Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • You must really hate Bonnie..., she was nice to me cause I tried to save Luke, and even if I didn't I could see why she's acting like that.

    MackTuesday posted: »

    Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing. Clem: Yeah, they especially never expected

  • Pretty sure Jane would run away or knock Clem out if she aimed a gun at her

    Yeah right, she can shoot Kenny so why not Jane?

  • Jane, ive known you for like a week and your trying to make me leave my oldest friend for dead? Back the FUCK OFF

  • I love making Clem swear >:3

    Rigtail posted: »

    Something with "Fuck" so I can make Clem swear more.

  • "I learned in school the best way to get across ice is to crawl or slide on your stomach." (or something. I actually didn't learn this in school pFF)

    Or when Luke is standing on the cracked ice but hasn't moved yet, an option to tell him to just lower himself slowly and slide or roll away. I can't remember the proper method oops.

    Or, when you shoot all the walkers when you cover Luke. "Bonnie, stop!"

    [Hug Nick]
    [Hug Sarah] (why couldn't we have hugged Sarah in the beginning of Episode 2 when she asks Clem what's wrong. ;;)
    [Hug Pete]
    [Hug Rebecca]
    [Hug Alvin]
    [Hug Carlos]

    And an option to tell Carlos somewhere about Lee, and how he taught Clem how to survive, and maybe convince him to do the same for Sarah.

    Sometimes I also would have liked a [Slap Kenny] option. Don't get me wrong, I love Kenny, but he just needed a slap sometimes. (except it'd probably make him hit her so I'd be scared to pick it)

  • edited August 2014

    [Hug Bonnie]

    With your hands.

    Around her throat.

    Laybunny posted: »

    We needed more [hug] options in general. You have no idea how badly I wanted to hug Luke or Kenny at some points ; n ;

  • Able to shoot at Arvo/Mike/Bonnie

  • Tinni posted: »

    [shoot Jane] [shoot Arvo/Mike] Be able to call Bonnie and Mike traitors as they leave, or say "I should have never trusted you".

  • when mie bonnie and Arvo leaves:
    Clem: do you really want to go with that women that shot your sister in the chest and killed her?
    (Arvo shoots Bonnie)

  • MIKE: Just give me the gun, Clem. Nothing has to - BLAM!! BONNIE: Mike! You little monster, Clem! I'll - BLAM!! ARVO: Net! Vy ma

  • Even colder than Luke

    mr.quality posted: »

    That's just cold.

  • Ok, so by this point TTG knows and have gone on record purposely making it so that Lee can't tell Clem he loves her in the finale of Season 1. I figured that during the dream sequence of Season 2 they'd let me finally say it but nooooooope. Dick move TTG. Dick move.

  • [Leave Jane and Kenny to kill each other and ride unicorns into the sunset with Luke]

    But seriously, if I had an option to abandon both Kenny and Jane when they started going at each other even though Clem cried SO MANY FUCKING TIMES for them to stop, I would've just taken it and gone my own way while they finished killing each other.

  • Bonnie: Y-you....could've saved him

    Clem: Just take a minute to cool down , Bonnie.

  • edited August 2014

    i could never count all the missing option in season 1 but there are a few in season 2.

    tell jane how much i love her.

    asking more about wellington.

    pointing out the cold will not just harm walkers.

    explain the entire dog story.

    tell kenny to untie them all and pretend to be still tied up.

    outing bonny as a scout.

    pointing out the obvious about mathew

    claiming i accidentally killed mathew.

    explaining to kenny why he should slow down with the escape attempt.

    point out to carver that people wont obey him if he punishes them regardless if the obey him or not.

    tell luke again to shoot carver.

    talk to jane in carvers camp.

    talk more to jane.

    tell jane that you will go with her sooner.

    tell kenny that alvin is obviously alive.

    mentioning the baby while just picking a few of the meds.

    explain to alvo that his sister was already a walker.

    shouting walker before shooting rebecca.

    tell kenny to finally kill the turning saria or let me do it.

    pointing out to kenny that he is loosing it more aggressively.

    ask if anyone mind me taking dead rebecca's coat.

    telling kenny that serita actually was afraid of him.

    telling kenny not to ignore me when i tell him to stop hitting arvo for a minute to save me from freezing to death.

  • Nah, he's fucked. I saw his floating dead body, no way he can get "real lucky."

  • I know... :(

    Echopapa posted: »

    Nah, he's fucked. I saw his floating dead body, no way he can get "real lucky."

  • Jane: "We all know you're a bomb just waiting to go off, Kenny!"

    Clem: ["Shut the fuck up, Jane!"]

  • Jane: It's okay I got you!

    Clem: Quick, I broke the ice open. Luke's body's right there and he's still fresh, you can perform CPR on him so he can liiiive again.

    Jane: Nope sorry I can't hear you, too busy carrying you away now trollolol.

    Bonnie: [climbs up from broken ice totally fine] I can't believe you didn't save Luke >:(

    Clem: [kicks her back in] He's right there you dumb turd! Now fish him out and CPR!!!

  • Omg, yes to all of that! Especially the hugs.

    [Hug Cabin Group]

    I fucking miss all of you!

    Cleverett posted: »

    "I learned in school the best way to get across ice is to crawl or slide on your stomach." (or something. I actually didn't learn this in sc

  • Gil: Cool hat.

    Clem: Sorry. AIN'T. GONNA. HAPPEN.

    Gil: Okay..... :(

  • At Wellington

    Kenny-Please just stay hear where it's safe... I don't trust myself to take care of you anymore.

    Clem-Edith, is it?


    Clem-Can you just take the baby?

    Kenny-Clem wha-

    Clem-I want to stay with my friend but want the baby to be safe, can you just take him?

    Edith-Well yes I-I guess we could.

    Clem-Thank you.

    Edith walks down as Clem places AJ outside the gates

    Kenny (to Edith)-I won't be far from here so I am going to check up on him every month, is that alright?

    Edith-Pauses Fine.

    Kenny-Takes off his hat Give him this. When he is old enough, you make him wear it.

    Kenny approaches AJ and hugs him one last time before Edith takes him.

    Clem-Edith, wait!



    The doors of Wellington shut with Edith and AJ inside

    Kenny-But I don't trust myself to take care of you.

    Clem-I trust you.

    Clem and Kenny smile, grab the supplies and walk off.

  • In my play-through Jane successfully tricked my Clem into shooting Kenny. I was so pissed, but I felt like having Clem go off on her own at this point would be stupid. I wish there was an option to stay with Jane without forgiving her. It seems a little unreal for Clem to just forgive Jane after what she had put her through. Janes plan was selfish.

  • Sees Bonnie trying to steal all of the supplies and leave with Mike and Arvo

    Clem: AGAIN?!

  • i really wanted that option too!

  • You can stay with Jane without forgiving her. Just let the time run out and Jane will say, "Come on, let's go." And you walk with her without forgiving her.

  • This, I wish I could do that :(

    At Wellington Kenny-Please just stay hear where it's safe... I don't trust myself to take care of you anymore. Clem-Edith, is it? E

  • Kenny: How much further
    Arvo: Close ... real close
    Clem: (Shoot Arvo)

  • edited August 2014

    Clementine to Rebecca

    What an inconvenient time to get pregnant.

    At the camp fire:

    Clementine: I know you guys are talking about sex.

  • I liked her until she said that shit, and that shit is what I'm reacting to. If she were enraged when she said it, I would feel empathy, but she was totally calm. She'd had time to think it over and she still hated Clem, even though her own dumb strategy had failed, and Clem almost died trying to make up for it. So fuck her.

    You must really hate Bonnie..., she was nice to me cause I tried to save Luke, and even if I didn't I could see why she's acting like that.

  • I see what you did there.

    Bonnie: Y-you....could've saved him Clem: Just take a minute to cool down , Bonnie.

  • I miss all of them too! So much. I hope they're all having a bittersweet reunion. ;-;

    Also, after Sarah's death when Luke asks you what you're thinking about or if something's wrong (I don't remember his wording), I wish you could say you miss Sarah and Nick, or just... [Hug Luke and Cry]

    Liayso posted: »

    Omg, yes to all of that! Especially the hugs. [Hug Cabin Group] I fucking miss all of you!

  • you can perform CPR on him so he can liiiive again.

    lololol hahaha

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Jane: It's okay I got you! Clem: Quick, I broke the ice open. Luke's body's right there and he's still fresh, you can perform CPR on him

  • Arvo holding rifle to Clementine
    Season 1 throwback ftw

  • I wonder how they would interact with Lee, since they're all dead now.

    Cleverett posted: »

    I miss all of them too! So much. I hope they're all having a bittersweet reunion. ;-; Also, after Sarah's death when Luke asks you what y

  • That's what I had in mind. But more of in the car once Jane mentioned Sarita in the car. Shooting right at the windshield.

    Might cause lil AJ's nap to be disturbed, but at least it'd shut em both up.

    GamingThief posted: »

    Shoots gun in the air. Jane and Kenny stop fighting and the baby cries.

  • edited August 2014

    Clementine: Shouldn't we make our way around the river instead of walking through it? I mean, somebody always ends up dying doing that in the movies.

  • I would've like to mention the Lee dream to Kenny and Jane inside the truck. Would've taken the conversation to a whole different route.

    "I...for a second there, I thought that I actually felt Lee."

  • I don't know why but I really laughed at this

    bongomusic posted: »

    Kenny: How much further Arvo: Close ... real close Clem: (Shoot Arvo)

  • Stupíd ending.

    At Wellington Kenny-Please just stay hear where it's safe... I don't trust myself to take care of you anymore. Clem-Edith, is it? E

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