...

  • Clem: (sees Mike taking the truck with Bonnie) WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? We help YOU and you just abandon us?! Drop the bag and go away!

    Also, why wasn't SHOOT MIKE an option? I so badly wanted to after he was creeping closer to me trying to take the gun peacefully from me. Not a fatal shot but just like in the foot.

  • [Shoot Jane]

  • Its almost like Telltale never heard the phrase, warning shot.

    Clem: (sees Mike taking the truck with Bonnie) WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? We help YOU and you just abandon us?! Drop the bag and go away! A

  • Arvo aims gun at Clem

    Clem: Put the gun down, bitch!

  • You know what, as dark as it may be for Clem's character, I kind of wish this was an option after you find out that she hid AJ and provoked that fight with Kenny on purpose.

    [Shoot Jane]

  • Yeah right, she can shoot Kenny so why not Jane?

    Liayso posted: »

    You know what, as dark as it may be for Clem's character, I kind of wish this was an option after you find out that she hid AJ and provoked that fight with Kenny on purpose.

  • edited August 2014

    EDITH: I'm sorry, we just don't have any room for more people. Maybe in a few months -


    KENNY: Holy shit, Clem!

    CLEM: Now you have room. Come on, Kenny.

  • [shoot Jane]

    [shoot Arvo/Mike]

    Be able to call Bonnie and Mike traitors as they leave, or say "I should have never trusted you".

  • edited August 2014

    MIKE: Just give me the gun, Clem. Nothing has to -


    BONNIE: Mike! You little monster, Clem! I'll -


    ARVO: Net! Vy malen'kaya suka! Vy goret' v adu za -

    BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!

    CLEM: Well, that was more fun than I thought it was going to be.

  • Maybe this one's a bit weird, but I would've like the option not to cry when heading into Wellington. For me it didn't feel right for her to cry for Kenny after everything he did. I understand we're in control of her actions and not her uncontrollable emotions, but I dunno. Makes me want to go back and get the alone with AJ ending.

    This probably sounds like a criticism. It's more just how I would have had the scene go had I written it.

  • S2/Ep5 Clem's options should have been:

    [Look away] or [FALCON PUNCH KENNY]

    I mean really, did it have to be a kill shot.

  • (?) Luke just took the icebucket challenge.

    (who played the ep will understand:D)

  • edited August 2014

    CLEM: Yippee-ki-yay, motherf*****r! [shots Kenny]

  • edited August 2014

    All jokes aside it would be cool to see Clementine lose it. Maybe in a future episode you can have Clem beat someone up and someone has to restrain her. It's not the option I would pick because I want Clementine to be a pacifist, but still it would be an interesting choice nonetheless

    Brownsa posted: »

    S2/Ep5 Clem's options should have been: [Look away] or [FALCON PUNCH KENNY] I mean really, did it have to be a kill shot.

  • An option to stop Bonnie from helping Luke would have been nice, maybe he would have made it out then.

  • Alt text

    Echopapa posted: »

    An option to stop Bonnie from helping Luke would have been nice, maybe he would have made it out then.

  • edited August 2014

    If you covered Luke, and tried to break through the ice to get to him

    Jane: it's too late!

    Clem: fuck you! You are the worst girlfriend ever!

    Or at the campfire

    Mike to Luke: your moves are working on all the ladies

    Bonnie: worked on me

    Clem: called it

    Then if you chose to leave jane

    Jane: i cant do this alone

    Clem: aren't you the one who said 'when shit hits the fan, cause it always does, you can make it on your own'

  • Shoots gun in the air. Jane and Kenny stop fighting and the baby cries.

  • edited August 2014

    Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing.

    Clem: Yeah, they especially never expected me to squeeze into a locked room and almost get my ass torn apart by a walker. No one ever expected me to do that. Right, Bonnie? Right?

    Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing.

    Clem: And exactly what have you been good for, beside being Luke's cum dumpster?

    Bonnie: Fuck you!

    Clem: Oh I'm sorry, perhaps you prefer "JIZZ RECEPTACLE".

    Bonnie: You and I both know you had a chance to save Luke.

    Clem: And you had a chance to back the fuck off and not get him killed, for fuck's sake.

    Bonnie: You and I both know you had a chance to save Luke.

    Clem: Right, because tap dancing on the ice right next to him was working.

    Bonnie: You and I both know you had a chance to save Luke.

    Clem: You had a chance too, but instead you fell in like a spaztard and made it all worse.

    Bonnie: I got nothin' more to say to you.

    Clem: Like anything you've ever said counted for shit.

    Bonnie: I got nothin' more to say to you.

    Clem: You mean you're finally gonna shut that stupid trap of yours?

    Bonnie: I got nothin' more to say to you.

    Clem: Oh no, a used-up whore doesn't want to be my friend.

  • [Pet the cow with Clementine]

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    MackTuesday posted: »

    Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing. Clem: Yeah, they especially never expected

  • Bonnie blaming me for lukes death.
    "bitch it was your fault"

  • We needed more [hug] options in general. You have no idea how badly I wanted to hug Luke or Kenny at some points ; n ;

  • We needed more [slap] options. Aimed in the direction of Bonnie the B**** and Arvo the A******.

    Laybunny posted: »

    We needed more [hug] options in general. You have no idea how badly I wanted to hug Luke or Kenny at some points ; n ;

  • The option to shoot Jane some time during the fight to stop it. I think it would have been fair if the player had the option to shoot her after the fight.

  • Clem underestimates her hugging powers.

    I'm sure that if she hugged Mike or Bonnie at least once, they wouldn't have ever considered leaving her :[

    Laybunny posted: »

    We needed more [hug] options in general. You have no idea how badly I wanted to hug Luke or Kenny at some points ; n ;

  • edited August 2014

    When Kenny wanted to leave Clem and AJ in wellington: "No, Kenny you are my friend, we don't leave friends behind"

  • edited August 2014

    Sorry double post please erase this one x3

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